rotten-legacy · 20 hours
the inherent homoeroticism of rotting away in your bedroom
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rotten-legacy · 2 months
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rotten-legacy · 4 months
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rotten-legacy · 4 months
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rotten-legacy · 4 months
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rotten-legacy · 5 months
james: i knew this day would come
james: i saw it on the calendar
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rotten-legacy · 8 months
using a tape measure as a packer so i can give myself a comedically large boner whenever its funny
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rotten-legacy · 8 months
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if you think about it, every time we tranquilize animals to transport them safely to another place, we are the sleep paralysis demon
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rotten-legacy · 8 months
The long-awaited sequel...
taglist: @retrieve-the-kraken, @lovelylittlelosers, @altruistic-meme, @probablyjustanotheryrblog, @gele-gordijnen, @ishotforthestars, @king-wille, @rydingska, @mirabel-on-a-bicycle,
Young Royals as John Mulaney Quotes Pt. 2!!
Wilhelm after Kristina tells him he needs to take his Crown Prince role more seriously:
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Wilhelm to Alexander in s2e6:
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Simon, about Hillerska:
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Kristina in s3:
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Monarchy Traditions:
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Wilmon, taking one (1) look at the monarchy traditions:
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rotten-legacy · 8 months
just remembered a reply to a post abt the difference between pansexual and bisexual that was like "linguistically speaking bi means two and pan means bread" and its still to this day one of the funniest things ive ever read
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rotten-legacy · 9 months
if i am to go,
let me melt by the sun's hand.
if i am to go,
if i am to leave this all behind,
let me depart unplanned.
without thought, without worry.
in no rush, no hurry.
everything has to end,
but in devastation there is passion.
let me spin the inevitable into a beautiful truth,
if i am to go.
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rotten-legacy · 10 months
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rotten-legacy · 1 year
You’ve heard of Knife Wife
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You’ve heard of Kazzle Dazzle
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Now get ready for…
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Dick Wet and In Debt
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rotten-legacy · 1 year
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rotten-legacy · 1 year
I was describing Psych to a relative recently, and I remember he said to me something along the lines of "it sounds very funny but I don't know how it sustains itself for 8 seasons."
And I feel like that's something about why the show works so well. Because it does always, consistently, deliver on its premise - yet what that premise does changes over time.
Like, beyond the first season or so we get less of the overdramatic psych-outs, extravagant over-performance of psychic visions from Shawn which you first think of with the show. Which of course, makes sense - because in real-world terms, it would get boring, but in-universe too, Shawn doesn't have to keep justifying himself as psychic because all the police department (or at least, Vick) care about is whether he delivers, and they know he does now, so they don't really care how he gets there as long as they don't know he's breaking the rules.
Instead, it shifts. Shawn and Gus need to solve their cases, and they become the focus rather than performing his fake psychic abilities. But despite this, the way we experience the whodunnit is always through Shawn's lens of "I can't be open about how I solve my crimes, I don't have the same resources as the police, because I have to know this from being psychic (or in reality deduction)."
We don't get the typical procedural 'we need to run the fingerprints' all the time - Shawn has to figure out the whole story, like any detective show, but the route he takes to get there is never conventional because it can't be, he's not (ostensibly) a detective. Later, Shawn has to deal with the fact that his girlfriend doesn't know that he's not actually psychic. The implications of it all come into play when Juliet finds out - that he can't tell the truth because all the often-killers who he found might then get to go free and hurt other people. He would go to jail.
All of this is premise payoff, but it's so different from the narrative issues explored when it starts. It's so inherent to the premise, but what really makes Psych what it is, what sets it apart from other shows, is the ways in which Shawn and Gus have to solve crimes in secretive ways which are also funny. Obviously it's not an uncommon theme in detective shows, but Psych has a consistency whilst also never feeling static.
Shawn is not the same character as he is at the start, but he still solves crimes in roundabout ways because he has to pretend he's psychic. Gus is not the same, but we still know he has to be there to moderate Shawn's behaviours and to have great comedic chemistry with him. Lassie changes, but he's always the skeptic. Juliet changes, but she's always the inside hand sympathetic to Shawn and Gus and willing to help them out. (Etc etc.) We have so many little recurring jokes and bits that we hear again and again, but we also have such a shift from start to end in terms of character growth and narrative priorities.
Anyway idk where this is going but I just love this show lol
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rotten-legacy · 1 year
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PSYCH 1x07: “Who You Gonna Call?”
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rotten-legacy · 1 year
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(transparents by @fandomtransparents )
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