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Fate Headcanons & Scenarios NSFW is more than welcome! Read Rules & Guidelines Before Asking
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rider-san · 7 years ago
May I request some fluff/nsfw with Boudica please?
Boudica has a mother-like attitude that can even gives Raikou a challenge. Most of the time, she will act as though she’s your loving mother, caring to your every need.
But there are times where she drops that personality trait and instead replaces it with one of a wife. A wife who loves and cares deeply for her s/o with all her heart.
Boudica prefers sex to be long and gentle with lots of noises and emotion to flood the room. She’s longs to be embraced during your romance, to feel every ounce of your being enter her body.
She quickly returns to being a mother after the two of you have finished. Boudica stays at your side and gently whisks you away to sleep. Sex is exhausting, so she wants you to return to your full strength soon.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Thank you so very much for mentioning me, it means so much to me know you love my writing ❤ Don't worry, I'll continue writing for this blog, I've just had a bad writers block lately and still needing to take care of some personal things outside the blog but you'll definitely see more. Thank you for sticking around and enjoying my blog! ^-^
If you're a creator and you needed to hear this today:
You have no idea how many people lurk on your work. No idea how many times people go back to revisit your work. How big they smile when they simply think about your work. How fast their heart beats, how excited they get when they see that you posted something.
People are shy with their feedback. Sometimes it’s because they’re simply shy. Other times it’s because they assume you already know how great and talented you are. Could be both.
My point is, even if you barely have any likes or reblogs, don’t get discouraged. You have a lot of silent fans, but they are still your fans. Keep on creating. Because there is always someone out there who will love what you have made.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Miss rider-san, can I request some fluffy head canons with Nobunaga Oda please!
Nobu holds a strong interest towards the hobbies of modern humans. Especially those of one from a country to foreign to her own.
She likes to to go outside Chaldea with you so she can visit different towns and even go people watching on the streets.
Her favorite activity of the modern world is of course, concerts. Nobu is HUGE on visiting different venues with you in order to enjoy some of her favorite band’s music.
Half of the time during a concert, Nobu is shouting alongside the fans and even doing her own air guitar routine. If there’s ever a mosh pit, you can be sure that Nobu will protect you while also gaining control over the crowd.
Although she does tend to go a little far some nights and may end up taking over the stage and preforming her own concert.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Hallo rider-san. Could I request more fluff with Hektor with a side of nsfw pretty please?~~
Hector’s really fond of cuddling. He’s the type who sleeps in every morning and prevents you from leaving. Not to mention how easily he falls asleep in your arms.
His way of preventing you from leaving is to latch onto your waist when you try to get up so Hector can pull you back down onto the bed to sleep some more.
In the process of trying to keep you in bed, he ends up trying to romance you, which usually works even if you end up being late for work.
Hector isn’t fond of fast paced rough sex; instead, he prefers a gentle and slow pace. Although he is fond of teasing you and likes to deny you an orgasm or two.
But man is he big on cuddling. After being with him in bed, all Hector wants is to cuddle with you and take a nice long nap. Nothing pleases him more than sleeping with you on a nice rainy day.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Rider-san! Can I request a hc/scenario with Merlin feeling jealous of Fou because the little ball of fluff is always being cuddle or being held by the master? I like to think that Fou can be a savage towards Merlin. :)
Merlin and Fou CONSTANTLY feud when around one another. Normally Merlin is nonstop smiling, but when he sees Fou cuddling you, he can’t help but show such jealousy one wouldn’t expect from Merlin.
The one thing that sets off Merlin’s jealousy more than anything is how Fou is with you throughout the entire day. Fou is able to join you in bed, in the bath, while you’re changing, anywhere really since he won’t get in trouble. Whereas Merlin would be stopped by Fou or even you out of embarrassment.
He may try to cuddle up to you too, but that usually ends with Fou kicking him in the face and reclaiming the spot in your arms from the magician. No matter how much Merlin pleads, Fou has no intention of giving you up to him.
Fou always makes sure to get payback on Merlin. He may drag Merlin’s robes outside in the rain, trash his room, steal his food, and even spit on Merlin whenever possible.
One thing is certain though, these two will never get along. So long as they are together and Merlin continues to try for your affection, Fou is there to make his life a living hell.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Can I ask for nsfw and romantic hcs for Billy? Thank you for your hard work btw :>
Billy can be quite the romancer. There will be days where you’ll wake up to a note under your door or a message tied to a rose that lists a place to meet him.
Billy tends to be clingy towards you on dates. Be it holding hands or otherwise, physical contact is a must.
He always tries to appeal to you and make you smile. If there’s something he could do to see you laugh, Billy would do so without a second thought.
And while he tends to get bit rough during sex due to his rapid pace, he makes sure to treat you far gentler afterwards with light kisses and smooth words, Billy will be sure that you get anything you desire from him.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
hcs of Merlin NSFW and SFW relationship with male S/O?
Merlin doesn’t try to hide his relationship with you. He doesn’t believe there’s anything to worry about and that so long as the two of you were happy, that was enough.
He loves to go on dates with you so he can pick out the most romantic spots to take you on.
Merlin would 100% offer you a bite of any food he gets so long as you let him feed you.
He can get pretty clingy too, always trying to hold your arm or hand to walk with you.
Keep Reading for NSFW:
Merlin likes to flirt, so he’s going to try and flirt with you every minute he can. Some small jokes to full on trying to make a pass, he’s going to flirt with you.
He likes to be in control during sex. Incubus have a way of turning their loved ones into puddy in their hands. Using every sense and desire against you in order to give you the ultimate pleasure.
You’re no exception to that, Merlin is very touchy-feely and will relentlessly press himself up against you in an effort to feel and see every emotion, every sound that you have to offer during sex.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Can I get some robin hood with another servant and the conflicting idea of "oh hey well we might have to fight to the death one day" dilemma? ALSO I LOVE YOUR WORK SO FAR, KEEP IT UP MY DUDE YOURE SERVICING THIS FANBASE ON A GOD TEIR STANDARD!
Thank you!!! That means a lot to hear that you think so! :) I’ve been trying my hardest to answer everything lately but tbh I’ve been having such a writer’s block and now with the new event and story chapter, it’s taking my time away xD
Until the day you summoned Meltlilith, each day in Chaldea was normal and quite fun for Robin Hood. The two shared a deep history with each other to Robin Hood’s dismay.
He didn’t trust her for a second. Robin knew of the hatred Meltlilith held and how easy it was for her to betray even her master without so much of a second thought.
Before, he’d spend each day smiling with you, his master. However nowadays Robin tries to stick close to you to keep you safe.
Although now that Meltlilithand Robin Hood are allies summoned you, they are to work together. Nonetheless if she were to try anything to harm you, Robin’s prepared to stand at your side and fight her to the death for your safety.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Um Rider-san, what about cute date hc with Musashi? ^^
Once you’ve got the location of where you’ll meet for the date, there’s only one thing you need to know to do when you see her. That is to compliment her on her choice of apparel immediately.
You don’t need to put much thought into what you want to do with her on the date. Just let her decide and I promise, she’ll show you a good time.
Even though Musashi isn’t totally up to date with the modern world, it isn’t too hard for her to find somewhere to go. She even has a knack for choosing small restaurants that hold rich tasting meals.
She doesn’t like to sit still for too long on dates however, it’s one location to the next with her so hopefully you have good walking shoes on.
At the end of the day, Musashi will be more willing to find a bench and park herself to enjoy the evening skies with you at her side.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Requesting some soulmate headcanons with Edmond Dantes!
It might take a while for Edmond to warm up to the idea that you might be his soulmate. Haydee was his true love back in his lifetime but now he’s gotten to think that maybe you are the soulmate in this current life.
Once he’s got that in his head, there’s no going back. Edmond is a forward person and has no qualms with confessing his feelings towards you.
He’s a sucker towards soulmates. The idea of that red string that attaches from your finger to that of your soulmate gives him so much joy.
Sometimes Edmond uses those black strings of magic from his body to wrap around your finger. He then proceeds to act like he didn’t do it himself and that that’s the string of fate and oops looks like you’re now his soulmate!
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rider-san · 7 years ago
could I have HCs of Romani having a crush and confessing to his Male S/O?
Romani tries not to openly show his feelings in public, but ends up accidentally showing them on more than one occasion.
Those moments tend to be simple ones like the way he smiles, or how he blushes and avoids eye contact, or even slipping during a conversation.
He won’t make too many advances on you until he’s sure that you’re interested in him. Romani wants to avoid as many awkward moments as he can.
A confession from him would take place in a quiet and secluded space where no other soul was around. He’ll want an answer right away and even shows off more confidence in himself than normal in hopes you like him back.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Headcanons of Romani and Solomon ended up falling in love with same Master S/O? Thanks for writing as always! Not a request, what's your favorite class among FGO if you have pick 2 at least? :D
You’re very welcome! :) Going by the classes themselves, I like the caster class the best, but in terms of the servants presented in each class, then I like lancers the most ^-^
Those two are definitely the same person if they both fell for you. They both are terrible at hiding their true feelings so it’s easy for you to figure out their attraction.
Solomon wishes to spend more time with you, but he won’t push for a relationship. He wants to be certain of your feelings before making any push that could end up failing.
Romani too doesn’t wish to see you upset at having to pick between Solomon and him, so he won’t try to push you. In that sense, they’re quite equal in traits. But even then, that causes to them to feud or even outright avoid the other if they can.
Romani has the advantage now that he’s gained a romantic side to his personality rather than the traits of one who’s sole purpose is to rule the masses. But they are the same person, and both have had experience in the world of romance.
All in all, it will take a while before anything changes as the two constantly bicker and try to spend time with you. Both are possessive in their own way and don’t wish to give up on you, but they also won’t do anything to make you sad.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Rider-san, may I request a headcanon with Edmond Dantes with a small but feisty s/o?
Edmond has no trouble keeping up with the energy presented in someone with a feisty nature.
In fact, he really likes hanging around someone who has energy to spare. Edmond can be quite feisty himself so he has no trouble getting along you.
Another thing he really likes is that you’re small. This way, it gives him more opportunities to pick you up or shield you under his cape.
Edmond LIVES for having to kneel down to kiss you. It never fails to make him smile when he sees you trying to reach him just so you can kiss him. He can’t get enough of it!
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Heyo, Rider-san. I was wondering if you could do some fluff with Waver?
Waver isn’t a very outgoing person. He prefers to spend nice quiet evenings alone with you reading some of your favorite books together.
Oftentimes he would tell you different stories about his time spent with Iskandar and how he always knew how to have some fun, even when times were tough.
Waver wanted to show you the same amount of effort Iskandar showed so you could always enjoy yourself.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Hallo. Can I request a hc/scenario with the master confessing to Arjuna or Karna (either one is fine) and they turned the master down, But somewhere down line the tables turn and Arjuna or Karna is now the ones confessing to the master.
Karna rejects your declaration of love. He doesn’t see the point in forming a bond outside of the master and servant relationship.
But after hearing your thoughts and thinking on it more, Karna soon realizes that he can’t get you out of his mind.
He starts seeing everyday objects as a reminder of you and begins to understand the feelings he holds for you.
Karna soon finds himself trying to show you those feelings. He’s honest after all, so it doesn’t take him long before he’s tracked you down and declaring his attraction to you.
Frankly, Arjuna at the time wasn’t interested in forming a relationship. He didn’t want anyone to get too close to him only to run away when they see his bad side.
But after seeing the look on your face upon rejecting you, it causes him to think more on what he had just done that hurt you so.
Soon he starts to see that you really liked him. Arjuna wished to return those feelings to you if you were certain that you wanted to be with him.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Ooh, I liked the cellphone request. Could you do the same scenario but with Siegfried, David, and Diarmuid?
It takes him a while to get used to the touch screen. He’s confused at how it works and how much force he needs to put in when trying to open an app so he doesn’t uninstall something on accident.
Siegfried also has a tendency to get annoyed if he keeps hitting the wrong buttons. Ultimately, he gives up on cellphones fairly quickly aside from giving you the occasional phone call.
David masters the use of a cellphone in a single day. He spends hours looking up different photos or taking selfies of himself to send to others.
He also really likes trying to get the phone number of every girl in Chaldea so he can text them on the daily.
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne:
It takes a little while, but after he’s warmed up to the concept of a phone and how to use one, he’s better at it.
Diarmuid mostly uses it for photography or keeping in contact with you, but most of all he enjoys being able to listen to a variety of music.
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rider-san · 7 years ago
Hcs for karna and arjuna with a meme like master who's rlly blunt but could be wise at time?
I’m a bit confused as to what you mean by “meme like master” so I’m just going to roll with a blunt master that likes memes. I hope that’s okay!
Karna has no idea what in the world you’re saying half the time. Once he knows you’re just joking, he may even try to copy what you say to joke as well even if he doesn’t get it.
He admires your bluntness, honesty is a good thing to have even if it’s not welcome by most.
But your ability to shift from comedy to seriousness is what he truly admires. There’s a time and place for everything, and on the battlefield one needs to be both strong and wise.
Arjuna tries his best to understand what you’re talking about, but none of it makes sense to him except that it’s a form of humor.
He too may try to copy what you’re saying, but ends up slipping and messing a word up leading to his embarrassment.
Your bluntness was welcomed at times, but those moments where you seemed like a sage were far more loved.
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