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42 posts
Music lover/Nerd/Musician/Still trying to figure out this crazy world.
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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🎶There's no more wind to be found in the sails, hands full of falling stars and comet tails🎶#HandslikeHouses #Oceandust #Lyrics #OnRepeat #CantSleep #Insomnia #Insomniac
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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Sometimes I think I'm a writer. Please give credit / tag me if reposted. #MyWriting #Quote #Poem #Writing #Writer #Art #Thoughts #Darkness #Stars #Planets #Space
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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🎶You're one of a thousand voices, In my head that all just sound the same. If mine never made a difference, It won't make the meaning change...🎶 #Insomnia #Insomniac #DayDreamerNightThinker #Lyrics #HandsLikeHouses #IAm #NowPlaying #Dissonants #MissingComma
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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This could not be more true. #Gemini #GeminiProblem #Truth #OverThinking #Worrying #StopThinking #TooManyThoughts
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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Feel like a kid again when I listen to these guys. #SimplePlan #TakeOneForTheTeam #AlbumReleaseDay #StillJustAKid #SPMakesMyCrazyLittleHeartGoBOOM
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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Nothing better than turning up my favorite band loud in my headphones. Love @madinalake @matthew_leone @nathanleone02 @mateocamargo @jeezi forever. #MadinaLake #Music #TurnItUpLoud #RiverPeople #FanForLife
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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“Wouldn’t it be nice if change took just a moment? Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy? Midnight and we’re new. Midnight and the past erased. Midnight and we’re free. - Jamie Tworkowski” If today is hard for you or if you can’t wait to celebrate; If you’re with people you love or alone; When midnight strikes we can all start over, new, fresh. Leave the passed behind and leap into the future. Write stories, make memories, sing songs, laugh, cry, smile, fix the things in us that hurt. Whatever you want is right here right now you just have to be brave enough to reach for it. Midnight is the first blank page of a 366 page book; Let’s make it a good one yeah? #NewYearsEve #WelcomeToMidnight #TWLOHA #NewYear #MakeItAGoodOne #DoctorWho #Nerd #Quote #BeSafe #DontDrinkAndDrive
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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It's been one of those weeks. #HeadphonesInWorldOut #TurnItUpLoud #Music
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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When you can't find a bookmark so you improvise. #Nerd #Book #BookWorm #Musician #GuitarPick #Dunlop #Tortex
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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"The whole world is singing but we've stopped listening." I'm not usually one to go on a vegetarian/environmental rant but after watching #RacingExtinction I can't help but do so. We're living on this planet like we have another one to go too. We don't. I know this may get me called a "hippie" or "tree hugger" but you know what that's okay. (I've heard it all before.) Because "It's better to light one candle than curse the darkness." I've been vegetarian for 11 years and I've been told it's stupid, it doesn't make a difference for the animals or the planet but look at the facts it does. I'm not saying the whole world should go vegetarian (although that would be great) I'm just saying #StartWith1Thing and how simple is it to just cut out meat one day a week? #SaveThePlanet #SaveTheAnimals #GoVegetarian #ThereIsNoPlanetB
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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My favorite quote from Heaven Sent. To me I think The Doctor is referring to the hell that can be our own thoughts and how we sometimes think we deserve to have every demon in our minds. But in the end we can escape it we can be free after all The Doctor did. #DoctorWho #Whovian #HeavenSent #PeterCapaldi #12thDoctor #Quote
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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I must have gotten lost with the hatter following our madness. #AliceInWonderland #MadHatter #MadAsAHatter #FollowYourMadness
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
The great thing about piano is even if you're a horrible player it still sounds insanely pretty. #HarryPotter #HedwigsTheme #Piano #Music #Nerd
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
Crazy how somehow this is exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks Lzzy ❤
Happy Halloween Everyone!
This time of year everyone gets to be someone else. Caked in make up, wigs and masks we roam the streets hopped up on sugar! I love fall, this is my season. There’s a sense of change in the crisp, cold air. Just cold enough for a leather jacket! And even though it’s always last minute, I love dressing up as someone or something else and going out with friends or doing a show on Halloween. But… In this post Id like to talk about the masks we wear the other 364 days out of the year.
I just took a couple days to myself, no crew, no band, no lover… Just me. I can’t remember the last time I flew somewhere on a trip without my posse! It was exhilarating. As I was walking through the airport, I started imagining myself as the only human on this planet. And it got my thinking, How I would dress, act,eat, and drink if there was no one else around? Do I base my interests on how I’m perceived by others? Or am I truly being myself in a world so influenced by how others think? Looking around at all the strangers, I thought of the veil we wear for other people, and the judgment we place on others based on whether or not we can identify with or understand the “category” they fall into. The pretty chick with way too much makeup for the plane ride, or the dude next to me overly trying to convince me he’s a millionaire (but he only flies red eyes for appearances). Would they still go about their day the same way if there was no one else around?
Everyone wants to have it (and everyone) all figured out, it’s our nature as humans. We have categories for music, sexual orientation, race, personalities, personality disorders, relationships, spirituality etc. We are living in a constant state of “who am I, who is she, what is he? I’m scared, what is that? That’s different!! Eek! That makes me uncomfortable! I don’t understand that!! Where am I going in life!?” Fear!!! Ahhhh!
Well, maybe it’s because I’m not a teen or even in my 20s anymore, but in my 32 years of life..what I’ve discovered about myself, is that I do not fit fully into one box or the other in ANY aspect of my life. To quote the great Jack Black “My essence cannot be labeled!”
Before I go on, I must be clear: I realize that it is a huge comfort for some people to find a place where they belong, a community or category where they fit in. I’m not knocking any community or group, because I am also surrounded by likeminded people and am in a musical circle that has helped shape who I am.
I’m talking specifically about not hiding behind the mask you put out there as “yourself” and Never restricting yourself to a clique. I’m talking about truly thinking of yourself as the Only one. Uniquely You. An original. And loving yourself for it. And don’t be afraid of other people or bring them down just because you can’t fit them into any of your social squares.
It’s my personal view that as SCARY as it is to accept ourselves and each other for what we really are, if carried out, it is truly a path to happiness.
A lot of people speculate, and come to their conclusions of who I am, what I believe,who I love, and more specifically how I choose to love, or what my sex life entails….
“Everybody wants to know what I got going on below, everybody wants to see buy they’ll never get all of me”-Gonna Get Mine, Halestorm
But… My music is a spectrum of colors some not see able to the human eye. My love is unfiltered, unapologetic, naked, vast and as mysterious as the ocean. I am both light and dark, soft and strong, whole and afflicted. My beliefs aren’t written,and are unorthodox, and my own. My life is Mine. So, to name myself as just one thing or another would only scratch the surface to everything I am inside.
And I’m not saying I go around confessing every dark secret to everyone! This is for me. Joe told me something the other day that stuck with me. “ if you are going to do anything, make sure you do it for you”.
I’ve had to accept, and now am very proud of ALL of the little pieces that make me who I am. I’m proud that I don’t fit in. Career-wise, before we signed to Atlantic records (who always encourage us to be ourselves btw), every record company we met and showcased for told me, “we like what you do, but have no idea where to put you or where you fit in this industry ”. And 10 years later, still the oddball, but it was “sticking out like a sore thumb”, taking risks, and being ourselves that got us here. I am writing this to encourage all of you to be braver than those who try to name you. Take off the mask, Love Yourself. Be your own label. Your own genre. Remember It never pays to be a copy of someone else. That person already exists. Be something the world will only ever see once …Be You
“So you think that you know what I am, but you don’t”- Sick Individual, Halestorm
Who Am I? I am Me. I am Lzzy Hale. That is my label, that is my category.
Happy Halloween!
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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🎃 This is Halloween 🎃 Devils Night/Halloween tradition of hanging out with my dude Jack. #TheNightmareBeforeChristmas #FavoriteMovieEver #Halloween
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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No more writers block 😆 I guess what they say about sitting with an idea for a while works. #Gibson #Acoustic #Guitar #Beautiful #Music #Late #Insomnia
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rivercreeper-blog · 9 years ago
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Mon amour. #MyLove #Guitar #Acoustic #Gibson #Music #Lyrics #WritersBlock #MusicianProblems
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