Rik And Ade Fest
51 posts
Annual scumbag fest for fanart and fanfic of shows and films featuring Rik Mayall and/or Adrian Edmondson. Relocated from @scumbag-monthly.
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rikandadefest · 7 days ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
It's officially a week 'til the fest starts, you bastards! Our countdown is nearly up, but not before one final scumbag can tell us what their experience writing for past fests has been:
@mariigoldmayall 🌼
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when i first did the rik and ade fest back in 2021 i really felt like it was a great introduction to not only writing for the characters of tyo but a great introduction to the fandom space as a whole!!! even though i did the same prompt as somebody else it was still fun to see our own takes on the prompt and how we played them out!!! it’s always a super fun time whenever i have the time to participate and i wish that more fandoms did something like that every year :)
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The fanfiction written by @mariigoldmayall for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
That's it for our countdown. We'd like to say a big thank you to everyone who has participated in any fest so far for helping keep this niche little fandom going.
The #RikAndAdeFest2025 will start on 23rd March, from which point everyone will have 10 days to submit up to three prompts to our Google Form. The Young Ones and Bottom are back on the submission list this year - we hope to catch you nerdies in the fest!
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rikandadefest · 14 days ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
Us again! The wait is almost up! Today, a scumbag who's participated in our most recent fests brings you their experience of making art for the fandom:
@viviangreeneart 🍀
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I became a Rik and Ade fan several years ago after watching the first few episodes of Bottom. Naturally, I went to Tumblr to seek out any other fans, or at the very least, memes of these two kooky comedians. I was pleased to see that there was a small fan group called The Scumbags that held art contests and organized fanzines centered around the boys. I love that once a year, I have an excuse to draw my favorite comedian of all time and see other fan art and fan fiction involving him and/or Ade. It's really become the highlight of each year for me.
As far as my personal fanart that I've done for the fests, I am partial to the portraits I did for that one Rik zine a few years back (I forget the exact name for it). I loved painting a pouty Richie. Now, specifically for the Rik and Ade Fest, I liked going out of my comfort zone to draw Rest Home Ricky. He's a more obscure character that I probably wouldn't have drawn otherwise.
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The fanart created by @viviangreeneart for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 21 days ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
Aaaand it's Sunday again! But instead of the traditional Sunday fish finger, we've got the only scumbag to contribute both art and fic to our fests to tell you how they've found the experience:
@fourstarsandahamster 🐹
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Here we are, at the countdown for the Rik and Ade Prompt Fest 2025! A lot's happened since last time, both for me personally and for the world, but I'm still just as excited as always!
I've been participating in the Prompt Fest for the last two years and I have to say both times have been an absolute blast. It's always great when the prompt list is released and you get to see all the new ideas, many of which you never would have thought of yourself.
Last year was particularly interesting, because there were to be no new The Young Ones or Bottom prompts submitted that time around. I ended up choosing a Dangerous Brothers art prompt, which turned out really nicely - even though I say so myself.
I've a feeling this is reading somewhere between a wedding speech and a sales pitch, but I do truly love this community and the annual Fest is a fantastic celebration of the people that brought us together and the creativity that we all share.
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The fanfic and fanart created by @fourstarsandahamster for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 28 days ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
Welcome back to the countdown! Today, we'll be hearing from the other scumbag involved in running the fest about what it means to them:
@neil-neil-orange-peel 🍊
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Ah, the Rik and Ade Fest. What can I say about our ongoing quest to fill the scumbags fandom with more fic and art? The fest is something I'm quite proud of, actually. This is a very small fandom, which encompasses some very old shows - it's not exactly the most fertile place for events like this, and yet we're up to round five! In my book, five is a pretty good milestone to hit, no? I mean, as a kid, turning five years old felt like a big deal.
As for why I got involved in the fest behind the scenes: first of all, I'm lucky to have such enthusiastic and creative mutuals. Dy is always taking part in fandom events; they're an expert at them. The Rik and Ade Fest was their idea, and they came to me asking if I'd be interested in it. People who know me may have gathered I really like organising and just generally being part of creative projects *coughs in Scumbag Monthly* so this was a no brainer for me!
One of the things I enjoy about participating in the fest - perhaps weirdly, considering the shows and characters we're dealing with - is the structure it gives me. I know when certain posts need to be scheduled for the fest blog; I know when the two month window I'll have for writing is; I know when the deadlines are. I'm pretty awful at sticking to fanfic update schedules when left to my own devices 😅 so the fest helps me there. So far, touch wood, I've always managed to rustle something up. And that's the whole point, at the end of the day.
I also really love the collaborative aspect of the fest. All creative endeavours are intrinsically collaborative, even when you think they're not, but the fest is very obvious about this in the sense we're literally making art and fic based on another person's idea. My favourite bit of any fest - aside from the reveal of everyone's work on 12th June - is the reveal of the prompt list. I love scanning through the shiny new ideas, as well as reminding myself of which older ones are still available. Finding the one that sparks a plot bunny in me is always an exciting moment. Plus, watching the number of prompts grow into the thirties has been very satisfying.
I think there's something to be said too these days about fandom as a space for fannish interaction rather than silent consumption. Fanfic writers and fanartists aren't automated bots making content for your next serotonin boost - they're your fellow fans suffering from the same brainrot as you! Find your people and appreciate them! ❤️
So, do I have a favourite out of the fics I've written? Hard to say. I'm quite fond of The Day of Rest because of the TYO/Bottom crossover. Rick and Vyvyan as Richie and Eddie's nephews will always be one of my most treasured headcanons. I think I rushed the climax too much, but I enjoyed writing everyone's dialogue. My other favourite is probably Alan B'Stard is Feeling Very Peculiar. 2022 seemed to be the year of the B'Stard for me, and I do have a habit of getting mildly obsessed with the psychologies of evil fictional men...
My little fest side quest for a while now has been to write for as many different Rik and Ade shows/films as I can. This year, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for anything Drop Dead Fred, Kevin Turvey (my beloved ❤️), Comic Strip, or maybe even something else! Who knows! I'm looking forward to everything starting up again soon.
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The fanfiction written by @neil-neil-orange-peel for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 1 month ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
It's that time of the week again! Welcome back to our fest countdown! Today, a scumbag who participated in the 2024 fest will be sharing their experience, and why you should get involved too:
@kanan420 🦈
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i participated in the 2024 rik and ade fest and it was honestly a lot of fun. i stumbled upon it reading ao3 and seeing the tag on some fics, then i looked it up on tumblr and found it. i was always scared to write because i thought it wouldnt be good, but everyone in the fandom was honestly so nice . almost everyone knows eachother at this point because theres not many of us but new people are welcomed instead of brushed away like many other small fandoms. it was very fun being creative and uplifting other authors, artists, and people like me who are in this casually. would 100% recommend partaking if you need something to fill gaps inbetween work or assessments that you can just use as a creative outlet :)
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The fanfic written by @kanan420 for our most recent Rik and Ade Fest can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 1 month ago
is rik and ade fest 2025 already over?
Quite the contrary; it's not even started yet.
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rikandadefest · 1 month ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
Another week, another scumbag here to have a bit of a natter about the fest! This time, we've got an artist:
@the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street 🔎
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Working on the Rik & Ade fest in the past has been quite fun. It's been a way to collectively come together as a bunch of fans and be creative, be that as bonkers as possible with some of the prompts. In the beginning, I was the only art submission which I didn't mind about because I'm always an art over writing person. However saying this, I loved reading what people had gone away, written and submitted. The Doctor Who crossover with The Young Ones suddenly came to me one day and with the way the fantasy side of my brain works, I began thinking of different scenarios: Rick would be asking The Doctor too many questions, Vyvyan would break the TARDIS console with a hammer, Mike would be requesting his own personal suite, that or could he go meet Frank Sinatra and Neil would probably be sat on the edge of the open doors with a mug of herbal tea. So putting that all together, I thought that The Doctor would have flung them into space!
I would like to reiterate the importance of coming together as a bunch of creative individuals to create something amazing. It shows everyone's passion for this extremely niche show and if anything, keeps the fandom heart beating.
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The fanart created by @the-tardis-in-221b-baker-street for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 2 months ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
We're back to boost the work of another scumbag:
@sunnysynthsunshine 🌞
I enjoyed making the changing coats fic, I got involved via the discord, I liked getting to reinterpret the characters and think of their dialogue choices.
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The fanfiction written by @sunnysynthsunshine for various Rik and Ade Fests can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 2 months ago
#RikAndAdeFest2025 Countdown! ⏳
Welcome, scumbags from all corners! Yes, even you, spotty - get over 'ere. Why? Because with a new year comes a new round of our fantastic fest! The fifth one in a row!
To get you all in the mood and brainwash you into taking part, over the next couple of months we'll be sharing the opinions and experiences of scumbags who've taken part in our previous fests as we count down to the start of this year's.
These bastards know what they're talking about. Especially this one, our founding scumbag:
@xgardensinspace 💫
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Hello, hello! Deya here, sharing some thoughts on our little Rik and Ade fest! :)
I initially approached R about this idea because I adore our fandoms and the small, yet very close-knit community we have around these shows. As a creator that churns out art and fic under the influence of a time crunch, due to fest deadlines, I thought it would be very fitting that we had our very own fandom festival to apply this pressure on my and other creators’ schedules! This way, I can actually force myself to create MORE content for these fandoms I love so dearly. Well, that… but honestly, it was mostly because I also thought we needed a little fest in our community to celebrate one another, share ideas, and actually have a dedicated time for such creativity to flourish. Aside from the integrity of a structured fest, the outcome of this event allows us fans to look forward to the future of our space. If we create at least one or two more works each year for the shows we love, then we can rest assured that we will always have some new fanwork to look forward to!
When you dwell in niche fandoms, it’s always tough finding a large number of fanworks to keep us entertained; and this is particularly disheartening when the people interacting with the fanwork aren’t creators themselves, or don’t feel capable of formulating the fanfic or fanart that lurks in their brains. So if we have a fest dedicated to creating for these niche shows, we are constantly creating for ourselves and all our lovely friends that like to keep up with the newest silly little fics and silly little doodles of our favourite, bastard boys.
Plus, our fest is the perfect opportunity for these friends to come share those ideas in hopes that they get picked up and turned into a real fanwork! Overall, the whole point of the fest is to create community, and that’s ultimately what we all benefit from! We’re here to share thoughts, inspire one another, and equally push each other to make ideas into reality. The whole fest idea is also a lot of fun, because reading the witty prompts we all come up with each year is exciting on its own. And you just never know when you’ll find prompts that you thought only you had considered, so seeing someone else yearn for the same tropes that you’ve always dreamed of is an extremely gratifying experience.
In the end, I just wanted us to have a space each year to have fun, create and just look forward to sharing in the love of the worlds Rik and Ade created all those years ago. A safe space where we can be loud and silly together. I’ve added my own silly little prompts to the fest, and it’s always so lovely to see them get picked up, and even more exciting to see what people create out of these prompts! I’ve also directly participated last year and I hope I get to participate some more in the coming years! Time will always be mein enemy, but if a prompt really strikes my fancy, I just might work my schedule around creating fanwork for us, haha.
Hearing the feedback, seeing the joy and the love our members have for this fest is very rewarding! Last year we probably had the largest turnout and it made us feel so honoured! We hope this fest continues running for many years to come, and that everyone keeps enjoying the chaos.
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The fanart created by @xgardensinspace for our most recent Rik and Ade Fest can be found here:
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
More fantastic art from the #rikandadefest2024! ✨
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Hello hello! Happy TYO Easter c: Lookie here, I made a post xD
This piece is for the @rikandadefest 2024 :) @neil-neil-orange-peel 's prompt of "Vim Fuego playing Mary Hopkin numbers in a wine bar, unsatisfied with life but still stubbornly (and, some could say, in delusional fashion) convinced he's going to make it big in the music world." was just too good to pass up.
I still want someone to create a fic for this prompt though, because it is hilariously immaculate.
Anyways, I hope you guys like this little drawing of Vim :) Of course I was going to make him sing Mary Hopkins' number one hit xD It's too good! And the idea of Vim singing it (probably more upbeat and screaming into the mic) is CHEF'S KISS!
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
Another piece of art from the #rikandadefest2024 that makes our shipper hearts sing! ❤️
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eeek loved the prompt for a richie and eddie wedding so i drew this up for the @rikandadefest 2024 (ao3 link)!
i'm also taking the opportunity to post my headcanons i had while drawing this:
the flowers are grown by richie in his little windowsill garden. they probably died and burnt to the crisp from second hand damage while he was cooking up the wedding dinner/cake, but he was still proud!
speaking of, some of the things richie cooked up include pickle onion sandwiches (eddie's favorite), fish fingers, and caviar scavenged from the depths of the bin from when lady natasha visited to add some pizzazz. their cake was cheese and onion flavoured
the flowers are blue and pink because of richie's apron colors/eddie and richie's matching pj's colors (i imagine the wedding's color schemes were blue/pink)
the lacey, frilly wedding dress is also heavily inspired by richie's frilly pretty apron. i wanted something a little 1980s-ostentatious-ugly but also princessy because i think that would appeal to richie's out of touch, fanciful sensibilities (/affectionate)
richie got the base of the dress from somewhere else (eddie nicked it for him) and sewed even more lace and frills on himself
eddie's suit is the fancy one from 'digger' (i think they mention its a rented suit in that episode but in my head eddie never bothered to return it.) eddie didnt care much about dressing up but richie wanted it and the wife gets what she wants, and it was the nicest item of clothing eddie had
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
One of the fics from the #rikandadefest2024! 👀
Merry Easter, scumbags! Here's the Dangerous Brothers fic I wrote for the Rik and Ade Fest:
Mixed feelings about this one. Still, hope you enjoy! 😁
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
One of the marvellous pieces of art from the #rikandadefest2024! ❤️
My entry for the Rik & Ade Fest! Rest Home Ricky from Shock Treatment (1981).
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
Merry Easter, scumbags! 🐇 As is tradition now, we've got you something in place of the chocolate eggs supermarkets aren't selling at the moment the fascists:
For the first time ever in a Rik and Ade Fest, we've received more fanart than fanfic. Enjoy! A big thank you to the 'orrible lot who contributed this year! ✨
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rikandadefest · 9 months ago
I just learned about this and I love the idea, are you planning one for 2025?
Hi there!
We're glad you love the idea - we're excited to reveal everyone's work tomorrow. As for the future, the Rik and Ade Fest will return for 2025!
- R
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rikandadefest · 10 months ago
Lawks a lordy! The fest deadline is upon us! 😱
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But never fear, scumbags! Those of you who claimed a prompt and haven't managed to submit yet - drop @xgardensinspace or @neil-neil-orange-peel a line if you need an extension. Don't worry, this happens every year! The absolute final this-is-it-no-more-leeway-time's-well-and-truly-up-now-buster day for submissions will be 11th June.
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rikandadefest · 10 months ago
One week to go until the fest submission deadline, scumbags!
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