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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Closing Party IRFEST 2020
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Wahhh..... tidak terasa saja IRFEST 2020 sudah selesai hingga penutupan di hari ini. Kesanku terhadap IRFEST 2020 ini bermacam-macam, mulai dari senang, sedih, haru, bangga, dll. Aku sendiri masuk ke HI Unair bisa dibilang telat, karena aku masuk ke HI Unair melalui jalur gelombang 3 atau jalur terakhir dimana aku belum mengenal siapa-siapa dan apa saja rangkaian acara IRFEST itu sendiri. Selain itu, disaat teman-teman aku sudah mendapatkan kelompok atau negara untuk IRFEST, aku belum masuk ke kelompok manapun hingga calielku Mas Belva (Budayawan Keramazzzzz) mengontakku untuk join ke negara Finland dan bertemu kawan-kawanku disana. Singkat cerita aku ditawari menjadi presiden Finland dan pada saat pemilihan aku diamanahi untuk menjadi Presiden Finland. Pada saat acara pertama, yaitu Paper Clinic menurutku sangat membantu untuk membuat jurnal individu kedepannya. Acara kedua, yaitu Short Diplomatic Course dimana salah satu acara favoritku di IRFEST 2020 ini dikarenakan aku diajari dasar-dasar ilmu HI dan tentang PBB dan MUN. Di acara SDC, aku memenangkan dua quiz berturut-turut dan mendapatkan hadiah dari panitia (Terima kasih kakak-kakak sekalian...). Acara ketiga, acara Sharing filos dimana aku bertemu dengan filosku, Mas Satria Pambudi yang katanya lucu banget orangnya hehe.... . Lanjut ke acara keempat yaitu International Day Project dimana kita didatangkan narasumber untuk menjelaskan kita mengenai Climate Change yang sedang marak dikampanyekan oleh dunia saat ini. Acara kelima, merupakan acara favorit keduaku dikarenakan materinya berupa having fun dan FGD , yaitu IRON. Di acara ini, aku dan teman-teman senegaraku membuat Descriptive Paper dan bermain games seru-seruan bersama para kakak tingkat dan caliels Finland. Lalu, hari ini merupakan closing party IRFEST 2020 dimana aku menyaksikan video-video dari berbagai macam negara dan sambutan dari angkatan-angkatan pendahulu aku yang keren abiss. Pada saat closing party aku mendapatkan dan memenangkan 3 award dan 2 awards untuk negara Finland. Aku sangat bangga sekali dengan pencapaian negaraku yang bersama-sama kita struggle untuk mendapatkan title “Best Country” dan “Best Country Statement/Position Paper”. 
Pesan untuk para kakak tingkat semoga kedepannya untuk perkuliahannya bisa mendapatkan nilai yang terbaik dan dimudahkan dalam mengerjakan papernya. Lalu, terima kasih sudah membimbing kami yang terkadang keras kepala dan malas, tapi kami bisa menyelesaikan tugas-tugasnya dengan dukungan dari kakak-kakak sekalian. Selain itu, semoga kita bisa berteman dan seru-seruan bersama lagi kak....
Pesan untuk teman-teman dari HI 20 atau angkatanku, semoga kita kedepannya semakin solid dan dewasa dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang ada di angkatan kita ini. Lalu, aku harap kalian menangkap dan memahami apa saja kelebihan, keunikan, dan kekurangan yang ada di IRFEST 2020 sehingga pada saat kita menjadi panitia IRFEST 2021 tahun depan nanti, persiapan kita sudah matang untuk grand design dan kepanitiaannya. Selain itu, aku yakin di dalam diri kalian sudah ada ide-ide gila, revolusioner, imaginatif, kreatif, dan inovatif untuk kita implementasikan dalam IRFEST 2021, jadi jangan malu-malu untuk mengeluarkan ide-ide gila lainnya yaaa teman-teman..... . Mungkin kurang lebih itu saja teman-teman dan kakak-kakak semoga kita bisa bertahan dan bersama terus hingga kita berkumpul bersama memakai toga dan membawa ijazah serta nama kita bertambah dengan gelar S. Hub. int . 
Grazie..... Friendss.... See youu in Surabaya all...........
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
The Impact Climate Change Towards Food Security
UN 101: Responding Crisis
                                                  Finland to UN
Food insecurity is one of the most lingering issue of the modern global society, as of now, it is estimated that more than 800 million people are lives with hunger as their everyday companion. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) the term of food insecurity refers to a situation where people lack secure access to sufficient amount of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development. Although Finland is seeming to be one of the most socially advanced country, the statistics in 2017 estimated that there are 890.000 of people that is at risk of severe poverty (roughly about 16% of its population). Where this specific amount of population is highly vulnerable to food insecurity. One of the main challenges to overcome food insecurity is the complexity of food system. The broad term of food system refers to four main processes which include the production, procession, distribution, and consumption of food. This led us to a main framework in attempt to solving this issue, which is the construction of sustainable food system. Overall, this intricate issue requires a joint-attempt, from the involvement of the government and society in general.
Following a financial crisis in the 1990s, the first signs of hunger in Finland appeared, which led to approximately 100,000 Finnish citizens reportedly starving between 1992 and 1993. As a result, during the 1990s, the basis for a network of charity-based provisions for food assistance proliferated in Finland. However, Finland has faced the rise of charity-based food aid provision since the crisis of the 1990s as a way of supporting people suffering from poverty, showing that not everyone is fed by the welfare state. Food aid was initially considered a short-term response to the effects of the 1990s recession in Finland, but it eventually developed into an unorganized market, with hundreds of stakeholders sharing food across the region. Findings from the 2019 Finland Poverty Study of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) indicate that the number of people living on minimum income benefits and experiencing livelihood issues such as food shortages continues to be a rising problem. Therefore, in Finnish national discourse, the perception of food aid holds an ambivalent position: charitable food assistance is not suitable for the Nordic welfare state, but it is an appropriate way for churches to help the less fortunate. Thus, Finland is a fascinating topic where a dynamic and diverse non-governmental sector offers widespread unofficial assistance to the strict constitutional obligations of the state. Finland has also signed the UN Agreement on the Right to Food (RTF), which can guarantee freedom from hunger, alongside access to healthy and nutritious food. In other words, in the sense of a Nordic welfare state that is presumed to guarantee universal social security for all of its residents, charity food aid raises specific disputes. Overall, Finland’s stance in food insecurity is of course trying to eliminate or lessen the problem. Finland’s way of doing this is by supporting world efforts and creating nation-wide projects to conquer the battle against food insecurity. For example, Finland supports World Food Programme (WFP) by granting EUR 32 million to help improve food security for 2018-2021 period.  
Finland with our stances in the council will reiterate that food insecurity is one of the main problems in this world which must be handled seriously. Therefore, Finland would like to propose these solutions:
Finland     supports rural development, food security and land ownership programmes mainly in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Bilateral     programmes on food security and value chains are in progress in Ethiopia,     Mozambique and Kenya. Land ownership programmes are supported in Ethiopia,     Tanzania and Lao PDR. Research on agriculture and food security is     supported especially on climate change, soil preservation and food safety.     Efforts have been made to join research and NGO programmes with the     private sector.
Finland     supports rural water supply and sanitation programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal through major     bilateral programmes. Urban water supply and sewerage are Finland’s focus     in supporting Vietnam. Finland also supports water supply and sanitation     in Afghanistan in cooperation with UNICEF, and in Gaza with the World     Bank. During 2011–2015, about 2.4 million people gained access to improved     water supply and about 2.7 million people’s sanitation improved with     Finnish assistance.
Finland has     supported forest and carbon monitoring and information systems in Nepal, Vietnam, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and     Peru. In Lao PDR participatory, community-based forestry provides income     from timber sales. Farmers and tree ‘growers’ organizations in Tanzania     engage in value chains through tree planting for livelihoods and sales for     local industries.
Energy     programmes target both rural and urban areas in Southern Africa, South-East Asia and South     America. In Tanzania, a project providing solar energy systems for 10,000     off-grid households has created a huge demand, and now over 50,000     households are connected each month to the developed service. As an example,     from urban areas, the electric grid in Dar Es Salaam was dernized with     Finnish technology to offer more reliable and cost-efficient electricity     to businesses and households.
Finland     supports developing countries’ agricultural growth and related value     chains. In addition,     Finland promotes agricultural research and supports farmers’     organizations. The aim is to improve the livelihoods of smallholder     farmers, focusing on women and youth. Investments in food processing     create new jobs and improve the quality and safety of food products. 
Bassi, Jasmin, 2020. Talking Hunger in Finland. The Borgen Project [Online] Available on: https://borgenproject.org/hunger-in-finland/ [Accessed in 15 September 2020]
Govt. Finland, 2018. “Finland grants EUR 32 million to improving food security in crises” [online] Available on https://reliefweb.int/report/world/finland-grants-eur-32-million-improving-food-security-crises [Accessed on October 14 2020]
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, n,d. “Food Security and Natural Resources, Including Access to Water     and Energy”, [Online] Available on https://um.fi/documents/35732/48132/food_security_and_natural_resources__including_access_to_water_and/dd7430a1-a30e-1f8c-129f-cd9c8e5e9c91?t=1525690524377. [Accessed on 15th October 2020]
Napoli, Marion et al., 2010. Towards a Food Insecurity Multidimensional Index (FIMI). [e-book] Milan: Universita Degli Studi. Available on: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/ERP/uni/FIMI.pdf [Accessed on 15 October 2020]
Salonen, Anna, et al., 2018 "Undeserving, Disadvantaged, Disregarded: Three Viewpoints of Charity Food Aid Recipients in Finland", International Journal for Environmental Research and Public Health, [pp. 1-15]
Silvasti, Tina et al., 2016. Future Food Security in Finland: Identifying and Anlaysing Vulnerability Aspects in Finnish Food System. University of Jyvaskyla [Online] 25 Mei. Available in: https://www.jyu.fi/hytk/fi/laitokset/yfi/en/research/projects/research groups/foodsystem/projects/ongoing-1 [Accessed on 15 October 2020]
*content for academic purposes
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
UN 101: Summary
Rifqi Dirga Syahputra_072011233116_Finland_SummaryUN101
United Nations as The World’s Guardian
United Nations (UN) itself is a continuation of the failed League of Nations, which the previous duty was to prevent another conflict such as The Great War back in 1914 until 1918. On 1st January 1942, President of The United States, Franklin D Roosevelt proposed the United Nations to other countries in order to annihilate the Axis power such as Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan. There were 26 countries who gathered in Washington D.C to sign the declaration of United Nations. On 26th June 1945, the UN charter was signed by 50 countries around the world except for Poland. The first to sign was China and the last was United States of America (USA). UN is Headquartered in New York 10017 United States. The First Secretary General of the UN was Gladwyn Jebb and the first elected Secretary General of the UN was Trygve Lie. Currently there are 193 countries members in the United Nations and South Sudan was the last join the UN until now.
The United Nations General Assembly or people often call it as UNGA hold the UN meeting with the members in the UN HQ. The meetings itself are divided into two sessions. First, the Regular Sessions which discussing general topics and as a chance for representatives of member states to take part about an issue which they think as an important one. The meetings are annually held on Tuesday of the third week of September and it ends on a designated date at the start of the session. Second, the Special Sessions that initiated by UN member states, Security Council, or the UNGA. The meetings for these sessions are notified within two weeks before the opening by the Security Council and ten days if summoned by member states or the UNGA. If the meetings themselves are really emergency, the meetings will be notified one day prior the opening. The flow of the meetings usually starts by the address from the Secretary General. Then, address by the president of the UN and address by the Heads of State members. After that, the debate session in the meeting. In the end, the voting starts. In order to begin the meetings, there must be at least a third of the member states present in the meetings. In the other hand, to start the important decisions, they must be voted by at least two-third of the member states. Each member state has only one right to vote in the meetings. There is an exception for the Security Council, because there’s a right called as Veto right for the permanent members which are USA, United Kingdom, France, China, and Russia. If any one of them use the Veto right and cast a negative vote, the decision will fail in the end.
The United Nations are composed by six organs. First, the General Assembly as the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the UN. It consists of 193 member states and hold meetings in September. The UNGA is composed by six committees which are Disarmament & International Security, the second committee is Economic and Financial, SOCHUM, Special Political, Decolonization Administrative and Budgetary, and Legal. Second, the Security Council as a council which has primary responsibility, under the UN Charter, for the maintenance of international peace and security. It composed of five permanent members (USA, UK, France, Russia, and China) and ten non-permanent members. It also Can impose sanctions or even authorize the use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security. Thirdly, Economic and Social Council as the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as implementation of internationally agreed development goals. It consisted of 54 countries selected by the UNGA every three years. Fourth, International Court of Justice as the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues, as well as implementation of internationally agreed development goals and its seat Peace Palace is located in Hague, Netherland. Fifth, Trusteeship Council which was established in 1945 by the UN charter. It used to provide international supervision for 11 Trust Territories and ensuring the adequate steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self-government and independence. Lastly, The Secretariat who does the administrative and substantive work of the UN under the command and order of the UNGA, UNSC, and the other organs. The Secretary General is the one who provides guidance for the administrative work.
United Nations is one of the largest IGOs in the world because the member states consisting of mostly all countries around the world. In order to be accepted as one of the member states in UN, they must pass some processes first. First, submission which the countries that wish to join must send a formal letter and application letter to the UNGA. Second, the review which is done by the Security Council to be given an admission recommendation. Third, the vote where the UNGA get the admission from the Security Council and the voting takes place in the UNGA meetings. Lastly, when the admission is accepted, the country will officially become an active member of the United Nations. The permanent observers are called as special membership in the UN. The two permanent observers are mom-member states and IGOs. Holy See and State of Palestine are the current non-member states, because their status as a state is still unclear. But they are recognized as special members by the UNGA. Besides, organizations like Red Cross, European Union, and ASEAN are considered as special members and granted permission to attend the meetings by the General Assembly.
From the presentation of the material above regarding the United Nations, we can conclude that the UN has a long history in its establishment. Then, the UN also consists of six organs that contribute to each other's world. Apart from that, there are also ways for the UN to carry out its sessions to solve world problems. Finally, the UN also has a membership that belongs to several parties and countries, and the way a country becomes a member of the United Nations is not something easy, but must go through several processes or stages. So far, the UN has been the guardian of world peace until now, so that many problems have been resolved by the United Nations and in the future the UN has prepared agendas to protect our beloved earth.
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio USA
Nama : Aslam Luqman Diaz (Aslam)
Tempat, tanggal lahir : jakarta, 6 juli 2002
Asal kota : bekasi
Pesan : semangatt!!
 Nama : Radhia Muhammad Alfaroz (Faroz)
Asal : Bandung
TTL : Pati, 27 Nov 2001
 Nama Caliel: Muhammad Ditya Satrianto (Tio)
Asal: Surabaya
TTL: Surabaya, 20 Mei 2001
Pesan: semangat buat irfest ama tugas-tugasnya, aku tau tugas e banyak tapi tetep bertahanya yaa, memang ini transisi dari sma ke kuliahh
 Nama Caliel: Syadza Hasna Azzahra (Sasha)
Asal: Surabaya
TTL: Surabaya, 20 Juni 2001
Pesan: ngejurnalboleh, tp jangan lupa refreshing yaa biar gak jadi beban!
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Maldives
Nama: Bilal Asyfahani Fireza (Bilal)
TTL: Jakarta, 1 Desember 2002
Asal: Jakarta
Pesan: semoga bisa survive 4 tahun kedepannya
 Nama: Muhammad Aufa Amanullah Amrullah (Aufa)
TTL: Tasikmalaya, 21 Juli 2001
Asal: Ciamis
Pesan: Tetaplah hidup walau useless
 Nama Caliel: Dorothea Anjani Dawolo (Anjani)
Asal: Denpasar
TTL: Malang, 24 September 2001
Pesan: smt 1 usahain ip 4 yaaaa
 Nama Caliel: Mizanul Amal (Izan)
Asal: Surabaya
TTL: Surabaya, 24 Maret 2001
Pesan: Ttp semangat ajaa buat ospek nyaa sama tugas jurnalnya yaaa
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Vanuatu
Nama: Ash Syifa Triananda Putri (Syifa)
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Bekasi, 31 Mei 2002
Asal kota : Bekasi
Pesan : semoga akrab ya kedepannya!
 Nama : Atilla Dani Putra (Atilla)
Ttl : Surabaya, 30 Mei 2002
Tinggal : Surabaya
Pesan : Semangat terus buat kedepannya, pantang mundur
 Nama Caliel: Diba Eriestantia (Diba)
Asal: Pekanbaru
TTL: Pekanbaru, 15 Mei 2001
Pesan: Selamat berproses
 Nama Caliel: Andi Dwi Prasetyo (Andi)
Asal: Kediri
TTL: Kediri 05-12-1999
Pesan: Terus semangat dan bekerja keras apapun hasil yang kamu dapat. Jangan mudah menyerah dan putus asa. 🔥🔥🔥
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Indonesia
Nama: Arsyad Aurellio (Arsyad, Bangsyad)
ttl: Surabaya, 7 Agustus 2002
asal daerah: Surabaya boleh
pesan: Kalo kuliah, harus balance yaaa, jangan berat di satu lupa yang lainnya
Nama: Yukiko Previa Mosseila (Yuki)
Asal: Jakarta
TTL:Jakarta, 11 November 2001
Pesan: Semangat kuliahnyaa sukses yaa
 Nama Caliel: Jonathan Imanuel Misman (Kak Jo)
Asal: Manado
TTL: Manado, 16 Oktober 2000
Pesan: semangat yaa buat kuliahnya selama di HI, semangat juga buat nnti ngejurnal. update terus sama isu" internasional biar km ga ketinggalan. kalau nnti nemu kesusahan atau kesulitan, jgn malu, sungkan, atau takut buat ngechat aku, caliel, atau teman" hi19 yg lain yaa😊 terakhir, semangat buat irfestnyaa dijaga terus atensinya🙌
 Nama Caliel: Reine Syifa Insyirah (Reine)
Asal: Bogor
TTL: Bogor, 25 Agustus 2001
Pesan: tetep solid aja pokoknyaaa jgn sampe pecahh
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Netherland
Nama: Siti Ryanti N. F. (Friza)
Tempat, tanggal lahir: Jakarta, 28 November 2000
Asal: Jakarta
Pesan: semangat & salken!! semoga bisa cepet2 kuliah offline biar bs ngampus barengaan guys (ps jgn panggil gue kakak pls)
 Nama: Arya Ahmad Afani (Arya)
TTL: Tangerang, 29 Desember 2001
Asal: Tangerang
Pesan: Saya berharap HI Unair menjadi HI terbaik se-Indonesia. Selain itu, semoga HI Unair 2020 bisa solid dan kompak.
 Nama Caliel: ida bagus dama wisnumurti palguna (Wisnu)
Asal: Canggu
TTL: Denpasar, 5 April 2001
Pesan: Selamat udah diterima di HI unair yaaa!! Semogaa disini bisaa mengembangkan diri biar jadi yang terbaik, semogaa nanti kalo udah kuliah offline bisa seru seruan langsung di kampuss, semogaa sukses terus dan beprestasi yaa!!
 Nama Caliel: Savira Nur Aisyah (Savira)
Asal: Surabaya
TTL: Surabaya, 31 Maret 2001
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio New Zealand
New Zealand
Nama panjang : Amelia Putri S. (Ameng)
Ttl : Jakarta, 31 Juli 2002
Asal : Tangsel
Pesan : semoga bisa tetep ngasih usaha yg terbaik terus-terusan guys. Semangat!
 nama: alya tara saky (aca/alya)
ttl: surabaya, 03-03-2002
asal daerah : surabaya
pesan: semogaa bisa akrab yaaa sama anak2 hi, suksess barengg🤩
 Nama Caliel: Nur Muhammad Syahid (Syah)
Asal: Gresik
TTL: Gresik, 10 Juli 2001
Pesan: Semangatttt kuliahnya..... Paper 450 kata, semangat 45💪💪
 Nama Caliel: Berliana Oktafiani Nugroho P (Berliana)
Asal: Bojonegoro
TTL: Bojonegoro, 12 Oktober 2000
Pesan: Pesannya buat kamu, semangat yaa smg bisa survive di HI Unair dan bisa lebih akrab sama kating hehew
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Canada
Nama:Ghaly Dhiwa Maulana (Dhiw)
Asal: Jakarta                                                
Ttl : Jakarta,16 April 2002                                  
 Pesan : Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang,Yukk disayang eh yukk kenalan
 nama : Angelique Harta B (Angie)
ttl: Palangka Raya, 10 agustus 2002
asal : Palangka Raya
pesan : semangattt kuliahnyaa! can’t wait to start this journey with u guysss!✨
 Nama Caliel: Samuel Elisa (Samuel)
Asal: Jombang
TTL: Jombang, 11 Juni 2001
Pesan: Kalau bisa melakukan sesuatu yang lebih, kenapa harus yang biasa-biasa saja?! Semangat IRFESTnya!!! Yok bisa yok
 Nama Caliel: Nareswari Wahyu Fianda (Finda)
Asal: Bontang
TTL: Bontang, 15 Oktober 2001
Pesan:  Semangat kuliahnya di hi, semoga betah... Jangam lupa jaga kesehatan jugaa !!!
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Shortbio Norway
Nama: diva shitarani (Diva)
ttl: jember, 3 november 2001
asal daerah: banyuwangi
pesan: semoga kita bisa saling kenal lebih jauh & bisa akrab seterusnya!! goodluck 🤟🤟🤩🤩🤩
 Nama: Afifah Zahra (Zahra)
TTL: Malang, 12 April 2002
Asal daerah: Malang
Pesan: May the harsh winter ends and spring comes sooner for you💕 HAI DIRGAAAAAAA SEMANGAT YAAAA IRFEST NYAAAAA we haven't talked much but i think you're a responsible and good guy!!!! Mangat ya kuliah nya hehehe>:3 ALL THE BEST OF LUCK TO UUU💕💞
 Nama Caliel: Nadiah Robbi Rodliyya (Narob)
Asal: Malang
TTL: Malang, 22 Juli 2001
Pesan: semangaaat, kalo ngerasa susah ya gapapa soalnya every beginning pasti the hard partnya
 Nama Caliel: Afkar Annibros Muhammad (Afkar)
Asal: Bekasi
TTL: Bekasi, 25 Februari 2001
Pesan: Semangat kuliahnya!!! Jangan sampe lupa kebahagiaan diri sendiri
0 notes
rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Rifqi Dirga Syahputra - 072011233116 - Finland
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Perubahan iklim merupakan suatu permasalahan global yang menghantui hampir seluruh negara di dunia ini. Perubahan iklim adalah suatu perubahan pola iklim yang menyerang secara global dan juga menyerang secara regional dalam waktu lama yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia itu sendiri yang mengakibatkan meluasnya emisi gas rumah kaca di permukaan bumi.
Penyebab dari perubahan iklim itu sendiri dapat berupa pembukaan industri dan pertanian, kerusakan hutan yang terjadi dimana-mana, pembakaran batu bara untuk sumber energi, dan global warming.
Akibat dari perubahan iklim dapat bermacam-macam rupanya seperti bencana alam, musim kemarau yang berkepanjangan, meningkatnya volume air laut di bumi ini, dan emisi gas karbon ke udara dan atmosfer.
Contoh dari solusi untuk menanggulangi perubahan iklim yang saya usulkan adalah reboisasi hutan-hutan gundul, mengurangi pemakaian kendaraan pribadi, dan penggunaan sumber energi ramah lingkungan.
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Summary International Day Project 2020
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Rifqi Dirga Syahputra - 072011233116 - Finland
Rethinking International Community’s Role and Contribution in Climate Issue
Dunia saat ini sedang diguncang oleh berbagai fenomena alam yang terjadi di seluruh penjuru dunia. Dari beberapa fenomena alam yang terjadi adalah perubahan iklim itu sendiri yang juga menimpa negara kita, yaitu Indonesia. Menurut Zakiyyah (2020), Perubahan iklim adalah suatu perubahan pola iklim yang menyerang secara global dan juga menyerang secara regional dalam waktu lama yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia itu sendiri yang mengakibatkan meluasnya emisi gas rumah kaca di permukaan bumi. Dari pengertiannya saja kita dapat mengetahui bahwa ini masalah serius yang melibatkan seluruh negara di dunia untuk menghentikan fenomena tersebut.
Di Indonesia sendiri, perubahan iklim telah menimpa banyak masyarakat Indonesia dikarenakan terancam kenaikan air lau jika bumi memanas 2 derajat Celsius dan 44 juta orang dapat terdampak jika bumi memanas empat derajat Celsius (Zakiyyah, 2020). Penyebab utama terjadinya perubahan iklim yang drastic adalah The Greenhouse Effect atau Efek Gas Rumah Kaca. The Greenhouse Effect sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai proses penghangatan permukaan suatu benda langit yang disebabkan oleh komposisi dan keadaan atmosfernya itu sendiri. Yang menjadi sumber penghasil gas rumah kaca itu sendiri adalah penggunaan batu bara yang berlebih untuk menghasilkan listrik.
Selain itu, salah satu penyebab terjadinya iklim dunia adalah krisis iklim. Krisis iklim sendiri adalah perubahan suatu iklim dalam jangka waktu lama dalam pendistribusian secara data statistik yang periode waktunya mulai dari dasawarsa hingga jutaan tahun yang lalu. Mengutip dari Isfandiari (2020) dari data IPEC, penyebab terjadinya krisis iklim dikarenakan oleh aktivitas manusia itu sendiri yang akhirnya menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 89%. Negara Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang ikut terdampak oleh perubahan iklim tersebut. Pada tahun 2015, Indonesia menjadi pendonor gas karbondioksida terbesar yang dikarenakan oleh terjadinya kebakaran hutan besar. Mengutip dari Isfandiari (2020), fenomena hidrometeorologi merupakan dampak dari perubahan iklim yang terjadi di Indonesia.
Dunia internasional tidak hanya diam dan membiarkan dunia hancur dikarenakan oleh perubahan iklim, tetapi mereka bertindak secara global dan mengajak semua negara berpartisipasi di dalamnya. Persetujuan Paris merupakan komitmen dunia global yang bertujuan untuk mencegah kenaikan suhu bumi di bawah dua derajat Celsius dan mengusahakannya hinnga 1,5 derajat Celsius. Sedangkan, Indonesia berkomitmen untuk menurunkan emisi GRK sebanyak 29% dan menurunkannya hinnga 41% dengan kerjasama internasional. Mengutip dari Syaifudin (2020), Indonesia saat ini sedang memfokuskan untuk membenahi perubahan iklim SDGs dan NDC pada tahun 2030 mendatang, lalu saat ini sudah ada 17 SDGs yang dicantumkan sebagai aksi nasional pemerintah untuk mengatasi masalah perubahan iklim ini.
Dari pemaparan-pemaparan tentang perubahan iklim dari tiga narasumber tersebut, kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa perubahan iklim merupakan masalah global. Masalah tersebut bukan hanya masalah pemerintah dan organisasi-organisasi yang berfokus pada masalah iklim, tetapi semua elemen masyarakat dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi perubahan iklim. Kita dapat memulai untuk ikut mengatasinya dengan merubah kebiasaan hidup yang tidak cinta lingkungan. Selain itu, kita dapat berkampanye terkait masalah perubahan iklim dunia kepada masyarakat sekitar agar mereka sadar dan ingin membuat perubahan untuk umat manusia.
Zakiyyah, Lia. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Climate Change Issue. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Isfandiari, Adila. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Krisis Iklim. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
Syaifudin, Noor. 2020. [WEBINAR]. Dana APBN. Dipresentasikan di webinar International Day Project oleh IRFEST 2020 pada hari Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020.
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Intro to IR: Country’s Statement
Finland to UN
Statement on Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rising
Sea level rising is an increase in the level of the world's oceans due to the effects of global warming (Magnusson, 2017). Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in earth’s surface temperature since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities such as, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere and the Global warming is estimated to have a significant effect on sea level rise in the 20th century (Gornitz, 2007). Global sea level has been rising for the past century, the highest rise in sea level occurred before 6,000 years ago. From 3,000 years ago to the early 19th century and it roses about 0.1 inch (2.5 millimeters) per year in the 1990s to about 0.13 inches (3.4 millimeters) per year today the cause of this phenomena is global warming (Weeman & Lynch, 2018). The effects of higher sea levels are the swells of deadly and destructive storm and they will push farther inland than they once did, which will lead to more frequent nuisance flooding. Now, irritating and demands higher expense, nuisance flooding is predicted to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more frequent within coastal communities than it was just 50 years ago (Johansson, et al., 2004).
The rise of sea levels gives us more significant impact than we can think of. Not only it will devastate the coastal area but also the inland, though the effects are further in the coastal area. The effects on the coastal area include the destructive of shoreline erosion, the destruction of the habitats of so many creatures, and destroy the nature, and in this case most likely to get soil contaminated (Amelung & Moreno, 2002).  The change in sea levels is related to three major factors, all induced by ongoing global climate change. These three major factors are; First, Thermal expansion. The water will expand when it heats up and about half of the sea-level increase over the past 25 years is attributable to warmer oceans simply taking more area (Nunez, 2019); Secondly, Melting glaciers. Each summer, large ice formations like mountain glaciers naturally melt a bit. The evaporations in the winter, snow, mostly seawater is generally enough to balance out the melting. Freshly, continuously higher temperatures caused by the global warming have led to greater-than-average summer melting as well as snowfall due to then winters and earlier springs, it creates an disproportion between ocean evaporation and runoff, causing sea levels to increase (Nunez,2019); Lastly, The loss of ice sheet in Greenland and Antarctica is the same as for mountain glisters, the increase in heat causes massive melting of ice and causes the cover of Greenland and Antarctica to melt faster. The melting in western Antarctica has attracted a lot of attention from scientists, especially with the breakdown of the Larsen C ice sheet in 2017 (Nunez,2019). The acceleration of Sea Level Rise (SLR) has become a global threat that may cause harm to other countries around the world (Yusuf, J., et al, 2014). SLR is one of the key problems in this world caused by Climate Change. Climate Change itself has become a global concern by national, international, supranational, and subnational governments in other countries (Yusuf, J, et al, 2014). What people think now is SLR a common problem so it is considered as low politics. Low Politics itself can be defined as a concept that is not obviously vital to the survival of a state in social and economic affairs (Jackson & Sørensen, 2007). If this is considered a low politics problem, we must rethink twice. Because, climate change does not affect one country, instead mostly all countries around the globe. For instance, SLR may cause harm to national security, diplomacy, and military in countries. It also affects a relationship between one country to another. From these simple examples we can assume that rising sea level caused by climate change is not considered as low politics. Politics play an important role in climate change problems. Because, the governments make policies to counter this problem with huge consideration. If the policies succeed to play its part and make benefits to other countries if possible, then the roles of state actors are fulfilled. All types of responses to SLR, including protection, accommodation, forward and backward, have an important and synergistic role to play in an integrated and sequential response to SLR (Henry, O. et al., 2014). Selecting and implementing responses is further challenged through a lack of resources, irritating trade-offs between safety, conservation and economic development, various ways of framing 'sea level rise issues', power relations, and various coastal stakeholders who have conflicting interests in the future development of highly used coastal zones. All of this can happen and will have a significant impact if actors from different countries of the world can work together to solve the SLR problem.
Finland, as one of the countries affected by climate change, sea level rise is seen as not a major problem like other countries. On the other hand, in Finland there are other problems, such as rising land levels and flooding in certain areas. For example, in eastern Finland (the bay of Bothnia), the plains tilt upwards causing the western part to be lower. The land surface rise of 3-9 mm per year is caused by a geological process called the post-glacial uplift (Magnusson, 2017). This land level rise can have a negative impact on the surrounding community, such as disruption of sea transportation activities and the occurrence of land disputes due to the increase in the area of ​​Finland by 700 hectares per year. The western part of Finland is becoming lower, causing rainwater to be easily collected so that flooding is easier in the area. The impact of the flood itself is disruption of the lives of people living in the surrounding area. The floods were deep enough to force people in western Finland to evacuate and lose some of their valuables (Puiu, 2017). Finland is a country that cares about their nature as explained in the nation’s epic poem, Kalevala in Brittlebank (2014) said “Life itself is preserved in the elements of nature. We must not take nature as given or for granted, but as people, we have to sustain nature’s diversity so that our children’s children can fully enjoy nature as it stands.” which means nature supports life, but we as humans also need to support nature as well (Brittlebank, 2014). Therefore, we would like to propose some solutions to prevent and even stop this global threat. The Solutions are beach nourishment along the finnish coast and beaches, dune restoration, and reinforcing shoreline protection. In support of the saying, according to Darby (2019), “Responding to Rising Seas OECD Country Approaches to Talking Coastal Risk”, there are some strategies that OECD countries did, such as beach nourishment and dune restoration, reinforcing shoreline protection through planting vegetation, etc., also preventing new development in areas at risk of flood or erosion through land-use regulation/zoning (Darby, 2019). One of the main causes of rising sea levels is global warming which is the effect of carbon emission, which is why Finland is planning to be carbon neutral by 2035 (Darby, 2019). The plan involves a rapid scaling up of wind and solar power, to electrify heating and transport – all within one investment cycle. Bioenergy use increases 10% under this scenario, mainly from agricultural waste and forest residues, to ensure its sustainability. Peat production as one of the contributors of Finland’s energy will also be stopped across the country, which will leave a lot of people without jobs, that is why this plan must be well-prepared (Darby, 2019).
Yusuf, Juita-Elena, et al., 2014. The Role of Politics and Proximity in Sea Level Rise Policy Salience: A Study of Virginia Legislators Perceptions. Old Dominion University. School of Public Service Faculty Publications.
Jackson, Robert H., and Sørensen, G., 2007. Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Henry, O, et al., 2014. Effect of the processing methodology on satellite altimetry-based global mean sea level rise over the jason-1 operating period. J. Geod., 88 (2014), pp. 351-361
Gornitz, V., 2007. Sea level change, post-glacial. In Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments (V. Gornitz, Ed.). Springer.
Weeman, Katie, & Lynch, Patrick., 2018. New study finds sea level rise accelerating. Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
Johansson, M.M., Kahma, K.K., Boman, H. and J. Launiainen, 2004. Scenarios for sea level on the Finnish coast. Boreal Environmental Research Vol. 9: 153-166.
Amelung, B. and A. Moreno, 2012. Costing the impact of climate change on tourism in Europe: results of the PESETA project. Climatic Change 112:83–100.
Nunez, Christina, 2019. “Sea level rise, explained”, National Geographic, 19 February.
Magnusson, Jon Bjarki, 2017. “The Only Place in the World Where Sea Level Is Falling, Not Rising”, Slate, 7 August.
Puiu, Tibi, 2017. “Why sea levels around Finland and Sweden are dropping while the rest of the world is drowning”, ZME Science, 15 August.
Brittlebank, William, 2014. “Finland – creating a low-carbon country”, Climate Action, 8 January.
Darby, Megan, 2019. “Finland to be carbon neutral by 2035. One of the fastest targets ever set”, Climate Home News, 3 June.
*content for academic purpose
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Intro to IR : Answering Question
Rifqi Dirga Syahputra - 072011233116 - Finland
1. What is nationalism?
Hubungan Internasional merupakan suatu studi yang mempelajari tentang hubungan atau relasi antarnegara berdaulat di dunia ini. Relasi tersebut dapat berupa kerjasama ekonomi, politik, militer, pariwisata, perdagangan, dan lain sebagainya. Hubungan tersebut terjadi antara negara berdaulat satu dengan lainnya. Masing-masing negara berdaulat pasti mempunyai suatu Identitas Nasional agar negara tersebut dapat dikenali negara-bangsa lain dan dapat dijadikan suatu pembeda dengan negara-negara lain (Nurwardani, 2016). Untuk mendorongnya suatu Identitas Nasional agar bertahan hingga seterusnya, dibutuhkan suatu penggerak atau rasa cinta tanah air untuk mengimplementasikannya. Penggerak yang dimaksud adalah nasionalisme. Nasionalisme dapat diartikan sebagai suatu rasa atau paham yang menjadi penggerak sebuah bangsa atau negara berdaulat untuk mempertahankan kedaulatan dan menjadi pemersatu bagi masyarakatnya untuk mencapai tujuan negara tersebut (Woodwell, 2007). Paham nasionalisme sebenarnya pertama kali disebarkan oleh bangsa eropa pada awal abad 19 yang dijadikan sebagai suatu pemersatu bangsa untuk mendirikan negara berdaulat (Smith, 1991). Nasionalisme sendiri memiliki beberapa fungsi seperti kesadaran atau sentimen berbangsa dan bernegara, menjadikannya sebagai simbol dan bahasa suatu negara, dan yang terpenting dari semuanya adalah sebagai ideologi suatu bangsa dan negara untuk menuju kesatuan (Smith, 1991).
2. Why national identity plays significant role in building relation among nationstates?
Identitas nasional memainkan atau berperan penting dalam menjembatani relasi antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya di dunia ini. Suatu bangsa atau negara pasti memiliki identitas nasional yang menjadikannya daya Tarik negara lain untuk menjalin suatu relasi. Tetapi, zaman sekarang ini sedang maraknya modernisasi terhadap banyak negara dengan paham liberalismenya dan menyerang karakteristik bangsa, etnik asli suatu negara, dan peninggalan sejarah bangsa dan negara tersebut (Kennedy, 2001). Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan memperkuat rasa nasionalisme untuk mempertahankan suatu identitas nasional bangsa dan negara dari serangan globalisasi dan modernisasi karena identitas nasional merupakan sesuatu yang fundamental dan alami (Basch,et al, 1994 dalam Kennedy, 2001)
3. Illustrate power in IR and give example for each sub category of power in IR!
Dalam Hubungan Internasional juga terdapat istilah atau konsep power. Masih banyak orang di dunia ini yang menganggap power sebagai kepemilikan atas kekuatan militer yang kuat, kontrol atas populasi, wilayah kekuasaan yang luas, ekonomi yang tinggi, sumber daya yang melimpah, dan kestabilan politik (Nye, 1990). Arti Power dalam HI sendiri masih merupakan suatu ambigu dalam penafsiran arti sebenarnya (Holsti, 1964). Power dalam HI terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu hard power, soft power, dan smart power. Hard power dapat diartikan dengan kekuatan suatu negara atau aktor dalam HI untuk mempengaruhi aktor lainnya mulai dari segi militer, politik, dan populasi negara tersebut.  Contoh dari hard power adalah kekuatan militer amerika yang kuat dan dapat mengintervensi konflik di timur tengah dengan cara menginvasi daerah tersebut atas nama kedamaian internasional. Soft power dalam HI sendiri merupakan kekuatan seorang aktor dalam HI yang berfokus pada aspek non material seperti ideologi, afinitas regional, dan budaya atau adat istiadat. Contoh dari pengaplikasian soft power dalam HI adalah Pesona Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan Indonesia beserta kebudayaannya yang masih terjaga hingga kini ke mancanegara. Selain itu, terdapat juga smart power yang merupakan gabungan dari kedua bentuk power dalam HI. Smart power sendiri biasa digunakan para aktor dalam HI untuk rencana dan strategi jangka panjang. Smart power juga dapat disebut sebagai instrumen yang konstrutif dan eksklusif dalam dunia hubungan internasional.
Nurwardani, Paristiyanti, et al., 2016. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk        Perguruan Tinggi. Ristekdikti, Jakarta.
Woodwell, Douglas, 2007. Nationalism in International Relations, Palgrave Macmillan [Chapters 1 & 2].
Smith, Anthony D., 1991. National Identity, Penguin Books.
Kennedy, Paul, 2001. "Introduction: Globalization and the Crisis of National Identities", in, Paul Kennedy & Catherine J. Danks (eds.), Globalization and National Identities, Palgrave [Chapter 1].
Nye, Joseph S., 1990. “Soft Power” Foreign Policy, No. 80; pp. 153-171.
Holsti, K. J., 1964. “The Concept of Power in the Study of International Relations” Background, Vol. 7, No. 4: pp. 194.
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Meeting and Sharing Filos
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Nama Lengkap dan Panggilan Filos : Satria Pambudi (Satria)
Asal Daerah Filos : Jember, Jawa Timur
Fun Facts : Panggilannya Security, Suka Main Airsoft Gun, Suka Foto-Foto Alam, Ikut PSUA tapi tidak pernah datang, Pramuka Sejati.
Setelah bertemu dengan Filos saya secara daring, saya mendapatkan beberapa saran atau tips & tricks untuk bertahan di Hubungan Internasional UNAIR. Selain itu, Mas Satria juga bercerita tentang bagaimana ia memasuki HI UNAIR dan bertahan hingga sekarang. Mas Satria juga mempunyai hobi bermain game untuk waktu istirahatnya di sela-sela derasnya tugas yang melanda.
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rifqidirgas · 4 years ago
Short Biodata Finland
Tumblr media
Nama : Gerald Zefanya Ginting Munthe
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Jakarta, 14 April 2002
Asal daerah : Surabaya
Pesan : Tetap semangat, jangan berhenti berusaha!
Negara : Finland
 Nama : Ahmad Rajendra Rafa'a Azis (Azis)
Ttl : Sukoharjo, 18 Juli 2002
Asal daerah : Solo
Pesan : "pokoke sing tenang"
Negara : Finland
 Nama : Odilia Nayla
nama panggilan : odi
TTL : Jakarta, 19 Agustus 2002
Asal Daerah : Jakarta
Pesan : Semangat kuliahnya, semoga betah dan semoga kita bisa temenan ya
negara : Finland
 Nama:Diaz zulfa farida aini(diaz/di/az/yaz)
TTL :jombang, 05 oktober 2002, jombang
Pesan :Believe U can and U will
 -nama lengkap : M. Rizal Hafiz
-nama panggilan : Rizal
-asal daerah : Sidoarjo
-ttl : Trenggalek, 4 Juli 2002
-pesan : Salam kenal dan mohon bantuan buat kedepannya
-negara : finland
nama : Rabiah Labiba Pasaih Putri
nama panggilan : bia
Tempat, Tanggal lahir: Jakarta, 17 Februari 2002
Askot: jakarta selatan
kesan pesan: semoga kita bisa survive guys
 nama :delindyasp
nama panggil: delin
tmpt tanggal lahir: 9 december 2001
asal daerah: surabaya
pesan: semoga bisa berteman🤍
negara: finland
 Nama : Ram Ratu Raisa T. (Acha)
Ttl : Sidoarjo, 5 Desember 2002
Asal daerah : surabaya
Pesan : semoga bisa jadi temen baik yaa, bahagia bareng dan lancar kuliahnya sampe luluss✨
 Nama: Rakhmi Ayu Handayani Rosady
Panggilan: Rara
TTL: Bandung, 28 juli 2002
Asal: Gresik
Pesan:  semoga lancar terus ospek sama kuliahnyaa ... semangattttt !!!
 Nama: Nohan Rembulan Wahyu Wandira
Nama panggilan: Nohan/noi
TTL: Demak, 28 November 2001
Asal: Demak
Pesan: let's get to know each other more, semangat irfestnya ga!!
Nama: Nailah Syauqi Awwalun (Nailah)
Ttl: Jakarta, 19 Januari 2002
Asal: Palu, Sulawesi tengah
Pesan: Semangat irfest nya yaa!
 Nama lengkap: Muhammad Fathur Rahman Ikram
Nama panggilan: Fathur
TTL: Makassar 31 Oktober 2001
Asal daerah: Ngawi, Jawa Timur
Pesan: Salam kenal, manteman!
Negara: Finland
 Nama Panjang Caliel Finland : Belva Dzaky Aulia
Nama Panggilan : Belva
Asal Daerah : Wonogiri
TTL : Wonogiri, 31 Mei 2001
Pesan : Pesenku ya Semangat kuliah di HI unair, ini mungkin sudah jalannya yang di atas dan jawaban atas doa doa kamu selama ini, tekuni hal yang kamu sukai dan jangan pernah bosen di HI, selamat datang selamat berproses Jangan lupa responsif di grup finland ya
 Nama Panjang Caliel Finland : Madelyn Nora Abidin
Nama Panggilan : Madelyn
Asal Daerah : Kediri
TTL : Kediri, 14 Oktober 2001
Pesan : Nikmatin setiap proses IRFEST yaaa soalnya nanti bakal banyak kenangannya. Terus selama kuliah di hi nanti jangan nyerah. Kalo mungkin nanti kamu ngerasa jenuh bosen apa stress tetep inget2 mimpi kamu apa knp sampek milih hi. Harus komit dan bertanggung jawab sama pilihannyaa dongsss. Okkayyy dirgaa ... Semangattttt,
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