once upon a time i really cared about a webcomic.
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transparent leon beard :)
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cherribean asked tangarang:
dave and the mayor trying to communicate on lohac?
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my favorite thing about strider manpain will always be lalondes laughing at them
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BADASS FEMALE PROTAGONISTS: from Sabriel the prefect of an all-girls school to Lirael a shy librarian both of whom turn into duty-bound zombie killing soldier priests who rescue princes and battle necromancers and fight against what is effectively a trapped god, you can keep your Hermione’s and Katniss Everdeen’s thanx (and can we just talk about how the girls in the school TOTALLY JUMP INTO HELP THE SOLDIERS AGAINST KERRIGOR DESPITE KNOWING THEY’RE PROBABLY GOING TO DIE??)
INCREDIBLE WORLD BUILDING: set in two neighbouring kingdoms - one resembling 1930’s britain the other a medieval fantasy realm that’s fallen into anarchy  plagued by Death NOT TO MENTION the world-weary soldiers manning the wall who are sick of your necromantic bullshit
TALKING ANIMAL COMPANIONS: not as cheesy as you think, since one is a sarcastic cat spirit who is scary as fuck when his true form is revealed and the other a wizened grandmotherly-like dog who rips out undead throats
COOL MAGIC: though it’s complicated it isn’t once confusing and you can’t beat dual sword-and-bell wielding, bells that can land you into death modeled after the Egyptian afterlife
GREAT CHARACTERS AND DEVELOPMENT: all the characters are forced to carry a duty and some succeed whilst others don’t but that’s okay because being born into a society doesn’t necessarily mean you belong there
GOOD ROMANCE: it’s subtle and forged out of friendship and trust and doesn’t define any of the characters or control any of the events in the story
NEW BOOKS COMING SOON: including Clariel which is a prequel based on Chlorr of the Mask WHO WAS AN ABHORSEN WHO TURNED EVIL!! like how awesome does that sound give me all the downward spirals for female necromancers AND there’s apparently going to be a sequel to the series too!!
POSSIBLE FILM IN THE MAKING: which means if you wanna get on that fandom first get on it now
IT’S JUST REALLY GREAT?? despite it being marketed as a YA book it’s still riveting and mature enough for older audiences (I think I might appreciate it more now that I’m older tbh) just UNF
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my headcanon foreveroh noooo
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for those of you interested in such things, here's the chart that the majority of "pepper steak" in OFF was sampled from.
"pepper steak" by the washboard rhythm kings
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in memoriam
it's been four years folks, so let's take a minute to honor the old guard of the homestuck fanfic thread. folks who bravely shipped where no-one had shipped before, paving the way for the current greats and also infinite john/dave. folks like:
gabu, author of the first major darkfic(s)
quezeka (?), who wrote a major story about the kids playing d'n'd that evolved into some sort of epic featuring doc scratch maybe i don't remember i never finished it
tenebrais, pioneer of gen and also the first person to attempt to write a major fic about the trolls (and this was pre-act 5)
sushi database, probably the first person to extensively write about kid!mom and certainly one of the very few to get her personality almost right
dellaluce/sarasvati, who showed us the wonders of jade/dave, and whose work i still remember fondly as babby's first formative shipping experience
and many others, who i can't remember at this time because it was four years ago and my memory ain't that good.
anyway, here's to you.
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reblog if you want anonymous opinions of you
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god bless kanaya maryam
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man, it's always a pleasant surprise when i find people who've read these books! seriously though, they are an absolute blast. well written, engaging characters, probably the most interesting post-apocalyptic setting i've ever read.
cities eating each other. for reals. if that doesn't sell you on this series i don't think you're a thing.
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Book Rec Friday #2
Mortal Engines - Philip Reeve
Okay, this is me cheating a bit. This isn’t just a rec for one book, this is a desperate plea for everyone to give their attention to the whole opus of one author, the aforementioned Philip Reeve.
You probably haven’t heard of Philip Reeve. Nom this isn’t the start of a hipster rant about some tiny author who only writes flash fiction on the side of Starbucks cups, that I am so achingly cool I know about and you don’t. This is a rant about how much I am in love with one man who looks like Mycroft Holmes’ chirpy alter-ego, and the absolute travesty it is that there aren’t statues of him in public.
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Read the full rec over at The Geekiary, or follow their tumblr. 
Sorry for the low level of activity recently, I managed to get stuck up a mountain in a twenty foot snow drift. But now I am back, expect more recs, rants and tea (of course), as well as my first giveaway coming soon!
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