rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Ummmmmmm...... Gumball?
What is going on??? 
My Gummy is keeping others against their will... I’m so proud | つ>ー<|つ
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Did I ever mention that Gummy makes the best cupcakes ever??
About to go and bother, I mean hangout with my little ball of gum... I hope he made more red cupcakes...
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
Eyyyy reminder my almost 100 followers... You guys can send me Gifts (submissions) and ask question if you go to my page!!!! 
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
Inspiration hurt like a rock... Here’s what I got... Yeah, Gummy and I got in a little of a fight...
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Sorry I suck at posting daily... It’s been longer than a month... I think
ANYWAY, Gummy got on my nerves again today... I didn’t mean to be scary he just annoyed me a little... If he likes me he should be okay with my monster side... | つ╹~╹|つ
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Gummy wouldn’t leave me alone today!!!!! He was trying to occupy me, so I wouldn’t upload this last post..... Weeellll.... He obviously failed....
Oh glob!!! Gummy’s coming back!!! GTG!!!!!!!
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
Gummy plz don’t read this...
I have another problem...
I think that Gummy... ummm.... I really want.... I want to get together with Gummy. 
Not as friends, enemies, strangers, or even best friends. I want us to be together as in together together.... I don’t know what to do!!!
I’m probably going to regret this.... plus this is extremely embarrassing!!!!!
I don’t even know if he’s into guys, I mean, I don’t think he even knows I am..... will you give me some advice on what to do?
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Must Ignore GUMMY!!!!!
PART 2!!!!!!
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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This morning I went to bother Bubba...
*cough* <3 *cough*
EXCUSE ME!!!! Anyway, he was doing this weird thing, so I figured it’d be the perfect opportunity to further my mission. I think I have more photos about this that I’ll post later when, I’m not as tired. I’ll give you a sneak peak
I’ll post the rest that happened later!! Bye! night! 
Let the Vampires Bite!!! haha... ;P
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Like I said earlier, I’ve been busy. Yesterday I went to the beach with my... friends... anyway, Peppermint Butler took this photo sooo.... CREDS!!!
Anyway, look at my SEXY butt!!! Man, Peppermint really got that angle well....
That smirk tooooooo!!! YAAAASSSS....... perfect photo of me!! Totally seductive!!!
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
Yo.. \(0,...,0)/
Anyway, ya I’ve been busy... Really I’ve just been hanging with my umm... friends?
Anyway... I’ve been pushing myself to see Bubba more often after reading one of his posts on tumblr. He wants to be like how we used to. I don’t know if he actually remembers what we were like though, but if he does then he’s saying something big! 
Since I remember, I really want it to be that way, I can’t tell you guys how we were, but just know that I’ve been trying to ease our way back to then....
It’s taking alot longer than I had hoped....
But, I won’t give up!!!! FOR MY GUMMY!!!! ......
OKAY BUBBA YOU CAN READ NOW!!!- You’re a butt.
Bye, bye!! 
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Soooo.... uhhhh.....
Finn and Flame Prince came to my cave today. They went on Tumblr. Then they discovered that His Majesty, Prince Gumball, had made an account. When I looked on my Tumblr, I saw he followed me... 
Ummmm.... Hi, Gumball. In the the other day when I made this account, I didn’t think you would see this... I guess I can thank Finn for this... Just please don’t look at my old posts...
Anyway, to everyone else!!! I wrote another song today!! This one is sooooo awesome... It’s about my life so, it’s kind of long... After all I’m like 1000 years old...
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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I was just looking through some old photos when I saw this. This is probably like the only photo I have of Gummy and I when we were younger...
To be honest, I miss those days. We used to hang out 24/7. But, as we got older we grew apart and Gummy became Prince Gumball and had to take care of an entire kingdom...
It sucked. I wanted to... no... I want to just go over to him and fix this. Because we stopped talking, we got awkward near each other. I don’t mean to be mean, but that’s what I do when I see him. He barely talks to me when we see each other. He just glances at me and says hi. 
....sometimes he leaves...
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Sooo..... I just saw these Steampunk versions of me and my friends...
THEY ARE SO FREAKING COOL!!!!! Like Fin is adorable!!! Bubbs is nerdy like usual, but he looks more interesting and... stylish? I guess... Jake looks so freaking intimidating that it’s scary. Flame Prince is really showing his fire side... I was gonna say he looks hot, but that would be weird.... I just wanted the pun!!! Now, finally me... I LOOKS SO FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I’m just so hot in that outfit. My little Hambo there is so freaking adorbes!!! I LOVE him!!!! <3 <3 <3 Hambo!!!
(Art- http://micaella.tumblr.com/ )
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Sometimes, I wish time would slow down… T-T
Everything would be calm… chill, you know?
But, when I’m with my friends everything is hectic, but… I guess I love that…
My friends would do anything for me, Gumball, Finn, Jake, Lord Monochromicorn, Flame Prince… they’d risk their lives for me… even though I’m… Immortal……
i wish I wasn’t immortal.
Shit, now I’m depressed… I’m gonna go play my base and maybe wright a song… stupid immortality.
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rpmarshalllee · 8 years
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Ah hello... So I guess I’ve started this blog now so I have to continue... Alright, I can do this!! Not like Bubba or anyone’s going to see this... Lol
If you don’t know Bubba, he’s an uptight Prince that needs to chill sometimes... But, you know he’s like a good p-... ummm.... yeah. He’s a good person, really kind, nice, cool, thoughtful, sweet.... Lol, PUNNSSSS!!!! Lol...
Anyway, sup.
(Admin- I’ll give photo creds in tags on each pic that isn’t mine. Also, you have found one of my many rp blogs, congrats!!! plz follow my Marshie, he would be so happy!!! Anyway, I’ll keep admins to a minimum unless there is an emergency... PEACE!!)
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