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I've been sick for about a week and a half. It started with a dry cough I got last Thursday. I went to take my brakes to get fixed and the mechanic was a heavy smoker. My car was infused with cigarette smoke. So I coughed all day. By that night my nose started running and then I woke up with a fever.
It was a hard illness. I was hot, couldn't sleep, and didn't have the energy to eat. My stomach woes went away for a bit. I didn't eat for about 3 days and it slowly went back to normal. Until it didn't. I woke up with intense nauseous feelings and dizzy eyesight. I found myself spending more and more time outside, in the cold and dark just to be able to function. My fever was not breaking and the meds were making me sluggish and disoriented.
I moved my hair appointment and didn't go back to work until Thursday. A full week off and I was just barely starting to feel better. At 4 am on Saturday, I threw up and had diarrhea. Then I slept for 16 hours.
Today is Sunday and I'm still very tired and dreading next week. I made the hair appointment for Wednesday and have plans to go to the gym tomorrow. I was too weak and out of it to do my check-ins. But I did lose a considerable amount of weight. I'm not proud of the method though. I'm eating again, just little by little. All the seasonings are very loud to me and I find myself walking on eggshells as to not get a sour stomach again. I feel like I wasted my entire weekend, and poor Chu had to celebrate our anniversary alone. To be honest, I completely forgot what day it was. When he came in with a cake and sheepishly sang to me with candles, I was embarrassed and a bit frustrated. I wish I was better. I wish my stomach wasn't the way it was. I wish I could just focus on working out and hitting my diet goals.
I know it won't be like this always and I'm so thankful for Chu and all he does. I just want to go back to feeling like me again.
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Racism 101.
Best candidate is not a quota. Top positions are not 'whites only'.
TLDR: capitalism is failing, racism is rising.
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What was I thinking starting my loc journey as the same time a this? What a freaking mess.
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41 Weeks Out
Of course, my tits are the first thing to start going. I'm not surprised, I just thought I had more time with them.
This week was very difficult for me. My stomach has been giving me issues every day. Every morning, I wake up with knotting and a wet throat. I'm nauseous before, during, and after I eat. It doesn't matter the food or drink (which is mostly water), I just can't shake the discomfort. I'm having a hard time burping and digesting my food in a reasonable time. I've started walking after most of my meals and it helps a bit but it hasn't gone away. I suppose its just my IBS flaring up again. I'll stick to eating light, staying hydrated, and resting more.
Speaking of resting, I only went to the gym 4 days this week. I changed things around in my split and decided to add in abs and cardio on Wednesday to give my upper and lower body another rest day. My core is ridiculously weak and I was very sore and tender Thursday and Friday. I decided to sleep in on Friday morning and get my strength back.
Aside from that, I had a good scan. I'm finally out of 40% body fat. I'm now 39.5%. But its a good start. I even decided to start looking for a coach. I still want to give myself 3 months before signing up fully but it doesn't hurt to look.
I'm really curious on how my timeline should be. My show is early Nov. I don't think I have time to bulk. I have too much fat to lose in so little time. Chu thinks its best to just focus on the mini cut and I'll just have to make due with whatever muscle survives before going into prep. I would really like to talk to a coach to see if that is best. I now know I won't have time to build a Tie In. I have to let that go. Maybe for next season.
I did see a real improvement with adding in the extra cardio during my weekday nights. I'm going to keep it up.

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42 Weeks Out.
I slept in this morning and went to the gym around 10 AM. I'm feeling much better, but was still pretty dehydrated from my acute stomach illness over the weekend. Which sucked because today was heavy leg day.
I was still able to do the workout but at one point I had to go outside and cool down and I took longer rest breaks than usual because I couldn't catch my break and I was pretty dizzy. I was still able to pull through though.
I'm worried because I signed up for a new service to get my birth control mailed to me and it hasn't even shipped yet. So I'm 4 days past due on starting them again. I just had an awful period, really painful cramps and a longer flow than normal. I should really get on it and try to just pick them up and see if the shipment can start for the next batch. Everything is closed for the holiday so it will have to wait til tomorrow. Completely my fault.
I was suppose to work on heavy glutes today but felt it more in my quads so I might have to switch around Wednesday and Friday to see if I can really blast them. My meal plan this week is pretty good because it includes pasta (my favorite) and I haven't had it in months. It will be a lot of salads, fresh fruits and spinach smoothies as well. All things I love so I'm feeling pretty good on my food commitment.
My last scan was okay, I did lose about 2 pounds but nothing major. I saw no changes in the fat percentage, which is what's really important. I couldn't do any cardio last week because of my period but I did walk for 45 mins today after the gym so I'm hoping for a better scan this Friday. Especially if I keep up my cardio. I really think that's what makes a difference. I'm only on 1400 calories so I can't trim it much more than that in the food dept. I'm still opting for more whole foods so its been helping me stay full longer.
Split for the next 6 weeks is:
Monday: Quads/ Glutes
Tuesday: Chest, Tris and Shoulders
Wednesday: Abs and Cardio
Thursday: Back, Bi and Shoulders
Friday: Glutes and Hammies

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I'm not feeling well today. My stomach was hurting all last night and I had to dip into my pill stash TWICE. I'm anxious. What if I get sick for years on end like last time? Every day I'm not well, saps life from my goal.
I'm not trying to be hard on myself, I understand that my body needs rest sometimes. But there are some nasty illnesses going around and I'm scared it could trigger something and...I just can't go through that again. I have a job now, a schedule and good health. I'm not trying to take anything for granted. So today I will just rest. Eat light and stay hydrated. Hopefully, it will pass quickly.
I do plan on uploading my progress pictures when I finally take them. But I've been on my period and now this. I don't really feel up for putting on a thong bikini and smiling for the camera.
The house feels like an icebox. Just like before. It keeps my head clear and my body somewhat relaxed. I'm freezing but I need those things. They are important steps on not triggering a flare-up.
I'm really thankful this is a 3 day weekend. I still plan on going to the gym tomorrow morning so I have to make sure I do all I can to get well today. Monday is heavy leg/glute day. I need to be 100%. I also need to go to the grrocery store and clean up my house.
Please feel better soon tummy. I want this year to be the year. Please.
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Hello. Today is January 19th and I've decided to start a new blog to follow my fitnes journey. A few years back I made the choice of going into bodybuilding. I saw a Youtube video of a woman who competited in one and it looked like a lot of I thought I'd be good at it.
So I started training and I failed over 10 times. I had issues with my diet, muscle mind contention and my health over the years. But this year, 2025, feels different. I want it to be different. So...two weeks into the beginning of the year and I'm going strong.
I guess I also wanted this to feel like a journal for my daily life as well. I brought a new fancy, typewriter keyboard and decided to write whenever I feel the need too. I'll also post pictures and track my progress to my first show. Which will be in Fall 2025 if all goes to plan.
This is just for me so I might be a vauge but I just wanted a space to talk about it. I'm not sure why I don't just post on my old blog. Too many eyes I guess. I wonder if this will even make a difference in that regard, but I FEEL better about it so I guess that's enough for now. We'll see.
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