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revtrous · 3 months ago
Celebrating our 2nd monthiversary milestone with love and joy!
Abey, on this special moment, I want to say thank you so much for you. Thank you for being a part of my life, a part of every laugh and all the feelings you have shared with me. These two months are just the beginning and I hope we can continue to walk together, although the road ahead may be winding and full of challenges. Because with you by my side, I am sure we can get through anything. Let's continue to knit this story, one day at a time, filled with all the feelings that make this life so colorful.
We have been through a lot in this time that may not be too long, but every second we spend together always has a special place in our deepest minds. Hopefully in the following happy months we can continue to go through everything with stronger, more mature and more patient hearts. Although I know our journey will not always be smooth, I believe we can definitely face whatever comes. So, on this special moment, I just want to say that I am so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there and may we continue to be there for each other, for a long time. Cheers to us, to the highs and lows, to the crazy ride that is our love story. Here's to more months, more adventures and more mixed feelings that make everything worthwhile. Let's continue this adventure with a heart full of gratitude, love and enthusiasm. Kita bareng terus ya Abey? Jangan bosen bosen sama aku, love you more ♡
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revtrous · 4 months ago
Hi abeyy sayangku yang paling leo sayanggg. Pasti kamu ga lupa kan ini tanggal berapa?? Selamat 1 bulan sayangku, cepet banget udah satu bulan aja bareng bareng, semoga kamu engga ngerasa bosan buat sama sama aku terus dan engga capek ngadepin tingkah aku yang sampe bikin kamu sebel mulu. Sayanggg, semoga dalam satu bulan penuh ini kamu bahagia terus sama aku dan seterusnya bakalan gitu, semisal ada perkatan atau sesuatu yang bikin kamu ga suka tolong langsung tegur aku ya? Biar aku juga cepet cari solusi terbaik dan memperbaiki diri juga. Dalam hubungan pastinya ada pasang surut kan, jadi semoga komunikasi kita tetep baik dan jangan ngerasa ga enakan buat jujur jujuran. Abeyy sayangku, maaf kalo aku masih banyak kurangnya semoga buat ke depannya bisa lebih jadi yang terbaik buat kamu di sini, yang pastinya aku pengen kamu ngerasa seneng seneng terus sama aku seterusnya. Ga usah ditanyain lagi gimana sih perasaan aku ke kamu selama kita pacaran, yang pasti bahagia terus dan ga pernah bosen juga. Sayang, ayo sama sama terus dan ketemu lagi ditanggal 23 dibulan seterusnya. Happy 1st monthsary abey sayangnya leo, sayang abey banyak banyakk♡
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