romanticisms · 8 hours
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Kate Siegel as Theodora Crain in "The Haunting of Hill House" (2018) (1/?)
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romanticisms · 8 hours
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Sherilyn Fenn as Audrey Horne in Twin Peaks 1.03
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romanticisms · 8 hours
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romanticisms · 8 hours
and just when you think you’ve hit rock bottom, you want to fuck a blonde guy
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romanticisms · 9 hours
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Vintage Burlesque club matchbooks
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romanticisms · 10 hours
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romanticisms · 10 hours
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1-800-HOT-TO-GO 💖💕‼️
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romanticisms · 10 hours
every time i use 👍 this is the emotion i mean
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romanticisms · 10 hours
My favorite relationship dynamic in fiction is a worshipper and their God. Not a literal God, but their God. The only thing in the whole world that matters to them. I will live for you, I would die for you, I would kill for you. My only moral compass is You. You can do no wrong in my eyes and I will never stray from your side. I was born to meet you and to love you. You are the only being I pray to. Your life isn’t just my passion, it’s my religion. You don’t think you’re anything special but you don’t see what I see. You don’t see that you’re the only person who’s ever made me feel this way. You don’t understand how beautiful you are to me and I will devote my entire life to making you understand and accept it.
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romanticisms · 12 hours
what's your "if I won the lottery I wouldn't tell anyone but there would be signs" thing? mine is getting a fully green kitchen
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romanticisms · 13 hours
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shaking in my boots thinking of Taash
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romanticisms · 13 hours
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Water Dropwort and Marguerites
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romanticisms · 14 hours
hey just a heads up but I'm gonna be inactive for a bit while i close the app and then open it back up right after to see if there's any new posts 🫶
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romanticisms · 14 hours
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Minotaur cmmission
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romanticisms · 14 hours
It’s almost the end of my work week and to celebrate surviving my 3 AM shift, I’m posting a snippet from the one-shot I’m working on! The Sewell family is so intriguing to me and I’ve been playing around with them.
As expected, Natalie took to Persian as naturally as she had to every other language that was offered to her. Milton did his best, but like every other young boy, his attention was directed elsewhere: tales of glory and honor, and the maritime stories that only seemed to be rising in popularity.
News of Britain's colonies in the New World ignited fires in the imagination of its people. The continent across the ocean seemed to be full of possibility: pristine nature, opportunity ripe for the taking, if only one were brave enough to take to the sea to get to it. Milton, however, could not have cared less about the wild land that gripped the rest of the nation’s mind. Instead, he fixated on the large, wooden vessels that were needed to get there.
It frightened her, even if she did not speak of it. The ocean took just as easily as it gave. She knew that as well as anyone. The thought of her only son daring to leave dry land was unimaginable, for more ways than one. Thankfully, however, she was not the only one who abhorred the idea of it.
“I want to join the British Navy,” Milton announced one day at dinner, when he was all of thirteen years old. “I want to be a sailor.”
Her response was to narrowly miss choking on her venison, and she took a sip of wine to help recover. It was as red as blood, and the sight of it did little good, but it gave her time to think of what to say that did not betray the wrenching of her heart.
“You will do no such thing,” Lord Sewell said simply, as he sliced away at the meat, seasoned with a blackberry wine sauce, on his fine china plate. “You are the Sewell heir; heirs do not go to sea.”
“I’m not the eldest, though. Natalie is the eldest. Why isn’t she the heir? It doesn’t make any sense,” Milton protested.
“That simply is not the way things are done,” Lady Sewell managed at last. “But even if you were not destined to take your father’s place, you cannot be a sailor—it is far too dangerous, darling. I cannot bear the thought of you boarding a rickety, old boat, and sailing away from me.”
Milton seemed to take it as an affront. With an air of indignance that would only be mustered by a child of thirteen, he said, “They aren’t ‘rickety old boats.’ They’re the British Navy. They’re the finest ships in the world, and I want to command one.”
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romanticisms · 14 hours
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The spirit who inhabits her animates us all. Destroy the host, you destroy the power. The young die first; the old wither slowly; the eldest perhaps would go last. But she is the Queen of the Damned, and the Damned can't live without her.
Aaliyah as Akasha QUEEN OF THE DAMNED (2002).
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romanticisms · 14 hours
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𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🫐 *ੈ.
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