richardsiken-poet · 1 year
New Essay
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richardsiken-poet · 1 year
New Poem
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richardsiken-poet · 1 year
New Poem
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richardsiken-poet · 5 years
I could use your help. Please consider donating or reblogging.
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Yeah, shit got real in revision.
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richard siken - anyway // the worm king’s lullaby
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
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Hi. For those of you who have been asking, here are the 400 copies of pre-orders that I have to sign tonight! First box goes back to the press in the morning. They’re on their way soon!
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Hotel Porn
I’m in another hotel room, writing porn. Great to be traveling around reading from Foxes, but it’s getting in the way of my sex scene typing. Of course, TNT is playing Supernatural on repeat. 
I’m reading at NYU at 7pm tonight with Mark Doty. (Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House, 58 West 10th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues) I’m only reading from Foxes but some of you have requested to hear poems from Crush. Come up to me after the reading and I’ll recite a line or two for you.
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
I wrote a poem for a mask for the Rubin Museum
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Just so you know -- and to provide an example -- the idea that there is a difference between “professional writing” and “non-professional writing” is an idea whose time has passed. The Huffington Post has realized that fan fiction is a place where some of the most interesting writing is happening. And yeah, they have to say “dialectic” and “phenomenological,” but really they are just saying y’all are cool. BTW, I said it first.
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Here's the podcast of my radio interview yesterday. (the one at the top of the list) Living Writers 2015-04-15
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
I am reading in Ann Arbor tomorrow night (Thursday). University of Michigan. UMMA Helmut Stern Auditorium. 5 pm. Come by, if you’re around.
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
I get asked a lot of questions. I made this to answer some.
Poet Richard Siken's first venture into filmmaking for his poem 'Why' with music from Marianne Dissard's album 'L'Entredeux'. 
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Minneapolis was great. The incoming plane -- the one that was going to turn around and take me to Phoenix -- was struck by lightning and lost radar! So, yeah, I got bumped, and spent the night in the smoking section outside Sky Harbor Airport, waiting to get home. 
I’ve been getting asks for reading recommendations, so I’m making a list. I asked people in the airport what they were reading, but they were grumbly :( 
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
I have an Ao3 account now. I’m messing with the formatting and etc.. I will post my user name when I’m all set. 
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Hi there, I know you're busy and getting a lot of asks, but I just wanted to tell you how beautiful and inspiring I think your poems are. I just spent the night reading Crush and it was fantastic. I'm looking forward to War of the Foxes and your fics. I'm sure they will be great! :) I wish all of the best for you. I was also kind of wondering, how did you find your "voice" in your work?
Recording myself, of all things. I listened to how I spoke and wrote it down, with all the hesitations and fragments and digressions. Looking at the transcript helped me figure out a lot of things. I started revising toward that, instead of revising toward grammatically correct language.
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richardsiken-poet · 9 years
Thanks! A03 it is.
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