rudeminnesotan · 3 years
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Suddenly all those Hinterlands quests to go round up a random farmer’s druffalo don’t  seem so silly.
Dragon Age Inquisition - doing something right.
57K notes · View notes
rudeminnesotan · 5 years
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words lockscreens
541 notes · View notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #1169: I Am Coming, Trust Me by voldieshorcrux
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8877842/1/I-Am-Coming-Trust-Me
Status: Complete
Chapters: 35
Words: 87,482
POV: Harry POV 
Read on: 1/27-28/2019. 
Series: Harry Potter
Warnings: Non-canon, AU?, Rescued?Harry, Nice?Voldemort, Dark Wins, Abusive Dursleys
Summary: The summer between 2nd and 3rd year, Harry starts to hear a voice. The voice heals him and makes me feel better from the much worse abuse of the Dursleys (physical from Vernon and neglect from Petunia). Harry thinks that the voice was sent by Dumbledore, buuutttt he was wrong lol. It was Voldemort, obviously. 
Voldemort was resurrected when Harry was 10 or so, so there is not 'blood of the enemy' but he still does look snake-like. So the storyline is closer to like.. 5th and 6th year, and I have no idea what actually happened in 1st and second. It does make the story's origins a lot different. 
Harry is taken to Voldemort's manor. There he is basically like... re-raised? No, that's a bad word lol. He's raised, cared for, . Cared for is the good word. He is cared for by Voldemort and therefore gets ... reshaped? (yeah, another good word for it). Nagini plays a big role. Voldemort has figured out that Harry is his Horcrux and wants to protect him at all costs. 
It takes about a year, but eventually Voldemort wins (with Harry's help, because . well. Shit happens). 
The Order tries to come take Harry away at some point, but he declares that he's not leaving. He realizes that Dumbledore is a very manipulative man and he grows to hate him. 
The fic ends with an epilogue that takes place 19 years in the future. 
The fic is, overall, a gen fic. The relationship between Harry and Voldemort is paternal, or parental (same same). 
OH Lol Voldemort does a ton of paperwork all the time. It becomes a ... plot point? Lol It's a lot of cute fluff. Voldemort seems very sane. I'd say sociopath than psychopath. Since he does still do bad things and he does torture people and shit still too. 
The epilogue was nice, except for 'Voldemort trying to marry off Harry' ew. No romance for me, thanks. But, yeah, in general, I liked it, I liked this type of relationship between Harry and Voldemort. Especially since it starts when Harry is nearly 13. Nagini's addition is fun too. She speaks in 3rd person, well. Maybe less 3rd person and more by referring to herself. Like "Nagini this" "Nagini that". Kind of like Terry does in Brooklyn 99. Good little fic. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #245: In Éirinn by Batsutousai
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8071522/1/In-%C3%89irinn
Status: Complete
Chapters: One-shot!!
Words: 25,092
Read on: 12/13/2015, 1/26/2019 lol. 
Pairings: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny, Harry/Salazar.
Warnings: Accidental Time Travel?, Homophobe! Godric, Good?Salazar, Major Character Death, Quicker War, 
Summary: Harry/Salazar. Ron/Hermione. Harry/Ginny. In an attempt to destroy a Horcrux, the Golden Trio actually manages to summon Salazar Slytherin from the past. As he is much more knowledgeable about … stuff he makes the Horcrux hunt go much smoother and things progress quickly from there. It’s probably just about a month later that Voldemort is killed. Harry learns to use Godric’s sword from Slytherin. Ginny dies in the final battle and afterward Harry and Salazar do get together. Nothing explicit sexually. Kisses is all. Godric was homophobic, that’s why Salazar had to leave. Voldemort is a distant nephew. Great little story, even made me tear up. 
2019 read: I didn't tear up this time. I did still enjoy the story. I really like this author's writing style, TBH. Probably why I read so many of their fics lol. I like the introduction of bringing Salazar to the modern world. Though him being able to speak in Modern English is a bit... o_O Especially considering in another fic the author was a lot better about language differences. But, eh, magic. What can you do? I would have loved to have had more in this world. 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #1168: Feathers and Fireballs by Na’hiel
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12050840
Status: Complete
Chapters: 47 (holy fuck! lol)
Words: 114,077
POV: Harry POV (main), Severus POV (one chapter/interlude), Voldemort POV (one chapter/interlude). 
Read on: 1/25-26/2019 (I honestly power read this in like. Less than 12 hours. Read maybe 10 chapters before work, and 37 from 8pm to 5:30am lol. ‘Twas amazing). 
Series: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Regulus/Severus
Warnings: Potions Accident, Veela!Harry, Bonds, Mating Bonds, One Lime?, Character Death, Psychological, TRIGGER WARNING: Rape, non-con, chan? (Harry is 16), 
Summary: The story starts with the Battle at the Ministry. During the battle, stray spells break a vial and it slashed onto Harry. As he stumbles and falls into another shelf, another potion lands on him. He thinks nothing of it, because not long after Sirius dies and everything else that ensues. Then, on his 16th birthday, SOMETHING Happens and Harry CHANGES. The change involves screaming on his part, so Vernon comes in and yells at him... but Harry has changed. So Vernon starts to rape him. Dudley comes in and joins. Harry goes limp and blacks out. When he wakes up, he's in enough pain to know that they... succeeded... but they're gone. All that is left in the room are smoldering bones. Not even corpses, just BONES. 
Harry flees. 
He does take Hedwig with him. The streets are not kind to Harry and he gets assaulted multiple more times. He often blacks out and wakes up to bodies, skeletons, corpses around him. He wonders if maybe Wizards aren't affected, maybe it's muggles, and goes to Diagon Alley. It's a disaster. 
Harry is eventually found a Death Eater who doesn't seem to be affected at all. This person turns out to be Regulus Black who is Asexual. Before THAT was revealed, I was like, "Ugh this is just going to be a cliche fic of Harry being a tiny sub in a triad (the fic shows the pairing in the summary) and I was like. GROSS. BUT THEN REGULUS SAID HE WAS ASEXUAL AND I WAS LIKE "I'M SO GLAD I CLICKED ON THIS" and really, truly, I am. Ace (but not aro) representation! 
Eventually, they find out that Harry is a veela, somehow, and male veela are very rare and it's VERY Hard for them to control their allure. Severus is brought in because, as a natural occulmens, he is basically immune to the allure. Well, at least until Harry makes a mating bond with Severus too. It's actually quite common for Male Veela to make a mating bond with an Asexual person because they feel safe with them, as the asexual person is, well. immune to the allure and it makes them safe. 
There's an OC in the form of Christelle, a representative from the Veela court. We get some exposition from her, but it is needed. 
Harry and Regulus relationship is like fucking goals for me. They cuddle, maybe kiss a bit. There's plenty of affection but not ATTRACTION. No, that's for Severus. Regulus and Severus had actually been in a relationship years before, but Regulus couldn't be what Severus needed (probably because of the sex thing) so this is actually perfect for them: having Harry there too. I liked that. Sometimes triads seem to be just about sex, but this one seems so.... healthy and balanced. Again, goals. lol. 
My problem with the fic came when Harry developed a third bond with Voldemort. The bond is... cold. And, I mean, it's probably there because of the Horcrux more than anything. There is affection between them, I GUESS, but it's ....... Voldemort is very clinical in his relationships. He does kiss Harry at one point, but Harry doesn't like it at all. Voldemort treats Harry like a possession since he is a Horcrux. Harry is precious to Voldemort... it's just. ... eh. It doesn't seem natural, the way that Severus and Regulus came into being with Harry. 
Narcissa is in the story too, as Harry's healer (and Mind healer, hence the psychological tag. They explore therapy and how it can help). 
Overall, I really enjoyed the fic. The epilogue takes places 20 years in the future, where Harry has a 5-year-old son named Sirius (who was born through a surrogate). Harry came back into the public eye just long enough to announce his 'marriage' to Regulus, who came back from the dead (after having faked his death). Harry becomes a healer, but he doesn't have a lot of patients. He gets a new wand lol. Voldemort and Bellatrix get married and Bellatrix is pregnant. 
The Dark side has won, through Draco becoming Minister of Magic. Harry told Voldemort that "Dictatorships never work" so he changes his approach to taking over the Wizarding World. I liked how the story had a blatantly asexual, but not aromantic character. Representation is very important, and I like being represented lol. I didn't like the bond with Voldemort. That's literally my only complaint. 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #191: The Final Horcrux by Majix. Trixx.
I didn’t remember reading this fic until about halfway through, I was like, “Hey this is familiar...” And then I spent the rest of the fic blushing and glad I didn’t read it at fucking work lol. 
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10792866/1/The-Final-Horcrux
Status: Complete (one shot!)
Chapters: 1
Words: 22,115
POV: Harry POV, Tom-Voldemort POV (the author goes between Tom, Thomas, and Voldemort interchangeably). 
Read on: 11/23/2015, 1/24/2019. (It’s understandable I’d forget about it, but vaguely remember it too lol)
Series: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Tom. 
Warnings: Super Citrusy, Dark?Harry, Grey!Harry, Voldemort Wins?, 
Summary:  Harry/Tom. The wizarding world isn’t going as well as it should and Harry is afraid that he has doomed them all. He is laying in the gardens of the Most Nobel and Ancient House of Black and he starts speaking in Parseltongue. That’s when he realizes that he is STILL a Horcrux. He decides then to resurrect the Dark Lord again. After a talk with Lucius, they find a potion. Knowing he needed the best potions master ever, Harry finds the Resurrection stone again and calls up the shade of Severus. Then he goes about making the potion—he had to break into the ministry to do so: Threads from the Veil, spheres of time energy/dust, and memories of Voldemort from his life, and his yew wand. The resurrection goes swimmingly. After a few days sleeping to recover, Tom wakes up and pins Harry to the wall with a Legimens. Toms goes to Harry’s secret place of memories and finds all the dark fantasies of Harry being fucked by Voldemort. Then they fuck, making them come true. They save the wizarding world and in the end, Tom proposes, 5 years later, with a new ring that is a Horcrux. AW ISN’T THAT SPECIAL. OH MAGIC PRESENT DURING SEX! Doesn’t take a key role, but it’s there!
My older summaries aren’t as good as my newer ones... lol 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #655: An Idle Mind Is The Devil’s Playground by night flame miko
I read something that spurred me into reading some Harry/Voldemort! Going for some re-reads instead of new fics. 
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4791550
Status: Incomplete
Chapters: 18
Words: 33,289 (but there are author notes at the beginning and end of each chapter. Long-ish ones, so this word counter is a bit padded). 
POV: Harry POV, Voldemort POV, Multi PPL POV?, 
Read on: 8/28/2016, 1/23/2019, 
Series: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/Tom?
Warnings: Strange Bond, Extras with the Link?, Sane?Voldemort, 
Summary: So the link/bond between Harry and Voldemort allows them to do extra stuff, but that comes later. It starts with the summer that Harry turns 17. Dumbledore has made it so that Harry can't send or receive letters to his friends. Therefore an extremely bored Harry decides to write a letter to Voldemort. Things spiral out of control from there. Voldemort learns some things about Harry. Harry learns some things about Voldemort? The bond between them opens up (no word on what caused said bond tho). Eventually, they get to the point where they can 'Ghost' to each other. Luna can see these ghosts because she has some Seer blood in her. Voldemort is sane now and doing things a little differently in regards to the war. Harry doesn't really want to do the war either. They become ... friends. And Voldemort becomes possessive and jealous when people pay Harry attention. Harry is clueless... Kinda. He finds out and they both ghost at the same time and yea. That's it. The letters between the two were hysterical. Hasn't been updated since 2010. 
The letters better the two are ... well, I could see Harry writing like that, but not Voldemort. My biggest thing is that the author uses like. ... how the fuck do you say... ACTION BUBBLES that’s it. Like, I do when I’m sending a text message, but rarely in a written letter... and I doubt a 70-year-old Dark Lord would either. He writes in a similar fashion to Harry. 
But, whatever, it’s all fun and games. Another thing that the author does is say, “I mean, ...” in the third person POV fic... .... yeah. 
Ignoring the things that don’t seem believable, the fic overall is enjoyable. 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #667: Let Live and Let Die by OctoberThirtyFirst
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9868242
Status: Incomplete
Chapters: 11
Words: 35,756
POV: Harry POV, Light POV, Multi PPL POV, 
Read on: 9/4-5/16. 
Series: Harry Potter/Death Note. 
Pairings: Past Harry/Luna, Implied?Harry/Light. 
Warnings: MoD!Harry, Manipulative! Light?, Powerful!Harry, Clueless!Harry, Multi-Verse, 
Summary: Harry is an all-powerful MoD and has been for a few centuries. He can't remember his past very well, but a few things poke through here and there. He finds out that there's a world that had been cut off from the Headquarters Realm? Whatever and so Harry goes to investigate. He finds his shinigami enamored with the situation between L and Light. So he goes down, as a mortal, to deal with it in person. Light decides to try to get the MoD on his side, at his FEET. It SEEMS like Harry is being manipulated, but in Harry's POV it doesn't. It's strange. The Death Note does seem to affect Harry is some way--probably because he's in a mortal shell at the time? I don't know. Not much happens. The funny thing is everyone assuming Harry and Light are in the relationship. Harry still has all of his powers and magic, with his Hallows as well. He was married to Luna before but Harry seems rather... .... asexual? Well, no. He's just too eccentric for that. I have no idea. Not much happened, but it was interesting nonetheless. Hasn't been updated since 2014. 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #938: Cooking Lessons by mrscakeakajane.
I was talking to my friend about this fic today, so this is the one I decided to post. 
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5682705
Status: Incomplete
Chapters: 39! (Dayum son~)
Words: 79,798. 
POV: Multi PPL POV, Omni POV? (I either don’t remember what the POV is, or I really couldn’t tell as it was written what POV it is... lol)
Read on: 5/10-15/2017 (why did this take so long? No idea--edit: Apparently, according to the summary down there, I stopped reading this for 4 days then finished it lol). 1/25-26/2018 (that makes more sense). 
Series: Harry Potter with a SURPRISE! Buffy the Vampire Slayer cross (the crossover isn’t listed. It’s only listed in the Harry Potter fandom on ff.net)
Pairings: (Strap in). Harry/Severus, Lucius/Arthur, Ginny/Colin, Draco/Fred/George, Remus/Rupert, Xander/Spike, Ron/Luna, Percy/Dudley, Hermione/Sirius, Dean/Seamus/Neville, Hannah/Blaise? 
Warnings: Evil!Molly, Evil!Narcissa, Mentioned Rape, Powerful?Harry, Sentient!Hogwarts, WTF, Fluffy, Hooking up like it's the Ark, MPREG, Sibling Bonds, Fucked up Family Tree, Sirius Lives!, Dudley Redeemed, Rich!Harry, Rich!Malfoys (duh), Good?Lucius, Citrusy, 
This fic has a tag for one of my favorite warnings because when I use it, it always makes me laugh lol. I’ve put it in bold lol. 
Summary: Started on the 10th, stopped reading, then on the 14th? Started up again and finished on the 15th. Accidental Crossover with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As the author puts "just a plot device". This fic is basically wish-fulfillment, which is why I didn't finish reading it before--plus it's a bit smutty. Limes and lemons galore. It got kinda plotty, and I liked that. Then it got TOO Plotty (with the evil Molly and Narcissa). The sibling bond was cool when Hermione and Draco did it. Then when Harry and Ron joined the group, it was weird. They're the only known quartet sibling bond. Everything seems to have happened in just a few days, but people are already proposing and adopting children (Harry). Harry was adopted into the Centaur herd and has a centaur godson. They're going to turn Hogsmeade and Hogwarts into its own country. It's big enough, just needs enough people. Starts out as just cooking lessons and then turns into this big huge THING. Sentient Hogwarts is cool, but here it's almost abused. But whatever. Oh, and Dudley is actually magical. He locked his own magic away after Vernon punished him for it. Triads are a perfectly normal thing in this world too. The MPREG is just mentioned like 'Wizards can have babies.' "Really?" "Yup." "Awesome!" 
0 notes
rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #1164: Gregory Malfoy by slayer of destiny
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7501687 
Status: Complete! (as of 3 days before I read the damn thing lol)
Chapters: 23. 
Words: 113,242
POV: Omni POV? (that’s what it felt like anyway)
Read on: 1/19-20/2019 (I finished reading this fic at 12:05AM. I had started reading it at like... 2am .... ... so yeah, anyway lol)
Series: Harry Potter
Pairings: Harry/OMC
Warnings: Original Characters, MPREG, Overuse of Adverbs, some bad grammar, Ridiculously Fluffy and Sappy, stupid Romance fic, (adverbs comment: Stephen King once said, “The road to hell is paved with adverbs.” Basically: you can have too many. lol)
Summary: War was similar, though more people lives (Fred, Remus, Tonks). Harry testified for the Malfoys, and so all three got of free from their trial. A month later, Harry went to Malfoy Manor to get them to sign a petition for Snape's portrait to be put in the Headmaster's office and Harry met the Other Malfoys. There are tons more in this story, with normal-ish names (not the Roman style ones of Draco, Lucius, and Abarax from canon). Marcus is the Grandfather of Lucius and still alive, even though he's older than Dumbledore was. Gregory is the middle brother and 35 to Harry's 18. They're both immediately drawn to each other. Gregory is describe like an Adonis. Tanned. Muscled. Etc. Molly and Ginny are like. the antagonist here, as well as rogue Death Eaters, but mostly it's just a romance and family fic filled with sickening amounts of fluff and goops. The parts I liked were when Harry was insecure about his past but Gregory helped him through it. That I liked. The age difference and obvious foreshadowing of Harry getting pregnant during their honeymoon were. well. obvious and stupid. I didn't like that they hyphenated their name, because it seemed like such a 'muggle' thing to do, not magical. Gregory is the middle son, he should have taken the Potter name, even if he was the 'dominant' of the relationship. AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING. It doesn't seem realistic for a gay relationship not to be a 'switch'. Harry winds up having 6 kids by the end of the fic, crazily enough. It goes about 9 years into the future later. They have 3 boys and 2 girls, and he's pregnant again at the end, breaking all the odds about Malfoys. or whatever. Iunno. I liked it, overall, but it really needed a betas touch lol. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Some of my reviews aren’t very nice. This is, of course, merely my opinion about things. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #587: Black Rock and Roll by Age-Alia
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3211053/10/Black-Rock-and-Roll (goes to chapter 10)
Status: Incomplete. 
Chapters: 10
Words: 35,365.
Read on: 6/26/2016, 6/11-13/2018 (lol almost 2 years to the date)
Series: Harry Potter/Warcraft III (Love me some Warcraft)
Warnings: Dimension Hopping via Portal, Dead Dursleys, Counter-parts, O.Cs, Long-ish A.Ns, New World New Home,  Everyone speaks Common (even Harry), Arthas is a Dick, 
Summary: Harry is 14, almost 15, during this story. He was chillin' at Privet Drive when a Portal opened in the house. He went downstairs to investigate and noticed Orcs (not that he knew this at the time) tieing up the Dursleys. He fought them, until one knocked him out, snapping his wand as well. Harry gets brought to Azeroth then, to be used a sacrifice. Harry's magic lashes out and he escapes. He comes to rest in a cave that happens to be the home of Searinox and a bunch of the Black Dragon flight. Harry gets taken in, instead of being eaten, and becomes like a member of the dragon flight. It becomes HOME to him. 
So when Arthas shows up with a bunch of Drawven hunters and kills Searinox and bunch of the whelps, Harry kind of freaks out. Harry does actually wind up going insane for a bit in the story too. 
Tons of shit happens. 
He gets the Hide of Searinox, as well as his Heart and he uses them to channel his magic. The hide had shrunk and fit him well, perfectly, via magic (probably). IT channels his magic for him. The Scourge has been through Lorderan and the Plague is killing everything. 
Medvih (as The Prophet) meets Harry and gives him the ability to use the cloak to transform into a Dragon (like how HE uses HIS cloak to transform into a Raven). Harry then meets Jaina and hangs out with her a bit, eventually leaving with the ships to Kalimdor. He washes up on the shore and is rescued from a Murloc by a Tauren (OC). 
Oh, Jaina reminds Harry of Hermione. Arthas of Draco. 
Harry then travels with the Horde for a while, getting a Troll babysitter (Lau, OC) after being healed by a Druid Tauren (OC--author's horde toon in the game). The leader of the Trolls kind of likes Harry after Harry transforms into a dragon and beats up a bunch of Centaurs. 
Eventually Harry, after being scared by Grom Hellscream (red-eyed Orc), runs off and stays with some Wyverns. He eventually meets up with Medvih again, who trains Harry to be the new Guardian of Azeroth. Jaina apparently thinks of Harry as a little brother. Medvih reminds Harry of Dumbledore. The Druid Tauren reminds Harry of Pomphrey. 
Hasn't been updated since Apr 2011. 
-- Fucking love this fic. Even with the long author notes (that I feel pad the word count, which is why I post a warning for them). It’s been several months since I last read it, but I do remember being highly amused by the fic. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Another Note:
My spreadsheet has several categories, done like this: 
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(I wonder if that will upload as tiny as it looks in the preview)
Anyway, what it says is: #, Title, Author, Link, Chapter, Words, POV, Read on, Series, Pairings, Warnings, Summary, Rating. 
Not all fics have ratings. Some fics have several read dates. If I don’t list pairings, it’s a Gen fic (I read a lot of those, because I like ‘em). 
My warning system is a quick way for me to remember what I’ve read lol. The first.... 300? or so fic I have summaries for don’t have as many warnings as later fics. 
uhh. questions? comments? 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
I write summaries about my fics in an excel spreadsheet. If I get a lot of interest, I will upload this document to google docs. For now, I’ll just post what I have in that... I write these summaries for me, more than anything, which is why they’re full of spoilers. 
It’s so I can remember what I have and what I haven’t read. 
I’ve been reading fanfiction pretty constantly since 2015. (5/5/15, I remember, It was Children’s Day so I had a vacation day from work lol). 
I started writing fics down in August. I have found fics I read between May and August that I’ve never written a summary for lol. 
Anyway, I’ll post a few more boring things tonight to give myself a start. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Fic #1165: The Stinging Habits of the Western Honey Bee by nicnac918
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6903136 Here is the link to the fic. 
The fic is complete. Eight chapters long, 25,911 words. It was written from Harry’s POV and Severus’ POV, alternating between chapters (I don’t remember if it changed in the same chapter TBH). 
I read this 1/20/2019. It is not my most recently read fic lol. 
For warnings, I have this: Pre-Hogwarts, Diagon Alley Trip, Severitus? 
Snape is enlisted to bring Harry his Hogwarts letter. Apparently who Dumbledore originally wanted to do it, but because Snape was originally distracted by a book, he missed his meeting with Dumbledore. This world, though, the bee did NOT sting the boy, and therefore a ball hit Snape's window and he realized what time it was and made it to the meeting. Harry winds up liking Snape and Snape sees Harry as "Lily's Son" and calls him Harry as a result. Unless he doesn't like what Harry is doing, then he calls him Mr. Potter. Snape is appalled by how Petunia is treating him (he doesn't think Petunia capable of love lol) and threatens her and Vernon into actually taking care of Harry. Harry also reveals a rather Slytherin plan about his Parseltongue ability and Snape agrees. He gets a female boomslang snake as a pet. Snape is also changing around his lessons, realizing from taking Harry around that 1st years don't know much about identifying potion ingredients and preparations. That's why he got the snake. (Harry's thought is, 'if we treat it like it's not big deal and tell everyone right away, then maybe they will treat it the same way'. It has merit and is very cunning lol). Harry writes letters to Snape as per directions (in case the Dursleys didn't treat Harry well) and in the last letter Harry says that he would like to be Gryffindor like his mum, and Snape can't be angry about that. Harry does go into Gryffindor. There IS a sequel to the fic, but it's not finished (there's seriously like ONE chapter to finish it, but it hasn't been updated in two fucking years lol). It was cute though, I liked it. I would like to read the sequel... and any others the author may make in the verse.
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
Turning this into a proper blog?
I’m going to review fan fiction here. I write it and post it on Fanfiction.net (and I have posted to Livejournal and Asianfanfic too. I have an AO3 account as well). All of these are under the same moniker. (rudeminnesotan, or some variation of it).  uhh. Yeah. Iunno. This will mostly be me ranting about fics.  And also. Spoilers. 
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rudeminnesotan · 6 years
I’m kinda sad I haven’t seen any Human!impala posts in a few years. They still have yet to do an episode on it but like?
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It’d be so amazing?!
Or even
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And Dean would just kinda
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But Cas pulls a
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Meanwhile Sam just
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Can we please?!
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