roomatewells · 7 months
Hey, just asking this cause I’m curious, and you can just ignore it and delete it if you need to
But I was wondering what’s gonna happen to the Wallace rp blog?
Any plans on reviving it and getting in on all the shenanigans that have happened in the last 2 months or are you just done with it completely?
Thanks for reading btw :3
hi!! thank you for asking :) ive got a handful of other asks to answer but i figured I'd go ahead and respond to this one because I've got a pretty big following on that account and you guys deserve an explanation.
in all honesty, ive gotten pretty overwhelmed with it over the past two months and the pressure to respond to all the asks kinda got to me. i decided it was for the better if i just let it go—i had a lot of fun with that blog though, all you guys were super nice and ive never had that kind of community before :) besides, my fixation on scott pilgrim has somewhat faded out. i may revive it for a post or two here and there for a holiday but for now it's on an undetermined hiatus.
thank you for asking!!! i love you guys!!
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roomatewells · 9 months
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2024 art summary!
this year was full of it's own ups and downs, and i think im confident enough to say that i think i improved a whole lot when it comes to expressions and traditional art. i experimented a lot this year and i have a really good feeling about the following one—happy new years and merry christmas to those who celebrate!
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roomatewells · 9 months
I bet that you like that he stares at you with dem big ole eyes
Who? Scott? Yeah, he has a tendency to space out and stare at everyone with wide eyes.
...You know, he reminds me of a lost puppy, sometimes, with the way he just looks at people.
It's cute.
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roomatewells · 9 months
you stole my boyfriend TWICE. why do you keep doing this
-envy <3
That's what I do. You haven't noticed by now?
Trust me, the whole 'stealing your boyfriend' thing is the only thing that isn't a personal jab towards you. I steal every girl's guy.
Though... I think I screwed Todd more than twice. Thanks for the ask, though. :)
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roomatewells · 9 months
you and mobile should get married, it would be a fun time.
I hope we will, someday. I've been pondering the idea ever since we met. Cheesy, I know, but honestly... who doesn't like to imagine a perfect wedding with their partner?
Hey, @mobilenotgideon, what do you think of the idea of us getting married someday?
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roomatewells · 9 months
whats your favourite hobby Wallace
Favorite? Well... that's hard.
I like reading, but I also like watching TV. I also like skimming articles online and being on this website.... but if I had to pick a favorite, it'd have to be reading.
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roomatewells · 9 months
Does Scott ever wash his sweatbands?
I certainly hope he does, with as much sweat and body odor that builds up in them. I assume he does, considering I saw the pair in the dryer a few weeks ago.
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roomatewells · 9 months
happy holidays! i've left something for you
[theres now a plate of decorated cookies, with a bottle of wine next to it behind your computer.]
Oh, really?
(Wallace stands up and peers behind his computer, revealing what is seen to be a tray of cookies along with a full bottle of wine. He grins.)
Well... thank you. I'll make sure to share with Scott and Mobile. Aside from this—happy holidays to you, too.
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roomatewells · 9 months
oh, hey wallace. didn't know you were on here
Are you kidding? I didn't know you were on here! How's everything going at home, baby? I've missed you. Believe it or not, I've made myself quite the platform on this website. I've got, like, 160 followers. Crazy, huh?
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roomatewells · 9 months
Don't worry about it, baby. These people on this website really want me and Scott to get wed for some reason and I've made it a point to tell them we aren't.
But, uh.... I didn't know you had an account here. How you doing, lovely?
is it bad if sparkles is helping our your soon-to-be husband?
Well, 'helping' is really vague. If it has to do with the marriage stuff, then... uh... so be it. I don't think it's bad, nah.
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roomatewells · 9 months
Sweet. Okay. Casa Madera, 7 PM tonight. How's that?
Hey, guy. Assuming you aren't, uh... playing with Stephen and them tommorow, maybe we could go out and have dinner together. It's been a while since we've actually... you know. Spent actual quality time with eachother. Just the two of us.
—Your frivolous roommate
i dont have any active plans, so yeah, sure! that sounds nice :)
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roomatewells · 9 months
is it bad if sparkles is helping our your soon-to-be husband?
Well, 'helping' is really vague. If it has to do with the marriage stuff, then... uh... so be it. I don't think it's bad, nah.
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roomatewells · 9 months
You can’t stop us Wally boy >:3
W... ugh, oh god, not Wally...
(Wallace has unfavorable memories from college that have to do with the nickname 'Wally.' He is cringing irreparably.)
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roomatewells · 9 months
hows mobile taking the whole marriage situation?
Well, me and Scott aren't getting married, so there isn't much I need to tell Mobile about, is there?
You can make me do a lot of things, but you can't make me get married.
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roomatewells · 9 months
Hey, what did I do? Don't take it personally! You look cute!
Hey, come baaaack.
You're no fun.
(i pin Scott to the ground)
we need to put the dress on you 😡
okay thats it im calling 911 because you are IN MY HOME and TRYING TO MAKE ME WEAR A DRESS and this is NOT FUN
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roomatewells · 9 months
so, i have to ask: does Scott being... himself ever get in the way of you and Mobile spending time together? i'm certain that Scott's idiocy causes a lot of problems that you have to fix
This may come as a surprise, but Scott actually doesn't cause too many problems when I'm around Mobile. I think it's 'cause he knows I'm serious when it comes to him. Sure, I like to make my way from guy to guy, but Scott is one-hundred percent aware that Mobile is my real boyfriend, and therefore refuses to be a nuisance around him. I have to appreciate that, I guess.
With the other men, though? That's a whole different conversation...
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roomatewells · 9 months
Oh, this is absolute gold....
hold on, just stay—stay right there, I gotta–
(Wallace definitely took a picture or two. And may or may not be planning on sending them to Stacey.)
...arent you just adorable.
(i pin Scott to the ground)
we need to put the dress on you 😡
okay thats it im calling 911 because you are IN MY HOME and TRYING TO MAKE ME WEAR A DRESS and this is NOT FUN
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