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Sudah lebih setahun Ain menjadi kekasihku. tetapi kami tidak pernah melakukan sebarang perbuatan terkutuk. Kami hanya pernah berpimpin tangan sewaktu bersiar-siar. tidak lebih dari itu.
Cinta kami terlalu suci hinggakan kami menjaga tertib dan batas-batas pergaulan berpegangkan ajaran agama.
Aku sama sekali tidak menyangka pada hari tu merupakan bermulanya detik hitam dalam sejarah percintaan kami.
Aku dan Ain yang kedua-duanya tidak pernah meninggalkan sembahyang lima waktu pun boleh melakukan perkara terkutuk tersebut apatah lagi korang.
Bermulalah al-kisahnya……
Lebih kurang pukul 5 petang aku terdengar bunyi ketukkan di pintu bilik rumah sewaku. Aku tahu Ain yang datang , hanya Ain sahaja yang ada kunci bilik rumah sewaku. Aku pun bangun daripada tidur dan terus membuka pintu bilikku.
“Lama dah sampai” aku tanya.
“Baru je ” jawab Ain.
Aku lihat wajah Ain jelas menunjukkan keresahan hati tetapi aku biarkan
“Duduklah dulu” kataku.
Aku pun pergi ke bilik mandi dan mandi kejap. Selesai je aku mandi aku tengok Ain duduk di birai katilku sedang membelek helai demi helai muka surat novel B.A hasil karya Mishar. Aku yang hanya berseluar pendek tanpa baju lalu berbaring di atas katil.
“Dah sembahyang” tanyaku.
“Dah”jawab Ain
“Abang?” tanya Ain
“Dah” jawab ku pula.
“Petang ni nak gi mana” aku tanya sebab hampir setiap petang kami akan keluar bersiar-siar. kalau tak pun kami akan lepak je dalam bilik sewaku.
“Kita duduk je sini” pinta Ain
Lalu aku bangun dan keluar dari bilik untuk membuat air. Bila aku masuk bilik balik…aku lihat Ain sudah terbaring di atas katilku sambil menonton vcd “Night of The Living Death” aku pun mempelawa Ain minum air sirap yang aku buat. Aku biarkan saja Ain menonton sambil aku meneguk air sirapku.
Dengan sedikit kebosanan aku pun baring disebelahnya….terus terang aku katakan kami sudah biasa dalam keadaan ini tanpa ada nafsu.
” Abang..." tiba-tiba Ain bersuara.
“Abang cintakan Ain tak?”
Aku jadi pelik…tak pernah pun Ain menyoal bagaimana perasaan cintaku terhadapnya.
Berat untuk aku menjawab soalan Ain tu kerana bagiku dah cukup untuk aku buktikan dengan tingkah laku bukannya dengan kata-kata romantis dan janji-janji manis. Tiba-tiba Ain menangis dan memeluk aku dengan erat.
Inilah pelukan pertama yang aku terima dalam jangka masa lebih dari setahun aku bercinta dengannya.
“Siapa perempuan yang tumpang motosikal abang semalam” tanya Ain dalam tangisan.
Baru aku teringat sewaktu balik dari kerja Hamidah rakan sekerjaku minta tolong hantarkan ke rumah kerana keretanya rosak. Baru aku faham rupa-rupanya kes cemburu.
“Rakan sekerja abang la… Hamidah namanya minta tolong hantarkan kerana keretanya rosak jelasku”jelasku.
“Bohong! Apa buktinya!!?" Gertak Ain
"Abang tak sayangkan Ain!! " bentak Ain pada aku.
"sedangkan kemesraan kita tidak seperti Ain harapkan…. malah Ain tengok abang lebih mesra dengan perempuan itu” sambung Ain dalam esakkanya.
“Sungguh, abang tidak pernah menduakan Ain…Abang sayangkan Ain….sebab itu abang tidak pernah sesekali untuk menyentuh Ain …..abang ada batas tertentu….perempuan tu cuma rakan sekerja abang …tak lebih dari itu…..hanya Ain saja yang layak jadi isteri bang, isteri abang yang sah,seorang isteri yang akan menjaga makan minum abang, isteri yang menjadi sumber inspirasi abang dan mendidik anak-anak abang….hanya Ain seorang yang layak.” tegasku panjang berjela.
Lalu Ain memandang mukaku. Tak ku sangka kata-kataku membuat Ain terharu. Ketika itu air mata sudah bergenag di kelopak mataku. Tertanam dalam sudut dihati aku sangat ikhlas cintakan Ain kekasih ku ini.
Air mata Ain pula sudah reda. Ain sekali lagi menjadikan dada ku untuk melepaskan rasa kesal terhadap tuduhan cintaku kepadanya.
Ku usap lembut dan ku cium umbun2 kepalanya. Aku biarkan Ain melayan sedih dan fikirannya seketika. Tanpa ku sedari bibir Ain yang lembut, yang tak pernah disentuh oleh mana-mana lelaki hinggap di bibirku.
Aku membalas walaupun kami tidak pernah melakukannya. Kemudian aku melepaskan bibirnya. Mata Ain tepat memandangku. sekali lagi Ain melepaskan kucupan azimatnya ke bibirku.
Semakin lama darahku menyingkap ke seluruh badan. Terasa bahang kepanasannya benar-benar membuat darah ku mendidih. Lantas aku memeluk Ain. Dapat ku rasakan pelukkan Ain terhadapku semakin erat. seperti aku tak mahu dilepaskan olehnya. Kami berguling-guling di atas katil. Ternyata kami semakin lemas , kami semakin hilang kawalan diri. Dorongan nafsu kami yang hanya bermula dengan ciuman mulut kini semakin membuak buak.
Walaupun aku tak tahu bagaimana perasaan Ain terhadapku ketika itu tetapi jelas yang Ain juga telah hilang kawalan di dalam nafsu yang Ain mula kan..
Tangan ku mula menjalar dengan lembut, nafsu ku semakin menjadi-jadi. Kini tangan ku telah berada di sebalik coli kecilnya itu. Ramasan yang kuat menyebabkan badan Ain terangkat sedikit. Aku tak pasti sama ada Ain kesakitan atau kenikmatan yang diterima olehnya. Aku semakin bernafsu , butang baju kurung Ain aku tanggalkan. Terdedah sedikit luas leher Ain. Terus leher Ain ku sedut , ku cium , ku buat tanda cinta sepuas-puasnya.
Dapat ku rasakan belakang badanku terasa pedih oleh cakaran kuku Ain yang kian bernafsu. Aku mula membuka baju kurung Ain. Ain memberi kerjasama sambil matanya tepat memandang aku. Kini tinggal hanya coli dan kain Ain sahaja yang menutup tubuhnya.
Aku terus jilat leher Ain sesejali aku gigit , terus pula ke pangkal dadanya membuatkan Ain menarik-narik rambutku. Perbuatannya membuatkan aku semakin ghairah. dengan sekali percubaan saja coli Ain terus tercabut. kesuburan buah dadanya 36A tak dapat di pertikaikan lagi kecantikkan dan ranum nya buah si dara kekasihku ini. Aku meramas di buah dada kanan dan lidah ku sibuk menjilat puting di dada kiri. sudah cukup membuatkan Ain mendesah kesedapan.
“Ah! Abanggg...” jeritnya halus antara dengar dengan tidak.
Kini aku mula dapat mengawal rentak permainan. Jejariku mula bergerak lembut jilat demi jilatan aku berikan dikedua belah puting buah dadanya. jelas kelihatan putingnya yang merah jambu sudah lama membesar tanpa ada yang memetik. Aku yang sememangnya tidak punya apa-apa pengalaman, cuba memberikan yang terbaik untuk Ain.
Aku mula menggerakkan bibirku kearah pusat Ain, jilatan di lubang pusat Ain ternyata membuatkan Ain terasa geli. Badan melentok liuk mengikut rentak lidah aku. punggungnya tergerak turun naik menahan kegelian bercampur kesedapan. Sambil bermain di perot dan pusat , aku buka kancing dan zip kain Ain. Ain mengangkat punggungnya memberi kerjasama. Tersergam indah di mata sekujur badan dara hanya berseluar dalam di depan mata aku. Paha yang putih mulus , sebuah pemandangan yang indah pernah aku saksikan. Aku tersenyum gembira. Ain juga tersenyum dengan nafsu yg membuak.
Aku kembali ke bibir Ain. Cuba mencari rentak si dara dan teruna untuk berlayar. Sambil bermain lidah di bibir Ain , tangan kanan ku pula mula cuba untuk menyusup perlahan memasuki kawasan larangan Ain. bibirku bermain-main di lidah Ain sesekali di leher Ain. tangan kiriku sudah merangkul leher Ain.
Ain sudah dalam keadaan yang tak sedarkan diri lemas di dalam nafsu geloranya. lalu aku pun masukkan tangan kanan ke dlm pantie Ain. Ain seolah paham, terus membuka kangkangan kaki nya. Lalu aku sentuh biji nikmat Ain..
"AAHHH....ABANGGGGG...Abanggggggg..ahhh." keras desahan Ain di akhiri tersekat².
Ain klimaks utk kali pertama dalam hidup nya selepas aku mencuit biji nikmatnya yang keras tadi. Aku menekup cipap Ain , terasa basah sangat. Air Ain sangat banyak. Aku mengeluarkan tanganku dari pantie Ain dan menjilat tapak tangan aku yg penuh air nikmat Ain.
Darahku semakin membakar perasaan bila mataku tertumpu di celah kelangkang Ain. Aku buka pantie Ain, dia angkat kedua kaki naik memudahkan aku menanggalkan pantie dia. Pertama kali aku melihat cipap perempuan real fresh dara. Ain seperti baru lepas shave. Licin putih bersih sedikit tembam. Ain menutup mukanya dengan kedua tangan. Mungkin Ain sendiri malu pertama kali bertelanjang bogel di depan lelaki iaitu kekasih nya sendiri. Aku pula melihat macam dah sebulan tak jumpa nasi.
Aku memulakan langkah pertama dengan menghisap puting Ain. Lidah aku bermain di tetek Ain di puting Ain. Perlahan lahan aku turun ke badan ke pusat . Lidah aku mula menjilat paha kiri Ain hingga ke jari kaki Ain. Lidah naik semula ke paha lalu berlalu lidah aku ke atas tundun Ain beralih menjilat paha kanan hingga ke jari kaki. Sedang aku bermain lidah aku di setiap inci kaki Ain aku terbau air yang tak tahu nak cakap macam mana. Tp sekarang dah tahu..bau air cipap. Lidah aku menyelusuri paha Ain sehingga turun ke celah kelangkang Ain.
"uummhhh!! Abanggg.....” Ain merintih sambil tangannya menguis-nguis cadar tilam ku. Aku tengok di celahan cipap Ain ade air kilat² berlendir. Aku biarkan dulu. Apabila lidah ku mula menyentuh cipap Ain, Ain terus Klimaks buat kedua kalinya. Erangan Ain bertambah keras dengan nafsu yang sudah tidak dapat dibendung lagi.
tangan aku mula menguak kedua kaki Ain. Aku melihat kawasan larangan Ain sehingga ternampak batu permata Ain tersembul dari tempat persembunyiannya. Aku kuis mengunakan lidah aku. Terangkat sedikit bontot Ain. Aroma cipap dara Ain membuatkan nafsu aku membuak buak. Lantas lidah aku menjilat biji pertama Ain. Aki sedut dan jilat sepuas-puasnya sambil menarik-narik dengan bibirku. Ain yang kembali bernafsu melayan lidah aku di cipap nya terus klimaks untuk kali ke3. Fuhh...betol betol kegersangan Ain. Lidah aku meneruskan tugas untuk menguli biji permata Ain, tangan aku pula meramas tetek Ain. Sesekali aku menyelak kelopak cipap dara ini dan lidah aku pula menjolok-jolok ke dalam lobang dara Ain. Ain menjerit manja semahu-mahunya,hilang sudah perasaan malu dalam diri Ain yang tadi tersipu sipu.Aku meneruskan sebegitu sehingga Ain klimaks untuk kali ke4. Mulut dan muka aku penuh air nikmat Ain. Nafas Ain mula mengendur selepas 4 kali klimaks dgn permainan lidah aku.
Aku bangun membuka seluar aku. Mata Ain masih terpejam dlm keadaan terkangkang. Aku mula mengatur posisi seterusnya. Aku naik ke atas Ain. Ain memeluk erat aku. Mulut kami bertaut kembali. Sambil membelai rambut Ain kami berciuman. Batang aku sudah aku posisi kan dialur cipap Ain. Aku nekad utuk melakukannya. YA sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya ku lakukan. Perkara yg sepatutnya kami lakukan setelah bernikah akhirnya terjadi juga dek kerana mengutuhkan kepercayaan percintaan kami.
"Abang.. Ain sayang abang" lembut suara Ain ditelinga aku.
"Ye sayang, Abang pon sayangakan Ain, Ain seorang je yang abg cinta" balas ku ikhlas kpd Ain.
Sedang kami meluah rasa cina,perlahan-lahan ku dekatkan batang aku ke lobang cipap Ain. Sedikit demi sedikit aku masukkan sambil mulut kami masih bermain lidah. Ain kembali bernafsu sehinga cipapnya kembali basah. Aku cuba mengeselkan batang aku di cipap Ain. Ain sudah tidak mampu menahan nafsu nya saat batang aku menekan nekan biji permata Ain kerana dia sendiri sudah bersedia untuk melakukannya.
Tiba-tiba Nia menjerit sakit. "AHH..ABANGG!!" aku terkejut. Batang aku tergelincir masuk ke lobang cipap Ain yg sangat basah tu. Aku berhenti seketika. aku melihat tajam mata Ain dan memasukkan batang aku dengan seberapa perlahan yang boleh. Ain menjerit perlahan "ahhhhhh abanggggg.." tetapi ku tidak menarik batang aku untuk berundur. mata Ain terbuka melihat aku. Aku cuba masukkan anjakkan lagi dan berhenti. dapat ku rasakan Ain cuba menyesuaikan diri untuk menerima batang aku dengan menggelekkan punggung nya. akhirnya Ain seperti sudah dan rentak. Lalu Ain sendiri yang menganjakkan pinggangnya keatas dan aku membantunya dengan menekan batang aku ke dalam lobang cipap Ain sehingga melepasi sempadan had malam pertama kami.
"ARGHHHH...ARKKKK...AHH..ARGHHHHH..." Ain berteriak kuat sehingga ternganga mulut dia. Batang aku sudah menyusup jauh ke dalam lobang cipap Ain. Ain memeluk aku erat se eratnya. Badannya sedikit mengigil effect dari kesakitan upacara memecah dara dari batang aku.
Keperawanan Ain kini sah menjadi milikku. Kini tubuh Ain hak milik aku sepenuhnya. Tubuh Ain masih menggigil dan ku biarkannya buat seketika. Terasa lobang cipap Ain mengemut batang aku sekuat nya sehingga terasa nak terpancut. Tapi aku tahan dulu. Batang aku terasa basah di dalam lobang cipap Ain. Mungkin Ain klimaks utk kali yg ke5. Fuhhh.
Sesudah semuanya reda, Ain menarik kepala aku dan cium mulut aku. Aku layan lidah Ain sambil aku mula berdayung perlahan-lahan. Ain mule selesa dengan adegan ini dan mula mengerang setiap kali aku tekan ke dalam lobang cipap Ain.
"Ahh..abang..sedapnya rasa..." "sedap sangat abang..sedapnya ahhhh..." Ain bersuara lembut membuatkan aku tak keruan dengar suara manja lembut Ain kekasih ku ini.
Aku dayung dengan penuh cermat slow n steady. Kangkangan kaki Ain semakin luas untuk memudahkan aku henjut keluar masuk lobang cipap nya yang semakin basah. Aku cuba laju kan sedikit dayungan aku. Tangan Ain mula memeluk aku dengan erat.. Aku tetap meneruskan dayungan aku sehingga untuk yang ke6 kali Ain klimak lagi. Kali ini agak lama Nia berada dalam keadaan klimaks..lebih dari duabminit.. kedua kaki Ain memaut pinggang aku seolah² tak bagi batang aku keluar dari lobang cipap nya. Aku yg melihat keadaan Ain yg sedang dipuncak terus memeluk Ain dgn erat.
”Abang... ” Ain memanggil aku dalam nafas yang tersekat-sekat.
”ye sayang..." jawab ku.
"Sedapnyaa abanngggg...sedap sangattttt.." suara Ain manja merengek.
"Ain tak tahan abang...sedap..." rengek Ain di telinga aku.
Aku jadi semakin ghairah bila Ain cakap macam tu, terus aku gerakkan batang aku henjut cipap Ain. Kali ini lebih laju dari tadi.
"Ah...ahh..Ahh..ahh..." Ain mendesah.
Air aku sudah di hujung, aku meneruskan lagi dayungan aku. Ain sudah tidak mampu lagi hanya mengerang kesedapan tatkala batang aku keluar masuk di cipap nya. Aku semakin nak pancut, aku laju kan lagi sedikit dayungan aku. Ain kembali memeluk aku sambil mengerang laju mengikut rentak batang aku di cipap nya.
Ah..ah.. ahh..abang...ahh..ah..abangggggg..." Ain mengerang.
Akhirnya aku yg sudah tidak tahan terus pancut ke dalam lobang cipap dara Ain.
Ain tersentak. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!" lantang suara Ain keluar.
Air yang pancut berkali kali ke dalam lobang Ain membuatkan Ain tersentak sentak menerima benih teruna ini. Kemutan cipap Ain membuatkan aku kalah ditambah lobang yang masih dara sempit itu. Sesuatu yg sangat nikmat. Terasa batang aku di perah oleh cipap. Habis air aku, akhirnya aku layu di atas Ain.
Ain memeluk aku dan berbisik "abg cukuplah, syg dah tak larat abg..." aku akur dengan mencium pipi Ain. Rupanya Ain klimaks utk yg ke7 kali seiring pancutan aku tadi. Ade potensi Ain akan mengandung anak aku. Haha. Seketika aku temenung , aku masih terkejut dgn diri aku yg tak ada pengalaman dlm sex selama ini boleh beraksi seperti ini. Well, nafsu punya pasal.
Aku bangun dan baring di sisi Ain sambil memeluk Ain ke dada aku dan mencium umbun kepalanya. Ain lelap di dalam pelukan aku. Aku sambung termenung memikirkan lepas ini kami kene nikah secepat mungkin sebelom Ain mengandung..
Ahh jemm.. sedap da dapat... Sekian.
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School Holiday
Hailing from Malaysia, Hwei Yeen always loved being around children, evidently seen by her social media posts which consisted of her spending time with her young cousins. Naturally, when Hwei Yene informed her family that she wanted to work as a primary school teacher in Singapore, her family was more than supportive for her. However, her decision to work in Singapore also meant that Hwei Yeen would have to leave her fiance behind in Malaysia, but he too was supportive of her, and the both of them promised to stay in touch with each other daily. Alas, things would change for Hwei Yeen during the third year of her working in Singapore...
It was a Saturday morning, and a car pulled into the school drop-off point. The passenger door opened, and Hwei Yeen, wearing a yellow button-up top and denim shorts, stepped out from the car, which was driven by her father. After saying her goodbyes to her father and letting him know that she would be staying over at her friend's place for the weekend before returning to Malaysia, Hwei Yeen then made her way to the staff room and towards her desk.
Entering the staff room, Hwei Yeen tried to turn on the air-con, but realized that the air-con wasn't turning on. It was when she wanted to try turning it on again, did Hwei Yeen recall that just the day before, the school Operations Manager mentioned that the air-con system in the staff was faulty and that it would be repaired over the weekend, where no staff supposedly should be in. Nonetheless, the faulty air-con didn't deter Hwei Yeen from wanting to get her work done, and she continued towards her desk either way.
As she began on her work, Hwei Yeen could hear the sound of the staff room door being opened, and she stood up briefly from her desk to see who it was. At the same moment that Hwei Yeen stood up, a burly Indian man walked into the staff room, ladder and tools in hand. The man looked around and spotted Hwei Yeen looking at his direction, and was mildly caught off-guard; he wasn't expecting anyone to be in the office today when he had to repair the air-con.
???: Sorry Ma'am, I didn't know have people in office. I doing the air-con, Ma'am
HY: O-Oh, you can go ahead with the repairs.
???: Thank you Ma'am.
Having said that, the man proceeded with his repair works around the staff room, and Hwei Yeen sat back down at her desk and continued with her work. As the air-con was down throughout the entire staff room, it only took under an hour before Hwei Yeen started sweating in the humid and stuffy staff room, and she was getting somewhat restless as a result.
An hour passed by, and by this point the heat and stuffiness of the staff room has gotten to Hwei Yeen, who decided to step out from the staff room for a moment. As she got up from her desk, a loud bang rang out in the staff room, plunging the staff room into complete darkness.
HY: A-Ah! W-What was that?! Did something blow up..?
Turning on her phone's flashlight, Hwei Yeen walked around the staff room and looked around for the source of the loud bang. Soon, she arrived at the pantry area, and spotted a dark shadow moving around the pantry. This caused Hwei Yeen to scream out in shock, and the dark shadow did the same as well.
HY: AAAAH! W-Who are you?!
???: M-Ma'am, I Vikram! I repair air-con, Ma'am!!
HY: A-Air-- O-Oh!!
Composing herself, Hwei Yeen shone her phone light onto the dark shadow, which revealed the repairman, Vikram, standing near the circuit breaker and electrical board, himself sweating profusely as well. Behind Vikram, smoke could be seen pouring out from the electrical board, and Hwei Yeen looked concerned.
HY: Uhm... what happened here, Vikram?
V: Ma'am, short circuit. Air-con short circuit. Now office no power also. Will have to wait for company to send technician to come replace mains board ma'am.
HY: Okay.. how long would that take? I still some work to do, but I can't do it in the dark like this.
V: Office today no one in, Ma'am. Have to wait Monday then office send people down to repair.
Hearing that the electricity, and perhaps by proxy the air-con, would only be fixed on Monday, Hwei Yeen widened her eyes as she quickly darted back to her desk to ensure that her laptop was still on. Unfortunately for her, due to the sudden short circuit, her laptop also shorted out, and Hwei Yeen was unable to turn it back on. Cursing her own bad luck, Hwei Yeen walked back to the pantry area, where Vikram was still trying to repair whatever he could.
HY: Are you able to at least get the magnetic doors open, or is that impossible as well?
V: I can try, ma'am. But no power, doors might not open.
HY: Oh dear.. have you informed the OM yet then?
V: Yes, Ma'am. OM also trying to get people come open doors from outside.
HY: Alright... in that case I'll just go to the washroom first.. at least I know the door leading to the washroom doesn't need any power.
Keeping her phone out for some light, Hwei Yeen walked towards the back of the staff room and in the direction of the washroom area, Vikram keeping an eye on her as her shadow disappeared out of the staff room.
Vikram, who came from Mumbai, had been working in Singapore as an repairman for 12 years. During the time that he was in Singapore, Vikram often visited the red-light district during the weekends to let off some much-needed stress, and this was something he did consistently. But by the looks of things right now, Vikram knew that he won't be doing his usual weekend hobby anytime soon today. So when he looked at Hwei Yeen walk towards the washroom, coupled with the fact that she was sweating as well, Vikram got sexually aroused; if he couldn't go to the red-light district today, then perhaps he could relieve his stress another way.
Taking the same path that Hwei Yeen took towards the washroom, Vikram slowly inched his way towards the female washroom, stopping right outside the door as he placed his ear at the door. Hearing no sound coming from inside, Vikram then pushed the door open slowly and made his way in. There were a total of three cubicles inside the toilet, and the middle one was the only one occupied. Making sure to be as careful as he could, Vikram entered the adjacent cubicle and quietly closed the door without locking it.
Once he was in the cubicle, Vikram put the toilet seat cover down and stood on it, and peeked over the partition into the middle cubicle, where Hwei Yeen was in. To his surprise, Hwei Yeen was half-naked, wearing only her denim shorts while her yellow top and bra was left hanging on the door, sweat trickling down her naked body due to the heat. This sight was more than enough to convince Vikram to proceed with whatever he had in mind at the start.
Inside the middle cubicle, Hwei Yeen was actually sitting down on the toilet bowl (cover down) and scrolling through her social medias, completely unaware of what Vikram was doing at that moment. Since she couldn't continue with her work with her laptop down, Hwei Yeen decided to spend some time in a quiet place while waiting for the school OM to send people over to get her out. Of course, she knew that Vikram was also stuck in the staff room with her, but that was precisely what she felt uncomfortable about. Nonetheless, Hwei Yeen continued to go through her phone for a few more minutes, before deciding to head back to her desk. But as she stood up to grab her bra and top, she noticed that both of it were no longer hanging by the door.
HY: Eh...? Where did my.. that's weird, I hung them here..
Looking around the small cubicle for her bra and top, Hwei Yeen didn't notice Vikram's hand reaching over for her clothes and taking it into his own cubicle. Nonetheless, and with the assumption that she was the only one in the washroom, Hwei Yeen slowly opened the door and stepped out, her hands covering her bare tits. As she was about to exit the washroom, Hwei Yeen heard sounds coming from the cubicle adjacent to hers, and she slowly crept towards the cubicle.
Inside the cubicle and unaware that Hwei Yeen was getting closer to where he was, Vikram whipped his dick out and wrapped Hwei Yeen's bra around it, and began to masturbate while he sniffed at her sweaty shirt. The smell of her sweat, plus the sight of her half-naked body with sweat running down her exposed back got Vikram completely horny and the more he sniffed at her shirt, the faster he stroked his dick with her bra, letting out soft groans of pleasure at the same time.
Meanwhile outside the cubicle, Hwei Yeen was standing right in front of the door and as she slowly reached her hand for the door, she could distinctively hear grunting noises coming from within the cubicle.
HY: I-Is someone in there? Hello?
Complete silence followed, and Hwei Yeen stood in front of the door for a few moments. Thinking that she might had heard things, Hwei Yeen turned her back towards the door, and began washing herself with the running water. Due to the lights being cut off, Hwei Yeen failed to notice the adjacent cubicle door slowly swing open behind in the mirror reflection. Standing behind Hwei Yeen in the dark washroom was Vikram, who had just ejaculated a load of cum onto Hwei Yeen's bra, and now is still feeling extremely horny. That and coupled with Hwei Yeen's glistening back facing him convinced him even further to do it.
Approaching Hwei Yeen slowly from behind while she was still pre-occupied, Vikram tossed the cum-stained bra aside and, after putting down her sweat-soaked shirt on the floor, wrapped both arms around the latter's waist from behind, scaring Hwei Yeen in the process.
V: Ma'am smell good. I like!
HY: L-Let go of me!!
Not caring about what Hwei Yeen is pleading about, Vikram roughly forced Hwei Yeen onto the floor and slapped her sweating face with his dick, which had a mixed scent of his own sweat and the sweat from Hwei Yeen on it. Having the dick hit her face caused Hwei Yeen to move her head away from it, catching the faint scent of freshly ejaculated cum as she did so.
HY: W-What do you want to do, Vikram?! I-I'll call the police!
V: Ma'am, no police! I just want your help, ma'am. That's all ma'am!
HY: H-Help?! With what?!
Assuming that she was willing to help him relieve his pent-up sexual stress, Vikram grabbed a hold of Hwei Yeen's hair, and forced his hard dick straight into her mouth without warning. The sudden intrusion of his dick in her mouth caused Hwei Yeen to gag hard, unable to do anything as Vikram then began to face-fuck her roughly, thrusting his dick in and out of her mouth as though her mouth was nothing more then a fleshlight.
HY: M-Mmmmrk!!
V: Your mouth so warm, Ma'am! I want use it more!!
HY: M-Mmmmmmrk!! Mmmmmpghhh!!!
His hold on her hair getting even tighter, Vikram began face-fucking Hwei Yeen faster and faster, his dick starting to go deeper down her throat as Hwei Yeen began gagging hard while she tries to breathe through her nose at the same time. For Hwei Yeen, this is the first time that she had been forced to do something like this; even with her fiance, she had promised only to have sex when she was officially married. Nonetheless, all Hwei Yeen could do at this point was to let Vikram use her mouth however he wishes.
It didn't take Vikram too long, considering that he had just unloaded a load of cum into her bra prior to this, before he grunted loudly and pushed Hwei Yeen's head down the full girth of his dick fully and proceeded to unload a large load of hot cum into both her mouth and throat, not letting go of Hwei Yeen's head as well. Feeling the hot stuff fill up her mouth, and with her head still firmly held in placed by the repairman, all Hwei Yeen could do at that point was to swallow the load of cum in her mouth before she begun to gag hard and forced herself to remove Vikram's dick from her mouth, coughing hard.
HY: T-Too much..! A-Ack...
V: Ma'am mouth very good. I like.
HY: C-Can you let me go now...?! You've done enough!
V: No, Ma'am. I want more Ma'am.
HY: M-More?! What do you--- Hoi, get your hands off me!!
Ignoring Hwei Yeen's screams, Vikram effortlessly scooped her up, before walking out of the washroom and carried her towards the staff room again, before throwing her onto the carpeted floor. Hwei Yeen winced in pain as she landed on all fours, but she didn't have time to do much, as Vikram got behind her and forced her into the doggy position, ripping her shorts off completely and leaving her in her panties.
HY: W-What are you doing?! Let me go..!!!
V: Ma'am skin very fair. Very nice.
HY: LET! ME! GO!!!
Even with all the screaming, Vikram got even more aroused as he adjusted Hwei Yeen's panties and, without any foreplay, pushed his fat dick straight into her pussy from behind, the intrusion causing Hwei Yeen to scream out in pain as Vikram now began thrusting his dick non-stop in and out of her love hole, blood trickling down as he continued to fuck her pussy.
V: Ma'am virgin? Good, good.
V: No, Ma'am. No take out.
Now aware that he just robbed Hwei Yeen of her virginity, Vikram tightened his grip on her sweaty hips as he began thrusting his dick deeper and deeper into her pussy, Hwei Yeen screaming loudly with each thrust. Knowing that Vikram wouldn't just stop at this, Hwei Yeen finally gave up resisting, and reluctantly began moving her own hips in tandem with Vikram's thrusts, which allowed Vikram's dick to violate her pussy even deeper. Feeling the change in her demeanor, Vikram eased his grip on her hips and began thrusting roughly, spanking her ass hard at the same time. To his surprise, Hwei Yeen let out reluctant moans as she began moving her hips at a faster pace.
HY: Mmmmmaaaaaaah!! Mmmmmm!!
V: Ma'am very tight! Ma'am good and tight!
HY: Mmmmmmmmfffffppgghh!!
Keeping one hand still on her hips, Vikram grabbed hold of Hwei Yeen's hair from behind and yanked her head backwards while his dick continued thrusting and raping her pussy. At this point, Hwei Yeen no longer cared if Vikram planned to stop or not, and simply just moaned loudly as her pussy started to tighten around the black dick that's violating her. With her pussy tightening rapidly, it didn't take long before Vikram began feeling the pressure build up on his dick. Letting go of her hair and placing his hand back on her hips, Vikram began thrusting balls-deep into Hwei Yeen's sore pussy, the head hitting at her womb's entrance, which in turn caused Hwei Yeen to roll her eyes backwards and let out moans of reluctant pleasure.
V: I'm cumming, Ma'am! Going shoot inside you!!
V: Urgk!!! Shooting!!
Going all-out with his dick thrusting, Vikram pushed as far into Hwei Yeen's pussy as possible, letting out a loud groan of satisfaction and relief as his dick ejaculated a massive load of cum which not only quickly filled up her insides, but also filled up her womb as well. Feeling his hot cum gushing out into her insides, Hwei Yeen screamed as her pussy tightened up and she orgasmed hard, squirting rapidly onto the carpeted floor of the staff room, both their love juices leaking out from her extremely sore pussy as Vikram slowly pulled his dick out from her pussy and Hwei Yeen simply collapsed onto the floor, still in doggy position and panting hard.
V: Ma'am very tight, very good. Good for fucking.
HY: Haa... s...stop...
V: I take photos of you, Ma'am.
Taking his phone out from his shirt pocket, Vikram began taking photos of the naked Hwei Yeen, making sure to zoom in on her leaking pussy. Even as he's taking the photos, Vikram could feel his dick erecting once again, and he decided to continue relieving his sexual needs on Hwei Yeen.
Standing up on his feet, Vikram walked towards Hwei Yeen's cubicle and cleared the table of her belongings, sweeping everything onto the ground. He then returned to Hwei Yeen and dragged her towards the cubicle, carrying and laying her down on her back upon the cubicle table as he himself stood between her legs, his erect dick throbbing once again. Before he could push his dick into her pussy once more, the sound of a phone ringing distracted Vikram. Looking around the cubicle, it didn't take long before Vikram noticed that it was in fact Hwei Yeen's phone ringing, and the caller was none other than her fiance. Worse still, it was an incoming video call.
V: Ma'am, your phone ringing. I answer for you?
HY: N... no... don't... answer ple...ase...
V: I answer for you, Ma'am.
HY: N... no..! Do...n't... please...!
Ignoring her weak pleas, Vikram answered the video call, and placed the phone in the cubicle behind him, which would most definitely let whoever was on the other end to have a clear view of what was going on. Still reeling from having Vikram fuck her pussy senseless, Hwei Yeen weakly looked at her phone, and was horrified to see her fiance's face on the screen.
HY: Wait... no... no...!!
V: Ma'am, I continue okay? I still want fuck you Ma'am.
HY: N-no...!! Not with my fiance wat----Mmmmmaaaaaaahhh!!!
Before she could finish her sentence, Vikram roughly shoved his dick into her ass without warning and simply began pounding her anal hole balls-deep, which caused Hwei Yeen to scream and moan in pain as she felt his big black dick tearing her ass apart. But that was nothing compared to the look of horror on her fiance's face as he was forced to watch his fiancee getting raped and violated live.
HY: P-Pleasee!! Not when....!! He's watching..!!! Aaaaaaahnn!!!!
V: Ma'am your ass too tight, I going to shoot soon!!
HY: NOOO!!!!!
Adjusting himself and the fucked Hwei Yeen so that her fiance could get a clearer view of Hwei Yeen getting defiled, Vikram grunted loudly and unloaded hot cum deep into her ass, Hwei Yeen widening her eyes and screaming loudly as her ass got quickly stuffed full of cum. But Vikram wasn't done just yet; once his dick was done unloading in her ass, he quickly pulled out from her ass and shoved right back into her pussy and began violently fucking Hwei Yeen, the cubicle rocking non-stop as Vikram humped and pounded her sore and soaking wet pussy while Hwei Yeen could only scream and moan in pleasure and suffering as her pussy got accustomed to Vikram's rough fucking.
V: I going to shoot again in you, Ma'am!
HY: I-I'm sorry, Bryan..!! I can't...!! Help it anymoreaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! Cumming..!!! CUMMING!!!
V: Shooting, Ma'am!!
With one loud grunt from Vikram and a heart-wrenching (for her fiance) moan from Hwei Yeen, both of them cummed and orgasmed at the same time, Vikram's cum filling Hwei Yeen's pussy fully once again while Hwei Yeen orgasmed even harder this time, squirting all over the table. Taking his dick out from her pussy quickly, Vikram pulled Hwei Yeen down onto the floor on her knees, and forced his dick into her gaping mouth, face-fucking her roughly with one hand on her head while his other hand grabbed Hwei Yeen's phone where the video call was still ongoing, and aimed it straight at Hwei Yeen who was getting face-fucked roughly.
Despite her being aware that her fiance was watching the whole thing live via the video call, Hwei Yeen subconsciously sandwiched Vikram's dick between her tits, tit-fucking his dick while at the same time deepthroating on his rape-shaft. It only took a few moments before Vikram forced Hwei Yeen's head all the way down his dick as he ejaculated one final load of hot cum into her mouth, to which Hwei Yeen swallowed willingly.
Taking his dick out from her mouth, Hwei Yeen stroked Vikram's dick vigorously with her tits to the point that Vikram suddenly ejaculated one final hot load of cum onto her face and tits, to which Hwei Yeen licked the remnants off his dick and swallowed them. Vikram, now fully satisfied and relieved, rubbed his dick all over Hwei Yeen's face and tits, taking photos of her at the same time with his phone while Hwei Yeen's fiance could only watch in silent horror at what she was going through.
Following the events of that Saturday, Hwei Yeen's engagement with her fiance surprisingly was still on. The only difference though however, is that Hwei Yeen would always come back to school on Saturdays even if there wasn't a need to, and every time she did so, she would only return to Malaysia on Sunday night.
This was because every time Hwei Yeen came to Singapore on Saturdays, she was in fact meeting with Vikram and his fellow co-workers, and each time she would dress differently for their own pleasures. As a matter of fact, just the Saturday following that eventful Saturday, Hwei Yeen met up with Vikram and a few more other co-workers of his at their dormitory, wearing a blue cheongsam. Hwei Yeen managed to sneak her way into the dormitory, and once in the room, began undoing her cheongsam and revealed that she wasn't wearing anything inside to the group of horny and sexually-deprived workers.
Hwei Yeen: So... enjoy as much as your dicks want...~
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Tukang Kebun
Hari itu hari Isnin dan seperti biasa perhimpunan akan diadakan selepas kelas pada pukul 3.00 pm. Aku dan Siti, teman sebilik mula merancang sesuatu. Dalam kamus hidup kami jarang sekali ada aktiviti perhimpunan, apatah lagi ceramah. Bagi kami, daripada tidur di Dewan Besar, lebih baik kami tidur di dorm atau pun surau. Selesa sikit.
“Macamana hari ni, Azie, kita berdua aje ke?” tanya Siti. Aku tersenyum kecil. “Aku dah ajak si Yatie dan Khairus, tapi diaorang tak nak, takut kena cekup. Kata mereka hari ini diaorang nak buat pemeriksaan menyeluruh” kata ku sambil ketawa kecil. Pemeriksaan menyeluruh?. Selalu pun memang diaorang cakap macam tu, tapi semenjak aku bergiat dalam bidang ni, tak pernah pun terkena atau di kenakan.
“Alamak..aku rasa tak sedap hatilah..kau tak takut ke?” Siti mula cemas. “Eh..apalah kau ni..diaorang tu gempak aje lebih..bukannya ada apa-apa..” kataku penuh bangga. “Eii..malu nanti kalau kena cekup…kau pergi soranglah..sorry ye..” kata Siti sambil tergesa-gesa meninggalkan ku. Tensionnya aku. tak sangka pula si Siti tu penakut benar kali ni. “Ah..pedulikan,,,”getus hatiku sambil bertekad untuk meneruskan rancangan asal ku tadi.
Semasa rakan-rakan di dorm bersiap-siap dengan pakaian seragam sekolah, aku pun bersiap-siap jugak, cuma telekung saja yang belum di sarungkan.
“Kau mesti pergi hari ni, jangan ponteng lagi,” ujar Masitah yang memang tau kegiatan ku. “Kau tak percaya kat aku ke Mas?. Sampai hati kau” jawabku selamba. Masitah mula berlalu dengan lenggang lenggoknya seiring dengan Midah dan Zura yang tak banyak cakap itu.
“Yatie, Khairus kau pergi dululah, aku nak ke tandas jap,” taktik biasa, tak taulah samada dua orang budak yang baru nak jadi baik hari tu nak percaya atau tidak.
Sepuluh minit kemudian……..
“Haa..line dah clear..” kata ku sambil melangkah keluar dari tandas.Aku membawa nota Biologi, sedikit makanan seperti kacang dan snek serta air mineral, ke surau yang kebetulan berhampiran dengan bilik kami.
“TIK” aku mengunci pintu dan melangkah perlahan ke tepi dinding, tempat biasa. Aku menggulung beberapa helai sejadah untuk di buat bantal sambil merebahkan badan.
Baru saja aku mencapai bungkusan kacang, tiba-tiba terdengar bunyi orang berjalan di koridor. Hatiku mula berdebar-debar. Selalunya, Cikgu Awin, warden asrama kami tak akan check block sampai ke hujung. Dilihatnya saja pelajar tak ada dia pun blah. Bunyi tapak kasut itu mula mengancam keteroran aku selama ini.
“Krak..”tombol pintu di pulas, tapi magic, pintu tak terbuka. Laaa.aa mujur aku kunci pintu tadi. “Sapa pulak yang kunci pintu ini..” dari dalam aku terdengar suara garau merungut-rungut. Alamak… itu suara Wak Semaon, tukang kebun sekolah ku. Apa pulak di buatnya datang ke sini.
Hati ku kian cemas apabila terdengar bunyi kunci di masukkan ketombol pintu surau itu. Aku terpaku tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa lagi. Pasrah.
“Eh.. kok ada orang!!” Wak Semaon terkejut sebaik sahaja pintu dibuka apabila melihatku berdiri kaku di tepi dinding itu. Kami terkaku seketika sambil saling berpandangan.
“Err..Wak…Wak buat apa kat sini” tanya ku apabila debaran dadaku mula mereda. “Wak mau ambil buku Yasin, malam ini ada majlis doa selamat & sembayang hajat di rumah pengetua” jawab lelaki berumur hampir 60an dan berkulit hitam itu. “Neng buat apa di sini…oooo…ponteng assembly ya” kata Wak Semaon sambil tersengih-sengih hingga menampakan giginya yang kuning berkarat itu.
Wak Semaon memandang tajam ke arahku. Perlahan-lahan dia merapatkan daun pintu dan menguncinya. Aku mula menjadi serba-salah. “Ini kalau dilapor sama Cikgu Awin, berat hukumnya nih” kata Wak Semaon selamba. Celaka orang tua ni, getus hatiku. Tapi aku perlu bertindak sesuatu bagi mengelakan perbuatanku terbongkar.
“Err..Wak..janganlah kasi tau Cikgu, tolonglah Wak” antara sedar dengan tidak perkataan itu terpacul dari mulutku. Keteroran aku selama ini hilang sama sekali. Aku benar-benar rasa terperangkap kali ini. Wak Semaon masih lagi tersengih-sengih sambil melangkah ke arahku yang masih lagi tersandar di dinding surau itu. Apahal pula orang tua ni. Aku mula panik.
“Hmm..baiklah, Wak boleh tolong, tapi Neng pun perlu tolong sama Wak jugak..” kata Wak Semaon sambil cuba memegang tanganku. Aku mula dapat menagkap maksud tersirat Wak Semaon itu. “Hei..apa ni Wak?” bentakku sambil menjauhkan diri dari lelaki tua miang itu.
“Jangan takut Neng, bukannya ada sesiapa disini” balas Wak Semaon kembali menghampiriku.Semakin lama semakin dekat. Terasa jantung ku berdebar kencang dan tubuhku mula menggigil. Aku berundur setapak demi setapak menuju kearah pintu. tujuanku hanya satu, cuba untuk segera keluar dari situ.
“Wak..jangan Wak..” kata ku dengan gementar. Wak Semaon mula tertawa kecil bila melihatkan aku yang sedang katakutan itu. Tiba-tiba wak Semaon terus menerkam dan memeluk tubuhku. “Aduh!!…” jeritku. Tubuhku terdorong ke belakang dan jatuh terlentang di atas lantai dengan tubuh Wak Semaon menindih tubuh ku.
Aku terus meronta-ronta apabila Wak Semaon mula mencium pipi dan leherku. Kedua kakiku menendang-nendang tubuhnya. Rontaanku yang kuat dan berterusan itu berhasil dan aku berjaya melepaskan diri. Aku cuba bangun dan lari, tetapi Wak Semaon pantas menarik kainku hingga tertanggal. Akibatnya aku rebah dalam keadaan tertonggeng.
Sepantas kilat juga, Wak Semaon menyingkap baju dan menarik seluar dalamku hingga terlondeh ke paras lutut. serentak itu juga Wak Semaon kembali menindih tubuhku dari belakang hingga aku tidak dapat bergerak lagi. dengan sekali sentap, selar dalamku terlucut terus.
“Wak..jangan…jangan Wak..” kata ku berulang kali sambil menangis.Apabila melihatkan diriku sudah kehabisan tenaga, wak Semaon mencapai kedua-dua tanganku dan mengilasnya ke belakang. Dia mengikat tanganku dengan kain telekungku sendiri. Setelah itu Wak Semaon memusingkan tubuhku menghadapnya. Aku tidak mampu meronta lagi. Dia menarik betisku hingga lurus kehadapan dan mengikat kedua kakiku menggunakan kain sembahyang yang bersepah dilantai itu.
“Wak ingin menikmati tubuhmu, Neng..” bisiknya ke telingaku. “Tapi..Wak..kesianlah saya..saya ma..masih dara” aku cuba menyedarkan Wak Semaon dai hasutan nafsunya. “Hmm..itulah yang Wak mau..arwah isteri Wak dulupun sudah rosak masa Wak dapat” balasnya sambil menjilat daun telingaku. aku mengerekot kegelian. Nafas busuk Wak Semaon semakin kencang mendesah cuping telingaku.
Wak Semaon menanggalkan bajunya, membuatkan aku semakin cemas. “Jangan..Wak..ja..jangan…”rintihku berterusan. Namun Wak Semaon tidak langsung memperdulikan, sebaliknya dengan senyuman penuh nafsu dia mula meraba-raba pehaku yang terdedah itu.
“Ouhh..ishzzz…” desisku dengan tubuhku mula menegang menahan geli tatkala tangan kasar Wak Semaon melalui belahan kedua pehaku. Apalagi apabila telapak tangannya berhenti betul-betul pada tundun pantatku.
“Wak..Eiii..shh…” rintihku lebih panjang lagi dengan getaran suara yang tertahan-tahan. Aku memejamkan mata apabila merasakan jari Wak Semaon mulai menyentuh belahan pantatku. Tangan Wak Semaon terus bergerak ke atas dan ke bawah berulang kali. Sesekali dia menekan hujung telunjuknya kedalam liang pantatku yang mulai terasa berdenyut-denyut…gatal dan geli..
Tangannya berterusan meraba-raba dan menjolok alur pantatku hingga membuatkan aku mulai merasakan kelainan, sesuatu yang tak pernah kurasai selama ini. Aku menggigit bibirku sendiri walaupun air mataku masih mengalir deras di pipi.
Disaat aku berada seperti diawagan itu, ku rasakan bibirku sudah bertaut rapat dengan bibir hitam Wak Semaon. Dengan ghairahnya dia memagut, menjilat, mengucup dan menghisap air liur yang terkeluar dari mulutku.
“Ohh…Neng, wajahmu sungguh merangsangkan sekali” katanya dengan nafas yang semakin deras. Lalu Wak Semaon menyingkap baju ku keatas bersama coliku sekali hinggakan buah dadaku terdedah penuh dihadapan matanya. “Ohh..issh…” aku mengerang panjang dengan kepalaku mendongak ke atas menahan geli bercampur nikmat yang tiada taranya setelah mulut Wak Semaon dengan berahinya memagut buah dadaku yang sedang ranum itu. Kurasakan mulutnya memagut, menyedut bahkan menggigit-gikit perlahan puting susuku sambil sesekali menarik-narik dengan gigi berkaratnya.
Entah mengapa perasaan ku ketika itu seperti takut, ngeri bahkan sebak bercampur aduk didalam hati, namun terselit perasaan nikmat yang teramat sekali seakan sesuatu yang masuk merasuki tubuhku yang sedang dalam keadaan tidak berupaya dan pasrah itu.
Sedang aku masih berperang dengan perasaanku sendiri,Wak Semaon melonggarkan ikatan kakiku. Seketika kemudian aku merasakan bibir pantatku pula dilumat dengan ganasnya seperti orang sedang keaparan. Serangan yang tidak disangkakan itu membuatkan tubuhku mengelinjang sambil rintihan dan eranganku semakin meninggi menahan geli bercampur nikmat sampaikan kepala ku tergeleng-geleng kekiri dan kanan berulang-ulang. Cukup lama mulutnya mencumbui bibir pantatku terutamanya dibahagian atas lubang, tempat yang paling sensitif.
“Suu..ohh..ishhh..sudah Wak..aarrgh” rintihku dengan tubuh yang bergetar-getar menahan geli bercampur nikmat yang luar biasa rasanya di ketika itu. Lalu kurasakan jarinya silih berganti dengan lidahnya mengorek-ngorek lubang kecil pantatku itu.
“Oouhh..Wak..” desisku menikmati rentak permainan orang tua itu sambil pehaku megepit kuat kepala separuh botaknya. “Sabar..Neng..Wak suka sekali bermain dengan air pantatmu…sayang” suara Wak Semaon agak parau sambil terus menjilat dan menghisap tanpa henti selama beberapa minit lagi lamanya.
Setelah puas mulutnya mengerjakan bibir pantatku yang kian tembam dari biasa itu, Wak Semaon merapatkan mukanya kemukaku sambil tanganya meramas-ramas buah dadaku yang kenyal itu.
“Neng..Wak ngentot sekarang ya..sayang” bisiknya perlahan dengan nafas yang kian mendesah-desah. Belum sempat aku berkata-kata, kurasakan di belahan pangkal peha ku ada sesuatu yang cukup keras dan besar mendesak-desak dan memaksa masuk pada belahan alur pantatku. “Eiii…” jeritku secara spontan.
“Tenang sayang..tenang…sikit lagi…sikit lagi…”
“Aaaww…issh..sa…sakittt..Wakkk…”jeritku menahan kengiluan yang teramat sangat hinggakan lubang juburku turut terkemut-kemut menahan kengiluannya. Akhirnya batang pelir Wak Semaon terbenam jua rapat kedalam rongga pantatku. Terasa bulu pelirnya yang berserabut dan kasar itu tersentuh dengan bibir pantatku.
Beberapa saat lamanya, Wak Semaon membiarkan batang pelirnya diam tanpa bergerak didalam rongga pantatku. Namun sesekali dia menggerakkan batang pelirnya itu keluar dan masuk perlahan-lahan seolah mahu menikmati geselan dengan dinding liang pantatku yang sempit mencengkam itu.
“Ohh…Neng…issh..” Wak Semaon mula mengerang-ngerang.Aku mula merasa sedikit selesa menerima kehadiran batang pelir Wak Semaon didalam lubang pantatku. Kesakitan dan kengiluan tadi beransur-ansur hilang. Air matapun sudah mulai kering di pipiku. Melihatkan keadaan ku itu, Wak Semaon menarik tangan dan melepaskan ikatannya. Keadaan itu membuatkan aku semakin selesa.
Wak Semaon juga semakin laju menggerakan batang pelirnya. Akupun semakin lama semakin ghairah menahan desakan nikmat yang kian mendesak dan semakin tidak tertahan itu. Hingga akhirnya aku merasakan seperti menyentuh awang-awangan dan merasakan kenikmatan luar biasa yang belum pernah kukecapi selama ini.
Tanpa sedar aku mengerang kuat. “Ooohh..ooh..Waaakk..arghhhhh!!!!…”, dan aku meramas kuat kepala separuh botak Wak Semaon dan megepit erat pinggangnya dengan kedua-dua peha dan kakiku sekuat-kuatnya. Aku juga mengangkat punggungku sehinggakan pantatku terhimpit rapat dengan batang pelir Wak Semaon.
Dan apa yang aku ingat ketika itu, aku terasa basah sekali bukan sahaja pada alur pantatku tetapi juga sekujur tubuhku dipenuhi peluh keringat bercampur dengan sisa-sisa air liur Wak Semaon. Selanjutnya aku terbaring lemas tidak berdaya.
Namun begitu, Wak Semaon tidak meneruskan perbuatannya, walaupun dia belum lagi mencapai kemuncak seperti ku. Setelah beristirehat sejenak dan melihatkan aku kembali tenang, Wak Semaon meneruskan aksinya. Kali ini Wak Semaon merubah cara permainannya.
Serangan batang pelirnya kian melaju.
Tubuhku bergegar kuat menahan asakan batang pelir Wak Semaon. Terjahan demi terjahan batang pelirnya ditujukan tepat-tepat pada kawasan sensitif dalam lubang pantatku. Setiap kali batang pelirnya memasuki liang pantatku, tekanannya seolah-olah menarik bibir pantatku terperosok kedalam, sehinggakan kelentitku turut tertekan dan bergesel dengan batang pelirnya yang dilingkari urat-urat yang menonjol.
Itu membuatkan aku kembali mengelinjang kenikmatan. “Arghh…ohhh..aduhh..pelan-pelan Wak..ahh…ish”, akan tetapi kali ini Wak Semaon tidak langsung memperdulikan rintihan ku. Malah tempo tujahan batang pelir semakin dilajukanya lagi. Semakin aku mengeliat-ngeliat, semakinkencang Wak Semaon menujahkan batang pelirnya kedalam lubang pantatku.
Kali ini aku benar-benar dipermainkan oleh Wak Semaon. Perasaan nikmat dan geli telah menguasai keseluruhan tubuhku. Fikiranku melayang-layang merawng seperti layang-layang yang terputus talinya. Perasaan nikmat dan kegelian itu akhirnya tak mampu ku tahan lagi.
“Wwwaak..wak..oughh…ohhhhh!!!!…”, dengan satu desahan panjang disertai pehaku mengejang dan mengepit punggung Wak Semaon, aku mencapai kemuncak kenikmatan yang teramat hebat. Tanpa disedari tanganku mamaut kuat rak kayu yang berhampiran sehinggakan rak itu tumbang dan beberapa buah kitab dan buku bertaburan jatuh.
Serentak itu juga Wak Semaon juga mengerang kuat. “Oh..kemut Neng..kemut..Wak nak pancutttt…ohhh..arghhh” desah Wak Semaon sambil memeluk erat tubuhku. Dia menekan batang pelirnnya sekuat-kuatnya sehinggakan terbenam rapat dalam pantatku sambil menyemburkan cairan pekat dan hangat kedalamnya. Pancutan demi pancutan dari batang pelir Wak Semaon itu membuatkan ku merasakan seluruh lubang pantatku penuh, menimbulkan suatu perasaan sensasi yang datang bertubi kali melanda diriku, benar-benar satu kenikmatan sempurna yang tidak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata.
Kami berpelukan erat beberapa detik sambil menikmati denyutan-denyutan pada kemaluan masing-masing. Setelah kenikmatan itu berlalu, maka kami terkapar kelemasan. Saat itu aku mula menyedari apa yang telah terjadi pada diriku. Aku mulai menyesali akan apa yamg telah berlaku itu. Diriku kini telah ternoda. Mahkota kegadisanyang ku pertahankan selama 16 tahun lalu kini hilang di ragut seorang lelaki tua yang hodoh dan kejam.
Aku kembali menangis dan cuba menolak tubuh Wak Semaon. Tetapi lelaki tua kutuk itu tetap memeluk erat tubuhku. “Err…Wak..Wak mintak maaf Neng,..Wak tak dapat menahan nafsu, maklumlah dah lapan tahun Wak menduda” Wak Semaon cuba memujuk sambil mengelus rambutku.
“Celaka Wak..sampai hati Wak buat saya macam ni…” ucapku memecah kesunyian dengan nada geram. “Kalau saya mengandung macamana” tanyaku dengan esak tangis yang semakin kuat.
“Tenang Neng…itu Neng usah khuatir..nanti petang Wak kasi ubat..tiap pagi Neng minum sama air masak suam, pasti Neng tak mengandung” balas Wak Semaon tenang. Tangannya mencapai telekung dan mengelap air mata di pipiku.
“Er…bagaimana tadi?” tiba-tiba terpacul soalan dari mulut Wak Semaon.
“Bagaimana apa?”, balasku. “Cepatlah bangun Wak, lemas saya..nanti diaorang balik” kataku lagi sambil menolak tubuh tua itu. “Maksudnya, tadi waktu Wak ngentot sama Neng…enak kan?”. tanyanya lagi sambil mencium pipiku.
Mukaku menjadi merah padam mendengarkan pertanyaan dari Wak Semaon itu. Aku memalingkan muka kerana tidak sanggup bertentang mata dengannya. Di dalam hatiku tak dapat dinafikan, walaupun tadi lelaki tua kutuk itu telah memperkosa dan menodai kesucianku, namun aku sendiri turut menikmatinya sehinggakan aku mencapai organisma sehingga dua kali.
“Kok tak di jawab..” katanya lagi sambil tersenyum simpul. “Ahh…”balasku sambil cuba bangun dan menolak tubuh Wak Semaon sekuat hati. Sebaik sahaja Wak Semaon menarik batang pelirnya yang separuh layu itu dari lubang pantatku beberapa titisan air mani bercampur sedikit darah turut menitis. Wak Semaon pantas mencapai bajunya dan mengelap pantatku dan batang pelirnya.
“Waduh..banyak sekali air Neng…” katanya terus mengusikku. Mukaku semakin merah padam. Aku cepat-cepat bangun dan memakai semula kainku. Aku pantas mencapai seluar dalamku yang terkoyak dan mengemaskan buku dan bekalanku. “Jangan lupa lepas makan petang nanti tunggu Wak dibelakang kantin…Wak kasi ubat”. Aku tidak menghiraukan Wak Semaon yang masih lagi bertelanjang, sebaliknya bergegas ke pintu dan kembali ke dormku.
Selepas mandi dan membersihkan tubuhku, aku berbaring di atas katil. Tubuhku mula merasa sengal-sengal.
Belum sempat aku melelapkan mata, terdengar suara bising kawan-kawanku yang pastinya baru balik dari perhimpunan. Kain langsir bilik ku diselak, dan munculah Siti, Khairus dan Yatie. Aku mula bangun.
“Kau nak tau apa yang jadi masa assembley tadi” aku memandang wajah Siti yang bersuara. “Apa hal?”. “Kami terkejut juga bila perhimpunan tak start, padahal dah lewat 10 minit”. “Lepas tu kau tau apa yang terjadi?”, Aku memandang Khairus dan muka-muka lain yang nampaknya begitu excited benar nak bagitau ku.
” Lima orang peragawan, berjalan megah dan malu-malu”. Aku tak faham. “Pereka fesyennya ada dibelakang dengan wajah garang” aku semakin terpinga-pinga. “Peragawan pertama si Udin Tua dengan tuala tanpa baju, Peragawan kedua si Kid dengan seluar pendek dan singlet, peragawan ketiga…”.
“Hoi..berterus teranglah..diaorang kena cekup..eh?”, serentak mereka mengangguk. “Cikgu Awin suruh pergi dengan pakaian yang mereka pakai semasa di cekup”. Mereka ketawa serentak.
“Aku tunggu jugak, seorang peragawati terkenal. Mana tau ada fesyen berkemban ke, seluar pendek ke…”. “Kau perli aku ya?”..Mereka ketawa lagi. Aku hanya mampu tersenyum sumbing.
Nasib baiklah mereka tidak membuat pemeriksaan yang menyeluruh. Kalau tidak, silap haribulan, aku terpaksa ke assembley dalam keadaan berbogel beriringan dengan Wak Semaon.
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“Sampai nanti talipon abang,” itu pesan Abang Sahak pada isterinya Kak Zai ketika Kak Zai bertolak naik bas semalam, untuk melihat anak perempuan mereka yang terlibat kemalangan kecil.
Kini Kak Zai telah pun berada di Bangi menumpang di rumah budak lelaki kawan sekelas Lia anaknya. Nak tumpang rumah budak perempuan, semuanya tinggal dalam kawasan asrama dalam kampus. Mujurlah budak Man, kawan Lia, baik hati bagi tumpang rumah mereka kerana pelajar lelaki ada yang tinggal di luar.
Kak Zai pun rasa tak segan kerana umur Man pun macam baya anak-anaknya jugak. Man pun baik hati suruh Kak Zai guna talipon untuk talipon Abang Sahak di Kedah.
“Salim sihat dah, cedera tak teruk sangat. Ni Zai rumah kawan Along ni, Abang jangan risau le, macam anak-anak je depa pun, bebudak belaka,” kata Kak Zai bila Abang Sahak marah-marah tumpang rumah budak lelaki.
“Ala abang, saya dah dekat 47 dah, macam mak depa je. Abang risau sangat.”
“Iye lah, badan hang nampak lawa lagi, kot depa geram kat hang nanti, depa rogol hang. Mana tau, budak 18 tahun pun depa ada nafsu tau tak!” Abang Sahak masih risau juga.
“Hisss Abang ni, geram apanya! Tak kan lah depa nak geram lubang orang tua ehh. Abang pun macam tak berapa minat kat lubang saya. Tak kan depa pulak nak,” Kak Zai menenangkan kerisauan Abang Sahak.
“Depa cakap apa kat hang?” tanya Abang Sahak lagi.
“Tak ckap apa la, depa ingat Zai, Kakak Lia je, nampak muda depa kata.”
“Haaa, tu Abang kata depa geram jugak tengok badan hang, tu depa puji tu,” Abang Sahak menunjukkan kerisauannya.
“Hiss.. tak lah Abang, depa macam anak-anak kita je,” balas Kak Zai.
Hari berikutnya Kak Zai terbangun pukul 10. Setelah tidur di hospital menunggu Along, Kak Zai tidur setelah balik rumah Man pagi itu. Setelah mandi dan berpakaian, Kak Zai ke dapur.
“Makcik Zai minum la, sarapan Man dah sediakan,” kata Man sambil merenung Kak Zai yang berkain batik dan ber t-shirt pagi itu.
Dah 3 hari Kak Zai duduk rumahnya, dan dalam hati memuji Kak Zai yang nampak tak makan tua. Mungkin badan Kak Zai kecik, putih dan jenis badan tak gemuk, walau tua masih nampak macam muda lagi.
“Tak boring ke Man duk sorang-sorang sewa rumah ni?” Kak Zai mula berbual.
“Dulu ada kawan makcik, tapi dia cuti semester, tu jadi tinggal sorang. Kadang-kadang ada kawan-kawan datang lepaklepak sini makcik. Pakcik kenapa tak datang sama makcik?”
“Pakcik kau sibuk manjang, kerja dia tu kadang kena pi sana sini. Lama ke kenai Along?” tanya Kak Zai.
“Ala kawan sama-sama masuk belajar le makcik, tu tak sangka makcik ni mak Along, nampak muda lagi,” Man mengusik.
“Hisss… Mana muda aiiih, dah tua pun! Hehehe,” Kak Zai gelak dengar pujian Man.
“Mana tua makcik ni, tengok elok je badan makcik, tentu orang laki-laki suka usik makcik kan!” Man usik Kak Zai lagi.
“Hiss…memang la orang laki ni suka usik. Usik ada makna tu Man,” balas Kak Zai.
“Iye la, makcik pun badan tinggi lawa je,” kata Man.
“Mana tingginya, kalau berdiri dengan Man, agaknya makcik had bahu Man aja,” balas Kak Zai.
“Mari makcik berdiri, kita tengok,” kata Man.
Kak Zai berdiri tepi meja makan, Man mendekati Kak Zai.
“Besarnya badan Man banding Kak Zai.” kata Kak Zai sambil berhadapan dekat dengan Man.
Man rapatkan badan depan Kak Zai.
“Iye la… kecik je makcik kan! Geram pulak saya dekat makcik ni. Hehehe,” Man gelak kecil.
“Hiss… hang geram apa pulak kat makcik ni? Makcik dah tua la,” jawap Kak Zai membalas gurauan Man.
Tiba-tiba Man himpit badan Kak Zai ke meja makan, dia peluk Kak Zai dan mencium pipi Kak Zai bertalu-talu. Tergamam Kak Zai kena peluk begitu.
“Man… Man… Apa buat makcik macam ni?”
“Man tak tahan makcik. Man tak tahan tengok badan makcik,” kata Man sambil dia mengangkat Kak Zai duduk tepi meja makan.
Kak Zai menolak dada Man, cuba menahan Man dari memeluknya. Man pula terus merapati Kak Zai dan kain batik Kak Zai diselak dan digulung ke atas hingga Kak Zai telanjang dari pinggang peha ke bawah.
“Man…. Jangan buat makcik macam ni! Malu makcik Man bukak kain makcik. Makcik tak berkain dah ni” Kak Zai cuba menyedarkan Man yang dah bernafsu.
“Maaf makcik Zai, Man tak tahann sangat ni. Sekali pun jadilah. Man nak merasa juga,” sambil berdiri di celah peha Kak Zai, Man seolah tergamam melihat cipap Kak Zai yang kecik, putih, tembam dan licin tak berbulu.
Berdebar hati Man bila melihat cipap depan mata. Tak sama debarnya melihat cipap mat saleh dalam cd blue yang ditontonnya. Ini cipap perempuan umur 40-an, depan matanya. Dengan rakus Man memegang dan mengusap cipap Kak Zai. Diusap-usapnya sambil jarinya merasa sentuhan bibir cipap buat pertama kali.
“Man… Janganlah, malu makcik Man buat makcik macam ni,” kata Kak Zai cuba meredakan nafsu Man.
Kak Zai hanya mampu berdiam sambil merenung kosong ke sisi dan membiar saja jari-jari Man yang mula masuk mengorek-ngorek cipapnya. Dia tau anak muda ini belum pernah jumpa cipap. Dia tau dari cara rakusnya jari Man mengorek-ngioek cipapnya yang kering itu. Dia tak daya menahan Man, oleh itu Kak Zai hanya diam merenggangkan pehanya, agar tak sakit bila dikorek jari Man dalam cipapnya yang kering itu.
“Aduh Man! Sakit makcik Man buat macam ni,” keluh Kak Zai bila sekali-sekali jari itu mengorek dalam cipapnya.
Kak Zai mengangkat lututnya, meluaskan kangkang agar tidak sakit cipapnya yang terus dikorek jari Man. Matanya merenung ke sisi untuk mengelak renungan Man yang memerhati mukanya sambil jari terus mengorek dan menguli cipapnya itu. Malu Kak Zai bila cipapnya, iaitu alat paling sulit dirinya yang hanya suaminya saja pernah menyentuhnya. Kini dipegang malah dikorek dengan geram oleh budak muda seperti Man.
“Tak tahan saya makcik, first time dapat pegang cipap,” kata Man sambil sebelah tangan memeluk belakang Kak Zai, sebelah lagi mengorek cipap Kak Zai.
Tiba-tiba Man berhenti mengorek, dan terus melondehkan seluar treknya. Lalu terpacullah batangnya yang tegang keras dan stim itu.
“Hissshh… besarrnya batang budak ni! Teruk aku aku kalau dia masuk ni!” jerit Kak Zai dalam hati sebaik melihat batang Man, tegang, keras, panjang dan besar. Air mazi dah meleleh di hujung batang Man.
Serentak dengan itu, Man terus memegang batangnya dan menghala mencari lubang cipap Kak Zai.
“Man… Jangan Man, makcik tak mau,” rayu Kak Zai mengharap.
“Saya tak tahan makcik, nak rasa jugak cipap makcik. Saya tak pernah main lagi makcik, kejap je makcik,” balas Man.
Terus dia menolak batangnya masuk lubang cipap Kak Zai.
“Eskss… iskkk… Man… sakit makcik Man. Aduh Man… aduh saki. Pelan-pelan sikit. Jangan tolak kuat-kuat. Sakit makcik Man,” Kak Zai merintih, hampir telentang atas meja, kedua tangannya berpaut pada lengan Man yang tegap, agar tidak telentang.
Perit pedih rasa cipapnya ditujah batang Man yang besar panjang itu, jauh beza dari saiz batang Abang Sahak suaminya. Tambahan pula cipapnya tak cukup basah walau dikorek oleh jari Man tadi.
“Ooohhhh… makcik sedapnya,” keluh Man, yang baru saja hilang terunanya dalam cipap Kak Zai.
Tak sangka dia cipap Kak Zai begitu ketat lagi, walau dah anak 3 dan dah umur 40-an. Dengan dua kali tekan batangnya santak sampai ke pangkal masuk dalam cipap Kak Zai. Sambil memaut pinggang Kak Zai, Man mula menghenjut.
“Ooohh… sedapnya makcik… ooohh… ooohhh…” erang Man, sambil merenung mata Kak Zai.
Kak Zai memaling muka ke sisi malu untuk merenung muka Man, malu kerana memikirkan dirinya sedang menadah cipap, memberi nikmat kepada batang anak muda ini, yang sangkanya macam anak padanya.
Sesekali Man tunduk melihat batangnya keluar masuk cipap kecik Kak Zai. Sesekali pula dia menatap muka Kak Zai, dan nafsunya semakin galak bila sesekali dia melihat mata hitam Kak Zai hilang, yang nampak mata putihnya sahaja. Cipap Kak Zai pula semakin sedap dan semakin licin rasanya.
“Aduh… aduhhh… uhhhh… uhhh….” Kak Zai mengerang sayu, senak, padat dan sesekali sedap dirasainya, tak pernah dia menyangka cipap keciknya ini akan ditujah batang sebesar ini. Sangkanya hanya batang suaminya saja yang akan menujah cipapnya, tapi kini batang lain pula yang masuk, dan batang ini pula lebih besar, panjang dan keras.
“Man… aahh… sudahlah… tak larat dah makcik nahan ni. Man pun dah merasa dah cipap makcik, Man cabut ye!” rayu makcik Zai.
“Kejap lagi makcik. Kejap je lagi ni. Aaahhh… aahhh… aaahhhhh… sedap ni makcik!’ Man terus menghenjut laju.
Kak Zai tau Man dah dekat nak sampai.
“MAKCIK… SEDAP NI… AAGGHHH… AGHHHH… Uhhhhhhh… oohhhhh…” Man terpancut sudah.
Terbalik mata Kak Zai menerima tusukan paling dalam batang Man yang besar panjang itu, dan cipapnya terkemut kemut menerima pancutan deras airmani budak bujang teruna itu. Tak sama macam pancutan lemah suaminya. Suam-suam panas rasa Kak Zai dalam cipapnya.
Man memeluk Kak Zai erat, sambil melepas saki baki nikmatnya. Batangnya masih terendam dalam cipap Kak Zai. Kak Zai pula seolah-olah tidak sedar dia juga memeluk Man. Kakinya berbelit dipinggang Man. Itu reaksi spontan Kak Zai bila menerima pancutan airmani tadi, hingga tak sedar dia pula memeluk Man dan mengemut-ngemut cipapnya pada batang budak muda ini.
“Maafkan saya makcik, saya tak tahan sangat tadi,” bisik Man di telinga Kak Zai.
Batangnya masih berdenyut-denyut dalam cipap kecik Kak Zai.
“Tapi cipap makcik memang sedap. Best sangat sangat. Saya melancap pun tak sama sedap macam ni,” bisik Man lagi.
Kak Zai diam, dia menegakkan badan nya duduk tepi meja. Perlahan dia menolak badan Man merenggang, dan perlahan-lahan Man menarik keluar batangnya dari cipap Kak Zai, sambil mata kedua-duanya melihat batang Man tercabut dari cipap Kak Zai. Terlopong lubang cipap Kak Zai selepas batang Man di cabut. Air mani meleleh pekat di celah bibir cipap Kak Zai.
Kak Zai turun dari meja, meninggalkan kain batiknya, dan berbogel separuh badan menuju bilik air. Pedih rasa cipapnya semasa dibasuh tadi.
“Memang besar batang budak ni,” fikir Kak Zai.
“Tak sama macam batang laki aku,” fikir Kak Zai.
Sebaik Kak Zai keluar bilik air, Man menghampiri Kak Zai.
“Ni lap dengan towel ni makcik,” Man menghulurkan towel, matanya merenung cipap Kak Zai yang masih basah lepas dibasuh.
Sambil tertunduk tunduk, Kak Zai mengelap cipapnya dan berjalan masuk biliknya. Selang lima minit, Man tiba-tiba masuk ke bilik dan memeluk Kak Zai dari belakang, dan mendorong Kak Zai meniarap atas katil.
“Man apa lagi ni? Dah la… jangan buat makcik macam ni,” Kak Zai merayu.
Man membetulkan dirinya berada celah kangkang Kak Zai dan mendatangi Kak Zai dari belakang. Dia menarik pinggang Kak Zai agar kedua peha Kak Zai berada atas pehanya.
“Saya nak sekali lagi makcik,” kata Man bernafsu.
Dalam keadaan meniarap, dan peha terkangkang atas peha Man, Kak Zai merasa Man mula meletak batangnya ke lubang cipapnya.
“Aaaahhhh… makcik… aahhh…” Man mengerang sambil menolak masuk batangnya.
Dan Kak Zai tahu, dia akan kena balun sekali lagi, memang batang budak muda cepat tegang semula. Sekali lagi Kak Zai kena tujah cipapnya, kali ini dari belakang pula.
“Aduh Man… pelan sikit Man…. teruk makcik macam ni,” keluh Kak Zai.
“Aahhh makcik… sedapnya makcik,” Man mengerang sambil henjut laju.
Dia semakin rakus bila merasa Kak Zai melawan menggoyang punggung ke belakang bila Man menujah batangnya. Tak sampai lima minit Man merasa badan Kak Zai tersentap sentap.
“Aarkk… aarkkk… arrkhhh… Man… aarrkkk… arkkk….” Kak Zai macam orang tercekik. Badannya tiba-tiba longlai.
Man makin rakus bila terasa batangnya dibasahi air Kak Zai.
“Makcik… aargghhhhh… makcik… sedap makcik!’ erang Man bila terasa cipap Kak Zai mengemut-ngemut batangnya.
Kak Zai sudah macam bersujud atas tilam, punggungnya terlentik menonggeng menahan tujahan batang Man dalam cipapnya. Longlai badan Kak Zai kerana tadi dia sampai kemuncaknya. Kak Zai tak dapat menahan diri dari merasa sedapnya kena batang muda. Walau suaminya masih menyetubuhinya, tapi agak jarang sejak akhir-akhir ini kerana mungkin Abang Sahak dah jemu. Kini batang muda sedang menujah cipapnya, batang yang lebih panjang, besar dan keras. Sehingga dia tak mampu menahan klimaksnya tadi.
Kini Man mula menguli tetek Kak Zai yang masih bert-shirt. Sungguh bernafsu Man membalun cipap Kak Zai. Seksi sungguh Man melihat Kak Zai yang bebrbogel pinggang ke bawah, masih bert-shirt ini menonggeng menahan cipapnya. Melihat cipap Kak Zai yang bercukur licin, Man tau Kak Zai menjaga cipapnya dengan elok untuk dinikmati suaminya.
“Sedapnya makcik… Man nak pancut dah ni… aaagghhhh… agghhh… makcik…aagghh…” Man mengerang kuat.
“Aahhh… ahhhh… Man…. aarrkk… arrkkkk…” Kak Zai sekali lagi macam teresak-esak, cipapnya mengemut-ngemut.
“Aaaarrkkkkkk… aarrkkk…” Kak Zai sampai lagi.
“Makcik… Man nak pancutt ni… aarrghhhh…” spontan mendengar erangan itu, Kak Zai menghulur tangan melalui celah kangkangnya dan memegang telur Man, dan Kak Zai mengurut-urut buah zakar muda itu.
“AAAGGHHHH… MAKCIK… AAGGHHH!’ Man menekan batang santak dalam cipap Kak Zai, dan kedua kalinya meMancut airmani dalam cipap tua Kak Zai.
Kedua-duanya tertiarap, termengah-mengah macam baru lepas berlari. Man meniarap atas belakang Kak Zai. Batangnya masih berdenyut terendam dalam lubang cipap kecik Kak Zai.
Kak Zai lembik macam pengsan, cipapnya terasa penuh diisi batang besar Man. Punggung Kak Zai sesekali bergerak-gerak bergesel ari-ari Man, geli rasa punggungnya yang putih itu terkena bulu Man itu. Cipapnya pula sesekali mengemut batang besar Man. Sambil meniarap ditindih itu,Kak Zai teringat juga kata-kata suaminya yang bimbangkan Kak Zai menumpang rumah budak lelaki.
Walau budak muda dan anggap macam anak, suaminya tahu badan Kak Zai boleh menaikkan nafsu sesiapa juga. Cuma Kak Zai saja tak sangka nafsu mereka sehingga ingin menyetubuhinya. Kak Zai sangka paling tidak pun mereka akan melancap saja bila geram melihat tubuhnya. Tapi kini cipap Kak Zai dah pun diterokai batang lain dari suaminya.
“Makcik ok ke?” Man bebisik pada Kak Zai.
“Eeemm…” itu saja jawapan Kak Zai.
Sambil meniarap atas Kak Zai, Man masih membiarkan batangnya terbenam dalam cipap Kak Zai.
“Sesekali merasa cipap, biar balun puas-puas,” pikir Man.
Tak sangka cipap perempuan dah 40-an ini masih ketat dan nikmat.
“Sedap betul cipap makcik. Ketat la makcik,” bisik Man.
“Bukan cipap makcik yang ketat, tapi batang Man tu yang besar sangat! Makcik anak tiga dah… Mana la ketatnya lagi,” balas Kak Zai lemah.
“Man nak lagi seround makcik,” Man berbisik.
“Hisss… Man ni, kuat betul la… lembik makcik dah Man balun,” Kak Zai mengeluh lemah, terasa batang muda dalam cipapnya itu mula menegang lagi.
Elok Man baru nak mula menggoyang, telepon di kepala katil berbunyi. Kak Zai terus menelentang, batang Man tercabut. Masih di celah kangkang Kak Zai, Man sambil merangkak atas badan Kak Zai cuba mencapai telepon.
“Helo… yer… saya Man… ye ye pakcik, tunggu saya panggil makcik kejap,” Man yang masih berada dicelah peha Kak Zai menekup gagang telepon.
“Suami makcik,” Man berbisik dan menunggu beberapa saat, baru Man beri gagang pada Kak Zai.
“Heloo… wasalam abang,” Kak Zai menjawap. Menahan nafas ketika Man memasukkan semula batang ke lubang cipapnya yang tersedia menadah kerana kini Kak Zai dah menelentang.
“Aaaa… sihat… Abang sihat ke? Oooo… petang ni Zai pergi lagi tengok Salim… Iye… ni rehat-rehat je kat rumah budak Man ni,” Kak Zai berhati-hati menjawab membohongi suaminya, sambil mata merenung Man yang sedang menyorong dan menarik batang keluar masuk cipapnya perlahan-lahan.
“Hiss… tak la abang… Abang risau sangat, tak kan budak Man tu nak buat Zai macam tu,” terlihat sekilas senyuman Kak Zai merenung Man, ketika dia menuturkan kata-kata itu.
Kak Zai menggeleng kepala kepada Man ketika Man menggosok-gosok biji kelentitnya dengan jari, sambil batangnya disorong tarik.
“Alaa… Abang ni risau sangat ye! Ooooo… abang risau dia balun cipap Zai ke? Abang ni… ala cipap Zai dah puas Abang balun dah… alaa… budak-budak bang, bukan besar mana pun batang dia bang,” Kak Zai senyum lagi melirik pada Man.
Mendengar itu, Man menguatkan hayunan batangnya ke cipap Kak Zai.
“Alaaa abang ni… jauh ni baru Abang risau kat Zai ye! Masa dekat Abang tak nak pula cipap Zai selalu,” Kak Zai berbual dengan suaminya seolah-olah mau menaikkan nafsu Man.
“Aahhh… Abang… aahhhh…. abang… Man rogol Zai abang… ahhh… aahhh…” Kak Zai membuat bunyi-bunyi begitu dalam telefon.
“Zai… Zai! Betul ke dia rogoll ni? Budak tu kat mana?” terdengar suara Abang Sahak dalam telepon itu.
“Alaaa… Abang ni… Zai saja usik Abang,” Kak Zai ketawa kecil.
Cuma Abang Sahak tak tahu, memang ketika itu Man sedang membalun cipapnya dengan rakus kerana geram mendengar kata-kata Kak Zai dengan suaminya.
“Abang… sedap abang… aahhhhhhh…” Kak Zai terus bermain kata-kata dengan Abang Sahak.
“Hiss… Zai… Jangan memain macam ni, risau Abang dengar, rasa macam budak tu sedang balun cipap Zai aja,” jawab Abang Sahak.
“Hehe… tak lah abang… Zai memain je Abang,” kata Kak Zai, sambil menahan sedap cipapnya ditujah batang Man.
Dan akhirnya Kak Zai mengangkat punggungnya, ketika menerima pancutan airmani Man, sambil memegang gagang telepon.
“Aaaahh… abang… ahhhhhh… aahhhh…” Kak Zai menikmati pancutan itu, sambil mengatur kata-kata.
“Zai memain je abang, saja bagi Abang rindu kat Zai….” beritahu Kak Zai pada suaminya, dan meletak gagang talipon.
“Aaaaahhhhh… uuhhhhh…” baru Kak Zai melepaskan keluhan nikmatnya yang sebenar.
Dan kali ketiganya Man tertiarap kesedapan atas badan Kak Zai. dan di Kedah sana, Abang Sahak meletak gagang taliponnya geram. Geram isterinya memain-mainkannya dengan erangan sebegitu. Cuma Abang Sahak tidak tahu, isterinya mengerang akibat cipap keciknya kena balun batang besar panjang budak muda. Dan di Kedah sana Abang Sahak bersiap-siap untuk menjemput Kak Zai. Memang dia risau isterinya menumpang di rumah budak bujang itu.
Kak Zai pula sedang bercelaru fikirannya. Dia seolah-olah membenarkan Man merogolnya. Nak dikata Kak Zai melarang, dia sendiri macam rela cipapnya dijolok batang budak muda itu. Malah dia jadikan bahan gurauan dengan suaminya tadi. Dengan cara dia mengangkang cipapnya tadi, Kak Zai tau Man akan mendatanginya lagi. Budak itu sudah merasa betapa sedapnya cipap Kak Zai, dan Kak Zai pula tak melawan ketika Man membalunnya kali kedua dan ketiga tadi.
Kak Zai tak berniat curang pada suaminya, tapi bila kena batang sebesar dan sepanjang itu, Kak Zai tak berdaya menahan sedapnya. Cuma setelah kena tiga round tadi, terasa sakit-sakit cipapnya. Maklumlah, cipap yang kecik begitu kena hentam batang teruna besar panjang.
Bagi Man pula, kerisauan kalau-kalau Kak Zai akan memarahinya hilang terus. Kalau Kak Zai benar-benar tak rela, tentu Kak Zai dah keluar dari rumahnya. Setelah melihat cipap Kak Zai yang licin bercukur, Man tahu bahawa Kak Zai paham tentang cipapnya itu untuk kenikmatan suaminya, atau untuk mana-mana batang yang mahu menggunakannya.
Malam itu, ketika Kak Zai mula baring untuk tidur, badannya rasa ditindih. Kak Zai tahu, Man ingin menikmati lubang cipapnya lagi. Setelah dibogelkan, dan setelah 10 minit teteknya diuli, cipapnya pula dikorek jari Man. Kak Zai tak berdaya menahan cipapnya dari basah bila dikorek begitu.
Sedar-sedar, batang Man dah memenuhi cipap kecik Kak Zai. Setelah 30 minit, isteri orang anak tiga ini terkapar longlai kena penangan batang muda yang sedang kemaruk cipap.
Selesai saja Man membalun Kak Zai, dia bangun keluar bilik. Kak Zai yang masih terkangkang dalam gelap itu memejam mata keletihan membiarkan airmani meleleh dari cipapnya.
Tak sampai lima minit, Kak Zai terasa Man menindihnya lagi, dengan batang tegang terasa memasuki cipapnya.
“Aahhhh… Man… makcik letih lagi ni,” Kak Zai cuba memujuk Man berehat dulu.
Namun batang yang menyucuk cipapnya terus saja menghenjut, sambil mengucup bibirnya. Akhirnya…
“Aarrgghhhhhh… aarghhhh…” sekali lagi Kak Zai mengemut-ngemut bila merasa air suam memancut dalam cipapnya. Dan sekali lagi Kak Zai terkangkang ditinggalkan begitu.
Bila saja Kak Zai nak melelapkan mata, sekali lagi terasa Man mendatanginya. Kali ini Kak Zai terasa cipapnya di lap dengan kain kecil. Dan Kak Zai tak membantah bila Man membalikkan tubuh kecilnya agar meniarap.
“Man… dah la… makcik tak larat dah,” Kak Zai merayu.
Namun budak muda itu terus saja menarik pinggangnya agar punggungnya terangkat menonggeng.
“Aahhhhh… aduh Man…. sakit makcik Man buat macam ni,” keluh Kak Zai bila dengan rakusnya cipapnya di tujah batang keras panjang dari belakang.
Dalam keadaan longlai, Kak Zai pasrah Man menguli teteknya dengan kasar, sambil cipapnya dijolok batang bertubi-tubi. Tersujud Kak Zai dengan pipinya ke tilam, dan punggung menonggek menahan cipap untuk ditujah batang muda.
“Man… makcik tak larat dah… dah 3 round dah ni. Man makan ubat kuat ke?” Kak Zai mengeluh lemah.
Dalam keadaan hampir tertiarap, sekali lagi cipap Kak Zai dipancut airmani batang muda. Sekali lagi Kak Zai ditinggalkan tertiarap tak bermaya. Ketika ini Kak Zai terbayang wajah Abang Sahak, rasa bersalah kerana membiarkan cipap kepunyaan suaminya dimasuki batang lain.
“Man… dah la… mati makcik macam ni!” rayu Kak Zai bila kesekian kalinya, kali ke-4, belakangnya ditindih.
“Man… dah la… pedih dah cipap makcik Man buat,” Kak Zai merayu.
Kak Zai terasa jari-jari Man mengorek cipapnya, tapi jari yang bersalut airnani itu kemudiannya menyapu airnani itu ke jubur Kak Zai. Dalam keadaan masih tertiarap, Kak Zai hanya patuh bila kakinya dikangkangkan.
Sekali lagi jari itu mengorek cipapnya, dan menyapu airmani itu ke lubang jubur Kak Zai. Tiba-tiba Kak Zai merasa batang keras pula dimasuk kan ke cipapnya, tapi segera pula dicabut.
“Man! Apa Man buat ni?” terjerit Kak Zai bila terasa batang keras yang baru dicabut dari cipapnya itu dihalakan ke lubang juburnya.
“Jangan Man… Jangan… makcik tak mau main kat jubur, suami makcik tak pernah buat macam tu!” jerit Kak Zai bila terasa batang itu mula ditekan kuat ke lubang juburnya.
Namun apakan daya Kak Zai, badan kecilnya tak mampu menghalang, bila punggungnya dipegang, dan batang keras itu mula ditekan kuat untuk memasuki juburnya.
“Aduh Man… sakit Man,” jerit Kak Zai bila batang itu mula masuk lubang punggungnya.
“Aduhhh… Man… Man… tak nak Man!” jerit Kak Zai sambil tangan menepuk-nepuk tilam menahan sakit bila batang muda besar panjang menceroboh lubang punggungnya.
Meleleh airmata Kak Zai mengenangkan lubang juburnya, yang tak pernah dilibuat oleh suaminya itu, kini dilibuat budak muda yang sangkaanya boleh dianggap anak. Kak Zai menjaga juburnya untuk suaminya kalau dia berkehendak, tapi suaminya tak pernah meminta.
“Aduh… aduhhh… sakit Man… dah la Man,” rayu Kak Zai dalam esakannya.
Namun budak muda itu seakan lagi bernafsu melibuatnya apabila mendengar rayuan Kak Zai. Akibatnya, tak sampai 10 minit tercemarlah jubur Kak Zai dengan airmani pertama dalam punggungnya.
Setelah selesai, sekali lagi Kak Zai menahan pedih bila batang itu dicabut dari juburnya. Dalam keadaan lemah, dan bertelanjang, Kak Zai rasa tangannya dipimpin keluar bilik. Lemah-lemah dan sakit-sakit cipap dan jubur Kak Zai bila cuba berjalan sambil dipimpin itu.
Tak sangka oleh Kak Zai, Man akan menutuhnya tiga kali di cipap dan sekali di lubang punggung. Betapa terkejutnya Kak Zai bila pintu bilik dibuka, dan ia memandang ke ruang tamu yang terang benderang itu, kerana diruang tamu itu, sedang terbaring di sofa ialah Man dan dua orang kawannya dalam keadaan bogel!
Dan yang memapahnya? Seorang lagi kawan Man, juga berbogel selepas menutuh juburnya tadi. Baru Kak Zai tau, cipap dan juburnya telah dikerjakan bergilir-gilir oleh Man dan tiga orang kawan-kawannya.

Tiba di ruang tamu, Man pula ambil alih terus memapah Kak Zai, dan dibaringkan meniarap atas seorang kawanya Joe, yang sedang terlentang dengan batang yang tegak menegang.
“Wah! Ni lagi best ni, clear sikit main terang-terang macam ni,” kata Joe.
Man membetulkan cipap Kak Zai atas batang Joe dan dengan mudah batang Joe menusuk cipap Kak Zai yang penuh airmani itu. Setelah Kak Zai tertiarap dengan cipap ditusuk Joe dari bawah, Man menaiki punggung Kak Zai dan…
“Mann… aduh sakit makcik Man… cukup laa… makcik tak mau dah!” Kak Zai merintih bila juburnya pula ditujah Man dari belakang dan Kak Zai lemah tak bermaya dikerjakan Man dan Joe, Manakala Zaul dan Ali gelak memerhati isteri Abang Sahak ini dikerjakan depan belakang.
Kak Zai terlentang macam orang pengsan setelah Man dan Joe selesai. Namun tangisannya menunjukkan ia sedar apa yang terjadi.
“Budak muda pun mereka ada nafsu jugak tengok badan awak tu, sebab awak nampak muda lagi,” terdengar kata-kata suaminya.
Dalam esakannya, Kak Zai merenung siling apabila Zaul pula menindih dan membalunnya dan melepaskan airmani dalam cipapnya untuk kali kedua malam itu. Dia hanya mampu terkangkang dan terlentang menahan batang Zaul. Dan mata Kak Zai merenung kosong bila giliran ali pula menutuh cipapnya juga kali kedua malam itu.
Jam 4 pagi, Ali sedang tekun mengerjakan cipap Kak Zai. namun keempat-empat mereka dan juga Kak Zai tidak menyedari ada sepasang mata yang sedang mengintai dari luar.
Wajah Abang Sahak, melalui celah cermin tingkap menjengah mengintai ke ruang tamu! Ali yang sedang menikmati cipap Kak Zai terus menghenjut. Abang Sahak seakan terduduk melihat cipap milik isterinya sedang ditujah batang besar Ali.
Lebih kecewa Abang Sahak melihat Man, Joe dan Zaul yang berbogel atas karpet melihat Ali mengerjakan Kak Zai. Mata Kak Zai pula sayu merenung siling sementara cipap sedang dikerjakan ali. Abang Sahak faham apa yang terjadi pada isterinya.
Setelah puas menghenjut, akhirnya berkeruh suara Ali melepas nikmat semasa melepaskan airmaninya dalam cipap Kak Zai. Hancur hati Abang Sahak melihat Ali tertiarap atas perut Kak Zai. Manakala Kak Zai macam pengsan terkulai atas karpet.
Melihat keadaan ruang tamu itu, Abang Sahak tahu isterinya sudah puas dikerjakan budak-budak muda itu. Kaki Kak Zai yang terkangkang hala ke tingkap itu membolehkan Abang Sahak melihat lubang cipapnya yang semacam sudah ternganga. Keadaan terang ruang tamu itu dapat ia melihat cipap isterinya terbuka, dan air putih pekat meleleh dari cipap kecil isterinya itu.
Ketika Kak Zai yang keletihan itu beralih meniarap, Abang Sahak tambah terkejut. Bila melihat lubang jubur isterinya seolah-olah terbuka lubangnya!
“Hisss… dia orang ni dah balun depan belakang ke?” rungut hati Abang Sahak.
Ketika Abang Sahak masih terfikir-fikir, dia melihat Joe mula mendekati Kak Zai yang masih meniarap itu dari belakang. Dilihatnya Joe meniarap atas punggung Kak Zai, lutut Joe menolah peha Kak Zai agar renggang dan dengan tangan kiri menongkat badannya, tangan kanan Joe menghalakan batangnya yang tegang ke arah cipap Kak Zai yang meniarap.
Setelah beberapa ketika seperti mencari cari, Joe mula menolak batangnya masuk ke lubang cipap Kak Zai. Hati Abang Sahak makin sayu melihat Kak Zai yang hanya kaku, menerima tusukan itu dan seterusnya diam tak bergerak membiarkan Joe menghenjut cipapnya dalam keadaan tertiarap itu.
“Ooooii… Joe! Tak puas lagi ke?” Man menegur Joe yang sedang menghenjut.
“Aku tak puas lagi ni, cipap makcik ni sedap betul la, ketat je lagi walau dah kena tutuh banyak kali,” balas Joe.
Akhirnya Joe tertiarap atas belakang Kak Zai, sambil punggungnya tersentap-sentap melepas pancutan airmaninya dalam cipap Kak Zai.
Abang Sahak makin resah bila Zaul pula mendatangi Kak Zai.
“Zaul… dah le dulu, kesian makcik Zai tak larat dah tu,” tegur Man.
“Alaa… aku bukan nak main cipap, aku nak main jubur pulak. Aku tak rasa lagi jubur makcik ni,” jawab Zaul.
“Ali… tolong pegang peha makcik ni kejap,” Zaul minta Ali membantu.
Ali membuka peha Kak Zai, dan Zaul menghala batangnya ke jubur Kak Zai.
“Aahhh… aduh… aduhhh… ahhh…” terdengar erangan Kak Zai bila Zaul menujah juburnya.
Menggigil suara Kak Zai menahan sakit bila juburnya kena batang Zaul.
Di balik tingkap, Abang Sahak dapat melihat bahu isterinya terhenjut-henjut dan sayup-sayup terdengar esakannya. Kak Zai tak sangka kedegilannya mendengar nasihat suaminya menyebabkan ia menjadi mangsa kenduri seks budak-budak muda ini. Sudahlah badannya kecik, kena pula empat batang yang besar-besar panjang dan cukup tegang pula.
Akhirnya ketika subuh hampir tiba, sekali lagi jubur Kak Zai diisi airmani Zaul. Sebaik saja Zaul mencabut batangnya dari jubur Kak Zai, Ali pula mengambil tempat. Dan Ali, orang yang pertama meliwat jubur Kak Zai dalam bilik, yang Kak Zai sangkakan Man. Sekali lagi membalun jubur Kak Zai dengan rakus.
************************************************* Ketika terjaga, Kak Zai yang masih keletihan dan masih samar-samar pandangannya terasa seseorang mengelap cipapnya.
“Tak nak dah! Jangann… makcik tak nak dah!” jerit Kak Zai menepis-nepis tangan yang mengelap cipapnya.
“Zai… Zaii… diam. Diam. Abang ni, Abang ni!” Abang Sahak cuba mententeramkan isterinya.
“Abang!” jerit Kak Zai memeluk Abang Sahak, tangisannya menjadi jadi.
Tadi dia menyangkakan budak-budak muda itu yang ingin menyetubuhinya lagi. Rupanya suaminya sedang membersihkan cipapnya yang penuh dengan airmani, juga juburnya yang nampak kesan airmani bercampur darah. Kak Zai menekup muka ke dada Abang Sahak. Malu dengan keadaan dirinya yang baru dikerjakan budak-budak muda itu. Malu dengan keadaan cipapnya yang dah terbuka,dengan juburnya yang berdarah.
Tentu suaminya tau bahawa cipap Kak Zai dah dinikmati batang lain. Malu juburnya juga telah dilibuat oleh lelaki lain. Lagi malu kalau suaminya tau Kak Zai telah menikmati batang muda itu pada awalnya. Lagi malu kalau Abang Sahak tau betapa Kak Zai menggoyang punggungnya ketika Man mendatanginya dari belakang semalam.
“Zai meniarap, Abang nak lap jubur Zai,” Abang Sahak mengarah isterinya.
“Tonggeng sikit punggung ni,” kata Abang Sahak lagi.
Kak Zai patuh menonggeng punggungnya menunggu Abang Sahak mengelap juburnya. Sebaliknya Abang Sahak tidak mengelap, tapi dia melondehkan seluar dan seluar dalamnya. Abang Sahak merapatkan batangnya yang dah tegang ke jubur Kak Zai.
“Abang… Apa Abang buat ni?” rintih Kak Zai.
Belum sempat Kak Zai menyedari, Abang Sahak dah meletakkan batangnya ke jubur Kak Zai dan terus menekan.
“Aduh bang… Jangan bang… sakit Zai Abang buat macam ni,” rintih Kak Zai.
Namun Abang Sahak terus dengan niatnya melibuat jubur Kak Zai.
“Aduh bang… sakit bang… Jangan abang!” Kak Zai merayu.
“Aaagghhh… diam Zai! Abang nak balun jugak jubur hang ni, budak-budak tu dah puas balun, hang diam je tadi Abang tengok!” jawap Abang Sahak yang seperti kerasukan menutuh jubur Kak Zai.
Sekali lagi Kak Zai teresak-esak menahan pedih juburnya dilibuat suaminya sendiri.
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Makcik yah
Nama aku adalah Zack.Aku telah dilahirkan pada 11 Mei 1995 dan berbintang Taurus.Aku sedang bersekolah menengah di Kampar,Perak Darul Ridzuan dalam Tingkatan 4.
Aku mempunyai seorang Makcik Saudara yang telah berkahwin dengan Pakcik Saudara aku.Namanya adalah Zawiyah dan aku hanya memanggilnya dengan nama “Makcik Yah” sahaja.Makcik Yah aku tu telah dilahirkan pada 24 Jun 1971 di Muar,Johor Darul Takzim dan berbintang Cancer.
Seperti biasa ketika cuti persekolahan,aku mesti bermalam di rumah Pakcik aku di Bandar Ipoh,Perak Darul Ridzuan untuk menolong beliau apa yang patut.Pakcik aku bertuah kerana memiliki seorang isteri yang sangat cantik,sangat seksi dan sangat menawan serta sangat mudah mesra dengan semua orang.Itu adalah salah satu sebab mengapa aku suka bermalam di rumah Pakcik aku.Isterinya yang aku panggil Makcik Yah selalu melayan aku dengan baik dan mesra.
Pakcik aku dan Makcik Yah aku telah 13 tahun berkahwin sejak bulan Februari 1998 dan baru sahaja dikurniakan dengan seorang anak perempuan yang baru berusia setahun sejak dilahirkan pada Februari 2010 dan masih menyusu badan.Kadang-kadang penampilan Makcik Yah aku ketika di dalam rumah sangat merangsang keinginan nafsu seks aku jugak,apatah lagi di usia remaja belasan tahun seperti aku di mana keinginan nafsu seks sentiasa bergelora.Sebab itulah jugak sepupu aku Din tidak begitu suka untuk bermalam di rumah Pakcik aku.
“Tak tahan aku,buat keras batang kote aje…!!!Kalau boleh berjubur dengan Makcik Yah tu takpe lah jugak…!!!”kata sepupu aku Din setiap kali aku mengajak dia untuk bermalam di rumah Pakcik aku.
Pernah sekali dia merancang untuk meletakkan ubat tidur dalam minuman Pakcik aku dan Makcik Yah aku supaya bila malam nanti dia boleh menyetubuhi dan menikmati lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku sepuas-puasnya.Tak tahulah dia buat atau tak buat projek tu,aku tak mahu masuk campur la…Kebiasaannya Din akan menceritakan pada aku,kalau dia dapat menikmati lubang cipap baru,memang sudah ramai perempuan yang sudah ditebuknya.
Aku pulak,entah apa rezekilah pulak malam tu,Makcik Yah membiarkan sahaja tubuhnya dinikmati oleh aku serta merelakan aku menyetubuhi dirinya.Kisahnya bermula pada malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011 bila Pakcik aku memberitahu hendak berjumpa kawannya atas urusan perniagaan dan mungkin pulang lewat sikit malam tu.Sementara menanti Makcik Yah aku menyelesaikan kerja-kerjanya di dapur,aku melayan keletah anak perempuannya Ain yang baru berusia setahun.Ain memang rapat dengan aku.Setelah selesai kerja-kerja di dapur,Makcik Yah aku tu datang berehat sambil menonton TV di ruang TV pada lebih kurang pukul 8:30 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011.Ketika itu Ain merungut ingin menetek.Makcik Yah tanpa segan-silu terus menyelak t-shirt yang dipakainya mendedahkan kedua-dua teteknya yang montok dan gebu untuk Ain menetek.Inilah kali pertama aku melihat kedua-dua tetek Makcik Yah aku dari jarak dekat.Perlahan-lahan batang kote aku mula mengeras.Makcik Yah aku tu hanya tersenyum melihatkan aku yang mula tergamam.
“Ain ni kalau dah menetek,kejap lagi tidur la ni…!!!”kata Makcik Yah kepada aku.Aku hanya tersenyum sambil mata aku tak lekang memerhatikan kedua-dua teteknya yang sangat besar itu.
Setelah puas menetek,Ain kembali menyambung aktivitinya.
“Ain ni,ketika susu tengah banyak ni,dia hisap sikit aje…!!!”rungut Makcik Yah sambil memicit-micit kedua-dua puting teteknya di depan aku.Memang ada susu yang keluar dari puting tersebut.
“Dia dah kenyang kot…!!!”aku menyampuk.
“Agaknya la tu,lagipun Ain dah besar,dah kurang menetek dah…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah sambil mengurut-ngurut kedua-dua teteknya di depan aku.Melihatkan aku yang masih terpegun memerhatikan kedua-dua tetek besarnya,Makcik Yah terus menegur aku.
“Amboi,tenung tetek Makcik Yah macam nak telan aje…!!!Kenapa,teringin nak menetek jugak ker…???”tanya Makcik Yah kepada aku sambil tersenyum.
“Boleh ker,Makcik Yah…???”jawab aku inginkan kepastian.Ketika itu batang kote aku memang dah keras menegang di sebalik kain pelikat yang aku pakai.
“Ala,Makcik Yah tak kisah langsung,tapi mesti sebelum Pakcik kau balik la…!!!”jawab Makcik Yah kepada aku dengan lembut.
“Mari sini datang dekat sikit…!!!”pelawa Makcik Yah sambil menyuakan satu teteknya ke mulut aku.Apa lagi,aku pun terus la menyonyot puting kedua-dua teteknya,memang ada susu yang keluar, tapi aku telan sahaja.
“Macam mana rasanya,sedap ker…???”tanya Makcik Yah kepada aku sambil menyuakan tetek yang satu lagi.Kali ini aku tidak menghisap sangat puting teteknya,hanya lebih kepada mengulum dan menjilat sahaja puting tetek Makcik Yah aku tu.
Kini aku mula rasakan puting kedua-dua teteknya mula mengeras,aku gunakan peluang ini dengan sepenuhnya di mana sebelah teteknya aku kulum dan jilat manakala sebelah lagi aku ramas dengan tangan aku.Sedang asyik aku melayan stim dengan tetek Makcik Yah,tiba-tiba Ain datang dekat dengan aku menunjukkan anak patungnya yang rosak.Makcik Yah menyuruh aku membetulkannya.Ketika aku bangun untuk membetulkan anak patung tersebut,aku tidak dapat menyembunyikan batang kote aku yang menegang keras dan tertonjol ke depan di sebalik kain pelikat yang aku pakai.Makcik Yah hanya tersenyum memerhatikan keadaan aku ketika itu.Setelah membaikpulih anak patung Ain,aku kembali mendapatkan Makcik Yah yang masih tersenyum memandang aku.
“Yang tu dah menegang ker…???”tanya Makcik Yah sambil memuncungkan mulutnya ke arah batang kote aku yang mencanak dan terhangut-hangut di sabalik kain pelikat tersebut.
“Habis tu,dah dapat susu segar,bangun la dia…!!!”jawab aku dengan selamba.
“Nak lagi ker…???”tanya Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku.
“Kalau Makcik Yah nak bagi lagi semestinya saya nak…!!!”jawab aku dengan laju.
“Biar Makcik Yah tidurkan Ain dulu,lepas tu boleh la kita sambung lagi…!!!Lagipun batang kote Joe dah menegang tu,boleh la kita lebih-lebih sikit…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah kepada aku dengan jelingan menggoda.
Makcik Yah kemudiannya terus memanggil Ain untuk menetek sambil berbaring di atas tilam yang memang tersedia di ruang TV pada lebih kurang pukul 9:10 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011.Aku hanya memerhatikan sahaja Ain yang mula mengantuk,sambil membayangkan kenikmatan yang bakal aku perolehi nanti.
“Zack,mari la baring sebelah Makcik Yah ni…!!!”ajak Makcik Yah kepada aku.Dengan segera aku berbaring di sebelah Makcik Yah yang membelakangi aku.Geram dengan bontot tonggek Makcik Yah yang gebu tersebut,aku pun terus menyondolkan batang kote aku yang masih ditutupi kain pelikat pada lurang bontot tonggeknya.
“Masih keras lagi ker,Sayang…???”tanya Makcik Yah kepada aku bila merasakan batang kote aku menekan lurah bontot tonggeknya.Aku membiarkan sahaja Makcik Yah meramas dan melancapkan batang kote aku yang kini menegang tahap maksimum.
“Wow…besar jugak batang kote Zack ni la…!!!Panjangnya mengalahkan Pakcik kau punya la…!!!”kata Makcik Yah kepada aku.
“Nak buat macam mana lagi,memang dari asalnya macam tu,Makcik Yah…!!!”jawab aku.Aku kegelian bila Makcik Yah mengosok-gosok dan memicit kepala batang kote aku yang masih ditutupi dengan kain pelikat itu.
Aku pun kemudiannya terus memberanikan diri dengan memeluk Makcik Yah aku tu dan cuba untuk meraba dan meyelinap masuk tangan aku ke dalam kain batiknya.Seolah-olah mengerti kemahuan aku,Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus melonggarkan ikatan kain batiknya supaya aku mencapai apa yang aku ingini.Perlahan-lahan aku melurut ke bawah kain batik tersebut sehingga mendedahkan bontot tonggek Makcik Yah aku tu yang putih melepak tetapi masih ditutupi oleh seluar dalamnya.Aku yang amat terangsang melihat keadaan tersebut kemudiannya terus menyelakkan kain pelikat aku untuk mendedahkan batang kote aku yang menegang keras lalu ditekan rapat pada alur bontot tonggek Makcik Yah aku tu.Mungkin kegelian,sekali lagi Makcik Yah aku tu meraih kepala batang kote aku lalu digosok-gosok dengan ibu jarinya sehingga licin dibasahi oleh air mazi aku.Aku memberanikan diri dengan menyeluk tangan aku di sebalik seluar dalamnya lalu mengosok-gosok perlahan-lahan permukaan lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu yang berbulu nipis.Makcik Yah aku tu hanya membiarkan sahaja perbuatan aku tersebut sambil memejam mata.
“Zack pernah rasa tak benda yang Zack gosok tu…???”tanya Makcik Yah kepada aku dalam keadaan kuyu.
“Tak pernah,ni la kali pertama sentuh pun…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dalam keadaan amat terangsang.
“Zack tak teringin ker nak melakukan hubungan seks dengan perempuan…???”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu lagi.
“Teringin jugak Makcik Yah,tapi tak pernah dapat peluang…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan jujur.
“Best ker rasanya kalau melakukan hubungan seks tu,Makcik Yah…???”kemudiannya aku terus bertanya kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan spontan.
“Zack kahwin nanti dapat tau la sedap ker atau tak sedapnya…!!!”jawab Makcik Yah aku tu pulak.
“Ala,lambat lagi la tu,Makcik Yah…!!!Kalau boleh Zack nak rasa malam ni jugak la…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu cuba nak mengumpan Makcik Yah aku tu untuk melakukan hubungan seks dengan aku.
“Iiissshhh…kau ni Zack,takkan la nak buat hubungan seks dengan Makcik Yah pulak…???Kantoi dengan Pakcik kau nanti siapa jugak yang akan susah…!!!”jawab Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Tapi Makcik Yah pun sebenarnya kesian jugak pada Zack ni,batang kote Joe ni dah tegang sangat ni…!!!Kalau macam tu biar Makcik Yah lancapkan aje sampai keluar air untuk mengurangkan ketegangan tu…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu sambil meneruskan lancapan terhadap batang kote aku yang kini dibasahi oleh air mazi aku akibat terangsang.
“Cukup la ni,dah basah sangat dah batang kote Zack ni…!!!Makcik Yah pun dah rasa nak terkencing dah ni,lagipun Ain dah terlena tu…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu lalu beredar ke bilik air,meninggalkan aku yang masih lagi diburu keinginan nafsu seks aku.Pada ketika itu waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 9:20 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011.
Selepas selesai kencing,Makcik Yah kembali berbaring di sebelah Ain yang telah terlena.
“Entah pukul berapa la agaknya Pakcik kau tu akan balik…!!!”rungut Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Kenapa,Makcik Yah…???”aku kemudiannya terus bertanya kepada Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Takde apa-apa la,Zack…!!!Ain pun dah lena ni,kalau nak sambung menetek lagi boleh la…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu sambil tersenyum kepada aku.
“Eh…tentu la saya nak…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan pantas.
“Tapi sebelum tu,boleh tak saya nak tengok Makcik Yah punya tu…???”pinta aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu sambil menunjukkan ke arah lubang cipapnya.
“Ishh…kau ni Zack,tadi kan Makcik Yah dah bagi pegang sampai terkencing Makcik Yah kau kerjakan…!!!”jawab Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Ala…Makcik Yah,tadi tu gosok aje,ni nak tengok…!!!”rayu aku lagi kepada Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Ishh…tak mau la,malu…!!!”jawab Makcik Yah aku tu.Namun begitu Makcik Yah aku tu telah mengubah posisinya dari berbaring di sebelah Ain dan kini kakinya pulak yang menghadap aku,kedua-dua kakinya dibengkokkan seolah-olah perempuan hendak bersalin.Keadaan tersebut menyebabkan kain batik yang dipakai tersingkap ke atas mendedahkan lubang cipapnya yang tembam dan berbulu nipis serta basah di depan aku.Berderau darah aku melihat keadaan tersebut.Pada ketika itu waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 9:30 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011 .
“Kata nak menetek tadi,jom la…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku sambil tersenyum melihatkan aku yang sekali lagi tergamam.Aku kemudiannya terus mengambil kesempatan tersebut untuk bercelapak di celah kangkang Makcik Yah aku tu dengan kedudukan seolah-olah ingin melakukan hubungan seks.Makcik Yah aku tu hanya membiarkan aku berkedudukan sebegitu tanpa bantahan dengan lubang cipapnya kini telahpun terdedah di hadapan aku.
Makcik Yah kemudiannya terus menyelak baju yang dipakai mendedahkan kedua-dua teteknya yang montok untuk aku kerjakan.Aku kemudiannya terus menindih tubuh Makcik Yah aku tu sambil mengulum puting kedua-dua teteknya,dan pada masa yang sama aku menyelakkan kain pelikat aku untuk mengeluarkan batang kote aku yang menegang keras itu dan ditekan pada lubang cipapnya.Seolah-olah memahami keiginan aku,Makcik Yah kemudiannya terus memegang batang kote aku lalu disuakan tepat pada lubang cipapnya,lalu memeluk tubuh aku dengan kemas,manakala kakinya dilingkarkan pada pinggang aku.Akibat tekanan tersebut,batang kote aku terus terbenam memasuki lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu buat kali pertama
pada hari tersebut ( kali pertama secara keseluruhannya) sehingga ke dasarnya pada pukul 9:40 malam hari
Isnin 14 Mac 2011.Aku mendesis keenakan merasai kenikmatan tersebut,manakala Makcik Yah aku tu pulak mengerang halus bila batang kote aku memenuhi rongga lubang cipapnya.Lubang cipapnya mula mengemut kemas batang kote aku dan aku dapat merasakan tubuh Makcik Yah aku tu mula menggigil,sebelah tangannya meramas kerandut buah pelir aku,manakala sebelah lagi mencekam tubuh aku.Tubuh Makcik Yah aku tu mula mengejang disertai ngerangan dan keluhan panjang dari mulut Makcik Yah aku tu.
Batang kote aku kini dibasahi dengan cairan hangat yang keluar dari dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Selepas itu Makcik Yah aku tu menghela nafas kelegaan.Aku yang jugak kegelian ketika itu tertahan pancutan air mani aku akibat ramasan pada kerandut buah pelir aku oleh Makcik Yah.Setelah nafasnya pulih,Makcik Yah aku tu tersenyum merenung aku yang agak terkejut dengan pengalaman tersebut.Perlahan-lahan aku menarik keluar batang kote aku dan menekannya kembali ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu untuk melakukan aksi sorong-tarik batang kote aku ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu yang tak henti-henti mengerang halus setiap kali batang kote aku mencecah dasar lubang cipapnya.Melihat muka aku yang berkerut seolah-olah mahu memancutkan air mani aku,cepat-cepat Makcik Yah meramas-ramas kerandut buah pelir aku dan menyuruh aku berhenti menghenjut sehingga perasaan aku untuk memancutkan air mani aku reda,selepas itu Makcik Yah menyuruh aku kembali menyambung henjutan batang kote aku pada lubang cipapnya.Belum pun sempat aku nak memancutkan air mani aku ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu,kedengaran kereta Pakcik aku memasuki garaj.Pada ketika itu waktu telah menunjukkan pukul 10:00 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011.
“Pakcik kau dah pulang,masa berasmara dah habis…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku lalu menolak tubuh aku dari tubuhnya dan mencabut keluar batang kote aku dari dalam lubang cipapnya.Selepas itu dia bergegas mengangkat Ain ke bilik tidur dan menyiap rapi tubuhnya yang dah kusut-masai dikerjakan oleh aku.
“Tak tidur lagi…!!!”tegur Pakcik aku melihatkan aku yang asyik menonton TV.
“Belum lagi,Pakcik…!!!Sedap pulak midnight movie malam ni,Pakcik…!!!”jawab aku.Sebenarnya aku cuba menenangkan diri aku kerana batang kote aku masih lagi menegang ketika itu kerana belum puas menikmati lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Makcik Yah kau dah tidur ker…???”tanya Pakcik aku lagi.
“Entah la,Pakcik…!!!Tadi ada kat dalam bilik…!!!”jawab aku.Pakcik aku memanggil isterinya keluar untuk menikmati makanan yang dibelinya.Nasib baik batang kote aku dah mengendur ketika menjamu selera dengan Pakcik aku.Selepas itu meraka masuk tidur pada pukul 11:15 malam hari Isnin 14 Mac 2011 dan aku kembali menonton cerita midnight kat TV.
Malam itu aku tidak dapat melelapkan mata mengingatkan peristiwa yang berlaku tadi,batang kote aku asyik mengeras sahaja.Kalau diikutkan hati mahu saja aku melancap sahaja,tapi bila difikirkan balik sayang pulak rasanya,kerana aku merancang nak melepaskan kesemua air mani aku itu ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Fikir punya fikir akhirnya aku pun terlena.
Aku terjaga bila Makcik Yah aku tu memasang lampu dapur,ketika itu sekita jam 5:00 pagi hari Selasa 15 Mac 2011.Aku melihat Makcik Yah aku tu hanya berkemban dengan kain batik sahaja.Agaknya dia dah melakukan hubungan seks bersama dengan Pakcik aku malam tadi kot,ataupun bersiap untuk mandi wajib kerana telah melakukan hubungan seks dengan aku semalam.Aku menjadi terangsang melihat Makcik Yah aku tu yang hanya dalam keadaan berkemban kain batik sahaja.Aku kemudiannya terus bangun dan pergi membasuh muka serta berpura-pura untuk minum air di dapur.Makcik Yah aku tu terkejut bila melihat aku menghampirinya.
“Eeehhh…Zack tak tidur ker,Sayang…???”tanya Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku.
“Tak boleh nak lena la,Makcik Yah…!!!Benda ni asyik tegang aje…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu sambil menunjuk ke arah batang kote aku yang mula menegang.Makcik Yah aku tu hanya tersenyum melihat keadaan aku.
“Semalam kan dah dapat sampai berpeluh-peluh mengerjakan tubuh Makcik Yah ni,Sayang…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku.
“Ishh…kau ni Zack,keinginan nafsu seks jenis apa entah…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu lagi.
“Semalam tak puas sebab tak sempat nak pancut la,Makcik Yah…!!!”aku kemudiannya berkata kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan selamba.
“Oooo…nak pancut kat dalam ye,Sayang…???”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu lagi sambil tergelak kecil.
“Kalau Makcik Yah benarkan,memang teringin sangat nak rasa macam mana nikmatnya dapat pancut air mani kat dalam lubang cipap seorang wanita,terutamanya kat dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah tu…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan jujur.
“Bukannya tak nak bagi,tapi Makcik Yah tengah subur sekarang ni,risau takut termengandung Makcik Yah nanti,Sayang…!!!Dah la batang kote kau tu panjang,kalau terpancut terus melekat kat dalam rahim Makcik Yah ni nanti tau…!!!”terang Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku.
“Alah…Makcik Yah,boleh la…!!!Nak rasa sekali aje,Makcik Yah…!!!Lepas ni takkan buat lagi dah…!!!”rayu aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu dengan manja.
“Baiklah,Zack punya pasal Makcik Yah bagi la pancut kat dalam,termengandung pun termengandung la…!!!Lagipun Ain dah besar,tentu dia nak adik…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku lagi.
“Tapi sebelum itu Makcik Yah nak pakai tuala kejap ye…!!!Zack pergi tunggu Makcik Yah kat dalam bilik mandi dulu la ye,kita buat kat situ aje…!!!Bukannya apa,takut terkantoi dengan Pakcik kau tu aje…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku lagi.Tanpa bertangguh lagi aku pun kemudiannya terus masuk ke dalam bilik mandi dan siap berbogel sementara menanti Makcik Yah aku tu turun.
Dengan hanya berbungkus tuala singkat,Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus masuk ke dalam bilik mandi dan terus mengunci pintu bilik mandi pada pukul 5:20 pagi hari Selasa 15 Mac 2011.Selepas membukak air,Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus membukak tuala mendedahkan tubuh bogelnya lalu memeluk tubuh aku sambil tangannya menggosok-gosok batang kote aku yang sedang keras menegang itu.Aku pun kemudiannya terus membalas pelukan Makcik Yah aku tu sambil meramas-ramas kedua-dua teteknya.Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus melingkarkan sebelah kakinya pada pinggang aku lalu menekankan lubang cipapnya pada batang kote aku yang keras menegang itu.Sekali lagi aku dapat merasakan kehangatan lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu bila batang kote aku mula memasuki dan tenggelam di dalam rongga lubang cipapnya buat kali pertama pada hari tersebut ( kali ke-2 secara keseluruhannya) pada pukul 5:25 pagi Selasa 15 Mac 2011 .Aku pun kemudiannya mula menghenjut lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu dan cuba untuk memasukkan keseluruhan batang kote aku ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Makcik Yah aku tu hanya tersenyum melihat usaha bersungguh-sungguh aku tersebut.Memahami keinginan aku,Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus melepaskan pelukannya lalu membelakangi aku dan menonggengkan bontot tonggeknya ke arah aku.
“Masukan batang kote Zack tu dari arah belakang pulak,baru la boleh dapat masuk habis, Sayang…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku sambil merapatkan bontot tonggeknya pada batang kote aku.
Aku menjadi bertambah terangsang melihat bontot tonggek Makcik Yah aku tu yang pejal dan montok itu,tanpa mebuang masa lagi aku terus memeluk Makcik Yah aku tu dari arah belakang dengan tangan aku meramas-ramas kedua-dua teteknya.Setelah memperbetulkan kedudukan kote aku,hanya dengan sekali sondol sahaja,keseluruhan batang kote aku tenggelam di dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu sekali lagi sehingga mencecah dasar lubang cipapnya.Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus mengerang halus bila batang kote aku menekan rapat batu merinyamnya.Aku membiarkan batang kote aku terendam di dasar lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu untuk merasakan kenikmatan,kehangatan dan kemutan-kemutan yang dihasilkan oleh lubang cipapnya.Aku kemudiannya terus menggoyang-goyangkan punggung aku sehingga kepala batang kote aku bergesel-gesel dengan batu merinyam yang terletak di dasar lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Keadaan tersebut menyebabkan lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu mencengkam dan mengemut kemas batang kote aku,sambil mendesis dan mengerang panjang Makcik Yah aku tu mencapai klimaks seksnya di mana cairan hangat menyembur keluar dari dalam lubang cipapnya.Keadaan tersebut menyebabkan lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu semakin licin dan seterusnya memudahkan aku untuk melakukan henjutan batang kote aku sehingga ke dasar lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Terhenjut-henjut badan Makcik Yah aku tu menahan hentakan batang kote aku yang sedang menikmati kehangatan lubang cipapnya.
Setelah lebih kurang 25 minit aku menghenjut dan menikmati lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu,kepala batang kote aku mula mengembang dan kegelian yang penuh nikmat pada batang kote aku dirasakan.Batang kote aku kini bersedia untuk memuntahkan air mani aku ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu.Aku kemudiannya terus menghentak dan menekan batang kote aku sedalam yang mungkin ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu sehinggakan kepala batang kote aku rapat pada pintu rahim Makcik Yah aku tu.Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya mendesis dan mengerang keras bila pintu rahimnya ditekan oleh kepala batang kote aku,sekali lagi lubang cipapnya mengemut dan mencengkam kemas batang kote aku.Aku yang sudah tidak dapat bertahan lagi kemudiannya terus melepaskan berdas-das pancutan deras air mani aku ke dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu buat kali pertama pada hari tersebut ( kali pertama secara keseluruhannya) yang membasahi pintu rahim Makcik Yah aku tu pada pukul 5:50 pagi hari Selasa 15 Mac 2011.Makcik Yah aku tu kemudiannya terus menggoyang-goyangkan bontot tonggeknya sambil mengeluh panjang ketika menerima pancutan air mani aku yang menyembur-nyembur memasuki ke dalam lubang cipapnya dan rahimnya.Setelah titisan terakhir air mani aku dilepaskan ke dalam rongga lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu,aku pun kemudiannya terus terdampar kepenatan di atas belakang badan Makcik Yah aku tu yang jugak kepenatan.
“Dah habis keluar ker air mani Zack tu,Sayang…???”tegur Makcik Yah aku tu yang masih mengemut-ngemut batang kote aku di dalam lubang cipapnya.
“Dah takde lagi,Makcik Yah…!!!Dah rasa kosong dah sekarang ni…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu yang masih membiarkan batang kote aku terendam rapat di dalam lubang cipapnya.
“Dah puas hati ker sekarang ni,Sayang…???”tanya Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku lagi.Aku tersenyum,lalu aku terus mencium pipi Makcik Yah aku tu.
“Terima kasih banyak-banyak Zack nak ucapkan kerana telah memberikan peluang yang sebegini kepada Zack,Makcik Yah…!!!Terasa nikmat sangat,Makcik Yah…!!!”jawab aku kepada Makcik Yah aku tu sambil memuji.
“Makcik Yah pun begitu jugak,Zack…!!!Ni la pertama kali lubang cipap Makcik Yah ni dikerjakan dengan teruk oleh batang kote Zack yang besar dan panjang tu,tapi Makcik Yah memang rasa puas sangat tadi…!!!”kata Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku.
“Dah la tu,kita stop aje dulu kat sini ye,Sayang…!!!Lagipun Makcik Yah rasa dah penuh sangat kat dalam lubang cipap dan rahim Makcik Yah ni dengan air mani Zack ni,Sayang…!!!Zack rehat la dulu,biar Makcik Yah mandi dulu sebelum Pakcik kau bangun…!!!”sambung Makcik Yah aku tu kepada aku lagi.
Aku pun kemudiannya terus mencabut batang kote aku dari dalam lubang cipap Makcik Yah aku tu lalu membersihkan sisa-sisa air mani aku yang masih lagi terlekat dan kemudiannya aku pun terus berlalu pergi dari dalam bilik mandi tersebut pada pukul 6:00 pagi hari Selasa 15 Mac 2011.Selepas kejadian itu hubungan aku dengan Makcik Yah aku tu adalah seperti biasa,walaupun akhirnya Makcik Yah aku tu termengandung 2 bulan kemudiannya.
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Mind Over Words
Kinkvember Day 10: Mind Reading
Ex-IZONE/Soloist Kwon Eunbi x Male reader
Kwon Eunbi was no stranger to adoration. As one of the most illustrious idols in the K-pop industry, she had become accustomed to the constant spotlight illuminating her every move. The shimmering lights of fame and the intoxicating cheers of her fans filled her life with an exhilarating thrill, while those around her—managers, stylists, and bodyguards—catered meticulously to her whims. They were like loyal shadows, wholly devoted to her, and Eunbi thrived on the attention that came with her status.
But when you entered her life, it was like stepping into a different world. Assigned as her new bodyguard after a particularly harrowing fan incident, you weren’t like the others who had surrounded her. Their gazes lingered, always softened with admiration or anxious deference, each gesture a silent acknowledgment of her celebrity. But you? You were an enigma, a puzzle. From the very first moment, Eunbi sensed something unusual, even unsettling about you.
Your composure seemed unbreakable, almost otherworldly. You didn’t hover; you didn’t flinch at her biting remarks or her occasional temper. You simply stood there, strong and steady, carrying out your duties with a level of professionalism that was both maddening and captivating. Why doesn’t he react to me? Eunbi wondered, confusion and frustration swirling within her. Why doesn’t he treat me like I’m someone to be adored?
What she didn’t know was that you could hear her thoughts, clear as a voice spoken aloud. You heard her silent questions, felt her frustration, even her curiosity. But she didn’t need to know that yet. You simply stood there, impervious on the outside, knowing every flicker of emotion that crossed her mind.
Eunbi’s initial attempts to ignore you were futile. Your presence was like a constant hum in the background, steady and unavoidable. She couldn’t shake how your striking features, rugged and composed, carried an aura of authority that demanded attention—yet you didn’t wield it like others. You emitted a calm restraint that, despite your undeniable allure, made her pulse quicken in unexpected ways.
Every day, she tried to brush off these reactions, but her inner thoughts were a chaotic mix of confusion and intrigue, and you felt it all. You didn’t react, didn’t show the slightest hint that her presence affected you. And with each passing day, Eunbi’s frustration grew.
As weeks passed, Eunbi found herself caught in an emotional bind. Somehow, you seemed to know what she needed before she could even ask. When she was parched after a long rehearsal, there would be a bottle of chilled water in her hand before she even turned around. At an outdoor shoot, as the heat grew unbearable, you’d have a towel ready or a fan positioned for relief. It was uncanny, almost supernatural.
Yet, the more you took care of her needs, the more irritated she became. Perfect was a word she’d heard too often, but you embodied it in a way that felt oppressive. Why were you so attuned to her? Why did you seem to understand her unspoken needs so well? Your silence and precision highlighted her vulnerability, unsettling her more than she cared to admit. You never asked for gratitude, never expected her approval or admiration. You were…unmoved.
Her frustration simmered, and her thoughts spiraled: Does he ever make mistakes? Why doesn’t he react to me? Why does he care about everything else but my attention?
Your calm exterior held, but you were fully aware of her thoughts. Eunbi’s inner voice pulsed with equal parts irritation and fascination. She lashed out in small ways, hoping to provoke a crack in your armor. She made cutting remarks, and tossed off-handed jabs your way, but you only replied evenly.
“I’m here to take care of you, Ms. Kwon. It’s my job,” you said once, offering a towel after a particularly grueling rehearsal, your tone gentle but unreadable.
That was the crux of her dilemma—you were too good at your job. Your calmness was both a shield and a barrier. Each time she lashed out, a part of her hoped for a reaction, for some glimpse of humanity behind the stoic mask. And you felt her silent yearning. It was palpable, woven into her thoughts as if searching for proof that you weren’t just her bodyguard.
What truly haunted her was the attraction that had blossomed almost immediately after your arrival. She fought against it, clinging to professionalism. But every stolen glance—at the strength in your hands, the confident set of your shoulders under a suit, the way your jaw would tense in moments of concentration—only pulled her deeper into a world of fantasy.
God, just imagine those hands on me, she mused one day, biting her lip before catching herself. The thought startled even her, and she chastised herself immediately. But she couldn’t resist the magnetic pull that only grew stronger with each passing interaction. You could feel her fantasies drift through her mind, the haze of longing nearly suffocating. Still, you held firm.
When ignoring her desire no longer worked, Eunbi switched tactics. She began dressing more provocatively around you, telling herself it was merely her style, but she knew the intent was far from innocent. The first time she walked into the room in a low-cut top, she threw you a glance, eagerly anticipating a response.
But you merely nodded politely, eyes scanning the surroundings as if her presence were no more remarkable than anyone else’s. Her thoughts turned bitterly annoyed: Seriously? He didn’t even notice.
The next day, she wore a tight dress that accentuated her legs and hips. She swayed deliberately as she passed, hoping to break your indifference. But once again, you remained indifferent, your gaze focused on her surroundings rather than her.
Why doesn’t he see me? she fumed inwardly. She knew she was attractive. She knew the effect she had on people. But with you, it felt like she was invisible.
“Do you think this dress looks good on me?” she asked one morning, adjusting the straps with a slight smirk. The neckline dipped, framing her figure in a way she knew was alluring.
You glanced briefly. “It’s appropriate for the event, Ms. Kwon,” you replied smoothly, sensing the frustration flaring up inside her even as she kept her expression neutral.
Appropriate? she seethed inwardly, biting back a scowl. I’m practically throwing myself at him, and all he can say is that it’s ‘appropriate’?
The tension built steadily over the following weeks, until it finally reached a boiling point at a fan meeting. She sat behind a long table, surrounded by the chatter and excitement of her fans, a familiar routine. But today, her mind was somewhere else—on you.
You stood nearby, ever-watchful, a statue of unwavering professionalism. She knew you were scanning the room, focused on your duty. But amid the buzz of adoring fans, she felt a strange emptiness. You were so close, yet so unreachable, her thoughts swirling with a longing she didn’t want to name.
He can’t be this detached. He has to feel something. Why won’t he let me see?
What she didn’t know was that her thoughts, though silent to others, echoed clearly in your mind, striking like a silent plea. You remained steadfast, a lighthouse against her growing storm, guiding her while suppressing your own turbulent emotions. You knew the line between duty and desire was razor-thin, and crossing it could unravel everything.
But Eunbi’s thoughts grew louder, her mind practically screaming her frustration, her curiosity, her yearning. It was almost as if she wanted you to hear her deepest, most vulnerable desires. And you heard every word, every unspoken admission, knowing that the boundary between you was wearing thin.
Why won’t he just look at me? Eunbi thought bitterly, frustration simmering just below the surface of her practiced smile. I could be naked, and he wouldn’t care.
The thought stirred up both anger and a strange thrill that unsettled her. It was childish—a possessive cry for your attention, yet it was raw, disarmingly real. She wanted you to notice her—needed you to, more than she had ever wanted anything. Yet, as she subtly stole glances at you out of the corner of her eye, she found nothing: no hint of interest, no flicker of recognition that her heart raced in your presence.
Her dress hugged her curves perfectly, an outfit chosen with every intention of catching your eye. A silent plea wrapped in silk and lace, it clashed painfully with the stoic indifference she saw in your gaze. Just as she caught herself hoping for your attention, the laughter of nearby girls pierced through her focus, their admiration for you like daggers to her heart.
“He’s so handsome!” one of them squealed, her eyes sparkling as she gazed at you. “Do you think he’s single?” another chimed in, her tone blending excitement with hope.
Eunbi’s jaw tightened, her forced smile growing strained. They’re not here for him. They’re here for me. Why are they looking at him like that? The surge of jealousy and insecurity nearly broke her composure. What was he even looking at? They’re flat as a plank compared to me.
But what twisted the knife deeper in Eunbi’s heart wasn’t just the attention you were receiving; it was your reaction to it. For the first time since she’d met you, a small laugh escaped your lips, a polite smile brightening your features just slightly. The sight was like a slap, lighting a painful flame of betrayal within her. You had never smiled at her like that, no matter how hard she tried, no matter how many subtle advancements she made. Nothing could ignite a spark in you.
Are you kidding me? Her heart raced, jealousy and anger pounding against her ribcage. He can smile at them, but not at me? The thought was painful, almost intoxicating, as if it revealed a hard truth she wasn’t ready to confront: you saw beauty in them, but not in her.
Her gaze narrowed on the girls, their laughter stinging like a taunt. They were transfixed by you, oblivious to the charge in the air between her and you, their eyes shimmering with a careless admiration. He’s mine, she thought fiercely. Not yours.
The jealousy seethed within her, tightening the knots in her stomach with each passing second. She knew she shouldn’t focus on them—or on you—but try as she might, her attention kept snapping back to the frenzied crowd. Fans clamored to catch a glimpse of her, their smiles far brighter than the tension brewing inside her heart. She struggled to maintain her facade, to plaster a smile on her face while signing autographs, yet nothing could shake the bitter realization that had taken up residence in her chest.
As she forced herself to engage with the fans ahead of her, the laughter of those girls, and the image of you chuckling at their admiration, echoed in her mind. Would she ever break through the wall you had built around yourself? And why, despite everything, did she still hope for your gaze to meet hers, even if just for a fleeting moment?
And then, her already brittle patience snapped with the next fan in line—a man whose presence was a jarring departure from the girls. A middle-aged man stepped forward, his smile wide enough to reveal uneven teeth, but it was the way his eyes lingered on Eunbi that made her stomach churn. “Eunbi-ssi,” he said, a shadow of something unsettling lurking in his voice. His gaze traveled down her body before snapping back to her face, and she forced a polite smile, wishing desperately to push the waves of jealousy swirling in her mind into the recesses of her consciousness.
“I’ve been following your career for years,” he continued, his eyes uncomfortably assessing her. “You’re even more beautiful in person.”
Great, she thought, her stomach churning in disgust. Another creep.
Eunbi clenched her jaw, masking her distaste with a polite response. “Thank you for your support.” Her voice, sweet yet strained, fell flat in the air, thick with tension. As she hastily signed the man’s poster, she mentally urged him to move along.
But the encounter was far from over. The man extended his hand with a persistence that unsettled her, the simple handshake suddenly feeling invasive. Reluctantly, she took his hand, hoping the interaction would be brief. But as his grip tightened, she felt a chill run through her—a sense of an unseen boundary being crossed. His fingers lingered too long, and he leaned in closer, invading her personal space with an oily request, “Can I get a special picture? Just between us?”
Let go, she thought desperately, panic flickering in her eyes. Why won’t he let go?
Her pulse quickened, her mind spinning as panic threatened to take over. With every second that passed, she felt more cornered, her instincts screaming for her to pull away, but his grasp tightened instead. Her gaze darted to you, instinctively pleading for a reprieve from the unwanted encounter.
Without hesitation, you stepped forward, seamlessly inserting yourself between Eunbi and the unwanted fan. Your presence was commanding, authoritative yet calm, exuding a sense of protection that immediately eased some of her unease. “That’s enough.Take your hands of Ms. Kwon before I force them off,” you said, your voice steady and unwavering.
The fan blinked, his bravado crumbling as he quickly released Eunbi’s hand. He mumbled an apology, retreating with a pale face, his previous confidence shattered. The relief that flooded through Eunbi was palpable, yet beneath her relief lingered a gratitude so profound, it unsettled her, a quiet acknowledgment that went beyond mere professionalism. You had stepped in at exactly the right moment, just when she needed you the most. It wasn’t just about professionalism anymore. It was something deeper. You had understood her discomfort before she even had a chance to voice it.
Later that night, Eunbi paced back and forth in her room, her mind racing with everything that had happened. The way you had stepped in with that fan, the way you always seemed to know exactly what she needed—it was starting to feel like too much. How does he always know? she wondered, her frustration bubbling over. How does he do it?
Unable to let it go, she crossed the hall and knocked on your door. When you opened it, your expression was as unreadable as ever, but tonight, she wasn’t going to let you keep hiding behind that calm facade.
“Ms. Kwon” you said, your voice unwavering. “Is something wrong?”
Without waiting for an invitation, she stepped past you into the room, her frustration pushing her forward. “How do you do it?” she demanded, turning to face you, her pulse quickening.
You raised an eyebrow. “Do what?”
“You always know,” she snapped. “You always know what I need before I even ask. How do you do that?”
For a moment, you hesitated, your gaze holding a flicker of something darker, though your voice remained steady. “It’s my job to take care of you.”
“That’s crap, you know what I’m talking about,” she shot back, shaking her head. “It’s not just your job. You know things… things you shouldn’t know.”
You stayed silent, eyes searching hers, and then finally said, “I pay attention. I notice things.”
Eunbi’s mind spun with conflicting emotions, a tangled mess of confusion and desire. Is that all it is? Could he really just be that observant?
But she knew there was more to it than that. No one had ever been able to anticipate her needs the way you did. Not her staff, not her fans—no one.
Her thoughts spiraled. How does he know exactly what I want, even when I don’t say it?
Frustration took over. “If you’re so good at paying attention,” she said, stepping closer, “then why don’t you ever...”
She stopped herself, caught off guard by her own longing. Why don’t you ever touch me? Why don’t you ever lose control?
Your gaze held hers, intense and unreadable. Taking a step closer, your presence fills the space between you with a magnetic intensity.
Her breath hitched. She was so close to losing control herself, her body trembling with a desire she’d been fighting for weeks. Yes. Finally, I’ve wanted this since the day I met you.
But she couldn’t say that. Instead, she stammered, “We... we shouldn’t. We’re professionals.”
Your lips twitched into the faintest of smiles. “Are we?”
Eunbi stepped back, trying to regain some sense of control. “We should keep this... professional. I don’t see you this way .”
You paused, as if weighing her words, and then took a step back as if to agree with her.
Her heart seized in her chest. No. Don’t leave. Please don’t leave.
You turned back, eyes dark with amusement. “I think you do want this,” you murmured, your voice low.
Eunbi’s breath caught as you moved closer, your body pressing against hers. All her resistance crumbled.
“You want me to stop?” you asked, your voice low, almost teasing.
Eunbi’s breath caught in her throat as her thoughts betrayed her once again. No, don’t stop. Please don’t stop.
Her heart pounded in her chest as you reached out, your hand gently brushing her arm. The touch sent a shock of heat through her body, making her breath hitch. She opened her mouth to protest, but the words wouldn’t come. All she could think about was how badly she wanted you to keep going, to let go of that rigid professionalism just for once.
You leaned in closer, your breath warm against her skin as you whispered, “Is this what you want?”
Eunbi’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She knew she should push you away, knew she should tell you to stop—but she couldn’t. She couldn’t fight the desire that had been building inside her for weeks.
Yes, it is. I want this. I want you.
But out loud, she shook her head, trying to hold onto some semblance of control. “We... we shouldn’t, it's wrong.”
Your lips twitched into the faintest of smiles. “Why is it so wrong?” you repeated, your voice filled with a dark amusement.
Eunbi’s body betrayed her as she stepped closer, her heart racing. Just rip my top off already. I want you to touch me. I’ve been waiting for this.
Your eyes darkened as you heard her unspoken thoughts, and for the first time, Eunbi saw a crack in your calm demeanor. You moved in closer, your hands sliding up her arms, sending shivers down her spine. And then, with a low, dark chuckle, you did exactly what she had been begging for in her mind—your fingers gripped the fabric of her top, and with one swift motion, you ripped it open.
Eunbi gasped, her body reacting instantly to the cool air hitting her skin. She stared up at you, wide-eyed, a mix of shock and thrill coursing through her. “What the hell—” she began, trying to keep her voice steady, but she was too flustered to hide how much she was enjoying it.
Your gaze never wavered as you leaned in, your lips brushing her ear. “You wanted this, didn’t you?” Your hands moved to her chest, teasing her exposed skin, and Eunbi’s breath hitched as the intensity of your touch sent waves of pleasure through her.
“I... I didn’t say that,” she protested weakly, her voice trembling. “You just... ruined my shirt.”
But her mind was screaming a different story. Finally. Oh god, I’ve been waiting for this. Don’t stop. Touch me more.
You chuckled softly, your fingers trailing over her skin. “You didn’t have to say it.”
Eunbi’s breath hitched as your hands moved across her chest, teasing her exposed skin. She wanted to push away, to tell you that this was wrong, that they shouldn’t be doing this, but her body had a mind of its own. Her heart raced as your fingers trailed over her nipples, sending electric jolts of pleasure through her.
“We... we should stop,” she said breathlessly, her voice trembling as she tried to regain some control. “This isn’t... we can’t...”
But your gaze was dark, intense, and you weren't planning on stopping. Leaning down, your lips finding her sensitive nipples, you began to suck and tease, your tongue swirling over them in a way that made Eunbi’s entire body shudder.
Oh my god, she thought, her mind spiraling. I’m so wet. Ugh just take me already... I’m so easy for you.
“Wait, stop...” she said weakly, her voice barely a whisper. “This isn’t right.”
You could hear her every thought, the conflict raging inside her as her body responded to his touch. His hands slid down her sides, slowly beginning to undress the remaining items. She gasped, her body trembling as his fingers brushed over her waist, tugging at the fabric of her pants.
“N-no,” she protested, trying to hold onto the last shred of professionalism. “We... we need to stop. ”
But you don’t stop. You know better. You know exactly what she wants, even if she can’t admit it to herself. Slowly, deliberately, you undress her, your touch firm yet gentle as you pull her pants down, along with her panties, leaving her completely bare beneath you.
Eunbi’s heart races, her mind spinning with conflicting thoughts. This is wrong. We shouldn’t be doing this. But at the same time, another voice in her head screams louder. I want you. I want you so badly. I’m so wet for you. Just take me already.
You have her on her back now, your eyes never leaving hers as you lower your face between her legs. Eunbi’s breath catches in her throat, her body trembling with anticipation as your hands slide up her thighs, parting them gently.
“Fuck” she gasps, her voice shaking as she tries to hold onto her composure. “This is too far…”
And then, your mouth pressing against her most sensitive spot as your tongue begins to tease and explore. Eunbi’s entire body jolts with pleasure, her back arching off the bed as a moan escapes her lips.
“Oh my god...” she gasps, her mind spinning. This feels so good. Too good…
Your tongue works expertly, drawing out wave after wave of pleasure as you move between her legs. Eunbi’s hands grip the sheets, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensations crashing through her. But even as she's lost in the moment, another thought pushes to the front of her mind.
If he starts playing with my nipples, I’ll lose it. I’ll completely lose control.
Hearing every word, your hands moved up her body, tracing the curve of her waist before finding her breast. You gently cupped it, feeling the weight of her fullness in your hand. Eunbi inhaled sharply, her breath hitching as your thumb brushed against her nipple. The sensitive bud hardened under your touch, and you couldn’t help but smile at the involuntary response.
With a feather-light touch, you traced the outline of her nipples, eliciting a soft gasp from Eunbi. Her back arched slightly off the bed, a silent plea for more. You obliged, your fingers now gently twisting and tugging her nipples, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to her core. Eunbi had unknowingly given you the key to her pleasure—a natural button on her chest that you savored with delicate attention.
Her orgasm took her by surprise, hitting suddenly and with intense force. She couldn’t hold back a loud, involuntary gasp as her back arched off the bed, a testament to the pleasure coursing through her body. Her hips bucked uncontrollably, meeting your touch with a needful urgency, as wave after wave of ecstasy overtook her.
The Idol’s mind went blank, all conscious thought evaporating in an instant as her body trembled beneath your touch. Every muscle in her body seemed to tense up and then release, a violent shudder passing through her with each passing moment. Her breathing became ragged, panting and gasping for air as she rode out the intense waves of pleasure. It was as if every nerve ending in her body was on fire, consumed by the overwhelming intensity of her release.
“Oh my god... oh god...” she moaned, her voice a breathless, broken whisper. Her fingernails digging into your hair as she struggled to maintain some semblance of control. But it was futile, her body was beyond her control now, completely at the mercy of the exquisite pleasure coursing through her veins. Her toes curled, her legs shook, and her whole body trembled with the force of her orgasm.
"This is too much... it feels too good... I can’t stop..." Her thoughts are a mess, her body spiraling out of control as you continue to pleasure her, your tongue never letting up. Every stroke sends another surge of ecstasy crashing through her, pushing her deeper into the abyss of pleasure.
She was helpless, completely at his mercy, and she loved every second of it. Her body trembled, her mind overwhelmed by the intensity of her orgasm, but even in the middle of it, she wanted more. Needed more.
Oh god... I need you inside me..
You finally pull back, your lips glistening with the evidence of her pleasure, watching in awe as Eunbi’s body quivered, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts. Her chest heaved, rising and falling with each labored breath, the pinkened peaks of her nipples standing tall and proud. You had done this to her, reduced her to a trembling, gasping mess.
Standing up, your expression was unreadable as you began to undress, the room heavy with the tension that still lingers between you. Eunbi’s heart races as she watches you, her body still thrumming with desire, even after the intensity of her orgasm.
But then, suddenly, you pause, glancing down at her, and for a moment, it looks like you’re about to step away.
Eunbi’s breath catches in her throat, panic seizing her for a split second. No. No,waht are you doing?..
You turned slightly. Her heart pounded in her chest, her mind screaming in frustration. Don’t you dare leave. Please. Please stay. I need you to stay.
Her lips parted, but the words wouldn’t come. She was too conflicted, too torn between her desire and the thin thread of professionalism she still tried to cling to. “W-Wait” she stammered, her voice weak and trembling.
You turn back toward her, a faint, teasing smile curving on your lips as you slowly undo your belt. You've heard her thoughts loud and clear, and the amusement in your eyes only makes her heart race faster.
“You want me to stay?” you ask softly, your voice a low, teasing rumble.
Eunbi’s breath catches in her throat, her body still trembling with need. She can feel the heat radiating off you as you stand above her, your presence overwhelming.
Yes. Yes, I want you to stay. I need you to finish this.
As you undress fully, your eyes never leave hers, the weight of your gaze making her tremble even more. You’re toying with her now, enjoying the way her thoughts betray her true desires, even as she tries to resist.
You move back toward the bed, positioning yourself between her legs. Eunbi’s breath quickens as she feels your hands slide up her thighs, parting them gently. Her body is already responding to you, her core throbbing with need, but her mind is still at war with itself.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as it trailed down her neck and your hands slid up her body, teasing her one last time before positioning your length at her entrance. Her body tensed in anticipation, her heart racing as she felt you used her arousal to coat your member.
“No...” she gasped, her voice barely audible. “We can’t...”
Hurry up and fuck me, I need this.
As you slowly pressed inside her, Eunbi’s body trembled, her breath catching in her throat as you filled her completely. Every inch of you sent waves of pleasure through her, and even though her mind screamed for her to hold onto control, her body had already surrendered.
Soft protest escaped her mouth as her thoughts were swirling all over the place. Yes, yes, yes. This is what I wanted. This is what I’ve been waiting for.
Your movement was slow at first, each thrust deep and deliberate, drawing out the pleasure with every motion. Eunbi’s hands gripped the sheets, her body responding to every movement, her hips lifting to meet his as she completely gave in.
Slap me... slap my tits...play with it. The thought blazed through her mind, a desperate plea for more, for something to push her over the edge again. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud.
You hesitate for a moment, teasing her, holding back just enough to drive her wild. Beneath you, Eunbi’s body writhes, her thoughts growing louder, more frantic. Please, please. Slap my tits. I need you to break me.
Finally, you give her what she wants. Your hand comes down on her chest, the sharp sting of your slap sending another wave of pleasure crashing through her. Eunbi cries out, clenching tightly around your shaft as her back arching off the bed, the pressure inside her intensifies.
Oh god, yes. Yes, this is what I needed.
As you repeat the assault on her chest, your movements quicken, each thrust deep and deliberate. Eunbi’s mind is spinning. Her body trembles beneath you, her hands gripping the sheets as wave after wave of pleasure courses through her. She’s lost control, her body responding to every touch, every stroke, as you drive her closer and closer to the edge.
Don’t stop. Please don’t stop. I need you.
You don’t slow down. You thrust into her deeper, your hands gripping her hips as you move faster, the tension between you building with every second. Eunbi’s breath comes in shallow gasps, her body arching off the bed as the pleasure overwhelms her.
“We can’t... we can’t do this...,” she whispers, her voice shaking as she tries to hold onto control. You hear her thoughts as clearly as if she’d spoken them, and you don’t stop. You can feel the way her body responds to you, the way she’s giving in completely, even as her lips whisper half-hearted protests.
Leaning down, your breath warm against her ear, you murmur, “Do you really want me to stop?”
For a moment, she hesitates, her lips parting as if to protest. Her eyes search yours, torn between her restraint and the undeniable pull she feels. Then, as her need overtakes any lingering hesitation, she gives in, her voice barely more than a whisper at first.
“Forget it,” she breathes, her voice trembling with raw honesty as her desires spill forth, unrestrained. “Just keep going. Please… just keep fucking me as hard as you can.”
Her words hang in the air, her vulnerability laid bare, yet her gaze remains fixed on yours with unguarded need. In that look, she surrenders fully, giving herself over to the moment. You feel her body respond, breaths coming quicker, her back arching to meet you as she invites each touch, every movement with an openness that only intensifies the desire between you.
With renewed intensity, you fully connected your hips, your hands sliding up her body before resting firmly on her chest. Your fingers graze her sensitive skin, each touch sparking a fresh surge of pleasure that sends her gasping, her body yielding fully to your hold. You use her chest to steady yourself, fingers pressing into her soft skin as you thrust deeper, guiding her into the rhythm that grows stronger with every moment.
As you move with a cadence that speaks of the ancient knowledge of lovers, a gasp escapes her lips, a note in the symphony of pleasure that fills the room. The rhythm is intoxicating, a steady drumbeat that resonates with the very core of your beings. But then, with a swift, powerful slap, you break the pattern, introducing a new sensation that draws a moan from her, a sound that hangs in the air like a delicate promise.
Her body responds instinctively, pressing closer, as if seeking to merge with your own. Each movement is a testament to the raw, urgent energy that flows between you, a force that cannot be contained or denied. Her soft moans grow more intense, a crescendo that builds with each shared breath. You feel her hands slide up, fingers gripping your arms, a silent plea for anchor as the pace grows faster, the dance more frenzied.
"Oh god," she murmurs, her voice a melody that harmonizes with the sound of skin meeting skin. The words are a benediction, a surrender to the overwhelming sensations that course through her. Her breath hitches, a staccato that matches the rhythm of your movements, as the pleasure builds, a wave on the verge of breaking.
With each thrust, the connection between you deepens, a magnetic pull that aligns your bodies in perfect rhythm, as if an invisible thread weaves through you, binding you together. Every touch, every moment, brings you both closer to the edge, the tension between you coiling tighter, a spring wound to the brink of release.
As you continue to thrust, you can feel the heat building between you, matching the desperate need in her gaze. Her nails dig into your chest, urging you on, as she matches your rhythm, driving you closer and closer to the edge.
You can feel her body trembling beneath you, her muscles tensing as she nears her own release. The feeling of her, clenching around you, is almost too much to bear. You can feel yourself swelling inside her, ready to release all the pent-up desire that has been building between you.
"I'm so fucking close" she whimpers, her voice barely audible as she gasps for breath. You can see the anticipation in her eyes, the need for that final, shattering release.
“Wait... Pull out“ she gasps, her voice barely audible. ”don’t cum inside me," sounding like she was talking to herself rather than you.
But her mind betrays her, drowning out her own words. Please, fill me up. I need it. I want you to breed me. I’m yours.
You don’t slow down. Your pace quickens, each thrust deep and powerful, driving her closer and closer to the edge of another release. Eunbi’s mind is in chaos, her thoughts a jumbled mess of conflicting emotions.
“Please... pull out,” she whispers again, her voice trembling. “We... we shouldn’t... you can’t cum in me…”
But all you could hear were the relentless and loud thoughts circling in her mind I want you to fill me. I need you to cum inside me. I need you to breed me like the slut I am.
You groan softly, your hands gripping her hips tighter as you thrust into her harder, deeper, pushing her closer to the brink. You know exactly what she truly wants, even as she fights against it with her words.
“No...stop...” she gasps, her voice barely a whisper now. “Pull out...”
But her thoughts scream louder, desperate, begging: Yes. Yes. Please, fill me all the way up.
With one final thrust, you position your hips and penetrate at just the right angle, striking a special spot and sending Eunbi spiraling into a whirlwind of unrestrained pleasure. As the intensity of her orgasm builds, she feels completely enveloped by the exquisite sensations flowing through her body. Her back arches off the bed, a testament to the overwhelming ecstasy that has taken control. The thoughts of professionalism and restraint that once lingered in her mind fade away, replaced by an all-consuming focus on the indescribable pleasure that now captivates her.
A guttural cry escapes her lips as her hips buck wildly, moving in rhythm with the overwhelming surge of release. Her body, slick with sweat, trembles with each wave of pleasure that crashes over her. In this moment she is simply a being overcome by the raw, primal exhilaration of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
Every touch, and every thrust propels her closer to the edge of oblivion. Your hands roam freely over her body, finding their way to the soft mounds of her breasts. Cupping them tenderly, your fingers gently knead the delicate flesh, before zeroing in on the sensitive peaks of her nipples.
As you take one taut bud into your mouth, you flick your tongue over the sensitive tip, causing Eunbi to gasp at the sudden jolt of pleasure. Biting down ever so slightly, the delicious mixture of pleasure and pain sends her senses into overdrive. simultaneously, you pinch and tug at her other nipple, eliciting a raw, visceral response from Eunbi's body. Her breath hitches, her heart races, and she is certain she may very well shatter into a million pieces from the sheer force of the sensations coursing through her.
Her mind reels as your mouth continues to work its magic on her aching nipple, while your fingers continue their relentless assault on the other. She can feel each tug, each pinch, and each flick of your tongue as if they are imprinted on her very soul. Every sensation is amplified, every nerve ending electrified, as her body is enveloped in a cocoon of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
And as if you can sense her growing need, her unspoken desire, you give her exactly what she craves. She can feel the throb of your member, filling her to the brim, each pulse sending another jolt of pleasure ricocheting through her body. As you continue to pump into her, she can feel her teetering on the edge of an abyss, the intensity of her impending release building with each thrust
Then, suddenly, she's there. The world around her fades into obscurity as she is consumed by the sheer force of her orgasm. It rips through her like a tempest, leaving her breathless and trembling in its wake. Wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her, a cacophony of sensations that leave her mind reeling and her body spent.
As you both come undone together, she feels your seed in every crevice inside her, each drop igniting another wave of pleasure that ripples through her. Your breathing, once ragged and urgent, begins to slow, the rhythm softening as your shared climax fades into a quiet, tender aftermath. A moment stretches between you, the intimacy lingering in the warmth of your entwined bodies. You gradually withdraw, and she’s left with a sudden, aching emptiness that sends a shiver down her spine. The absence is palpable, and she fights the urge to reach out, the space between you now filled with a longing that leaves her breathless.
You stand at the edge of the bed, gathering your clothes in silence, each movement careful and slow, as if holding back something heavy. Your gaze remains fixed on the floor, and Eunbi senses the tension in the air, an unmistakable shift between you that makes her stomach clench.
“Hey…” she started softly, her voice edged with worry. “What’s wrong?”
For a moment, you didn’t respond, keeping your back to her, shoulders tense and rigid. Silence stretched between you, thick and weighted, pressing down until finally, you murmured, “I… I shouldn’t have done that.”
Eunbi sat up, her mind clearing quickly, though her body was still tingling from the intimacy you’d just shared. “What? Why not?” Her brow furrowed as she watched you, confusion tightening her chest. Does he regret it?
You shook your head, still not meeting her gaze. “I never wanted to… use my powers like this.”
“Powers?” she echoed, her frown deepening. She pulled the sheet tightly around herself, unsure where this conversation was headed. “What powers?”
You sighed, the sound long and heavy, as if you were exhaling something you’d been holding in for a long time. “I can… hear thoughts, Eunbi. I can read minds.”
Eunbi blinked, stunned. “What?” she said, a slight, disbelieving laugh escaping her. “Come on, be serious.”
But you weren’t laughing. You finally turned to her, meeting her gaze with an expression full of guilt and something even deeper, something that looked like regret. “It’s true. I’ve had this ability my whole life. I shouldn’t have used it with you.”
Her eyes widened as she processed your words, her pulse quickening. She wanted to argue, to laugh it off, to tell you that you were joking, but something about the look in your eyes made her stop. Her mind reeled with memories of all the times you’d known exactly what she needed, all the moments when you’d read her without her saying a word.
“Prove it,” she challenged, her voice soft but firm. She watched you carefully, waiting.
You nodded, your tone gentle but earnest. “Think of something. Anything. Just… something random.”
After a slight pause, she glanced around the room and landed on a small object, the orange lamp on the bedside table. She tried to keep her gaze neutral.
Your eyes flickered, and after a moment you said, “Orange lamp.”
Eunbi felt her breath catch, but she quickly raised an eyebrow, refusing to let you see her surprise. “Okay, maybe you just saw me look at it. That’s not enough to prove anything.”
A small smile tugged at her lips as she raised her chin, still feeling the warmth of your seed inside her, a tender reminder of the closeness you had just shared. The thought slipped into her mind without hesitation, unguarded and impulsive.
That was the best that I’ve ever been fucked.
You rubbed the back of your neck, your shy smile growing wider as you looked down, clearly trying not to laugh. After a moment, you met her gaze, the warmth in your eyes unmistakable. “Thank you… it was the best for me as well.”
Eunbi’s cheeks flushed a deep red as her mouth dropped open. “W-What,” she muttered, burying her face in her hands. Her blush deepened, yet as she looked up at you, the sincerity in your expression melted her embarrassment, softening her self-consciousness. The air between you felt charged, intimate, as if words were no longer needed. And then, a sinking realization washed over her, stirring a feeling of both horror and shame.
If you could hear everything… then you had heard everything.
Her cheeks flushed with a deep embarrassment, and as her thoughts wandered back to just a few moments earlier, her face burned with the realization. All those things she had thought, the raw and explicit thoughts she’d never voiced. She buried her face in her hands, barely able to look at you. “Oh my god,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “You heard all of that, didn’t you?”
You winced, nodding. “Yeah… I’m sorry.”
Eunbi’s heart pounded in her chest, a mix of mortification and anger welling up. But beneath it all, she sensed the regret in your voice, the heaviness in your words. Slowly, she looked up at you, studying the anguish etched across your face.
“I shouldn’t have used it,” you confessed, your tone thick with remorse. “I never wanted to invade your privacy like that. I… I got caught up in my feelings for you, and I crossed a line.”
Her initial embarrassment softened as she saw the depth of your guilt, the pain you seemed to be carrying. She could see how much you regretted letting your guard down, how much you wished things had unfolded differently. Instead of feeling betrayed, a warmth of compassion began to swell within her.
Sighing, Eunbi took a deep breath. “I... I don’t blame you,” she said softly, her voice more understanding now.
Your eyes widened slightly, surprise breaking through your guarded expression. “You don’t?”
Eunbi shook her head, her heartbeat still racing but her voice calm and steady. “I mean, yeah, it’s... a lot to take in. But you didn’t do anything I didn’t want. You just... knew it before I could say it.”
You looked at her, as if struggling to believe that she could be so forgiving. "But I—"
She stopped you, her voice gentle but firm. “You’re not a bad person for this. You didn’t manipulate me. I’ve wanted this for a long time. You just... heard what I was too afraid to say.”
Eunbi’s face heated again, the memory of her own thoughts flooding back, but with it came a different feeling. If you had heard her deepest desires and still felt such remorse, then maybe you hadn’t betrayed her. Maybe you were struggling, too.
“I’m not mad,” she continued, her tone soft but clear. “Embarrassed, yeah. But not mad.”
Relief flickered across your face, though the weight of guilt still lingered in your eyes. “What now? I can leave if you want me to.”
Eunbi took a moment to consider, then met your gaze with a quiet resolve. “No. I don’t want that. We can’t change what happened, but that doesn’t make it a mistake.”
She could see the uncertainty in your expression, the way you still seemed to doubt her forgiveness, but there was a hint of hope, a spark of belief.
“I don’t know if I can—”
“We’ll work it out,” she interrupted, her words firm, reassuring. “I don’t want to lose you. Not after this. We can keep it between us. It’s our secret.”
The promise settled between you, and slowly, you nodded, the tension in your shoulders easing as you stepped closer. “Okay,” you murmured. “We’ll keep it between us.”
Eunbi offered a small, tentative smile, reaching out to take your hand. “We’ll figure it out.”
Months passed, and the secret between you became an unspoken bond, an intimacy shared in every glance, every touch, every fleeting moment that only you and Eunbi could understand. You had grown adept at living a dual life—professional on the surface, but connected by a private world of shared thoughts and hidden feelings. To everyone else, you were just her bodyguard: disciplined, unyielding. But to Eunbi, you were so much more.
At a sold-out concert, Eunbi danced across the stage, her presence commanding the room as fans cheered and sang along. The lights flashed, the beat reverberated, and in that sea of admiration, her focus was still somehow on you. There you were, standing by the side of the stage, your gaze steady, watching over her with unwavering vigilance. To anyone else, you were the ever-present protector, but she knew the truth hidden in your eyes.
As she danced, Eunbi found herself drifting toward the edge of the stage, closer to where you stood, her heart swelling with a sudden impulse. She locked eyes with you for the briefest of moments, and in that silent exchange, she sent a thought, simple but laden with the weight of everything she felt.
You have no idea how much I love you. I love you with all my heart.
Your reaction was instant. For a split second, your usually impassive expression faltered, your eyes widening in shock. She saw the vulnerability there, the raw emotion that no one else could see. The sight brought a grin to her face, laughter bubbling up as she saw just how deeply her words had affected you.
I finally broke you, she thought with amusement, her smile radiant.
You blinked, taken aback but slowly recovering, and then, as if to return the moment, you mouthed the words back to her, words that resonated in her mind just as clearly as if you’d spoken them aloud.
“I love you too.”
In that fleeting moment, the world around you seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you in a silent, unbreakable connection. Her heart soared as she returned to the center of the stage, her smile brighter than the lights that beamed down on her. The cheers of the crowd, the energy of the performance—it was all background to the quiet words still echoing in her mind. She had heard them, felt them, and knew them to be true.
And as the music played on, those words played in her heart, over and over, a melody just for the two of you.
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J is one of those lucky enough to be born into a rich family. Her father is a really successful business man and she was treated like a princess since a young age. Don't be fooled by her sweet smile and demure appearance, she's is a spoilt brat through and through. Her father had enough of her nonsense and decided to teach her a lesson! This is a FICTIONAL story of how J's father sold her for money and to teach her a lesson!
Being really cute and pretty, there were a lot of suitors for J. However, she would often turn them down because her standards were too high. She did however, decide to play with some of them. She used them for their money, their status, for sex or simply because she was bored and wanted to play with a man's feelings. Her father was observing all of this going down and he decided that enough was enough. He had to interfere and teach her a good lesson.
Hence, her father gathered a few potential suitors for her. However, they were not your typical suitors. Her father looked for old men to marry his daughter. He would gather 5 of them and one by one he would arrange them a date with his precious daughter. They were going to meet his daughter the following week. The father then told J that she would be going to meet 5 guys next week from Monday to Friday. At the end of it she needs to choose 1 of them. J was reluctant but she had no choice.
Monday came and she met old guy number 1 for a date. The date when by normally however, J and her old habits were still present. The old guy was filthy rich, has she used him for his money. She got him to buy her many present on that day, from expensive handbags to treating her to a fine dining meal. She basically just got him to pay for everything on that date. Of course, the guy did not go home empty handed. Before the date ended, she brought that guy to a hotel and gave him a good blowjob to end the date. This was her way of saying thank you to him. Her blowjob skills were already very good by this point as she has had a lot of practice on other guys. It was only a couple of minutes before the old guy could not take it and shot his load all over her cute and pretty face.
Tuesday was more of the same. She went out for a date and sucked him off at the end of the day too. Wednesday was a bit different as the guy couldn't cum from just her blowjob skills only. Hence, she had to give him a bit more. However, she was not willing to be fucked in the pussy by an older guy. Hence, she just gave him a mix of a handjob and stuck to trying her best to make him cum using a blowjob. Eventually, after a long while he managed to cum when she was rubbing him off, shooting yet another load onto that "innocent" face of hers. Thursday was the same as Tuesday and Monday where the guy came almost instantly. Friday's old guy was a bit different.
Friday's guy was very dominant. He was not like the other 4 guys who were just there because she was pretty and they were lonely. He knew her motive was to use his money and just reward him with a simple blowjob. However, he was prepared for this. The date went by as usual and of course, J brought him back to the hotel and gave him her usual blowjob. He was not going to leave the date without fucking her pussy and turning her into a slut. After giving him a blowjob and a handjob for a very long time, he did not cum. "Is that the best you can do? Weak..." He said as he reached his hands out to her throat and started to choke her. He then ripped her clothes off and started to furiously finger her.
J then started to moan and her body was shivering uncontrollably. His fingering skills were like no other and in a couple of minutes she had already squirted. However, he did not stop at her first squirt. He kept on going on and eventually J managed to squirt 6 times in a row. The hotel bed was now soaking wet but he was not done. J might have squirted but he had not cummed yet. He got on top of J and forced his dick inside her soaking wet pussy. He fucked her while making sure to play with her clit and slap her boobs. Her boobs were tiny but that did not stop him from fondling them. He pulled on her tits hard which caused J to scream in pain but that only fueled him to torture her more.
After a good few minutes of fucking J missionary, he grabbed her by her hair and forced her into doggy position. He then started to fuck her pussy again hard and fast. He kept slapping her ass and saying "I bet you're enjoying this you dumb bitch!" He kept going and going for what felt like an eternity for J. Eventually, he came deep inside her pussy. "This is what I expect as payment for paying for everything on our date. Hope you remember this you slut!" He said as her gave J one tight slap across her face. J fell down to the bed and could not move. Her pussy was so sore and her legs weak from the hours of stimulation. He then left here there for the night and went home.
The next day, the Friday old guy showed up at J's house. He was so obsessed with her that he talked to J's dad about her. He told J's dad what he did to her on that night and asked if he was willing to sell J to him. J's father was really pleased that someone had finally taught his daughter a good lesson. He immediately agreed and the deal was on. Hence, he showed up to claim his new slut. He then proceeded to take her home.
He had a few house rules for J.
1. J had to be naked at all times. Doesn't matter if he had guests over or not, she had to be naked at all times.
2. J needs to serve anyone who comes over. If they want to use her mouth, she needs to let them use it. If they want to fuck her, she had to be fucked.
3. J could not cum without his permission.
4. If J's females friends came over, they would be used as a cum dump too.
From then onwards, J was nothing more than a cum dump for him and his friends to enjoy whenever they wanted!
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Cherry is one of those sluts that just love showing off her body on social media. Just look at the amount of bikini pictures she has on her page. If you see her instagram, it's just full of cock teasing pictures for guys to jerk off to. She has an incredibly hot body with tattoos and a cute face that's just begging for cum. She must certainly be a good fuck! It is no wonder when she turned 21, her guy friends had to teach her a lesson at her birthday party!
Cherry's birthday was approaching soon and she was handing out invites for a chalet party for her special 21st birthday. She invited a lot of her male and female friends for the birthday, people which she trusts a lot. The guys are all close friends with each other and they were always being teased by Cherry whenever they went out or see her instagram. They have always wanted to fuck Cherry but never got the chance. However, the upcoming birthday party would be an amazing opportunity to use her.
The day of Cherry's birthday came and everyone invited to the party showed up. Cherry was wearing a skimpy pink dress that perfectly shows off that body figure of hers. The party went by as per normal with a lot of drinking and a lot of food. Soon, it was time to take picture and cut the cake. After that, the party was officially over and whoever wanted to leave could take their leave. A few of the females and guys left and soon, it was only Cherry with the group of guys and 2 of Cherry's female best friends. They continued drinking into the night and it was only a matter of time before Cherry's 2 female best friends were wasted and sleeping in a room.
Cherry and the group of guys were left in the living room alone. Suddenly, they had a brilliant idea to play sexual truth or dare where if the person refuses to answer or do the dare, they would have to drink. At this point Cherry was already so done with drinking alcohol that she would do anything to avoid drinking more. The game started off tame with questions like "How many guys have you fucked?" or simple dares like make out with a guy for 1 minute. Cherry could feel the guys getting more and more daring and they started to ask for more and more extreme dares. An example would be asking one of the guys to get completely naked for the next 5 minutes. Cherry could tell where the game was heading and she wanted out. She said that she was tired and wanted to sleep.
When Cherry stood up from the sofa and tried to leave, the 2 guys beside her pulled her back to the sofa and pinned her down. Cherry started to panic and was struggling, trying her best to escape from the sofa. However, due to the alcohol and the fact that she was weaker than the guys, she could not wiggle herself free. "What do you guys want from me?" She asked. Without any hesitation, one of the guys replied "We want to fuck you hard. You've caused us months of sexual frustrations. We're always looking and jerking off to your pictures and now we finally have a chance to use your holes in person. Just sit still and serve us you bitch!" He gave her a tight slap and instructed the other guys to take off her dress. In a couple of seconds, Cherry was completely naked on the sofa. She was about to scream when one of them stuffed her panty into her mouth. "Just shut up and take our dicks one by one."
As the 2 guys beside her continued to hold her down, one of the guys whipped his dick out. He took out the panty from Cherry's mouth and stuffed his dick into her mouth. "Lube my cock well with your saliva bitch! I want to feel good in your pussy later." He grabbed her head and started to throat fuck her hard and fast. Tears came down Cherry's face as she was struggling to breathe. The dick was too big and every thrust hit the back of her throat, triggering her gag reflex. But that did not matter, he kept thrusting his dick inside of her mouth until his dick was well lubricated.
Once he felt his dick was lubricated enough, he took out his dick from her mouth and stuffed her panty back into her mouth. He then slowly inserted his dick into Cherry's tight, pink pussy. She let out a muffled scream as the dick entered her. It was the biggest dick she had ever taken and it was a little painful for her. However, this just meant that the guy felt insanely good as her pussy was super tight for him. He started thrusting his dick deep into her. You could see a visible bulge at her belly with every thrust. The 2 guys at the side started to pinch and pull on her nipples, causing her to feel even more pain. While fucking Cherry, he put his hands on her throat and started to choke her. "What a slut you are! Admit that you're a slut and I will stop choking you." Cherry said "I am a slut!" However, due to the panty in her mouth it was muffled. "I can't hear you bitch!" He tighten his hand around her neck. Cherry spit out the panty and shouted "I am a slut!" He loosened his grip around her neck and said "That's a good slut."
After fucking her pussy for a while, he decided that he wanted to finish in her ass. He then pulled out his dick and without any warning, he thrusted his dick straight into her ass. Cherry let out a very loud scream as her ass clearly could not take the size of his dick. He did not care and kept forcing it in. Once it was comfortably in, he started thrusting hard while slapping her big bouncy ass. Her ass was way tighter than he pussy and it felt so much better. It was only a couple of thrusts before he felt like he was going to explode all his load inside of her. "Are you ready for your ass to take my warm cum?" Before Cherry could answer, he unloaded his cum deep inside of her. He came so much that when he pulled out his dick, cum was flowing out of her ass and dripped down her ass.
The other 2 guys then took their turn with her. They made sure to use all holes before choosing their favorite hole to cum in. The second guy decided to cum inside of her tight, wet pussy while the third guy preferred her mouth and made her swallow all of his cum. All the noise actually woke up Cherry's 2 best friend and they came down to check on the commotion. They walked into Cherry full naked with cum dripping out from her ass, pussy and her mouth. They were shocked at what had happened. However, the guys threatened that if they ever told anyone what happened that night, the same thing would happen to them. The 2 of them were so scared that they kept the night a secret. They then took pictures of Cherry in that pathetic state.
The 3 guys used that photo to blackmail Cherry into having sex with them whenever they wanted. She was nothing more than a cum dumpster for her 3 friends which she trusted so much. Now, she was just there to serve as a place for them to unload their sexual frustrations on. Not that she was complaining though, the sex was actually good just that she did not want to admit it. That is the story of how Cherry became a cum loving cum dumpster.
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Her way sex shop. The saleswoman greets her new customers. A handsome older man of about forty, and a meek younger woman who doesn’t look a day over twenty. Stepping out from behind the counter, she guides the couple through the store. “Looking for an upgrade? Or is this your first time buying toys?”
The young lady holds his hand, squeezing tight. She looks up to him for direction. “I’ve bought plenty of toys before.” He turns to his partner. “Go ahead, you can tell her.” The girl shifts uncomfortably. “umm… I’ve never owned a toy before…” He smiles, proud of her bravery. “We’re just looking for some essentials, something good for a beginner.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet! Lets start by picking out a vibrator for you, honey!” The woman leads them to a wall of sex toys. Relived at her lack of judgement or shame, the girl relaxes a bit and looks at the overwhelming selection. “This style is popular.” Grabbing a black vibrator she shows it to the quivering young lady. The small silicone toy has a bunny-ear shape. “It’ll go on either side of your clit. Here, try it on your finger!”
She takes her small hand and presses the head of the toy against the tip of her index. It buzzes to life. The girl blushes. “You like bunny things, don’t you?” He strokes her back. She blushes harder. “mmmyeah… I do… seems a little weird…” The saleswoman puts the toy back. “How about something simple? A bullet vibrator?” The man nods. “Sure, it’s just her first one, after all.”
Selecting a discreet toy, she presses it against the girl’s finger again. “You can really target your clit with this one, or he can tease you with it.” The girl is sheepish. She leans into the man and whispers something in his ear. He addresses the shop owner. “Do you have something a little stronger? Maybe with different settings?” She gives them a few options. He lets the young lady pick.
“And what colour would you like, sugar?” The girl immediately points to the pink one. “Of course, I should have guessed. Let me get it from the back.” Striding into the storeroom, the woman leaves them to wander the shop. He gives the girl a hug. “Are you enjoying yourself?” The man lifts up the front of her skirt. Not wearing underwear, his fingers check her bare pussy. The girl is wet and slippery. “Looks like you are.”
The skirt is pulled down again as the woman returns. He nudges the girl, encouraging her to ask for help with her shopping list. “uh… can I get something… for my bum…?” The woman guides them to the anal plugs. The man reminds her to start small. A simple teardrop shape. “How about this?” She produces a plug with a fluffy white bunnytail on the end. The girl hops up and down in excitement, almost snatching it from her hands.
“Look, daddy! It’s so cute! I’d be such a good breeding bunny with thi-“ Her mouth clamps shut, remembering the stranger is standing right next to her. The woman doesn’t mind. She closes the sale. “I’m sure you’ll both love it. You’ll feel really full and tight with a plug and his cock inside of you.” The girl nervously pets the bunnytail. “…I’d like that…”
They shop around a bit more. The pair passes by the collars – she’s already attached to the one he gave her. At her request he picks out a toy for her. The man selects cute nipple clamps with bows on them. Perusing the dildos, the couple discusses if she would need one. The girl picks up a large, thick dildo. “Maybe a normal sized one like this?” The man and woman chuckle, seeing her tiny hands holding onto the massive toy cock. Embarrassed, the girl feels the fake vein. “Um, I think not today.”
“Any lingerie?” The saleswoman offers. They follow her to the display. Looking through the frilly lace, she mumbles to her daddy. “white n pink will match my collar…” He loves watching her shop. She chooses a matching set and a pair of floppy bunny ears. They bring it to the counter to tally it all up. The girl is flustered, seeing it all in one place. She hides behind the man as he buys her the gifts.
“Would you like a bag? Or do you want to wear it out?” Her daddy touches her shoulder. “What do you think, darling? They have a change room here.” The girl’s eyes widen at the new option. She nods. “I don’t wanna wait any longer than I have to…”
The man and the woman sit on a leather sofa and make small talk. The changeroom curtain swishes occasionally as the girl tries on her new attire. They turn their heads to see her step out of the small room. She looks beautiful.
Long, soft, cream-coloured socks run from the floor up above her knees. A frilly pink garter, with white heart stitching hugs around her thigh. The lacy matching-cream panties are just barely see-through. A loose cami top does little to hide her tits. Hand warmers leave her fingers free for naughty activities. Pretty white bunny ears hang from her strawberry-pink headband.
“You’re stunning, bunbun.” The man sounds like a proud father. “All you’re missing is your collar.” He adds. “Excellent choices, for sure.” Comments the woman. The girl smiles and gives a little spin to show off her gorgeous body. “I wish we brought it, but I guess I’ll be wearing it soon…” A flash of her bunnytail as she rotates. “I’m wearing the other accessories...” She gives her butt a wiggle and lifts up the top to show the pretty bows clipped onto her nipples.
“We’ll wait until you’re collared and in bed before we try this one.” He shakes the box with her new vibrator. “Oh, you’ll love that. Especially with your plug in, him fucking you, pushing the vibe into your clit… He’ll show you how to use it.” The girl can’t wait any longer. Taking his hand, she almost drags him out of the store. The couple wave to the woman as they leave. The bunnygirl grins. “Thanks for your help, miss!”
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An urgent letter is brought to the bodyguard’s quarters. Delivered by the maid, she hikes up her skirt before opening the door unannounced. The girl closes her eyes for a moment as she feels his hand grab her wrist and drag her into the room. In a half-second, the maid is pinned to the floor, his powerful arm wrapped tight around her neck. Her vision blurs and a high-pitched whine fills her ears as he sinks in the choke.
Acting on pure defensive instincts, he recognizes her by smell. Laundry soap and fresh herbs. The man releases his grip just before the girl passes out. “How many times…” Enraged, he looms over her. “…have I told you to knock first.” The maid looks up at him like a caught mouse. “One of these days I’m actually going to hurt you.” She blushes as she picks up the mail.
He snatches the letter from her feeble hand. The girl stays crumpled and submissive on the floor. Stealing a glance at her pristine white panties, the man leans over and pulls a knife from his boot. One smooth movement and the letter is opened. Only seconds later, he bends over again to return the blade to its sheath. The maid’s underwear is soaked through.
The bodyguard reads the page. A long, exhausted sigh, and he touches the paper to a candle. She watches it burn away in his hand. Picking up some laundry, he tosses it at the servant. “You’re dismissed. Take care of this, too.” The maid shuffles out of the room, holding onto his worn shirt as if it was a priceless treasure.
She stops by the princess’s bedroom to collect her clothes on the way. She stops by the kitchen to steal a zucchini. Dropping off most of the clothes in the washbasin, she bundles up a few items and smuggles them off to her cramped room. The bodyguard’s shirt is wrapped around her hard pillow. Laying the makeshift mannequin on top of herself, the maid squeezes it tight against her body to simulate his weight. The princess’s underwear is rubbed against her face. The thick gourd is pressed into her wet pussy.
Getting used by them... Her fantasies play out as she thrusts her makeshift dildo into herself. Getting broken in by him… The smell of their bodies mixed is intoxicating. Getting to lick her perfect pussy… The maid is cumming on her toy within a few minutes. She just thrusts faster and deeper. The fantasy evolves, becoming more graphic and depraved with each orgasm.
A few days later, she hatches a new plan. The bodyguard’s patrol goes through the wine cellar. She sneaks down beforehand and takes a cheap bottle of wine. Drinking as much as she can, the maid spills some on her dress and onto the ground. Her panties removed, she slumps over a barrel and pretends to pass out. Ten minutes later, the bodyguard finds her limp body.
The man rolls his eyes at the obvious theatrics. He picks up the bottle and gives it a sniff. Reading the foreign language on the label he notes the entire lack of alcohol content. Her needy pussy stares up at him, twitching with excitement. “Okay, this has gone far enough.” She tries to not squirm as he grabs onto the collar of her clothes.
A sudden heave, and he drags her off the barrel. The girl fights back, just like in her dreams. Her ineffective slaps on his legs do nothing. Half crawling, half stumbling, the maid is walked through the wine cellar. Her sock-covered knees bump against the rough cobblestones as her mind races with possibilities. All of her attempts to bait him, finally coming to fruition.
Leading her through the lower levels of the palace, he takes a turn down a dark hallway. The stonework becomes even more rough hewn as they descend. Stopping before a heavy iron door, the man pins her to the ground under his leather boot. The jingle of his keychain as he searches for the right one. The dungeon. She had heard stories of captured slave girls brought down here. Her pussy is wet with anticipation.
The rusty door creaks open, and he hauls her into the darkness. The maid catches glimpses of barbaric torture devices. She hopes to be so lucky. Through the winding stone halls her imagination runs wild. She can feel her heartbeat in her pussy. The bodyguard deposits her in front of a small cage.
“In.” He orders. Bewildered, the maid gropes at him in the half-light. “I said get in.” A light kick winds her. She crawls into the cage and feels him push her all the way inside. The gate closes and is locked. The girl pulls up her skirt and presses her ass against the bars. Punish me. Please. She speaks with her body.
He glances at her exposed pussy peeking through the gaps in the cage. It crosses his mind. It leaves his mind. The bodyguard turns to leave the cell. The maid’s needy hole drips onto the bars of the iron cage.
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“Our liege will take her tea in her chambers today.” Alone in the kitchen, the young maid is surprised to hear his voice behind her. The man moves quietly for his size. She turns to look up at the bodyguard. All she can manage is a weak nod of acknowledgement. His eyes bore into the nervous lady.
The maid quivers as his hands reach out towards her. He grips her tie. One hand gently holds the knot, tightening it up close to her neck. “Ensure that your dress is proper. Etiquette is discipline.” She whimpers and nods as he adjusts her clothes. Passing through the kitchen, he continues his rounds. Droplets of water fall from the kettle.
“Besides, that makes it even more interesting to me.” The princess’s voice. Pushing the large doors closed with her round bum, the maid brings a tray of tea and biscuits. “My advice is to go slow. Warm up to it with time.” Her bodyguard counsels. “You always advise caution.” She chirps back. “And you love to rush, princess.”
The servant girl nervously pours the tea, praying that she doesn’t overhear anything she shouldn’t. “I’m not as fragile as I look.” The princess eyes the bent over maid as she talks. “Believe me, I know that better than anyone. But I wouldn’t be fulfilling my oath if I was careless with you.” She takes the teacup from the trembling girl. A sip. The conversation lingers as the maid waits to be dismissed.
“Show me. Just so I can get an idea of what it would be like.” The noblewoman takes another casual sip. “On her.” Confused, the maid looks between the two figures. One large, the other small, both intimidating. The bodyguard sighs and steps over to the maid. Gripping her tie for the second time that day, he pulls up the hem of her uniform. The girl’s bare ass exposed, she panics and tries to push away.
Men his own size can’t escape his hold. The young maid has no chance. He drops her to the ground in one smooth movement, catching her just before she strikes the floor. On her knees, he holds the scruff of her neck. Her panties are pulled down. The bodyguard opens his belt, spits on his hand, and smears the tip of his cock. The servant squirms helplessly.
“Easy, little one. It’ll be over soon.” The man whispers in her ear as he pushes his cock against her hole. She bites her lip and whimpers. The tip slips upwards as her eyes widen. His huge hand covers her mouth. A muffled scream as he forces his cock into her ass.
Slowly, he starts to rock his hips back and forth. The maid shakes and smacks the marble floor with her palm. She lets out a faint sob as he removes his hand from her face. Posturing upright, he spits again, letting it run where her open asshole and his cock meet. The bodyguard thrusts into the tight girl, working a bit more in each time.
“You’re being too nice.” The princess dips a biscuit into her tea. The order is implied. Grabbing onto the girl’s shoulders, the man starts to pound her ass. Horrified and overwhelmed, the maid covers her own mouth. “Is she tight? Does she feel good?” The regal woman teases. He grumbles, methodically breaking in the servant. “Yes, princess. She’s good.”
“I want to see. Bring her closer.” The bodyguard drags the girl across the smooth floor. Picking her up, he turns to face the noblewoman. He pulls open her shirt, revealing her tits. The tie is held like a leash. Her legs are pulled wide open. The princess smiles and sips her tea as she watches the giant fuck the maid’s tiny asshole. A single droplet falls from her pussy as the man bounces her bum on his dick.
The maid’s legs give out. He holds onto her hips. Hanging from his hands, bent over at the waist, he ruthlessly uses her ass. A few savage grunts join the sounds of fucking as he cums inside her. The bodyguard exhales and gently lowers her to the floor. When his cock pops out, a stream of his cum runs from her hole and splatters onto the floor.
Crumpled on the ground, she hyperventilates. The princess takes the last sip of her tea and places it on the tray. “Very good. You’re dismissed, maid.” She gestures at the dishes. “Just clean up before you go.” The girl’s head hangs low as she struggles to stand. More cum runs down her leg. She reaches out to take the cups.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” A wicked smile. “I said clean up.” The princess points at the mess on the marble floor. The bodyguard looms over her. Not lifting her head, the maid takes a cloth and kneels on the ground. She wipes away the cum. Searching the white marble, she finds another puddle between her legs. A droplet falls and splashes. She wipes that away, too.
“Fix your uniform.” The man orders. “Etiquette, remember?” Dazed, the girl looks down at her body. Panties hanging off her thighs, dress pulled up above her hips, shirt open and breasts out. A tear stains her blouse as she fixes her disheveled clothes. “That didn’t seem so bad. If the help can do it, I’m sure I could.” The couple watches her as she corrects herself. She feels their eyes.
“This one liked it. Usually, a girl would fight back more.” The maid curtsies and grabs the tray, desperate to leave. Her blood freezes as the bodyguard steps forward again. She can’t bring herself to look at him. His hands hold her tie and tighten the knot against her throat. “She did well. Good discipline. I like that.”
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Gigolo part 1
Nama ku Aira, berumur 34 tahun. Seorang suri rumah sepenuh masa. Sejak mula berkahwin lagi, Suami ku merupakan seorang accountant terkemuka di sebuah syarikat besar. Kami dikurniakan seorang cahaya mata berumur 6 tahun. Hidup ku serba lengkap bersama keluarga kecil ku ini.
Semuanya berubah apabila aku terjumpa folder rahsia yang mengandungi koleksi rakaman-rakaman video suami ku sendiri melakukan hubungan seksual dengan ramai wanita yang berlainan. Semua aku tak kenal dengan siapa suami aku curang. Berpuluh wanita berlainan.
Pelbagai kaum. Cina, Melayu, India, Arab, orang putih, semua ada. Umur pun beza-beza. Ada yang gaya macam mak-mak. Ada juga yang macam anak dara. Ada yang macam muslimah bertudung litup, tapi ada juga yang sundal macam pelacur. Siapa diorang semua ni? Aku bingung.
Aku akhirnya memutuskan untuk berjumpa dengan sahabat baik ku bernama Zati. Dia juga seorang suri rumah seperti ku. Umur kami juga seusia. Suaminya juga merupakan rakan baik suami ku sendiri.
"Suami I dengan I baik je tau.. I keliru la..tak sangka dia ada dark side macam tu...ramai pulak tu perempuan-perempuan yang dia rekod..siapa diorang tu??" Luah ku pada sahabat baik ku itu.
"Dengan pelacur la tu...sebab tu dia boleh tukar-tukar perempuan macam salin baju..siap rakam lagi...hehehe.."pujuk Zati.
"Ishk you ni...pelacur pun...jijik tau...so apa nak i buat ni? Patut ke i serang husband I?" Keluh ku..
"Tak payah..biarkan je..You buat tak nampak je dengan semua koleksi yang you jumpa tu..." cadang Zati bersahaja.
"Huh? Macamtu je?"soal ku.
"Hrmmmm...tadi kan you cakap husband you layan you baik je kan? Dia tak pernah marah or pukul you..tiap malam balik rumah..makan pakai you pun dia jaga cukup..so,. Why nak kecoh-kecoh? " terang Zati.
"Tapi dia curang!" Sangah ku.
"No sayang...dia tak curang..kalau curamg, dia ada simpan mistress...dating dengan orang sama...berkasih sayang...abaikan you semua...husband you tak buat semua tu kan?" Balas Zati tenang.
"Tak...dia tak buat semua tu...tapi..." aku masih merasa kesal dengan tindakan suami ku.
"Tapi apa? You sakit hati tengok dia main dengan perempuan lain?" Duga Zati terus. Aku menganguk lemah.
"Let me ask you more pasal video yang you tengok tu..gaya husband you main dengan perempuan-perempuan tu sama tak macam dia main dengan you?" Soal Zati selepas itu.
"Tak...lain gila...buas gila..nampak kasar habis...kadang-kadang nampak macam husband I rogol diorang...husband I tak pernah buat macam tu dengan I..." jawab ku jujur.
"Tu maksudnya dia ada fetish main ganas masa seks...hehehe..dia suka main kasar-kasar...diakan sayangkan you..mestilah dia tak sangup buat dengan you... sebab tu lah dia cari perempuan lain...hehehe" terang Zati.
"Mana adil macam tu..." respon ku spontan.
"Hrmmm...kalau you nak adil..you maim la dengan laki lain jugak...hehehehe..." cadang Yati dengan tanpa rasa bersalah.
" tak mungkin I nak curang dengan suami I..I sayang dia je..." bantah ku terus.
"I tak suruhnyou curang dengan pasan skandal ke apa.. I cadangkan u amik pakej dekat company ni...hehehe.." ucap Zati sambil menghulurkan kad kepada ku.
"Paradise Club? Apa ni?" Soal ku setelah membaca kad nama yang diberikan.
" Secara ringkas..Paradise Club boleh suply you gigolo...kira fair la..suami you amik pelacur..you amik gigolo...hehehe.." terang Zati lagi.
"Gigolo..macam mana you tahu semua ni?" Aku terperanjat mendengar penerangannya itu.
"Well, to be frank..dah 3 tahun i gunakan service comp ni...you jangan salah faham.. i pakai Gigolo bukan sebab i tak puas dengan husband I.. I pakai gigolo sebab I pun ada fetish i yang tersendiri. Fetish tu adalah sesuatu yang tak mungkin I buat dengan suami I.. sebab tu lah I faham sangat apa yang husband u buat selama ni..." terang Zati.
"Huh? Jadi dah banyak lelaki lah yang you dah rasa?" Soal ku dengan nada terkejut.
"Yup...tak terkira..tua? Muda? Berkulup? Semua I dah rasa..sundalkan I ni?" Jawab Zati dengan tanpa rasa bersalah.
"Ntahla...mula-mula i terkejut dengan perangai suami I..tak sangka You pun..." ucap ku.
"Hehehe..you simpanlah kad tu..kalau teringin, you contact je club tu..kalau tak contact pun takpa..tapi I still storngly advice you supaya jangan confront suami you pasal ni..you will gain nothing..rumah tangga you akan rasa awkward lepas ni..silap-silap boleh bercerai berai..biar je la husband you tu dengan dark side dia..asalkan tak libatkan you dengan anak you..." pujuk Zati selepas itu.
Segala apa yang disarankan sahabat baik kunternyata ada benarnya. Aku memang tiada apa-apa isu dengan suami ku selama ini. Darkside yang dilakukan semua ini pun dilakukan sorok-sorok selama ini. Kalau aku tak terjumpa secret folderr tu, mesti aku takda rasa kusut macam ni.
Aku akhirnya mengikut saranan Zati. Aku cuba abaikan segala rahsia suami ku yang telah ku temui itu. Namun ternyata semua itu tak semudah yang ku bayangkan. Aku merasa terkilan setiap kali melihat suami ku sendiri.
2 minggu kemudian, ku periksa kembali folder rahsia suami ku itu. Hati ku merasa sangat terguris apabila melihat koleksi suami ku bertambah.ternyata mingu lepas suami ku melangan pelacur lagi.
Aku merasa sangat terkilan. Pada mulanya aku menangis tak henti-henti. Setelah puas menangis, aku merasa marah pula. Aku akhirnya nekad. Nekad hendak membalas segala perlakuan suami ku. Aku akhirnya menghubung club gigolo yang disarankan oleh rakan baik ku sendiri hari itu.
3 hari kemudian.
Aku menghantar anak ku yang baru balik dari tabika ke rumah jiran ku untuk dijaganya. Memang dah biasa anak aku bertandang ke rumah jiranku setiap kali aku ada hal nak buat diluar. Namun kali ini hal aku berlainan daripada biasa. Sebabnya aku betul-betul nak buat hal kat hotel lepas ini.
Sekitar pada pukul 2 petang aku masuk ke bilik yang ku tempah. Aku mengenakan baju kurung modern berwarna merah jambu. Baju itu taklah sendat mana, tapi nampak jugaklah setiap lekuk badan ku yang montok ini. Walaupun aku bakal melakukan sesuatu yang bercangah dengan ku nanti, aku memutuskan untuk tetap memakai tudung di kepala ku. Ntahla, mungkin sebab aku memang tak biasa freehair depan orang lain kut.
Tepat pada 2.30 petang, loceng pintu bilik ku berbunyi. Ternyata gigolomyang ku tempah datang tepat pada waktunya. Ku buka pintu dan mempersilakan lelaki itu masuk.
Namanya John. Namaje John, tapi melayu. Umur 23 tahun. Timggi lampai orangnya. Tak kurus, tak sado sangat. Lelaki itu berdiri dihadapanku di tengah bilik membiarkan aku mengamati tubuhnya buat seketika.
"So...Puan Aira nak macam mana?" John akhirnya bersuara.
"I nak you bogel depan I sekarang...." pinta ku terus.
Tanpa rqgu-ragu, John terus melepaskan seluruh pakaian ditubuhnya 1 persatu. Aku nyaris nak menjerit bila melihat lelaki selain suami ku melurutkan boxer dihadapan ku. Lagi-lagi apabila terlihat senjata John yang separa keras itu bergantungan di celah kelangkanya itu. Nampak besar dan panjang gila!! Tu belum keras habis lagi tu.
"So? Ok?" Soal John bersahaja sambil memperagakan tubuh terlanjangnya dihadapan ku.
"Not bad..." aku cuba berlagak tenang sambil memerhatikan seluruh tubuh berotot lelaki muda dihadapan ku ini.
Ku hampiri tubuh terlanjangnya itu. Ku sentuh-sentuh otot-otot ditubuhnya dengan tangan ku. Tegap sekali tubuhnya. Malah kehangatan tubuhnya juga terasa jauh berbeza dengan suami ku. Ku jengketkan kaki dan rapatkan mulut ku ke telinganya.
"Kiss me John.." perintah ku dengan nada berbisik.
'As you wish madam,.."jawabnya.
John terus merangkul tubuh kunyang lengkap berbaju kurung ini pada tubuh telanjangnya. Matanya merenung tepat mata ku. Perlahan-lahan wajahnha merapat ke muka ku. Dengan gerakan lembut, akhirnya bibir ku bersentuhan dengan bibirnya. Dengan penuh rimantiknya bibir ku dicumbui oleh lelaki yang jauh lebih muda dari ku ini.
"Cupppppp...cuppppp...slurppppp...slurpppppp...muuahhhhhhhhh...muahhhhhhhh..." kami bercumbuan bagaikan pasangan kekasih yang saling merindui.
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