Root Beer Reviews
91 posts
Tasting an American tradition one bottle at a time! Posting reviews, facts, and Root Beer fun!  
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Rocky Mountain Root Beer - Crafted in Colorado. 
It's been awhile, my real life job and family had taken over and my focus on trying new Root Beers slipped. But I walked down stairs this evening and realized I stopped doing something I loved. Lets fix that! ;) 
Kicking things back off, I am finally taking the time to take in the Rocky Mountain Soda Co. Beverage sent from an online friend on Twitter. At the cap removal a nice traditional Root Beer, candy smell comes from the bottle. The pour yields a nice head that, unfortunately, fizzles away quickly. The first taste brings in some natural flavors with a bite. I also get the taste only raw sugar cane can provide. But the after taste left my mouth dry, and the bite didn't leave me much to desire. 
Not sure if it was the licorice or maybe wintergreen, but this batch feels off from what I have heard from many recommendations. Rating: 6.9 #RootBeer
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Root Beer Reviews: Best of 2014!
Yes slightly late, but I felt I needed to finish reviewing all the Root Beers I had purchased in 2014 to truly cover all of 2014. So here is my list in a RootBeerish order:
- Lost Trail Root Beer Co. - 9.0 -  - Cool Mountain Root Beer - 9.0 -   - Sprecher Fire Brewed Root Beer - 8.9 -   - Ozark Mountain Root Beer - 8.9 -  - Fireman's Brew Root Beer - 9.0 -  - Frostie Root Beer - 9.5 -  - Baumeister Root Beer - 9.0 - 
Overall, it looks like I lean into the more creamy sweet style Root Beers. It's really hard not to be biased to a certain flavor but I try.
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Appalachian Root Beer - Crafted in Pennsylvania.
This Root Beer arrived thanks to a follower of our channels. He reached out to see if I had his favorite local brew, and the rest is now in my mug and hands. Thank You!!! MilliniumOS.
Now, Appalachian Root Beer crafted by ABC brew doesn't have a story that I can find. But I do know it's a small batch brew that is handcrafted. More than enough info for me to try this one out.
Upon the cap removal a sweet smell with an amazing spice undertone. It has a great Root Beer smell, like one of those Root Beer barrel candies. The pour left a lot to be desired, but the head did last for a short time. The taste has a crisp bite with a sweet mix of flavors. Honey, wintergreen and licorice come to the forefront and provide a great mix in this traditional blend. My only critique is the dry after taste. I guess I have to keep drinking it ;).
I would classify this Root Beer to be more of a honey brew if anything, but it isn't an overwhelming flavor. It's honestly a great traditional Root Beer. Rating 8.0
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Two awesome presents on one day! Thank you to The Poolshark for this gem! Review incoming... #AwesomeFollowers
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Thank you MillenniumOS for this special delivery x6! These bottles are now chilling for future review. #AwesomeFollowers
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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This is what happens when you have Root Beer on your mind while going shopping.
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Druthers Black Cow Vanilla Creme Root Beer - Crafted in Illinois. Well, it isn't a pure black cow on the label, but it is your run of the mill black and white dairy cow. But, being a bit honest... I am glad any milk product isn't listed as an ingredient within. At the cap removal, you're greeted with a very sweet smell of vanilla and a hint of a Root Beer undertone. This has all the makings of a great vanilla based drink already. At the pour, the drink is holding back on any lasting head. The taste is well... Vanilla Creme with a lot of sweet flavorings. It isn't overkill on the vanilla, but you know it is there at first drink to after taste. Overall Black Cow Vanilla Creme Root Beer is good, I will drink it again and even buy it for friends. I think I even like it more than your standard Vanilla Cream sodas. If you need to dish out a recommendation, this is a good one. Rating: 8.4
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Saranac Root Beer - Crafted in New York.
Now Saranac is most likely a brand you have heard of or had. The brewing company was established in 1888, and this specific Root Beer has been around roughly 30 years. Now their bottle speaks to a nice creamy Root Beer flavor that is right up my alley.
The decapping reveals a flavor of wonders; I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is. A nice traditional smell packed with spices and flavors galore. The pour lead to a nice head that remained for awhile. Now to the flavor. Upfront it has a nice creamy flavor with a mild bite. The flavors mixed within are a perfect mix. Even with bypassing the traditional raw sugar, I feel this drink could be a bit sweeter to match the creaminess. Maybe it needs some ice cream?
Overall Saranac has a great drink here. I am not sure I would drink more than one while hanging out; it is one you will want to try or snag when you have a craving for some Root Beer. Rating 8.2
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Waialua Soda Works Root Beer - Crafted in Hawaii. Maybe I am too traditional in my thinking, but I never thought I would have a Root Beer from Hawaii. Root Beer to me has been something from the Eastern side of North America. Now this is where I slap myself and am reminded that Root Beer is global. Popping the cap revealed a sweet smell with a hint of what seems to be vanilla. The pour gave me a super low head; that fizzled away quickly. The taste was sweet with a mix of flavors with vanilla aftertaste, but note; those flavors are hard to pick apart due to how much this drink appears to be watered down. That vanilla flavor is what stands out but is gone faster than it appeared. Overall this drink needs about double the flavor. It has hints of something good but didn’t deliver in the end. Rating: 6.8
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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How many Root Beers have you tried? A few of our bottles shown here.
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Dang Root Beer - Crafted in Wisconsin. Now this is my second installment of Dang, only this time I am having their traditional Root Beer over their Butterscotch offering. Let's jump on in. The cap removal reveals a nice sweet smell. The pour reveals a low-level head that disappears quickly. The taste has a nice traditional Root Beer undertone but is overrun with carbonation. I sense some nice spices, but they disappear within the sugar and what I think could be a hint of vanilla. Overall Dang Root Beer is better than their Butterscotch offering but isn't able to go toe to toe with a lot of other brands. Rating: 7.2
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Squamscot Old Fashioned Root Beer - Crafted in New Hampshire. The only thing this bottle has going for it is the old school CBW logo found on the cap and the lower left side of the bottle. Let's see if the taste can provide something better to talk about. With the cap removed a semi-sweet smell is found. The pour offers a low head that fizzed away faster than it formed. The taste reveals a very watered down flavor that has me hunting for some flavor... anything would be good. I can't seem to pinpoint the target flavor here outside of a dry after taste. Overall Squamscot offers a beverage missing all hints of Root Beer. I am not even sure this can be called a Root Beer. Rating: 5.0
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Empire Root Beer - Crafted in Rhode Island. Over the years, Empire has changed bottles and has become easier to find and after a week in Stockholm I am ready for a good Root Beer. After removing the cap, you're greeted with a sweet wintergreen smell. At the pour a nice head forms and holds for a short while. The taste follows through with a strong wintergreen flavor with a licorice undertone and remains sweet. Overall Empire offers a solid wintergreen based Root Beer. If you like Dad's, you will love Empire. Rating: 7.8
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: O-So Butterscotch Root Beer - Crafted in Washington. I snagged this long time favorite in hopes that it could be the butterscotch Root Beer that could change my mind on these types of Root Beers. Let's see what O-So has to offer. The decapping revealed a solid butterscotch smell across the board. The head was low through the pour and quickly disappeared. The taste was all butter with a punch of scotch. I honestly feel they forgot to put the flavors of Root Beer... the strong butterscotch and a hint of vanilla is all I get here, translation: Sweet... sweet... sweet... drink. Overall O-So created a great butterscotch drink; it's the best one I have had to date. If you like butterscotch, this is for you. Rating: 8.1 #RootBeer #OSoButterscotchRootBeer
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Stone Cellar Root Beer - Crafted in Wisconsin.
I hadn't heard of this Brewery until this one arrived in the mail magically. Let's see what this Root Beer has to offer. Also, whoever sent this beauty, include your name and info so I can thank you properly next time ;).
Removing the cap revealed a fruity sweet smell. The pour revealed a beyond light body coloring (which I was not expecting) with a nice head, which quickly vanished. The taste was very sweet and seems to have a fruity undertone. I taste a hint of ginger and sasparilla... I think. 
Overall this feels like an experiment that required a lot of sugar to make drinkable. While the final product isn't terrible, I have a hard time thinking of this drink as a Root Beer. Rating: 6.8 #RootBeer #StoneCellarRootBeer
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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Review: Cool Mountain Root Beer - Crafted in Illinois. A snowy mountain pass with reflective foil let me know this was a drink to have in a deeply chilled mug. Besides, this bottle claims to be a fountain classic. The cap removal revealed a sweet smell. The pour provided a fairly perfect head at first but was a limited time ordeal. The taste matched it's aromas and was sweet with a nice traditional flavor. Overall more sweet than spice, and it will be one I purchase again and again. Rating: 9.1 #RootBeer #CoolMountainRootBeer
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rootbeerrev · 10 years ago
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A new kind of Root Beer float. What Root Beers treats are your favorite?
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