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roskindesign · 3 months ago
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roskindesign · 8 months ago
Locking new house?
Buying your first house is always an exciting moment of your life. We congratulate you regarding this achievement and wish you all the best in future! As you know moving into a new home will introduce you to many challenges you never even knew. One of them may be your new property's safety and security – one of the most important parts. That’s the part we would be glad to help you with. It’s what we do. 
Locksmith Express is a family owned business in Toronto that is composed of reliable and highly-trained locksmiths that you can rely on. We are located at the west end of the city known as Etobicoke. We at Locksmith Express are dedicated to delivering the best locksmith services at the best prices in your areas.
We have helped thousands of people to secure their new homes located in Toronto, Etobicoke or the Rest of GTA. Now we want to share our knowledge and experience with you. In this blog , you will find our suggestions and recommendations  on why it’s so important to change locks even before you move in and why your front door lock is the first level of protection of your new house. We hope you will find the information we share with you here to be helpful.
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roskindesign · 9 months ago
YAVI -Delirium (live)
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roskindesign · 10 months ago
Lina Roskin speaks with specialist from Spectro Ima about woman health and questions that most women are still afraid to ask.
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roskindesign · 1 year ago
The Language of the Locksmiths
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Dear friends and clients, we had many messages from you asking for specific words and meanings in locksmith business. We decided to write this article with basic locksmith terminology and some local lingo that might be helpful for you to know. Locksmithing is an ancient craft, and we are proud to have a rich vocabulary,so dive in and learn something new today! It will make the negotiation with a locksmith during work so much more understandable for you. We would love to have your feedback on this article!
First in the list is “ keyway”, it refers to the specific groove or channel cut into a lock cylinder, where the key is inserted. Keyways vary between different lock manufacturers and models, and knowing the correct keyway is crucial for cutting or duplicating keys.
The “master key system” is also something that we are asked frequently. It is a complex system that allows for multiple keys to operate different locks, while one master key can open all of them. This is often used in commercial and industrial settings to provide access control.
Have you heard of “ bow of the key”? This is the segment of the key which is not fitted into the lock. It is the part which you hold on to. Often it also has some useful information printed on it, such as a company name or a code. 
Next for explaining is "bump key" this is a specially crafted key used to bump a pin tumbler lock open. This is considered a security threat, and locksmiths may provide services to secure against bumping.
“key blade” is the part of the key which is inserted in the keyhole, and which operates the lock. This is one of the coolest words in the list, what do you think?
Does the “tumblers” ring a bell? These are the parts inside the lock which need to be aligned for the lock to open. In key locks this is done by turning of the key, while in combination locks the task is accomplished by entering the correct combination.
“Keyway” a pattern of grooves and millings along the side of the part of the key which is inserted into a lock is called the keyway. The keyway of the key should be compatible with the lock for it to turn the tumblers and operate the lock.
"Key blank" - A blank key that has not been cut or shaped. Locksmiths use key blanks to create keys for specific locks by cutting or duplicating them.
"Mortise Lock" - This is a type of lockset that is embedded or mortised into the door, typically used in commercial settings. It consists of a lock body and a separate knob or lever.
“Master-keyed”- A group of locks, in which each lock is operated by its own individual key, but also can be operated by a master key which can access each lock in the group. This means that all locks in the group should have keyways which match with those of the master key.
“Keyed-Different or  Keyed-Alike?”- When different locks in a group of locks are operated by different keys, it is termed as being keyed-different. Whereas, if a group of locks can be opened by the same singular key it is referred to as being keyed-alike.
“Rekeying” is the process of replacing the tumblers inside the cylinder of a lock with tumblers of different size. Such a lock then requires a new set of keys and no longer can be operated by the old set. 
"Deadbolt" - A type of lock mechanism that doesn't have a spring and is operated manually by turning a key or knob. Deadbolts are more secure than spring bolt locks, making them popular for exterior doors.
These terms and phrases are just a glimpse into the great vocabulary of locksmithing, which encompasses a wide range of techniques and tools to secure and provide access to various types of locks and security systems. 
Understanding these terms can help individuals communicate effectively with locksmiths and better comprehend the locksmithing processes!
If you have any other questions, you can contact the locksmith near you - Etobicoke , Toronto , East York , Scarborough, North York, Markham, Richmond Hill, Mississauga, Vaughan and Oakville
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roskindesign · 1 year ago
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ДВУПОСОЧНО РАДИО при екип за сигурност?
Охранителите са изложени на опасност ежедневно, а двупосочните радиостанции могат да им помогнат да бъдат в безопасност – или да им помогнат да поддържат вашия бизнес, персонал и клиенти в безопасност. Ето основните причини, поради които охранителите се нъждаят от двупосочни радиостанции:
Постоянно свързани-
За разлика от комуникационните системи, базирани на телефона, двупосочните радиостанции за охранители предлагат специално покритие и капацитет за точни местоположения в обект. В допълнение, едно добре проектирано радио решение може да осигури изключителна устойчивост, мрежова сигурност, резервиране и наличност – които могат да бъдат персонализирани, за да отговорят на нуждите на крайните потребители.
Спешните случаи-
Ако вашият екип за сигурност комуникира чрез мобилни телефони, трябва да помислите какво биха направили в случай на прекъсване на мрежата? Със смартфон служителят ще трябва да извади телефона, да отключи устройството, да намери правилното приложение и или ръчно да въведе телефонен номер, или да превърти контактите си, за да намери съответното лице. Това може да отнеме ценно време, когато са необходими незабавни групови комуникации в отговор на спешен случай. От друга страна, двупосочните радиостанции могат да избегнат всички тези забавяния, те предлгат опцията незабавна комуникация със спешен телефон с натискането на един бутон.
По-добра защита-
Двупосочните радиостанции често имат невероятна издръжливост, като повечето модерни преносими радиостанции осигуряват и защита срещу проникване на вода/прах. В резултат на това радиостанциите могат да работят в тежки условия и издържат много по-дълго от мобилните телефони. Цифровите двупосочни радиостанции включват технология, която активно намалява фоновия шум, за да гарантира ясна гласова комуникация, идеална в претъпкани пространства и натоварени паркинги.
По-достъпни в дългосрочен план
Въпреки че двупосочните радиостанции имат по-висока първоначална цена от мобилните телефони, те често се оказват много по-рентабилни в дългосрочен план. Смартфонът ще има типичен използваем живот от няколко години, при което може да се очаква качествено двупосочно радио да работи надеждно в продължение на 8-10 години. Двупосочните радиостанции имат ограничени текущи разходи в сравнение с мобилни телефони и без договори за време за разговори или текстови съобщения. По-високите първоначални разходи също не трябва да бъдат бариера, с гъвкави пакети за наемане, лизинг и управлявани услуги, налични от Интегра-а! Вижте още тук:
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
Hi baby mamas, I found great baby goods!
Summer, winter, autumn and spring baby goods that every mother will adore. The online shop is created by a Bulgarian woman which lived in Cyprus and there in her online shop you can find dresses, bodysuits, cute skirts and many more, so the question is "what to choose, in order to make the right choice?" and the answer is everything you need! Because the prices are -50% off now - 
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
TOP 3 Legends About Amber
TOP 3 Legends About Amber
Avicenna also wrote about the healing properties of amber.
In ancient times, it was believed that there was no disease that could not be cured with amber. It is also popularly known as the "sunstone". The succinic acid found in it and other types of amber increases the bioactive elements in a person in an effective and natural way.
Here are some legends related to this wonderful creation of nature:
Legend 1:
Phaethon in ancient Greek mythology was the son of Helios (Phoebus, an epithet later given to Apollo) and the oceanid Clymene. Phaethon boasted to his friends that he was the son of the sun god. However, they refused to believe him and Phaeton went to his father, who promised him everything he asked for. Phaethon asked to drive his father's golden chariot for a day. Helios tried to dissuade him, but to no avail - Phaethon was adamant. When the day came and he drove the chariot, he panicked and lost control of the white horses he was driving. The chariot caught fire, the earth caught fire. Africa has become a desert. The waters and rivers boiled. Earth would have perished if not for Zeus. He forced himself to strike the horses, the chariot, and the Phaeton with lightning. The white horses ran away - only the Erinyes could find them and bring them back. His mother, Klimena, searched for his ashes on the ground for a long time. Finally she reached the banks of the Eridanus River. Phaethon's sisters - the Heliads - wept on her shore inconsolably. Finally, Zeus got tired of their tears and turned them into fir trees. Then everything on earth began to return to the old way. Only the desert and the Milky Way remain as reminders of the recklessness of Helios and his son.
But even now transformed into trees, the sisters continued to cry. Their tears fell and turned into resin from which amber was later formed. Years later, the sea still spills their amber tears on its shores...
Legend 2:
Norse legend represents amber in the form of tears of the goddess of love and fertility Freya, who mourns her missing husband.
Legend 3:
The legends of Vedic Russia describe amber in a different way - as joy, as a great gift that all people of the world can use for healing. In Russia, the Alatyr stone had a sacred meaning. The stone possessed great magical power as it was a scaled-down copy of the universe. The Alatyr-stone was revered as the father of all stones. This is proven by the "Deep Book" (modern "Pigeon Book") - this is a Slavic spiritual verse that tells about the origin and integrity of the world.
Legends or not, amber still enjoys great attention to this day, did you know that a stone must be at least 1 million years old to be classified as amber? If you want to own a piece of jewelry made of amber, you can check here -
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
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Romantic night in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine? Well the fire is always cozy and strong because it’s made with a firewood from
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
you can find great types of firewood
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
Дъбът и букът
Дъбът и букът не случайно са най-популяният избор на дърва за огрев сред българите.Защо обаче това е така? Тези два вида дървета имат специфични характеристики, които ги правят идеални за отопления през студените дни. Вижте трите най-силни качества на тези видове дърва за огрев тук: 
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
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Somedays be like...
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
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roskindesign · 2 years ago
3 IDEAS for a beach fun in AUTUMN
1. Have a picnic near the sea What better way to enjoy the nice autumn weather in Nea Kalikratia than an afternoon picnic with friends, family or your significant other? All you have to do is grab your favorite foods and drinks and Mother Nature will provide the perfect atmosphere. Beaches near Light Blue Hotel will meet your expectations for a pleasant afternoon outdoors. If you ask reception, you can even get a picnic basket of meat delicacies. 2. Enjoy water sports or horseback riding Just because fall is here doesn't mean water sports are out. In fact, autumn is the best season for surfing, windsurfing and the like. The waves are stronger and the sea is full, which is a great time for everyone who likes to swim in the open sea or enjoy other sports such as kayaking, yoga on the beach, tranquility and actually enjoying the beach. Another thing we would recommend for the beach in autumn is horse riding, the views of the water and the soft sand will amaze lovers of this sport and leave them with an unforgettable feeling of being one with nature. 3. Have a great photo shoot The light in autumn rays is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena for photographers, professional or not, especially if you capture it over the sea and sand. With the arrival of autumn, you will find it difficult to keep your camera or phone at home and you will end up with memories in the form of images that you can frame and hang on your walls or at least share on Instagram and show the beauty of autumn in Greece and to other friends. Did we intrigue you? We have many more offers for an amazing autumn in Greece! Book a room today on our website: and enjoy the relaxing sound of the waves of the Aegean Sea, the rest of the ideas will be shared with you live!
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roskindesign · 3 years ago
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roskindesign · 4 years ago
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