royalravens · 26 days
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How they should have edited this Goddamn scene
Beautiful Dean from here btw
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royalravens · 2 months
In season 9 episode 3 “I’m No Angel” when Cas is stabbed by April the reaper and dies, Dean kills her and immediately rushes over to Cas, placing his hands on his knee and shoulder before cupping his face in his hands and shouting his name with his voice breaking as Cas doesn’t wake up. Then when Gadreel revives him and Cas opens his eyes, he says, “hey,” in the softest voice before his voice goes tough and broken again saying, “don’t ever do that again!” In season 11 episode 3 “The Bad Seed” when Cas is seizing on the floor due to Rowena’s attack dog spell lifting, Dean gathers Cas into his arms and uses a hand on his cheek to keep his head supported. Once Cas opens his eyes and looks at him, he gently lifts him into a sitting position and cradles his face in hands his hands. He doesn’t let go of holding Cas until Rowena attacks again, drawing his attention. In season 13 episode 6 “Tombstone” when Cas is ressurected from the Empty by Jack and Dean and Sam go to meet him, Dean tells Cas he’s been gone for “too damn long” and immediately goes in to hug him. It’s been revealed that Jensen placed his hand on Cas’ face in a caress of touch in that reunion scene, however it was ultimately cut. When watching the reunion scene, you can see after the hug the shot closes in on Dean’s face as he seems to turn to look at Cas with a soft look in his eyes, and the hand wrapped around him moves out of frame towards Cas’ face, but they quickly cut away to Jared before you can tell what’s going on. Jensen Ackles has been having Dean cradle Cas’ face in his hands multiple multiple times and you come to me and try to tell me Dean doesn’t love him back-
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royalravens · 2 months
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Something about mlm wlw solidarity
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royalravens · 3 months
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Click to sharpen image
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royalravens · 3 months
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royalravens · 9 months
The Virtual Toad Choir Presents: SILENT NIGHT
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royalravens · 10 months
(girl who’s been suppressing her feelings ever since she hit the age of 12) I just think you should be in touch with your feelings more
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royalravens · 10 months
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Darkness will spare my soul
Here's all my Nerdy Prude Must Die paintings in one set! These teens live rent free in my head for all eternity. I think i have the show memorized at this point for how much I watched it while doing these.
Yes I redid Richie's painting Don't look at me . (and shout out to @to-our-own-fairytale for the banger quote suggestion)
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royalravens · 10 months
"college is the best years of your life" "college is for meeting new people and expanding your mind" wrong. college is for discovering new types of grief. also the timeloop
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royalravens · 11 months
Ok we've all kinda laughed at the idea of Paul Matthews: Anxious Man being in the neighborhood watch, and yeah, I think he would be bad at it most of the time- but consider:
In TGWDLM he is the first one to realize the Hive's infection, says "something sinister is infecting Hatchetfield.... Turning everything into a musical" -and he was right!
In Black Friday he doesn't like the Wiggly jingle and say the it feels like "the whole world is under a spell" -and he was right again!
Also iirc he told Bill someone died at watcher world, which I guess is like a warning?
I guess I'm just saying that Paul has successfully and immediately picked up on the Lords in Black's bad vibes before any other characters not already in the know. For whatever it's worth. He's good at being neighborhood watch guy for eldritch demons only.
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royalravens · 11 months
Has anyone pointed out yet that in her character art, Tula is holding her paw over her heart because good lord
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royalravens · 1 year
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bye to a real one… add your favourite smash mouth tweet
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royalravens · 1 year
Jujubee is looking at Brennan behind his DM screen the way you look across the bar at the first bartender who is supportive mean to you, the way you gaze through the window at the line cook who just gruffly handed you fries the time you cried at work. Like I just know she's envisioning herself as the supportive Queen of Kingdom D20. She's a single whispering NPC from saying she'll give him heirs.
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royalravens · 1 year
"You can't be a lurker on tumblr." Yes, you absolutely can. I've been quietly reblogging things since 2014 and I haven't interacted with anyone in years.
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royalravens · 1 year
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While every force available in the world is searching for the 5 people in the oceangate submersible, a boat filled with mostly Syrian and Pakistani refugees sank under still “unknown” circumstances off the coast of Peloponnisos, Greece (with the coast guard present). More than 600 people drowned but guess which of the two is making headlines
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royalravens · 1 year
Oh my god I know I’ve been a bit inactive lately but I just noticed my Thiam fic Hell Bent passed a thousand kudos!! Thanks for all the love guys, really means a lot <3
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royalravens · 2 years
Mr Gaiman my newly updated app says you're trending, did you die again?
Dear God I hope not.
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