How Does Your Muse React/Feel When...
😇- They are given praise 😰- They get scolded 🙇- They meet someone new and first impressions are good 👺- They meet someone new and first impressions are bad 🙌- They see their best friend 👿- They see their worst enemy ☺️- They see a friend 💅- They see a rival ❣️- They see their crush ♥️- They see their boy/girlfriend 💍- They see their spouse 🚸- They see their children 👪- They see their family (specify if desired) 💮- They get asked to hang out 💐- They get asked out on a date 💔- They get stood up/broken up with 💎- They win a huge reward 🎁- They are given a gift they like 💣- They are given a gift they dislike 🎎- They find a long lost possession of theirs 💵- They see something on sale for a bargain price 🗑- They see something that is being given away for free 📍- They narrowly escape a perilous situation 🚪- They hear someone knock on their door 📱- Someone asks to borrow their phone
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     “Are you sure the club’s stable enough for an expansion?” She questioned softly for seat on the couch as she ran her hand through Antoinette’s fur, her other hand holding the legal documents she had been reading for him. Expanding the host club had been something they wanted to do for awhile now so they could have grander events and invite more of Wonderland, she knew they could do it, they had enough support and the hosts had all been looking forward to it. They had enough money to do it too, so she wasn’t really worried about anything, she just wanted to make sure Tamaki had no doubts about any of it. The smile on his face and the look in his eyes was all she needed to know though.
    She placed the documents down and stood from seat as she made her way to where he stood, taking his hands in hers as she smiled brightly up at him. “Then, all the legal works done, we can turn this stuff in tomorrow morning and start getting everything ready for this!” Instantly she was off the ground and in his arms as he spun her around excitably, ‘I love you’s’ spilling from his lips before lowering her back down and crouching down enough for him to place a small kiss on her fated mark. “I love you too Tamaki.” 
    --Tamaki and Haruhi’s married life would revolve around supporting eachothers dreams and bringing out the best of eachother.
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Send 💍 to get a glimpse of what married life between our muses would be like
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Originally posted by astrologyexplained
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Ouran 10 Days Challenge with @rubydragon16
Day 9: Character Most Similar to You         ↳ 藤岡 ハルヒ ♡ Haruhi Fujioka
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Icebreaker [OPEN Student & Waver]
Open starter, but for a student of Rosewood College who’s going to be in Waver’s magic theory or chemistry class please!
Location: Rosewood College
The cycle of students through classrooms was always something Waver had accepted. Many of his Modern Magecraft students had filed through and ascended the ranks of the Mage Association as surely as the Clock Tower would chime in the morning. The idea that he would one day walk into a classroom that would have all been strangers to him years beforehand hadn’t bothered him.
But this was so sudden.
His first day of teaching as Professor Velvet was easy. He was on autopilot, lecturing just as he would be back home. Even in the new, bright classroom he’d been assigned in Rosewood, he kept pausing once in awhile, expecting an interruption from Flat that wasn’t coming. When facing his students he kept searching for Gray’s hooded face in the corner and fighting back the stab of alarm at her absence. Of course they weren’t there. It was with some horror, by the end of the first day of lessons, that he realized everyone he’d known could be added to the list of people that he missed dearly that had previously just been Iskander.
The universal satisfaction of teaching was one thing. The bonds he’d forged and longed to have again were another.
He idly organized his notes at his desk, keeping his subjects separate and plotting how to start distributing homework he wouldn’t mind wading through to grade. Class was dismissed, but it was with some surprise that he looked up from his fresh lesson plans and noticed a student was still there.
It gave him a flicker of hope. Perhaps, even in a conventional classroom away from the Clock Tower, some rapport could be had. “Apologies, what was your name again?”
    Haruhi hadn’t missed the longing in the professors eyes during class every time he glanced up and scanned the class. It was obvious he had been looking for someone, perhaps students from his world and she frowned slightly. She didn’t blame his longing, had she known at the start that she wasn’t in a terrible dream she would have been the same, but she had luckily missed that longing because of it.
     She wanted to do something for the professor, she’d picked up that habit of wanting to help others even if they didn’t openly ask for it from Tamaki and she didn’t regret it, or at least hoped she wouldn’t.  She wouldn’t be doing anything wild and elaborate like the club would do, that was far too much, especially for someone who just needed something to keep them from missing people that weren’t there. She’d simply just introduce herself and create that student teacher relationship that would help her in his class in being able to ask questions more easily, and also give him a student to rely on for little things. 
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    “I’m Haruhi Fujioka, sorry to bother you while your sorting papers, I just wanted to properly introduce myself and welcome you to the school.”
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Send 🍺+ a question and my muse will answer drunk!
Bonus: For every question received, my muse will also get increasingly drunk.
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It was never a surprise when an idea suddenly overtook Tamaki and he obsessively thought about it and meticulously planned each and every detail. For every person that ever knew the French male, this was a normal occurence. But this wasn’t just a compulsive idea! It was something that legitimately made him happy years ago, and with the way things were now, he figured it would be the best fit for now.
And this was one reason he called Haruhi.
Apart from generally wanting to see the girl, which was always something at the top of his mind even if he was trying to push those feelings on the back burner, he knew that she would be the best to share this grand plan of him. And lo and behold, he had the idea spread across his apartment on various sheets of paper with the inner-workings, the beginnings of a budget, location ideas, and even a name.
For once, Tamaki Suoh was not being entirely impulsive.
When there was a knock at his door, Tamaki wasted no time as he bounded towards his apartment’s entrance. He caught his reflection in the mirror beside the front door, a personal choice so he could check his appearance on his way out, and quickly adjusted his jacket so it hid his fated mark. There’s no need to worry Haruhi about this.
The smile that plastered itself onto his face was 100% real as he opened the door and took in the sight of his friend and her cute outfit. “Haruhi, hello!” he greeted, stepping back as he held the door open for her. “It’s fine, it’s fine. School is always more important.” Tamaki let the door close behind him as he stared at his apartment and the whirlwind of papers.
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Did it always look this bad? “I normally wouldn’t ask you to come over as soon as you could, but i felt like I couldn’t waste any time with this brilliant idea that I had!”
    The site of the papers everywhere was a huge surprise to her. She’d never seen Tamaki’s home be this messy, unless he had his head in a plan, and his words even confirmed it. She simply glanced up at the blond before making her way into the apartment and picking up a random sheet of paper.
    The sheet in her hand was filled with needed expenses, estimated costs, rent, items circled of what was a necessity and stars next to other items. A small smile spread on her face the more she looked at the sheet and instantly moved towards the next one. 
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    “Is this what I think it is?” She asked as she continued moving through the papers and reading them. Everything was pointing towards the starting of a Host Club, but not just a simple after school club like they had, but an actual business here in Wonderland. Past Haruhi would have been thrown off by the idea of planning to open a host club, but right now she found herself excited for it. Yeah, she had been kinda forced to be a host when she had first started at Ouran so she could pay back the vase she broke, but she had ended up enjoying it greatly and she knew just how much of a passion Tamaki had for it and she’d love nothing more than to help him with it.
    “Have you already contacted the land owners? Looked into any permits you might need?” She began asking questions as she sat on the couch and pulled more sheets towards her to read as she pulled a small notebook from her bag and a pen and began writing her own notes. Kyoya wasn’t here to help him with the money aspect of it all, and even though she knew Tamaki could do the calculations himself, she couldn’t help but double check things herself.
Hosting Returns
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Hosting Returns
    Haruhi knocked softly on the door to Tamaki’s apartment before taking a step back and waiting for him to answer. He had suddenly invited her over, claiming there was something important he needed to talk to her about, and of course she had agreed to meet him. She was honestly a bit worried on what the important topic was, but she knew it could honestly be anything when it involved him, but that was ok. 
    She waited patiently for him to open the door, taking a moment to fix her skirt and make sure the blouse she had worn wasn’t showing the mark that now adorned her collar bone. She couldn’t help but think that maybe she should have just worn a tshirt and jeans, but she had wanted to look nice in front of him, something that had started after she’d realized her feelings for him and she honestly hated how easily she gave into it despite not really caring about what she wore in public.
    Her thoughts were cut there when the blond finally opened the door and she smiled up at him with a small wave before she walked inside.
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    “Sorry I’m a little late senpai, I was finishing up a paper for class before I headed over.”
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(ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)
    Haruhi had jumped slightly when the older blond had suddenly wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair and brought her close to him. This wasn’t the first time he had randomly decided to snuggle her for something ‘cute’ she had done, so she was used to it, only taken slightly by surprise.
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    “Senpai, you’re messing up my hair!” She ‘protested’ as she laughed softly, a small blush dusting her cheeks from the action. That was the new part she needed to get used to now that she’d realized her feelings for the boy, but she’d find a way, she always did.
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send “ (ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c) “ to snuggle with my muse
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“ Geez! You’re cruel. ”
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                 Hikaru clicked his tongue ins faux annoyance at her words. What did she mean that she was grateful for him showing up uninvited? If anything, she should be grateful for his presence all the time! If he was in her place, he would very much be grateful without a doubt. But he understood her in a way. Haruhi must have been having a tough time without anyone to talk to. 
At the mention of his own brother, Hikaru’s expression turns grim as he slowly shakes his head. Kaoru was gone—they had been separated from each other and he spent the time he had in Wonderland just trying to find clues as to where his younger brother was. What if Kaoru was out there? Lost and afraid? He’s never seen the younger looking independent. At least, not that Hikaru was aware of. Where was Kaoru? Was he eating properly? Sleeping well? 
“ No. We got separated… ”
The ginger gave her a faint smile as they broke apart from their reunion hug. Looking around, he chuckles.
“ You still haven’t answered my question: the roses, Haruhi. How much? ”
He was unsure if repeating the question was going to keep Haruhi from thinking of her own worries. But, he would like to try. It was the least he could do as one of her best friends. Maybe when she’s truly ready to speak about such a thing, she would tell him after being asked. If there was one thing that Hikaru knew about Haruhi: it was that it’s best not to pry an open wound when it came to her. Strong as she may be, she was still a human being that held so much in.
     Haruhi couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, it had been just as she had expected and it was helping lift her spirits. She really had missed her best friends more than she had expected, she’d keep that to herself though, wouldn’t want him to milk that for all its worth and more. 
    Hearing that he had gotten separated from his twin hurt her greatly. The only time she had seen them apart was during their stupid fight, but that hadn’t even been a real separation since they were still so close to eachother due to living together and having the same class. She couldn’t even imagine how he must have been feeling right now, or imagine how worried Kaoru was currently. 
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    “Oh no....he must be so worried about you....Luckily he still has the others to help him through the separation, and I’m here to help you.” She tried to offer him a small reassuring smile. There was probably more to their story but she wouldn’t press him since he obviously didn’t want to talk about it or he wouldn’t have tried to change the subject so quickly.
    “You were actually serious about the roses?” She questioned, her head tilting in confusion. Did he even have enough to buy them all since he probably didn’t have the same amount of cash he was used to having before.
familiarity in spring | haruhi + hikaru
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Her laughter was like a sweet melodious symphony, and Tamaki felt his own worries melting away as the sound filled his ears. There it is, he thought, a smile slowly caressing his features. He would fight a thousand storms if it meant that he could keep Haruhi happy like this.
Wait… What was the probability of beating a storm into a fight? Would an iron rod help him win? Probably. Let’s do it later.
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“Nonsense, Haruhi. You’re absolutely stunning when you wear a dress and I-” The blonde psued as his brow furrowed together. “Well, you’re always pretty, no matter what you wear” Tamaki finished, clearing his throat. His heart quickened its pace and he closed his eyes as he tried to slow it. That’s odd. “Save your money, Haruhi, and get something that you would like. Don’t waste your money on something friviolous that you might never wear.”
    Haruhi felt her cheeks darken slightly at his words. She didn’t understand why she had gotten so flustered suddenly. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard such a compliment before, and it wasn’t the first time she’d heard something like that from him either, yet here she was, red faced with her heart fluttering suddenly. 
    It must have been due to her heightened emotions thanks to the storm. 
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    “Ah, thank you Tamaki-senpai, but you’d honestly make a very beautiful girl. You were the most stunning that time you all dressed up to try and get me to not transfer to Lobelia’s.” Her words were followed by soft laughter as she remembered that day in the club and how the twins and Honey chased her around asking to be called big sister.
    “I’m sure there’d be occasions where I’d need a dress like that anyways so it wouldn’t hurt too much to get one.” She continued after she had calmed down a bit from her giggles, combing back a strand of her hair. She had already almost forgotten about the storm as she spoke with the older male but a quick clap of thunder was there to remind her that it was still there and she nearly jumped into his arms again.
The Storm
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Thunder rumbled through the apartment, and Tamaki momentarily thought that a plane was flying precariously too close to the building as it shook. A muscle tensed in his neck as he raised his head, blue eyes gazing curiously towards the ceiling, almost as if he was expecting to see a skylight and the approaching jet. His heart thudded against his rib cage as his attention returned to Haruhi.
“Anytime, Haruhi.” God, he wished he had something to help deafen any of the storm’s abrupt noises. He knew if he searched, he could find something around the girl’s apartment. There was no time to waste by leaving the girl by her lonesome, and he didn’t dare let go of her. This hug, this simple hold, was the best he could do for her. So he tightened his grip and took a deep breath.
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Gasping at the girl’s comment, Tamaki pulled his head away as he stared down at the girl in front of him. “What? You? No evening gowns?” He feigned a distressed sigh. “How will I ever get my yearly crossdressing fix? You know how well I look in a dress,” he said, a laugh rumbling in his throat. “I suppose I’ll wear whatever other clothes you have then.”
    His instant feigned dismay made her laugh  earnestly, turning her head into his chest in an attempt to mute her laughter slightly. Tamaki’s silliness never failed to brighten her mood and make her laugh, forgetting her troubles completely for the moment. 
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     “How could I forget, you look far better than I ever do in them.” She replied with a bright smile as she glanced up at him. “I’ll have to save up and buy one just so you can borrow it when you need it.” She meant her words, knowing that there was going to come a day where she might end up needing one anyways, one never knew what was to come in Wonderland.
The Storm
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my muse has no recollection of who yours is, or what significance yours has to them. what would yours tell mine to try to make them remember?
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                  The sound of Haruhi’s muffled sobs broke Hikaru’s heart. She was in pain and she didn’t allow herself to express that and cry outwardly (that was one of the things that Hikaru shared with her). He didn’t know how to console his friend anymore than just hugging her tighter and letting her soak up his shirt. She must have been in so much pain. His heart: it hurt for her.
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Of all the host club members, Haruhi had proven herself to be the strongest in Hikaru’s eyes. No matter how much he told himself and everyone that he deserved that spot, Haruhi was the strongest. She held everyone together without any regard for herself sometimes and Hikaru respected and disliked that about her at the same time. Softly stroking her hair, he lets her cry it out—not caring where they were in this space and time. She deserved a comforting hand. Her time in Wonderland must have been rough without anyone else around, and it almost made him feel selfish for always thinking of only reuniting with Kaoru. 
“ You’re okay, I got you. ”
Hikaru proceeded to console his friend by whispering words of encouragement before chuckling.
“ I’m as real as I’m gonna get, Haruhi. So you better get used to me being here. ”
The young man slowly lets go of the brunette, softly looking at her in the eyes and gently wiping the impending tears that threatened to come out of her doe-like eyes. Even though his strengths weren’t centered around words, he always was adept at showing his feelings through his actions. He stays quiet just for her, hoping it was enough for her to know that he’d be there for her if she wanted to talk.
    Haruhi couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed that Hikaru had realized she had been crying, but knew there was nothing she could do about it. She simply held him tighter as he tried to console her and it brought a small smile to her face.
    She was so grateful he had shown up, even if it pained her to see him there without Kaoru. At least having one of them there would help her so much and that was already proving fruitful if just the sight of him had let her break the damn she had built and let her cry everything out silently. She was already feeling slightly relieved from the stress at least, she knew the ache she felt in her heart would take longer, but that was ok, she could deal with that slowly. 
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    “Thank you Hikaru. I think for once I’m grateful that you’ve shown up uninvited.” She smiled up at him as he beat her to wiping away at her tears as they pulled apart. “I’m guessing Kaoru isn’t with you since I don’t think you’d be traveling alone through Wonderland without him if he was here.” She spoke softly, worry laced in her voice at the thought of the twins being sepearted and how they might be feeling without their other half. Her hands had moved straighten out his shirt as she spoke, glaring slightly at the wet patch from her tears. 
familiarity in spring | haruhi + hikaru
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The light shined brightly through the window, slowly causing the brunette girl to stir awake. How long had it been since she had felt this good waking up? It was strange really, especially with everything that had happened as of late and despite having found the twins in wonderland as well, she was certain she would have woken up still feeling exhausted as the day before. But perhaps she shouldn’t question it and just take the gift as is, afterall she felt so energized, she felt as if she could do anything, even deal with whatever horrible antics would befall her.
With her mind set to take advantage of this wonderful feeling, she quickly got herself up and out of bed and towards her closet to search for the perfect outfit for the day to show just how strong she felt that day. There wasn’t much to choose from honestly however, her wardrobe still hadn’t changed much since she had first arrived in Wonderland, but that meant nothing as she quickly decided on a v neck navy blue shirt and a red skirt she had yet to wear.
After dressing herself, she went to take a quick look at herself in the mirror, wanting to make sure the combination outfit looked well. It was while she was fixing her hair in the mirror that she noticed something strange on her collar bone. Her shirt had nearly covered it, but not completely. Haruhi had assumed it was a stray hair or some thread coming off from her shirt, but when she moved to brush it off it hadn’t budged. Eyes slightly narrowed, she moved her shirt slightly down and gasped loudly at the mark that greeted her.
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This was a fating Mark. She didn’t know why she assumed so so easily since she’d never seen one before, but something in her gut was telling her that, but who it was? She didn’t know and honestly, she didn’t want to know right now. She didn’t want this right now, she just wanted to enjoy her time with her friends and get over her one sided love.
(Outfit: x)
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Haruhi: I've never had fancy tuna
Tamaki: This is so sad alexa play despacito
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