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Your Guts (I Hate ‘Em) - Submitted by: fastman27
#840D0D #E04724 #FCA84F #1EAE69 #2C738D #3A3897 #571347
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Mikan wants to be "forgiven"...but what does that really mean?
Hello. This is something that has been quietly on my mind for a while.
It's something shown in the game in chapter 3. Mikan really focuses in on "being forgiven".
And while not a mistranslation per se, I think it's inaccurate to what is happening in the game.
I've talked about this extensively - the fact ENG DR team has a very bad habit of translating things literally or very directly. This leads to either clunky dialogue, missed nuances, or just incorrect interpretations sometimes.
I think this in particular falls somewhere between 2 and 3. I'll explain why.
If translated literally, the English text works just fine, but as with a lot of literal translation, it misses the "feeling" of what was trying to be conveyed. If you want my translation...
Mikan: Won't someone just tell me what I did wrong!? Why won't anyone just let it be already!?
While Mikan doesn't say "What did I do wrong", there is a subtle emphasis on her talking about herself...I feel like it's a more natural way to word what is essentially "What is it that I did differently [to warrant this]?"
Anyways, to the main point...I hope you can kind of see what I'm getting at.
"Forgive" feels like...Mikan is seeking people to "pardon" her for perceived wrong-doings. And while not untrue I would say, the way Mikan specifically uses the word and the context it is in, to me, feels much more like she is using it like "allow" or "excuse".
Let me use another example to better explain myself.
The last line to me reads like Mikan needed this person to pardon her for being born; for existing. That her existence in and of itself was a mistake or wrong-doing that needed to be forgiven.
I think that's missing the point, though.
Mikan: They allowed me to exist.
See, the point is...Mikan is a very troubled person. She admits as much in the freetime events that wherever she goes, she is horribly bullied just for existing. That she hated being bullied, but even more she hates being forgotten.
She emphasizes her beloved (Junko) did not hate her, and in fact allowed her presence...
This line was heavily misread, I think. 許して受け入れて was read as two verbs in one sentence (which it is) but as "forgive and accept" which is incorrect to what it means. It's closer to "they tolerated me" (like, accepting and moving on). Which comes to how I would translate it, and my final point:
Mikan: They accepted me for who I am.
This is why I think the "forgive" thing is not only incorrect, but actually opposite of what this scene was going for. Junko did not "forgive" Mikan for the sin of existing. Rather, she was the only person who seemed to not mind that she existed, that didn't bully or ignore her.
She didn't "forgive" Mikan, she allowed her to be herself.
Another reason DR3 totally missed the mark, but I digress...
I guess while I'm on the topic, we all know that scene where Mikan has a little back-and-forth with Nagito...that, too, was misrepresented somewhat.
Putting the English here just for comparison sake. And while not the worst translation in the world, it certainly isn't how I would go about it.
Nagito: I don't...really get what you're trying to say... Mikan: Oh, you don't? (lit: you don't understand?) Mikan: Is that because you don't have any loved ones in your life? Mikan: Is it because there's no one who will love you?* Mikan: Oh, you poor thing...I feel very sorry for you.
*Literally speaking, she says "Is it because you are a person nobody allows" but considering the context thus far, it's easy to conclude she means that there's no one who will love/accept him for who he is.
*Adding "also" to the line is a mistranslation, I believe. も means also but it is also used for emphasis, which I think it is here. Not that it's impossible Mikan is using it to say "also", but in these lines of dialogue she is intentionally contrasting how she does have someone who loves her and that she can love, so to then identify a similarity between her and Nagito, I think, wouldn't make much sense...
Mikan is one of my favorite characters, so little details like this matter a lot to me.
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Hello, hi! I'd like to introduce you to my animated indie series that I've been working on called Dream Along With Me! Dream Along With Me will follow the lives and antics of a group of puppet friends, The Dreamalong Gang, as they navigate a patchwork dreamscape while being stalked by secrets and horrors of the past. An escapist dream may become their cotton-candied purgatory!
On their journey through the subconscious, you will be joining: Archie Aster, the Stellar Storyteller and his Living Shadow Early Early Oxenfree the Soothsaying Trickster Mae Flowers the Rainbow Goblin Lunette Lullabye the Playtime Devil Honeybell the Counting Sheep Darling Fiona the Wayward Siren Teddy O'Stara the Merrymaking Magician Mufflin Mallow the Big Rock Candy Monster Bertie Sherbet the Softserve Sweetheart Oddrey Shivers the Phantom Primadonna And your Friendly Midnight Television Host, Roy G. Biv! Walk on into that Good Night carefully friends, lest The Strangers of the Wonder Void hear you!
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List of the brushes i frequently use !
finally getting around to putting these all in a list ! all of these are from the clipstudio assets store- all of them were free at the time i got them but some may be different at a later date so just a fyi,
(listed by CSP ID then set/brush name)
1895031 - soft liner/ concept sketch
1955540 - Chisel tip
1869310 - Mugs pencil
1966990 - rough pencil
1861712 - brosh
1987012 - jude’s sketch set
1853846 - Flashito
1394805 - Hoarse feeling watercolor
1861032 - Mugz
1975412 - thick oil paint
1853994 - rake painter
1963920 - P_oil paint
1935013 - chunky painter
1838162 - soft square
1964561 - flat textured :D
1723089 - GM brush pen
1911478 - dual g pen
1800143 - Erase along edge
1824552 - Simple margin filled brush
2015107 - freckle brush
I dont use all of these always, so this is mainly just brushes i think are cool/ fun and have played around with in the past, (I also use the basic G-Pen and felt pen sometimes when drawing- mainly when doodling))
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hello dear clown!! what brushes do you use for lineart and shading? do you use filters over your art to make it look fuzzier/softer? Tell me everything!!
Oh! I can Tell you these! Here, I will put them under a curtain!
I presently use Clip Studio Paint! Typically for all of my artwork, I have been using this for my linework!
I have very shaky, unwell hands so I think the chalk hides it! (I am so strategic, ehehe)
For painting brushes, I experiment! I would offer for very little advice to explore things for yourself in your respective art program (or physical medium!) Everyone enjoys particular looks, I believe! My favorite painting brushes for applying color are these!
Additionally I use filters! My favorites is the Perlin Noise from the Render option (For the fuzzy finish you may see on my artwork!), different colored Overlays (To add some more color!), and Gaussian Blur from the Blur options (Sometimes for a desired glow effect!) A very fun idea is sometimes I will duplicate and merge all of my layers of my Piece, and Then Overlay them over the actual piece and Play around with the filters! (With Exclusion and Difference, you can achieve a VHS sort of feel, For example!)
It's a matter of finding what you hope to achieve With Your respective piece, I believe! Some moods require different tools! (Sometimes, I love the rough edges the gouache provides, but sometimes the paint and apply brush creates a smoother shadow!)
What matters is you are happy with your end result, No Matter what it Looks like! Because you Explored and Experimented for yourself! I hope I could help you!
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I'm so glad to see your dandy design.. I LOVE FAT MEN 🌹🌹🌹
Me too
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Happy New Year, From GAZA 🌨️ ❄️

Hello 👋, My name is Momen Al Madhoun / I am a digital artist / a devoted husband / a father of two children " Ezzdeen & Amir " I live in Gaza City in the heart of the Genocide, working tirelessly to amplify my voice to the world through my artwork. I walk long distances to access electricity and internet, creating under harsh conditions to ensure my voice reaches the Tumblr community through my art. I hope you support me to continue surviving and ensure the safety of my family. Thank you for your time. Stay safe 🙏
Gofundme Campaign Link
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[ID: a screenshot of a discord message from user @Taikeero-Lecoredier which reads: "@everyone
‼️URGENT: KOSA has been officially introduced in the House as of today.
We need to spread the word on social media and urge people to send emails to Congress through stopkosa.com.
• There will be a hearing on Wednesday (17th April) where KOSA, along with some other bad internet bills, like the Protecting Kids on Social Media Act could be pushed.
• We will be having a calling day on TUESDAY (16 th April) to make clear to Congress that there is still a ton of opposition to these bills.
• House Energy and Commerce is holding the hearing so they are the best offices to call this week ‼️
DONT FORGET: You can go to what-to-write-and-say and check pins to know what to say !!
• You can use http://badinternetbills.com/ to contact your congress people!
• And https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative to find all of the phone numbers of your House Representative, and faxzero.com to send up to 5 free faxes a day
here's another site where you can find your Reps if the one provided above gives you trouble.
here's a perma link to the Stop Internet Censorship Discord, where there are loads of resources and petitions to sign and actions you can take to keep the Internet censorship free.
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By Cry_StalWolf on Pinterest
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Tell that anon to stop hiding and show themselves since they want to be so bold <3!!!!
Beo that is not a good idea
Beo you and others would literally jump them
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Hey bestie you know who it is ♪ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Can i request a dogday x reader with the reader after saving dogday finding his legs and sewing them back up :3!! maybe even helping him walk since he's still so wobbly on em!
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic: unspecified
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 321
One Foot At a Time

Dogday had a lot of issues with walking, due to losing his legs and having just recently got them back thanks to you.
You saved him and showed him love and care that he hadn't experienced in years, and he was grateful for that. You took him into your tender hands and stitched him right back up, every stitch and seam filled with love and care. You really were his angel. But despite your work and efforts he… still struggled to walk. He was trying to, pressing his padded paws against the wall as he stumbled and shook. The reattachment felt awful as he walked, the feeling of bones grinding together was just disgusting but he endured it for your sake.
You noticed him nearly topple over face first, snorting softly before you approached him and carefully rested one of his arms over your shoulder and held his wrist with your right hand, your left on his side as you carefully guided him through each step. “Take it easy, alright? Look.” You murmured, taking one step, and then the next. Doing it slowly while also trying to guide Dogday’s feet to follow the same pattern. He stumbled and shook, feeling a bit more confident in each step he took. He went to take a larger step, but was greeted with the cruel reality of being unprepared and falling face first.
Luckily as you fell with him, he was able to quickly react and hold you close to his chest so the impact wouldn't be as harsh on you. He sighed and looked almost embarrassed.
Who was he kidding, he was embarrassed. He looked at you with sad eyes, guilty for making you fall. “Angel, I'm sorry.” He murmured, causing you to smile and gently wiggle out of his arms, getting up and lifting the canines form up with your own.
“It's alright, we’ll keep trying until you can get it properly.”

Thanks for requesting! And psssttttt.. did you know that this lovely human being is a staff member on our discord server too? Come join and talk to us! Click here to join!
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