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rileyprobably ¡ 2 years ago
with @ascrowesfly​ at the satanic soiree
As always Riley and Levi had gotten dressed up for the Halloween festivities, never one’s that missed this holiday ever since they were kids who had started to go trick or treating together. However as the years passed, Halloween started to involve a lot more alcohol and ruined costumes by the end of the night.
Right now Riley was glaring at Levi’s face as they were both sat in the more secluded VIP section of Club Nyx, the blonde already a bit buzzed from the drinks “I hate it when you wear makeup because that means I can’t kiss you”
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rileyprobably ¡ 2 years ago
Atticus had taken up running ever since the attacks. The sound of his feet on the pavement, and his breaths-short and even-helped him tune out the world. He had thought about getting a walkman or some kind of cd player to use when he was out, but the thought of zoning out completely and being unable to ascertain his surroundings made him feel a bit queasy. It helped that it also tended to tire him out, and make it easier to sleep. Sometimes it helped the nightmares stay away. 
The sun had just set, with the sky filled with dark reds and oranges, teases of night sky peaking out of the edges that would spread out soon enough. It was a time of day that Atticus liked running; meant that the streets were quieter then normal. He was rounding a corner, mind preoccupied with thoughts of what kind of flowers he would buy for Theo tomorrow, when suddenly there is someone in his direct path. He reacts a second too slow, and feels his shoulder brush against the other as he’s stepping away from them. The sudden change in speed and direction causes him to lose his balance, and he goes down on a knee, hard and skids an inch or two. Atticus curses as the pain blooms. It’s nothing serious, but he knows he’s cut it up a bit. “Sorry about that, my b-” He starts to say, turning his upper body to face them, but the rest of what he was saying dies on his tongue once he sees who it was. “Oh. Hey.” Atticus says, tone short and cool.
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Having rotating shifts at the hospital meant that sometimes Riley ended up having a very difficult and confusing schedule, but sometimes it also meant that some days were not as bad and he could get home at a more reasonable hour. That is why today he had decided to walk slowly home for a bit, stopping by the supermarket to get some things he knew him and Levi needed, as well as some cigarettes.
Maybe it was the fact that he was tired, or maybe he was just distracted however he definitely felt the rough force of someone colliding against him and even though he swayed for a bit he was able to find his footing. 
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His hand immediately went to his hair nervously, “shit - I’m sorry” he said it just at the same time as the other man, as he crouched down to assess the damage that had been done, that is until he notices that familiar face. “Oh, Atticus! I’m really sorry about that” right after he apologizes for a second time, Riley is offering him his hand to help him stand up “Haven’t seen you in a while! Do you want me to help you with that?” he had just notices the scratches on his skin “It’ll only take a second or two” that was the least he could do.
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rileyprobably ¡ 2 years ago
“Hey, I’m just saying.” Personally, Will is eager to embarrass him, just by virtue of being his wide-eyed and romantic with Levi. It’s so refreshing to see young love, and Will isn’t going to be someone who’s not going to be their embarrassing older friend; that’s basically fifty percent of his job! He’s going to have to talk to Levi and Gabby and maybe babysit them depending, but this is going to be good.
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Will pats his arm and grins. “If you ever need practice. And I do mean if you ever need practice.” He doesn’t know if Riley’s ever considering the thought of marriage and kids and a white picket fence and all, but he knows that he at least has some tips on what not to do. “Besides, I feel you two are going to do great.”
Riley could not say that the thought had crossed his mind before, he and Levi were still young, and he was still finishing education, however the more he thought about it the more his heart warmed at the thought, he would soon start working and Levi had just gotten a new more well-paid job, they had just moved to a more safe and comfortable apartment. So, maybe, just maybe in the future. 
“I think we will, Levi is very gentle and well......he looks cool I think Gabby will like him” of course anytime he talks about his boyfriend, that stupid smile of his appears “and I too - can’t wait to meet your little princess, we will have a fun time” 
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rileyprobably ¡ 2 years ago
“I’ll set a date, then. Gabby’s been itching to go out, so you know, ” he says, shaking his head. Ah, his own personal Tesla coil. She’s grown bored of things only a kid can be, and Will is only too happy to oblige her. It’ll be a while, trying to talk to her about touching Levi and how bad it can be, but she’ll behave. He’s going to have to impress upon her the seriousness of the situation, at least. She’s always been good at listening when it counted.
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He pats his shoulder and grins again. “Who knows, maybe this’ll be good practice for the both of you, huh?” There’s a waggle of his eyebrows and a shark-like grin on his face. Will means babysitting, of course, and an extra set of hands to help him out taking care of Gabby’s certainly something he won’t shy away from.
Riley smiles, a small alright leaving his lips, he really feel excited about meeting Gabby, he is sure that she will be a joy to be around and Riley is more than happy to provide some fun, if not only to make Will’s job easier - a tired kid is a happy kid most of the time.
However, Will’s next comment only earns him a very blushing Riley. He has been considering marriage for the longest time and yet, he had never thought of kids, they had never discussed it and yet, he wasn’t against that idea. “Oh- hum... yes, that would be nice, of course if Levi wants that too” he shuts up and laughs at himself “God, Will, why did you have to give me this idea?”
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rileyprobably ¡ 2 years ago
“It’s Levi, right? The hot, gloomy one.” If only they knew how to permanently take a mutation. Doomed to never touch his love’s skin, or do it and certainly die. Given that mutants shouldn’t really exist, well, could someone even consider that a tragedy? Mutant’s taking themselves out, Mori thinks, is not the worst outcome. Mori rolls their shoulders, focusing on their body, on small aches and pains. This mutation is powerful if confusing. They consider holding his ability hostage: tell me or you’re never getting it back! But that’s too petty. Too outwardly antagonistic.
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“That’s kinda poetic, actually. Your powers matching up like that.” Mori stops, spins on their heels to face Riley with their usual deadpan expression. It could be a sincere offer, it could also be a subtle ‘fuck you’. “He ever want to touch someone else? I’m immune now.”
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Riley stands there, silently fuming, refusing to answer. Everyone in The Brotherhood knows about their relationship, they never bothered to hide it and everyone seems to respect and maybe that is why it comes as a shock when he hears their next question. Even if he is not really one to be jealous often, it happens sometimes and that mixed with the fear of Riley not being able to get his mutation back, of not being able to touch Levi again makes him react before he can think and his fist collides hard with Mori’s jaw.
“How about being immune to that, uh?” he doesn’t seem to be satisfied with it, chest heaving with anger, “don’t you fucking dare touch him do you hear me?” 
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
+ @ascrowesfly​
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
“I’ll be there for the first couple of visits, Riles. Don’t worry—besides, when it matters, Gabby knows how to listen.” It’s a blessing at least, to have a daughter so headstrong yet so understanding about it all; there’s no more explanations needed. He hopes that the couple at least gets to meet her—and she gets to see other people happy in their relationships.
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He sighs, and shakes his head. “I think you should still talk to Levi. Get a few safeties, but I know he’ll cover up as best he can.” Will smiles and laughs at the notion of fun. They’d just rented a movie out; that seems plenty fun to him! “I mean—whatever floats your boat, kid. What, you gonna take us out to the arcade? I think a night in is plenty fun anyway!
That did relax him a little, sometimes the unexpected nature of most kids Riley knew was what he loved the most about them, however even he had to accept that in some situations that could bring some problems. But he knew Will was a good father and he knew that Gabby most be an incredible understanding kid too. 
“I will talk to him of course, there is no one more careful than Levi” and that was true, even during the summer he still covered himself, even if that meant being uncomfortable he always wanted to keep other safe. 
“The arcade sounds absolutely awesome, but I also wouldn’t be opposed to a night in, maybe you should ask Gabby what she wants to do and let her choose?”
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
they’d done their initiations at the same time – of course they had, they were a package deal ( and initiations preceding erik’s publicity move were so much easier to remember ). end of the day, the question was about who held the power in that move. that was the interesting part. “ y’know, i can’t say that surprises me, ” she replied, tapping the cigarette. perhaps it was riley being sidelined so often, perhaps it was his pretty blonde hair. “ i mean, you’ve still barely gotten your due diligence. been almost a fuckin’ decade for you guys. ”
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Riley wasn’t sure what Vera meant by that comment, but still he did not felt offended by it. The truth was he would follow Levi anywhere, they had had conversations about it over the years and yet, the most important thing for the both of them was to remain together no matter what. Lots of things could change, however other would remain the same. “Yeah, it’s pretty insane when you say that” a decade, it made him feel old “but finally some changes might be happening, the brotherhood needs to do better, we had too many failures,” and losses “lately”
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
Mari props herself up on her elbow to listen. She’s heard some of the stories of what happened that night, and none of them were good. They made her stomach turn, knowing how many of her friends had come close to dying. But, she hadn’t been able to process them much with everything else that had gone on since the failed missions from the Spring. “Well, first of all, I’m glad you’re still here.” Not only for herself. She couldn’t imagine what hole Levi would fall down if anything were to ever happen to Riley. “Second of all, I understand not wanting to feel small or weak.” It was the one thing that she had managed to avoid thanks to training. 
“So, we’ll get you ready, then. I’ll make a fighter out of you yet.” She had the utmost faith in Riley to succeed in the field. If only by determination alone, he had what it took. He cared. That was probably the most important thing there was next to actual strength and dexterity. He had a purpose to fight and a purpose to win. “You’ll be ready next time, I’ll make sure of that. You’ll be out fighting Levi by the time I’m done with you.” She couldn’t lose anyone else. Especially not Riley. She had no choice but to make a fighter out of him, just as well as any other person in the Brotherhood. Except for her. And, probably Mori.
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His heart softened at the first sentence, but after that, the promise of making him a fighter was what gave him hope. The brotherhood and its members had seen better days, but Riley was sure that their mission was not over yet, they could still do better, he could still do so much more. 
So with that promise he stood up, with as much determination as before, the same fire in his eyes, even if he was still tired. “I trust you, Sanchez” definitely more than he trusted other people, he knew she wouldn’t let him down and he wouldn’t let her down either. “Let’s finish this then, before I have to get home to my boyfriend”
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
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Levi’s answering smile is broad, easy, and immediately relieved. He hardly expected Riley to be upset, but to hear his support of the idea and see that soft starburst of golden excitement in his eyes meant everything to Levi. He can’t help a brief laugh as he snakes an arm around Riley’s neck and pulls him in for another kiss, letting this one linger.
“Of course. I might go ahead and put our names on a waitlist for us, but you know I’d never pick a new place for us without at least letting you check out the bathtub.” Levi laughs as he says it, but it’s the truth. Riley’s comfort, Riley’s safety, is the most important thing to him in this world. It’s why Levi made this leap to begin with.
“But… I’m glad you agree,” Levi says, his enthusiasm and excitement softening into an easier smile, both hands framing Riley’s face now as he glances between his eyes, the brushes of Levi’s thumbs against his partner’s cheekbones bringing another gentle flurry of gold to Riley’s eyes. “You’re… god, Riley, you’re everything to me.” Levi shows him this every day, in everything he does, but sometimes he just needs to say it. “Not a moment goes by I’m not thinkin’ about you. About us. So I think… this is gonna be perfect.” It’s as simple as that.
“Sounds more than good enough for me” he answers, an easy smile on his lips as he presses yet another lingering kiss to his lips. The thought of a future with Levi by his side had always made him happy, and even after a decade, he still got excited about the changes that happened from time to time. This one felt more permanent than when they first had decided to move in together but it didn’t scare him. 
He looks at Levi with nothing but love in his eyes, his heart still jumps upon hearing those words “It’s going to be more than perfect, it will always be the two of us. I love you” and for him too, it was just as simple as that.
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
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We should hang out sometimes. Will shakes his head and grins—it’s a good idea, and he can’t think of any good reason to refuse the man. After all, he hadn’t seen Levi in a while, and he supposes he can always bring Gabby, just keeping her on a short leash. After everything, he’s been afraid to get her out anymore, but maybe this is the time to start.
“I—hey, I might even bring my kid. She’s been dying to meet some of my friends and, well,” he starts, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, you’re good with kids! I assume Levi is. And I think she’s due for some cool uncles. Or at least rad babysitters.”
Riley seems to glow at that invitation, part of it is because he still feels and definitely acts like a bit of a kid most of the times and the other part is because he is genuinely excited to speak to them, he likes the outlook that they have on life. It’s refreshing to him in a way and he couldn’t be more excited to meet Gabby.
“Yeah, he’s good” Riley nods, he has never met anyone as kind and understanding as Levi “but we still need to be careful, you know....” he shrugs but still keeps the smile on his face “I think both Gabby and you need some fun, so whenever you’re both free just let me know”
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
“Borrowing means I’ll return it, damn, man. You gotta chill out a bit.” Mori stands up, putting distance between them because this guy needs to fucking chill out and Mori will not be responsible for in-fighting with the medic, they want his hatred to stick. Some fisticuffs would settle things too quickly. At least in Mori’s view. Besides it’s helpful to figure his ability out, if they’re ever in a bind and Riley’s near? Great way to keep themselves running and functional.
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“Congrats, I don’t like any contact so you went above and beyond, Goldie. So. What other tricks have you got up your sleeve besides healing?” they ask, casually, as if Riley isn’t ready to fight them. 
The problem is Riley could not chill. This was the third time now that he had lost his powers to someone else, first it had been Solomon, but he has learned his lesson there, accepted the punishment as it was and regret his actions, the second time has been during their mission to take down Essex when that machine had surprised all of them and Riley had been helpless to fight the guards and now this.
This time wasn’t his fault. He had not been at the wrong place and he had not angered anyone, he was simply doing his job, he was simply trying to help someone and this is how they re-payed them. “I don’t give a shit, I really need it” for a moment he thought about not saying it, but really, everyone already knew about him and Levi and at this point he honestly didn’t care if they used it as leverage. “I can’t touch my boyfriend without my mutation so you better give it back” 
After that he resorted to sulking in the corner as he watched the gold in their eyes, a sign that his mutation was working, that he had to sit around and wait until it was finished, and hope that they would give it back. “Yeah,” he scoffed “you can go fuck yourself if you think I’m answering any of your questions”
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
+ @ascrowesfly​
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
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Mori remains unnervingly calm, rolling their head to watch Riley’s over-reaction (in their eyes). “I’m only borrowing it,” Mori crosses their arms. The beginning of their black eye moving through the stages of healing: going through a kaleidoscope of colors. “Why bother with the gloves and human medicine if you can just—” Mori snaps their fingers. Another flicker of gold and their split lip stitches itself up.
The calm energy only seemed to anger Riley further, but no matter how much he actually wanted to hurt them, it would be pointless, they would heal in no time and Riley’s temper had already cost him his mutation once. He had learned from his mistake. “You call this borrowing? You must be fucking insane, because I don’t seem to remember you asking for it” he decided to keep his distance, pacing around. “Because I’m a fucking decent person and some people don’t like skin on skin contact” and besides, he was a med student, it was more out of habit than anything else and also he liked to keep things clean and professional as much as he could.
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
who: @rileyprobably​ what: 20 questions but not really where: somewhere brotherhood-ish, go for it!
“ y’know, i’ve always been curious… ” and she’d always forgotten to ask – namely because it wasn’t that important ! but now that she had him ? and had forgotten to ask levi in their previous conversation ? “ i don’t think i’ve ever asked whose initial idea it was to join the brotherhood – yours or crowe’s ? ”
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Riley, thought about it for a second, the cigarette leaving his mouth as he exhaled the smoke. “We did our initiations at the same time, but - it was Levi’s idea” Samson has brought them in and now that memory had turned sour, after he had left them with little to no explanation, their friendship becoming a little bit broken. “it just made sense for the both of us, so we both joined at the same time” needless to say Riley would go anywhere Levi went too, you rarely saw one without the other. 
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
“Riley Hunter, that might be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” Mari jokes. Though, she does find herself hoping it’s at least a little bit true. She’s worked hard to get as strong as she is now, and she likes to imagine it’s been worth something despite all the strife it had caused her to get to this point in her training. 
The thought of Riley feeling any less than does zap any humor from her for the time being, though. He’s one of her best friends, and she doesn’t want him feeling anything less than worthy. Fighter or not, Riley is an important part of their team, and she has no doubt that everyone would agree with her. And, if not, they’d have her to answer to. Levi, too, but it was best if they didn’t kill the members they disagreed with most likely. 
“Rome wasn’t built in a day. You will get there, you’re improving every time we meet. And, I want you to be able to take care of yourself so I know you can protect yourself if the time comes.” She looks to Riley again, seriousness evident in her face. “I just want you to know that it doesn’t define��you. And, even if you never feel ready to go on the offensive— because, that’s one of the biggest factors; whether or not you feel ready —that it won’t change anything about how any of us feel about you. You’ll be my best friend, regardless.” And, again, anyone who had thoughts on the contrary could see her about them.
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He puts an arm over his eyes and laughs, his body still hurts with that action but somehow he feels a little bit more at rest, more relaxed and less in pain, which is probably just a consequence of his conversation with Mari. He finds it hard to believe that this is the nicest thing she has ever heard and yet, he means it - she is his friend but also she is someone he admires a lot.
Maybe that is why it’s both easy and painful to say those next words, “last time, when we had the mission to take down the essex house, I thought I wasn’t going to make it - i think it was just look that I did” that mission was a huge failure, and part of it was his fault “then, Levi went to prison and I had to sit around and wait” he says this bitterly, the anger and desperation he felt in that moment coming back to him “and then he got hurt again and I couldn’t prevent it, couldn’t see it coming, but I know that even if I had there was little I was going to be able to do against an Omega”
He stops and takes a deep breath, “I need this, Mari, I need to be prepared, I need to feel like I can do better. I know that you are right and I’m not useless, but, I feel like I can do more” not just for the brotherhood, but to protect everyone he cares about. 
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rileyprobably ¡ 3 years ago
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“Oh! Well, at least you like the kids—I’m sure they like you too, Riles.” He had the charm about him, something that could have him be a quick favorite among the students; he misses them, those small kids, but at least they’re in better hands! A med student with literal healing hands? What could be better in the infirmary?
“And I should, right? I mean—my new job’s been hectic, the personal stuff I’ve got going on and, you know—the accident? I think the world’s out to get me at this point.” It’s said with a laugh and a joke. Will’s hand is on Riley’s shoulder, as his grin seems to return to himself. “You got any new gossip? How’s Levi? What’s the—as the youth says it 4-1-1?”
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Riley can’t help the smile that graces his features, it means a lot to him, not only because it’s Will saying it but also because it’s actually rewarding to know that you are doing a great job, that you are trusted and liked.
“You know that if you are ever in trouble you can come to me, right?” Riley had no idea of what had happened and yet the more he heard about this accident, the more concerned he got even if Will seemed to be in perfect health. “Not anything really new, me and Levi are doing great” despite the few accidents they got themselves into but that Riley couldn’t mention “we should hang out sometimes, us three” 
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