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sunflower still grows at night
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rtnksmw · 4 years ago
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rtnksmw · 4 years ago
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“the sweetest and best of all creatures, faultless in spite of all her faults”
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rtnksmw · 4 years ago
“My mother taught me plenty, but her best lesson is never to listen when someone tells me what a girl can or cannot do.”
— The Girl and the Goddess
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rtnksmw · 5 years ago
Corona virus taught us all to meditate ourselves, by social distancing, being low and underrated, not too much to be seen, back to our-basic-nature-self when we die we're all alone and just alone in the grave, none accompanying any one, in this state we believe in one, God.
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rtnksmw · 5 years ago
Its funny realizing that I have that kind of friend who always posted something on her social media about Detoxification like "you cut off all your toxic friendship" while herself is a toxic person
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rtnksmw · 5 years ago
She was strong but she wasn’t too strong Some nights she cried alone wondering if it would ever change
She was angry but she wasn’t too angry She was soft and crumbled at the sound of his voice
She was sad but she wasn’t too sad She masked her tears and she packed her things and she left
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rtnksmw · 5 years ago
If you are not enjoying your book, you are free to close it and never open it again. Even if it's a classic that everyone loved. A book has one job, it literally only has to be interesting. If it's not, have no guilt about not finishing it.
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rtnksmw · 6 years ago
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Untuk Ibuku Tersayang
(tulisan yang tertera pada buku yaasin 40 harinya ibu)
Assalamualaikum Ibuku yang cantik..
Bu, kini telah genap 40 hari atas kepergianmu menuju tempat yang paling mulia disisi-Nya. Ada begitu banyak kata, mimpi, dan harapanmu yang belum sempat terucap pada kami. Namun, itu semua tidaklah sebanyak dan sebesar jasa, perjuangan, dan kasih sayangmu pada kami. Engkau jaga kami, engkau didik kami, engkau kasihi kami, dan engkau ajarkan kami banyak hal. Begitu besar rasa cintamu pada kami, terutama anak2mu ini. Seolah tidak ada satupun di dunia ini yang pantas atau mampu utk menggantikanmu.
Bu, banyak sekali kenangan tentangmu yg telah terpatri dalam sanubari kami. Senyum dan lantunan suara lembutmu yg mengalun indah bersama binar2 tatapan penuh doa dan rasa bangga pada kami. Kami memang menyayangimu, tapi Allah SWT jauh lebih menyayangimu lebih dari apapun. Sepinya dunia ini tanpamu bu, tapi semua tentangmu akan selalu hidup dlm benak kami.
Bu, izinkan kami menghantarkanmu ke tempat peristirahatan terakhirmu dg sebuket kenangan2 manis itu bersama bunga2 cantik yg secantik parasmu ini. Kami lantunkan doa untukmu, usapan batu nisan sbg tanda rindu kami padamu..
Terimakasih ibu, pun telah banyak kiranya engkau ajarkan kami ttg percaya pada Qadha & Qadar-Nya, ttg makna selalu bersyukur atas ketetapan-Nya, dan ikhlas menjalankannya. 55 tahun lebih engkau didik kami menjadi pribadi yg tangguh dan mandiri. Kami berjanji akan terus mengamalkan kebaikan2 yg telah engkau ajarkan. Maafkan kami yg selalu membuatmu khawatir, bu.
Selamat jalan ibu, Ibu Kami, Ibu Mislimah..
Salam, doa, peluk & cium untukmu yg selalu rela berkorban demi kebahagiaan kami, anak-anaknya.
Tenanglah disana dan tersenyumlah selalu dalam buaian Yang Maha Pencipta. Semoga engkau selalu dalam limpahan rahmat & hidayah-Nya.
Aamiin Yaa Robbal 'alamiin.
Kami anak2 yang Selalu Mencintaimu.
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rtnksmw · 6 years ago
Midnight Sunflower
A flower which grows at night
Which doesn't even want to be seen by others about its flaws
Which the blooming season is not to late but not to soon
A quarter of watch, quarter of hopes
When all the darkness comes and no thunderlight whatsoever
..sounds so silent
Where all the things go and having not coming back for more than a quarter of life
the flower--;
a yellow sunset coloring petals flower
Whose the representation on another color of black amongst white
The flower that always reminds open and fulfill with warmtness in any kind of time
And it becomes its value
That those flowers which blooms at quarter of things
Is blooming at midnight in broadway of The North
Keep in the secret book of the oldest tale in the corner of a typical shabby room,
the yellow petals...
Keep in secret how it blooms to shine the other petals on the ground
Keep in secret to stay low instead of highkey
Just so the love of the ground felt by the petals when its drowning
The midnight sunflower
Thats how they called--;
retnoku_ (20190507)
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rtnksmw · 6 years ago
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Art Nouveau book covers and endpapers designed by Talwin Morris, circa late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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rtnksmw · 6 years ago
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Watch: Book Conservationist Nobuo Okano Repairs Tattered Books to Make Them Look Brand New [VIDEO]
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rtnksmw · 6 years ago
“You won’t realize what life teaches you until after you’ve gone through it and survived. But at that moment, when you’re suffering and you believe you can’t possibly keep going. Keep. Going. Whether it’s school, work, or an immense loss of love. Keep moving forward, fight on. You’ve made it this far.”
— William Frost // Fighter
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