21 posts
here I rot and flourish at the same time anorexia | ptsd .
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
about salads...
eat salad, eat salad, eat salad and eat salad!
make a stronger salad! make a salad and eat it for lunch! salads don't necessarily have to be just lettuce! salads can be tasty. eat salad! make salad and omad them!
put a tasty diet dressing on your salad to learn how to eat more vegetables! salad yes! vegetable salad and fruit salad!
make a salad with seasonal fruits! make tropical fruit salad! make assorted vegetable salad! put pieces of chicken or fish in your salad!
when you get a taste for salads, you'll always opt for a different salad on a menu, or dinner out. you will no longer feel afraid to go out with your friends, with your loved one and your family. you will no longer need to cancel your socializing and sweet moments with people for fear of not knowing what to eat and binge/ losing control.
start eating more salad and you'll see how much easier it is to reach your UGW without having to suffer from being away from the ones you love and who love you too!
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
faking to becoming #1
I'm thin, I'm beautiful and thin. And not just thin, I'm beautiful, my thinness makes up my beauty.
I am thin, beautiful and ethereal. I have wavy brown hair that dances in the wind when I walk, I have soft freckles across my face, and beautiful round eyes with long lashes crowning them. my bones bounce against my skin, leaving it feeling soft and textured I feel my ribs and my chest bones, touch them like notes from a xylophone.
I have no doubts about how thin and beautiful I am.
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
Decidi montar uma rotina de alimentação inspirada em algumas dietas que criei/vi por aí. Vou procurar sempre respeitar os horários das refeições com base nos turnos que costumo comer.
Café da manhã(8h-10h): JEJUM TOTAL. Apenas água é permitido.
Almoço(12h-15h): 1 gominho de tangerina a cada 30min por 3 horas seguidas.
Lanche(16h-17h): 1 Banana.
Jantar(18h-20h): 1 ovo.
Regras e dicas;
Se estiver com vontade de comer alguma coisa salgada, ponha sal na língua.
O ovo pode ser feito da forma que preferir.
A ordem das refeições pode ser alterada e adaptada.
Se distraia sempre, mantenha-se ocupada com QUALQUER COISA. Nunca fique de bobeira. Mente vazia é oficina da compulsão.
Beba 2L de água.
Durma cedo.
Faça caminhadas leves ou yoga.
Romantize seu T.A.
E, por último, lembre-se de quem está no controle é você~!
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
"Não gosto de doces... Açúcar é nojento." "Não gosto de adoçante, deixa a comida doce demais!" "Vou por um pouco de iogurte porque essa fruta sozinha é muito doce..." "Coloco cacau 100% ao invés de achocolatado porque gosto do gosto do chocolate, não do açúcar." "Só um é mais que o suficiente, não preciso de dois." "Eu já estou cheio... Não aguento comer mais nada." "Eu lanchei sim! Tomei um copo de café."
Essas são todas frases que eu repeti até se tornarem verdades.
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São as pequenas coisas que me fizeram perder e manter o imc -20... 💭
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
we will make it!
Eu preciso visualizar na minha cabecinha pequena que quando estou passando fome significa que estou encolhendo, diminuindo e finalmente emagrecendo. Passar fome é a forma mais efetiva de perda de peso, não há dúvidas! A fome não é nada mais nada menos do que um sinal de que meus esforços estão dando resultados. A cintura afinando, a barriga encolhendo, as coxas diminuindo... é isso que eu preciso imaginar. Quanto mais intensa a fome, maior a perda de gordura. Assim fica mais fácil de assimilar. Portanto, seja forte e resista garota! Você está no caminho certo!
(de mim para mim)
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
Shower Thoughts #1
I don't think I ever stopped to think about what actually triggers me and what actually helps me stay focused. of course, selecting foods and counting calories are part of it, but is that all? What actually triggers me? I have found that I like the feeling of an empty stomach, or with little food/liquid inside. It makes me feel good. This really helps keep me more motivated, because when I have a full stomach, I feel disgusting, full of gooey stuff and a soft, bloated belly. It's ugly and disgusting to look at. A slim figure is much better on an empty stomach. That really helps to focus. The autovisual triggers too.
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rottenlilies999 · 2 years ago
tomorrow is my birthday and the day after tomorrow my husband wants to go out with me to celebrate and I can't control myself today!!! I've eaten enough and I can't stop bingeing....
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
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Trying dark academia hairstyles on my kinky hair 
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
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ethereal, almost ghostly.
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
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dove cameron icons
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
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I wish upon every star in the sky 🌫
*Not my photos*
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
illustration by Henriette Willebeek le Mair
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
The self-care 101
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You've been trying to build a routine or have been trying to get back on track but just don't know where to start? lets me help you out <3
Step one Personal hygiene:
first up are a few things that you should do daily! <3
Brushing your teeth, flossing, and mouthwash twice a day.
Showering either in the morning or in the evening.
shaving and lotion if you feel like it (my fav)
skincare twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed.
Perfect! now at first, this may seem a bit overwhelming, especially if you struggle with depression, but sticking to this will already do a lot-
Simple skincare:
my last point was skincare, so I'll give you a little run-through on a simple and affordable routine; obviously, I can't promise that this will work for you, but we gotta start somewhere, right? :)
Dove beauty cream bar works really well for me (costs like 1 €).
Neutrogena hydro boost aqua cream as moisturizer (10 €).
Any SPF that works for you, I use the la Roche-posay one (15 €).
Dove beauty cream bar.
The ordinary glycolic acid as a toner (10 €).
The ordinary Niacinemid + Zinc (7 €).
and the Neutrogena moisturizer again.
This should be a good start! :)
Step two healthy habits:
mental health plays a massive role in self-care, so I have listed a few things that might help you feel a little bit better; building actual habits takes time, though, so don't stress about it too much, and just try sticking to a few! :)
Eat breakfast.
Take vitamins in the morning (Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc, Iron, Folate/Folic acid, and Vitamin B-12, to list a few)
go for a daily walk.
Do a youtube yoga or stretch video.
Listen to a positive playlist or podcast.
No technology for 30 minutes.
Read 10 pages of any book.
Study something you're interested in for 15 minutes.
Write down 3 positive affirmations.
Make a to-do list.
Try a new recipe each week.
Make a grocery list.
take your time and try being consistent; eventually, you will get to where you want to be; you can do it! <3
˗ˋˏ°• love ya •°ˎˊ˗
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
i need to start eating significantly less👍
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rottenlilies999 · 3 years ago
I love when they value brown hair ♡
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long hair inspo for all my girlies
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