rickandsonnyjim · 8 years
For those that don’t know, my wife is trans.  she only just started hormones, but with what happened with the election, we fear that her ability to obtain these vital documents could become harder if not impossible.  One member of our state senate as already introduced a bill for the next session of state congress in January to overturn all local LGBT anti-dscrimination laws.  We are to put it mildly, scared.
i know not everyone can donate right now, but if you could at least get this out there, let it be shared and known.  Help us, so that we can get to a safer state, hopefully by the end of next year.(My wife wants to finish her degree which she can only do in texas because of the Hazelwood act.)
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rickandsonnyjim · 8 years
i feel it in my bones, i’m on F I R E
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGBanqGBJ_I)
not gonna lie, I pissed myself laughing. 
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
These all sound so fun! I like these!
April Fools Ideas For The Phandom:
• Make Dan and Phil’s first videos the most viewed on their channels (can you imagine. We have to do this) • Only call Dan and Phil by their middle names • Respond to all of Dan’s tweets with wowza • Respond to all of Phil’s tweets with “that’s pretty ace” • Make #dontcrycraft trend on Twitter
Feel free to add more!
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
Reblog if you are going to have nightmares
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
This was probably my favorite part of the entire video, just hearing them talk about the old Manchester flat and the little day to day things, like breaking the kitchen sink.
f u c k i n g  D O M E S T I C
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
A Domestic Memory The Phandom Should Never Forget:
Tabitha: *is fixing a sink that is spilling water everywhere*
Phil: Remember when that happened to us in Manchester and it literally hit the ceiling?
Dan: Oh my God that was so- what made that happen?
Phil: The actual sink just came off in your hand-
Dan: Oh yeah! God, we spent like three seconds going AHHH-
Phil: There was water going everywhere!
Dan: Turn off the tap! Turn off the tap and the water will stop exploding into the ceiling-
Phil: Yep. That's what you do.
Dan: It took us a while to realize that.
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
This is amazing!!! I love it. :D  Great work!!!!!!
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Congratulations to DanandPhilGAMES for hitting 2 Mil!!! @danisnotonfire @amazingphil
Check out more of my art here.
Please do not repost my art. (reblogging is fine)
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
oh my god just imagining a grown man’s voice booming over all the screaming girls… please please please
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
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reblog this with the very first gif of Dan you saved on your computer 🙈
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
I’m thirty four from texas too!  I’ll be turning thirty five so yay for someone actually my age!!!!  You are very pretty too!
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Hey guys, I’m Tiffany, I’m 34 and I’ve got to be the oldest one here. I’m from Texas and I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since around 2009/early 2010. Come say hi!
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
whoops meant to reblog it from my actual phandom blog.
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Hey guys I’m Lori I’m turning thirty five and I’m from the dfw area of texas. Its nice to see a meetup for people over eighteen
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
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Hey guys I'm Lori I'm turning thirty five and I'm from the dfw area of texas. Its nice to see a meetup for people over eighteen
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
Please please please, if you can help my friend out.  This is my best friend, and her mother.  Seriously, they are like family to me. She is my Canadian mommy, and I’m her daughter from Texas.  Seriously, she treats my son like one more grandchild.  And it breaks my heart that there isn’t much I can do.  but I can do this:
I donated twenty dollars today.  For everyone on my friends list that donates, I will give a shoutout, no matter how much.
Donate five dollars, I’ll write a short drabble for the fandom of your choice between 100-500 words
Donate ten dollars, I’ll write a one shot in the fandom of yur choice between 500-1000 words
Donate twenty dollars I’ll write a longer one shot in the fandom of your choice 1000+ words. 
Please help, please?
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rickandsonnyjim · 9 years
Reblogging because this is for my Canadian mommy.  Please please if you can donate, please do so.  Spread this like wild fire, get it out there and donate.  You don’t know how much this would mean to their family.  I want her out of pain, I want that when I finally get to go up to Canada and visit them that she can have my son crawl on her lap without him hurting her.
I know we in the phandom have huge hearts, please help please?  You guys are always so caring and supportive, the ones I know anyways, and while I know not everyone has a lot of money, if we all donated one to five dollars, do you realize how quickly they could get a brace for her?
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I’m not going to flood your dashes (too much) with this, but my mother would like to say something to both the people who have donated and people who are considering donating in the future, so here it is;
Well my beloved daughter started this as she can no longer watch me cry with the never ending pain. I have no way to thank you for your help, thank you is such a small word for what you are doing. My wish is to be able to walk to the store again and stand up long enough to cook my family a meal. As you can see from my picture, I can no longer lay down flat so I sleep in a chair padded with sponge and really expensive pillows my best friend got from her daughter. I would love to be able to lie down flat again. The pain is so bad at times all I can do is vomit, I have lost 90 lbs because of it. I now weigh 148 lbs and as I stand 6 feet tall, that is some what underweight. If the pain lessened I might be able to hold down a meal, hopefully. Anyway, I just want to say thank you so very very much. I know it’s not much, but its is all I can do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Jacquie
Please reblog, signal boost and if you can, donate. Any little bit helps, thank you ♥ This community of amazing people never ceases to surprise me :)
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