rorys-nook · 4 years
sweating because my fave prof (SHES SO COOL) is just???? giving me things??????? 
She’s hosting an online paleography course, and she knows I don't speak a word of german/latin/old English but that im still interested in paleography so she gave me the code to the class for free??? 
And next year she is teaching a 500 level (technically graduate??) class and she was just like.... I think u would like it i’ll give u special permission to take it 
and ALSO she showed me pics of her cats so are we bffs yet 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
lmaoooooooo I just had my 1st online lecture and everyone in the video chat started showing off their pets and my prof just let them she muted herself so we could share all our babies 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
so... for my Viking studies class I gotta write a 1500 word essay (which is fine! maybe a little too short I love to talk about stuff) 
do I write about 
a) whether or not we can see a viking political agenda in non-Scandinavian countries,
b) whether the term “the Viking age” is actually a useful term when studying the medieval period 
c) why and how Scandinavians converted to Christianity (like I do.... every damn time..... .I always write aabout the politics behind conversion LOL) 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
Tag game (just a little bit late!) 
tagged by @medieval-tales
how tall are you? 
1.71 m 
What colour and style is your hair?
My hair is light brown and just below my shoulders. Naturally wavy so I don’t really do much to it.... 
What colour are your eyes?
do you wear glasses? 
yes! My left eye has some astigmatism while my right eye is (almost) normal.
Do you wear braces? 
I did when I was 12/13
What’s your fashion sense? 
sometimes it’s like button up shirts and trench coats, some times it’s tight shirts and leather jackets, sometimes it’s sweaters and leggings. I either look like I haven’t slept or done laundry in a week, or like I spent 3 hours getting ready and NO inbetween.
Full Name?
First name is Aurora, not putting the rest :) 
Where were you born?
Where are you from and where do you live now? 
What school do you go to?
a uni in western canada 
What kind of student are you? 
passion driven. I really struggle with classes that are requirements but not interesting, but do well in classes that are hard but I’m passionate about 
Do you like school? 
yes!!! I’m actually considering applying for honours next year, my fave prof said she would be my supervisor if I did :))) 
Favourite subject? 
medieval history, paleography, numismatics 
Favourite tv shows 
uhhhh I’m really bad for watching TV unless I’m doing it with someone else, but my bf and I just finished the Witcher which was really good, and I’ve enjoyed Norsemen, The Last Kingdom, Final Space 
Favourite movies?
idk I saw the new little women recently and that was good. Not a big movie person though.... 
Favourite book?
ooooooooh boy this tends to just be the most recent book I read lol but I’ve been obsessed with the A court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J Maas, would also recommend The Viking World 
Favourite past time 
does travel count? Because I love doing that. Also reading, working out, and recently my boyfriend has been teaching me social dance (salsa and bachatta) and that has been fun! 
Do you have regrets? 
A few, but nothing too major... .
What’s your dream job? 
right now I really want to work at the Roskilde museum. 
Would you like to be married? 
Yes !!!!!! some day. I’m not even 20 yet but my bf and I have talked about it on and off. So hopefully some day. 
Do you want kids? 
Not really. If I do have any I will probably adopt. 
How many? 
max 2. 
Do you like shopping? 
Not by myself, and then it depends who I go with. Usually though I only go shopping if I already know what I’m going to get. I don’t really like browsing .
What countries have you visited? 
USA, Mexico, England, Italy, and I’m going to Greece in May, and Ecuador and Peru in December. 
Scariest nightmare? 
I don’t know I don’t remember most of my dreams 
Not many. 
Self doubt? 
Yes I just got promoted to manager and my fave prof is encouraging me to do honours and the imposter syndrome is real 
Any significant other? 
yes!!!!!! My bf and I have been together for 3 years. We started dating in HS and he graduated a year before me, and I thought we wouldn’t last because I still had a year of HS to go but I’m happy we are together I love him so much 
Do you believe in miracles? 
No. I think that all things happen for a reason and you can always go back and see the cause and effect.
How are you? 
very tired and ready for reading week LOL 
I tag @medlit-study @coffeeandpies @rainymoonz 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
Life is about eating warm bread and biking to the library and making friends with bugs you find in the yard!
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rorys-nook · 5 years
Hi Timothy
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rorys-nook · 5 years
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Castle Neuschwanstein Bavaria Germany
© M. Fikentscher
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rorys-nook · 5 years
please listen to this kitten I met today
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rorys-nook · 5 years
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i love autumn
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rorys-nook · 5 years
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Remains of a Longsword recently retrieved from the Vrbas river in Bosnia Hersegovenia,
OaL: likely 47.2-51.2 in/120-130 cm
possibly made in Passau, Germany, ca. late 13th-early 15th century, to be housed at the Museum of the Republic of Serbia.
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rorys-nook · 5 years
snug like a bug in a rug
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rorys-nook · 5 years
I may be an absolute disaster of an adult but when someone younger than me asks for advice I turn into a Wise Professor
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rorys-nook · 5 years
When you realize how little time is left until your next writing deadline
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98 notes · View notes
rorys-nook · 5 years
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122K notes · View notes
rorys-nook · 5 years
are u ever punched in the gut by AGGRESSIVE wanderlust or...… 
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rorys-nook · 5 years
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Castle Neuschwanstein
© g.groebert
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rorys-nook · 5 years
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‪In hiking and life we control neither the landscape nor the weather, but both walking up hills and appreciating the world’s surprises get easier with practice.‬
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