Wildest Dreams.
57 posts
❝ — ;; Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress - staring at the sunset, babe. ❞
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"Not my kid," she started, laughing. "But, they sure are adorable."
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"Oh hey, I was just keeping them company. This is the cutest baby ever."
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"Could've been Zeus. Could've been anybody's kid. I'm sorry to hear that, though." 
Whoever has a kid and is running around the halls, thanks, they woke me up.. not so happy Jarrid today.
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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Moodboard #001 of many ;; 
Geovanna Martin
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"I don't know -- to think?" she mused, looking up at the stranger. "Or maybe to get high off the pool fumes." she joked with a slight smile, knowing that was probably impossible. 
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"Oh.. What are you doing here then?"
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"The pool's closed." she said, looking down at her hands, avoiding eye contact with the stranger. 
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"Her whole new album is pretty killer. I'm lovin' the new sound."
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Blank Space is totally my jam right now. Go T-Swizzle.
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"Counting ceiling tiles, actually, what's it to ya?"
What are you doing?
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
Geovanna got to her room finally but before she could reach for the door handle she heard the familiar voice behind her. She didn't turn around right away. She stood there, not saying a word, hoping he would get the idea and walk away. However, that moment never came and she was stuck with him for the time being. At this point she was furious with herself for coming here when she was told not to by a friend. She was told to lay low in Indiana. A place her drug dealer wouldn't think of looking for her. She punched the door, turned around and looked Jesse in the eye before speaking. "You and Zeus have to stay away from me, Jess." she said in the best straight-forward voice she could muster in the moment. She wasn't done, but she turned around and opened her door, walking in ;; leaving it open for him and she went to her refrigerator and got ice for her hand. She motioned for him to come in and sit on her bed as she did the same. "I -- didn't want to leave you. Or Zeus." she continued, looking down at her swollen hand.
"Fuckin twat man!!!" He screamed to himself while kicking the wall next to him. Angrily, he ran both hands through his hair and held it there looking up at the ceiling. What is so wrong with him and Zeus that she keeps leaving? Taking a few breaths he turned and looked down at his son, "I'm sorry bud, I didn't mean to yell like that." Turning around he decided to ask Zelda if he can leave his son with her. Knocking on her door, he smiled and quietly let her know what was happening and she was more than happy to help. He ran to look for Geo to make up for lost time he was just standing around. Eventually he caught up to her. "Stop ya leavin' yea?" He was so frustrated. "I left Zeus with a friend, so sit down and tell me what is up?" he demanded not in bad way but in a way that showed her he was fed up with her walking away. She knew better than anybody if she was in trouble or needed help he was there for her always.
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
Geovanna realized in that moment that they will never be safe with her around. No matter where they were -- if her drug dealer or his men found them together, none of them would be safe and she wasn't about to take that chance. "I-I can't." she said, not referring to telling him, but referring to coming back in Zeus' life only to leave again when things got hard. She left go of Zeus and looked at Jesse with a 'sorry' expression on her face. "I-uh, I have to go." she said, turning and hurrying away.
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Jesse stood from his spot and watched them hug. No matter what happened in the past he knew that all that disappeared for them both. Zeus can do that to you. "Give me a chance ya? Ya neva know what I will believe. Ima change man since we last seen each other." he told her truthfully. "Ya wanna join us in gettin' some ice cream?"
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
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JD-Burton: How can ya say no t’that lil face. Luv my bud
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
She turned back around just in time to see her son walk up behind Jesse. Geovanna could sense the frustration in his voice as she tried placing a hand on his arm to calm him down. "You wouldn't believe me if I tried." she said looking down. When Jesse bent down to talk to their son, she almost walked away. But that never solved anything in the past ;; there must have been reasoning into them meeting like this. All she could do was nod as she held out her arms and Timothy, her son, rushed into them. She stood there, holding her son for the first time in years. There isn't a word she could use to describe her feeling in that moment. 
Jesse continued to stare into her eyes. Yelling at her didn't make him feel better as he thought it would many times before. It only made him feel worse especially because all they could do was stare at each other and watching tears run down her face well that just topped of his lousy feeling. "G-- I--" he was quickly interrupted with the feeling of small hands tugging on his pants he bent down and leaned towards his son. "Ya bud?" his son whispered in his ear and Jesse sighed out loud. Looking up at Geo his lips curved slightly, "He wants to hug ya, and if ya want I'll let him." he told her.
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geofck-blog · 10 years ago
"I --" She stopped. The reason she left was the same reason that brought her here today. It was her fault her little sister found the stash she forgot about when she was living at home. It was her fault that her little sister thought it was candy and ate the entire bag. It was her fault that her little sister was in a coma for 32 days before finally dying of brain damage. It was also her fault that she stole from her drug dealer to pay for her sister's funeral and he was going to kill her son and Jesse if she didn't lure them away. But how the hell was she supposed to tell him that? She looked at him, a tear running down her face before she turned away. She couldn't bare to look him in the eye and admit that she had made the worst mistake of her life leaving -- but it was for their own good. She fucked the wrong people over and all she could say in that moment was, "I'm Sorry, Jess."
Jesse was calm but once she mentioned the little boy behind him well that just made old feelings muster back up. "Yes. That's him... But we ain't talkin' about him love. Right now it s'bout you and why ya left." He looked straight into her eyes, stepping closer to her and lowering his voice. "Zeus has no idea who ya are. Ya think I was gonna explain to a 6 year old why his Mum isn't here." He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. Looking back at his son, he smiled. "I looked every where for you, ya"
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