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Hey! This is nic, weaboo shit, memes and a lot of random stuff; probably going to hell but they need someone to make the parties so, party in hell, you're all invited.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
rinjiko · 4 years ago
Los signos como: Latin quotes.
(Ré profundos altiro)
Aries: Fortes fortuna adiuvat // La fortuna favorece a los valientes. 
Tauro: Ex nihilo nihil fit. // Nada viene de la nada 
Géminis: Mutantur omnia nos et mutamur in illis. // Todas las cosas cambian y nosotros cambiamos con ellas.
Cancer:  Si vis amari, ama // Si deseas ser amado, ama. 
Leo: Vincit qui se vincit. // El conquista a quien se conquista a sí mismo. 
 Virgo: Timendi causa est nescire. // La ignorancia es la causa del miedo
Libra: Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori. // El amor conquista todas las cosas; déjanos también rendirnos ante el amor. 
Escorpio: Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo. // Si no puedo doblegar la voluntad del cielo, movere al infierno. 
Sagitario: Veritas vos liberabit. // La verdad te liberara. 
Capricornio: Vitanda est improba siren desidia. // Uno debe evitar a esa traviesa, tentadora. La pereza. 
Acuario: Astra inclinant, sed non obligant. // Las estrellas nos guían, no nos atan. 
Piscis: Dum inter homines sumus, colamus humanitatem. // Mientras estemos entre los humanos, seamos humanos. 
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rinjiko · 4 years ago
ARIES : Start with honesty with yourself. Start with being real with who you are, and then maybe we can find a way back to happy. Until you are just hiding behind masks that add misery. TAURUS :  Some things are worth the pain. Some things are worth getting hurt for. Some things are worth dying for. Remember that just because it hurts doesn’t mean it’s not the right choice. GEMINI : You stand there pointing at everyone esles bloody hands, but did you look at your own? stitch up your own past and the wounds you left before you call out anyone elses. CANCER : What are you doing? We’re all watching. All cheering and hoping for the best outcome. Hoping for the best for you, whatever that will look like. LEO : You are a badass. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Do not let them take away your fire and your magick. You are the thing they can not tame. Prove it. VIRGO : You are a good person. I still believe you are a good person. Please. Can we go back to being better people together? find our way back to what we were. LIBRA : Pain is a horrible bedfellow. Misery won’t do you any better. Stop opening up wounds just so everyone can see that you’re bleeding. It would heal faster and stop hurting you if you left it alone SCORPIO : Does this silence deafen you too? Is that why you’re so distant? In all of this space did we let you float to far out? I’m so sorry. SAGITTARIUS : You grew up to fast. Remember to let yourself catch up. Give yourself time to relearn all the things you missed out on while you were gone. Be gentle with yourself. CAPRICORN : You’re better than this. It isn’t a question. You are better than this. We will do better next time, okay? So much better. Because I know you can do it. AQUARIUS : Don’t let anyone suffocate you. Don’t let them throw you under the waves. You are so much bigger and badder than anything trying to destroy you. PISCES : Are you ready for a fight? Ready for war? Good. Aries is on your side, go. You will win this war, even among battles lost.
This weeks zodiac (via late-nights-and-daydreams)
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
if you didn’t believe that England hates Donald Trump already: the most recent news of his visit today is that the mayor of London approved protestors releasing a £16,000 Trump in-a-diaper balloon to fly 98ft above ground when he visits, and literally no British person is surprised. Welcome to London.
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
1st letter of my name: 2nd letter of my name: 1st letter of my mom’s name: 2nd letter of my mom’s name: 1st letter of my dad’s name: 2nd letter of my dad’s name:
My child’s name would be…
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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This was originally going to be a lot longer, but I ran out of steam! I have some thoughts to continue it later if I feel up to it!
P.S. Shoutout to my wife @summerlightning for helping me bounce off ideas and editing the text!
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
oscar wilde quotes for the signs:
aries: ”i don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. i want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.”
taurus: ”if a man treats a life artistically, his brain is his heart.”
gemini: “to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist, that is all.“
cancer: ”to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.“
leo: “time is jealous of you, and wars against your lilies and your roses.”
virgo: “yes: i am a dreamer. for a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
libra: “never love anyone who treats you like you’re ordinary.”
scorpio: “everything in moderation, including moderation.”
sagittarius: “i can resist anything, except temptation.”
capricorn: “behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.”
aquarius: ”to define is to limit”
pisces: “the secret to remaining young is to never have an emotion that is unbecoming”
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
There is no reason not to love your writing. You did it. You spent time on it. Of course you should talk about it. No. It’s not boasting, nor are you self obsessed. It’s yours. You spent time on it. Not them. Post about your art. Share with everyone. Because it is amazing.
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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Cheeky boi
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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Y’all r wildin OUT
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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The person who headlined the article has never been through struggle. He should not be prosecuted he should be supported.
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
Tonight at the gym a man who looked like fuckin Thor asked me out and when I told him I was a lesbian he goes “oh. Chill. You know, my sister and I work out a lot together. She’ll be here tomorrow, same time.”
Like…did Thor just wingman me?
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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Terry Crews came out and admitted he had been sexually assulted by someone in the film industry, and is now being blacklisted. I have been a fan of his since Idiocracy, and will continue to support all of his work.
So when you wonder why people don’t come forward with their assults, this is why.
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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An RPG game or role-playing game is a game in which players assume the role of characters in a fictional setting. Here are some of the top 10 RPG horror games, that have received overwhelming positive feedback. All of these are free to play & you can play them online.
Ib: The game fallows the story of Ib, a little girl who was visiting an art gallery with her parents. While observing the many exhibits, Ib suddenly realizes she is alone and trapped within a space where the exhibitions started to come back to life. Help Ib escape this horror-filled museum before the gallery traps her there forever.
Mad Father: Help our protagonist, Aya Drevis to save her father from the devilish creatures crawling through the mansion. Help her face the true nature of her beloved father and find what happened with her deceased mother.
The Crooked Man: There was a Crooked Man, and he walked a crooked mile. He found a crooked sixpence (hey look my username) against a crooked stile. He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse. And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
The Sandman: The Sandman doesn’t like children who stays up, so he digs their eyes with a spoon and makes them into stew!
Mermaid Swamp: A simple road trip becomes a nightmare when four friends are stranded in a strange mansion by a swamp. But there’s a legend about the swamp outside the mansion.
Schuld: Hear the story of Aaron a man who finds himself trapped in an hostile world filled with death and decay. Find why have you brought here and who are you.
Paranoiac: A true horror adventure game with creepy atmosphere and great storyline. The story fallows Miki Takamura, a book writer, who just moved into her Aunt’s house. Her aunt died in this house three years ago and since then, the house has been empty. This game contains sudden surprises and harsh images. The weak of heart should not play.
Wait: And there I stand, fed and alone, my heart is heavy as a stone. My deeds changed nothing in the end, the inevitable truth cannot be bent.
Vorlorn: Far in the distance, amid the ocean, lies a massive citadel that rises out of the water every eon. It is said that deep inside of the structure is a place of magic where any wish is possible. If the legend is true, I know my wish. To see you again, even after death
The Wedding: The Wedding is a great horror adventure game with great story-line and gameplay. Fallow the story of Anima and her future brother as they adventure into the woods.
Enjoy! Some of these games may contain jumpscares & startling images as well as loud noises. Play at your own risk. Here’s a compilation of other online games I’ve mentioned on this blog
The Deepest Sleep
Milk for the Ugly
Everyday the Same Dream
Escape from the Haunted Room
Alter Ego
The Burning Room
99 Rooms
The Company of Myself
Take This Lollipop
Annie96 is Typing
Dreams of Your Life
Ellie Help Me Out Please
Year Walk
Here’s a compilation of other creepy lists I have made as well!
Top Rated Scary Stories
Cracked on Horror
Listverse Bizarre and Creepy
Creepiest Gifs
Reddit No Sleep
Reddit Paranormal
Reddit Horror
Creepy Contacts
Top 10 Sixpenceee Stories
Top 10 Reddit Lets Not Meet Stories
Top 10 Creepy Short Films
Compilation of Short Creepy Stories
Unsettling Things on the Internet
Top 10 Terrifying YouTube Videos
Top 10 Creepy Audio Recordings
Creepy Dares List
Creepy Facts Compilation
Top 5 Disturbing Topics
Top 5 Fake Documentaries
6 Terrifying Comics
Common Nightmares & Their Meanings
Creepy Japanese Urban Legends
Creepy Lost Episodes Compilation
Compilation of Horror Pranks
Top 5 Mass Extinctions
Glitch in the Matrix
Top 10 Found Footage & Creepy Videos
Top 10 Long Scary Stories
Ways to Contact the Dead
Creepy Meaning Behind Nursery Rhymes
Creepiest Glitch Experiences
Paranormal Science Resources
Map of Monsters/Ghosts/Cryptids in the USA
Everything on Astral Projection
Everything on Terrifying Dolls
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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rinjiko · 7 years ago
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