Tooth Fairy's wife
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obsessed with this game
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reverse1999fics · 11 months ago
The most notable thing (among everything else) about the 1.8 trailer is Medicine Pocket's new skin!! It's absolutely stunning and I'll definitely be thinking of a good fic for it!!
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reverse1999fics · 11 months ago
Hallo! I not sure request is open if is not feel free to decline this sorry! If is alright could i request 6 and medicine pocket separately with a shy and timid s/o who worries a lot and hides behind them doesn’t have any friends but likes to just be by their side most of the time and clings to them? Hope you have a nice day!
Woohoo! Back on that grind and cranking out requests!! They are open btw!!
Please forgive me if either of them are a little ooc! I don't have MP and I skipped through the story so I don't entirely know 6's personality all that well!!
Medicine Pocket & 6 w/a Timid/Shy S/O (separate)
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Medicine Pocket is someone with a very flamboyant personality, always being able to speak their mind. They never quite understood why or how you could be so timid, but that didn't stop them from loving you all the same.
Their tall physic let off an intimidating aura to those who didn't know them properly, but to you it was a source of comfort. Their height makes it easy for you to hide behind, holding their hand or a part of their coat and trailing behind them like a child would play follow the leader. Of course Medicine Pocket had no issue with this, even taking pride in how safe you'd feel around them and only them.
No matter that you don't have many friends, neither do they due to how... Different they are to others, all they need is to be in your company they say. Others were frustrating and didn't understand what they were trying to say, what they meant, but you did. You always understood their words and actions, so you were the only person they truly wanted to be around.
Clingy? You? Clearly you've never met them because goodness only knows how much they love to be around you. Even if it were you just simply being in the same room as them, they want to be near you. You know them better than anyone else, understand their weird antics and never judge them for how they acted or what they did. That was something they held close to their heart, right next to you, so of course your affection is needed on a daily basis! Sit next to them while they work on projects or go through paperwork, lay your head on their shoulder, read a book on the couch they moved in the room just for you, take a nice nap, sit on their lap, let them sit on your lap! Anything, as long as you were with them.
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6 is a person driven to perfection when it comes to his work, someone strict with his rules and follows them all to a T. You, are a slight exception though. Oh how adorable you are to him, holding onto his sash while standing behind him, cowering from the other numbers like a little kitten. He had a soft spot for you, that much was clear to everyone
Being of high status on the island, he was a busy person, usually so busy he comes off as a recluse. But never was he too busy to ignore you even for a moment. Come into his arms after a long day of interacting with people, sit in his lap and rest to regain your social battery while he works on equations and problem solving. Your battery recharges just as much as his does, so let him rest his head on yours for a moment but don't question his closed eyes. He's just letting them rest for a moment.
You need not worry about not having many friends, he wouldn't say he has many either, if any at all. You are his one and only, why pay attention to others when he has you to keep him company? He'd rather stay home with you by his side with a good book of philosophy rather than go out with others. His robes will keep you warm, so snuggle up to his side and read along with him if you do so please.
His personality severely contradicts your own, having a more serious and stern personality that goes against your timid one, but that never stops him from loving you all the same. Should the two of you be away from each other he'll leave a piece of him with you, perhaps something on his person he wears often, or maybe a book he knows you'd like. When he is with you he'll never mind you grabbing a hold of his hand, even when others are around. He finds it adorable how you seem to try and melt into his arm as you hold onto it while others are around and chatting.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
Please allow me to rant for a moment.
I was doom scrolling on tiktok, as you do, earlier today and came across a video comparing Genshin Impact characters to characters in Reverse: 1999, specifically on POC/representative characters. I enjoy both games but do prefer R1999 when it comes to that specific category of representation.
Anyways, I decided to look at the comments and saw this persons comment
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Before I say anything else, please don't go and bother this person for their comment if you find it. Their comment just sort of irritated me and I want to talk about it.
This is the tan skin tone they are referring too
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These are the characters they're talking about
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These are the darkest characters as of current in Reverse 1999. Do they look tan to you? Sure, Centurion is lighter, but she is not tan.
And let it be known, tan does not mean white, I'm sure there are plenty of different ethnicities that aren't white but have tan skin, or one could be mixed; that doesn't take away who you are either.
And Genshin, while yes having a bad representation of POC, does still have black characters. The most notable being Xinyan.
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She is a bit lighter, and ashy even, but she is still some of the best representation in Genshin that we have. Not to throw out the other POC in Genshin such as Kaeya, Candace, Cyno and more to come I'm sure.
And, might I remind you that representation is not all about the color of their skin. Yes, it is important to show people of all colors, but not every culture that isn't represented is shown. Many characters in R1999 speak their own language aside from english, even with the english voice pack.
Queer/trans and disabled people also fit in the category of representation.
Hoyoverse, the company that makes Genshin, has a history of making canonically queer characters even if it gets them in trouble. And in Genshin there are a lot of queer coded characters such as Alheithem and Kaveh, Yae Miko and Ei, and many more.
When it comes to Reverse: 1999, they are extremely good in this area. Not only do they have canonically queer characters, they have canonically trans characters too (such as The Fool, who in Nonbinary/agender).
And, they have characters from all around the world, different countries. And yes some characters have harmful stereotypes in their designs, I won't deny.
And, if you want to be technical, Nick, Apple, Door, and even Pickles may be counted as representation too.
Reverse: 1999 is better when it comes to showing representation in all ways possible (again, even though it can be hurtful). And while Genshin does have representation, it's not always that good.
Anyways, I just wanted to talk about it. It was on my mind all day haha. Sorry for my yapping, I'll get to work on more fics soon :))
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
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eagle no!!! stranger danger!!!!
@bluntfiemd <(^_^)> consider this a token of our friendship
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
I've often been using Diggers and Eagle together and I love the dynamic between them in my head. Diggers thinks he's looking after this little girl but more often than not she's the one keeping him out of trouble. People think they're siblings until they hear both accents.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
hello tumblr user reverse1999fics. i need to know more about your thoughts on the tooth fairy/madam z divorce.
Okay so like, it's more of just a silly little headcannon I have about the two but I'm determined to actually make up this whole story about the two.
Madame Z and Tooth Fairy divorced lesbians!!!
I have a feeling the two might have been in the same class as a kid, they obviously know each other in some way. Their conversation in the car felt like they were very familiar with each other.
"But reverse1999fics, Madame Z didn't know anything about Tooth Fairy's brother and what happened to him, she said it herself during the car ride home" And? So did many others. Other than Tooth Fairy and possibly the Green Lake crew (Vertin, Horrorpedia, Sonetto, Blonney, Jessica), no one knows. How do I know this? The rumors, why do you think there'd be rumors about it if everyone were to know the truth, no?
I feel like romance would probably be forbidden in the Foundation, the first thing on everyone's mind should be stopping the Storm, so obviously romance and crushes should be left behind.
But young love never just gets left behind, and so Madame Z and Tooth Fairy had themselves a silly little wedding one night, just themselves and little paper miche rings that broke the next day.
Before Madame Z was promoted to the position she's currently in as of the main story, I feel as though she either worked out on the field or possibly had an office job of sorts, most likely the office job. She's very intelligent and knows her way around negotiations and most importantly, people. Madame Z has a way of figuring out how people truly feel in a short amount of time. It wouldn't surprise me if she was able to figure out Tooth Fairy and her monotone actions easily.
The two might have been in the same class, as I said earlier, but since they've got such different jobs that might not be the case. So perhaps the two met at the cafeteria, or at the others job. Madame Z could easily have gotten a migraine and go to the nurses office. Tooth Fairy could easily go to the offices and ask for some files of some sort, most likely on the children to know them better.
Since romance is forbidden at the Foundation, the two would have to sneak around, finding small moments to love each other. A passing brush of the hand, hiding in the forest and kissing, sneaking into each others bunk to cuddle. My favorite idea is Madame Z using the excuse of having a headache or migraine to go to the nurses office, spending time with Tooth Fairy behind the doctors curtains.
"They seem so happy, why'd they divorce?" They couldn't continue being together. As the days went by the two found it getting harder and harder to see each other without being in public, they couldn't even cuddle anymore. Madame Z was quickly promoted to her current position and Tooth Fairy was left behind. Madame Z became busy and Tooth Fairy was left sitting in her office chair, waiting for someone to walk in.
Since they didn't really have a ring, they sort of just tried to forget about it. Madame Z in the beginning thought they were still together, but after finally being able to see Tooth Fairy in the nurses office she realized her worst nightmare had come true. Tooth Fairy had 'fallen' out of love. Quote on quote, fallen, Tooth Fairy still loved Madame Z. But with Madame Z becoming so busy with her new status she couldn't spend time with Tooth Fairy. Tooth Fairy understood how important Madame Z's work was and decided that divorcing was for the best.
The two still talk from time to time, but very rarely. The conversation they had in the car on the way from Green Lake was the longest conversation they had with each other since they broke up.
I can easily add more to this but I actually just woke up so maybe another day. Please ask about it more! I love talking about these two ❤️❤️
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
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Unfortunately I lost the original request due to issues on my own accord, thankfully I had a screenshot!
Lilya was my very first 6* and I love her character so much!
Can be read as platonic I suppose, it's never really specified but leans more towards romantic.
(No specific pronouns used)
Lilya Headcannons
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When it comes to days off, it's few and far between. She's a very busy gal and so when she finally gets the day off she makes sure to spend it with her most beloved.
Most of her days off are spent cuddling up to your side, or possibly having a chat while walking through the forest.
She has gotten in trouble multiple times for taking you up in the air for a joy ride.
She continues to do it even with multiple warnings.
I'd like to think her favorite genre of entertainment (movies, books, ect.) are cheesy rom-coms or super action packed movies.
Not like Marvel, DC action movies, just good old revolution and punching.
Possibly an explosion here and there, she wouldn't complain.
Often she can be seen hanging around your station at the Foundation, leaning over the desk while chatting your ear off.
That or she's doing the online semblance thing, she finds that thing so fun.
She's surprisingly good at pinball, and gets frustrated when someone's beaten her high score (which rarely happens)
If she were to go to an arcade, she'd come out with thousands of tickets and prizes, all gifted to you because she doesn't need such things.
Enjoys having her hair done for her.
It could be something as simple as you tying her hair back for her before she goes out, to blow drying her hair after a shower or getting caught in the rain.
Her jacket is as comfy as it looks, and yes, she'll let you wear it.
Speaking of letting you have things, her flask? Feel free to have a swig or two while hanging out with her.
She makes it herself, it's her own recipe, and she takes pride in it (Which means she cares about what you think about it).
Her hands are surprisingly soft for someone of her occupation, albeit a few calluses here and there.
Her hands are perfectly soft, yet still rough in the places that count.
Super nice to hold.
She holds heat very well, being up in the sky so often let her body get used to cold temperatures and now she's a portable heater.
Wouldn't be mad at all if you were to cuddle up to her side, she'd gladly wrap her arm around your shoulders and hold you close.
You poor thing, having frostbite nip at your fingers. Here, let her warm them up by holding them.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
We all know what she is /aff
I'm a bit surprised no one has made a joke about the fact that Tooth Fairy owns a Subaru and Subaru being the lesbian car brand
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I love the family troupe everyone just gets thrown into in Reverse: 1999.
Sotheby and Sonetto? Younger sister and older sister.
Druvis and Vertin? Aunt and niece.
Regulus? The Aunt that isn't actually part of the family biologically but everyone's just accepted her.
It's not just with the main story either, it's very obvious that Tooth Fairy plays the more responsible, parental role throughout the entire story of Green Lake.
She and Z are obviously divorced and sharing split custody over their 5 and/or more children.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
I'm not sure if it's just me, but I love the family troupe everyone just gets thrown into in Reverse: 1999.
Sotheby and Sonetto? Younger sister and older sister.
Druvis and Vertin? Aunt and niece.
Regulus? The Aunt that isn't actually part of the family biologically but everyone's just accepted her.
It's not just with the main story either, it's very obvious that Tooth Fairy plays the more responsible, parental role throughout the entire story of Green Lake.
She and Z are obviously divorced and sharing split custody over their 5 and/or more children.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
Rejoice, for I have updated the game!
Just this morning I was able to finally redownload and log into the game. I did all my pulls and look who I got! I've already gotten her to i2, but she still needs lots of leveling haha!
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
the storage issue is a bit weird since my game barely changed in terms of storage size - if you have an older android you could just get an SD card to extent storage space but if its apple then maybe check individual apps (usually social media and other apps you frequently use) if they have a "clear cache" option. Deleting and reinstalling apps would do this automatically but maybe thats too much of a hassle
if you already knew about and tried these options then im sorry for coming off as a bit patronizing </3 but i hope it helps a bit
I appreciate it!! At the start of my day I deleted the game and tried reinstalling it, but my Internet connection was very limited because I was out all day. I thought when I got back home I'd be all okay but apparently not.
I've got more than enough space to download the game, but for some reason whenever I try to install it again it tells me I don't have any space and that I've got to delete my very limited selection of apps. I've been looking into getting more storage or just a new phone in general recently anyways; so if push comes to shove right?
It could be because I've got an older-ish android. I've had my current phone for about 3-4 years.
It's extremely frustrating because currently I spend most of my free time playing Reverse: 1999, it brings me a lot of comfort and to be unable to play- especially when one of my favorite characters is out- sucks major, but I'll figure out a way. I know there are some people who post the event story on platforms such as YouTube, it's not quite the same as playing through the event and reading the story upfront and actually experiencing the game and the event but again if push comes to shove.
Today's just been stressful. Anyways, I hope all Tooth Fairy wanters turned into Tooth Fairy havers!!
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
I've just woken up and received devastating news.
I am unable to redownload Reverse: 1999 in preparation for 1.2, A Nightmare At Green Lake. My phone has very limited space and if I wanted to download the game I'd have to delete basically all my apps to do so.
I do have other ways to play the game but it's extremely laggy and not as fun, not to mention it's not on mobile like I play and so I won't be able to play it whenever I want such as on trips which saddens me.
I will still be writing and I'm the fandom for Reverse: 1999 but bare with me as I mourn the loss of such a fun game being so accessible for me
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
humbly requesting a Forget Me Not x reader because I’ve been starving for Forget Me Not content ahhhhhhhhh! Maybe the reader is like a regular quest at the Walden and he’s grown fond of them or something!!
Ahh I loved this idea so much! I definitely had fun writing this!!
Forget Me Not x Gender-Neutral Reader
Such a shame
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A beautiful specimen, they were. Often he would see them and think how much of a waste it would be for them to fall into the hands of the storm
Everyday, Mr. Forget Me Not would be blessed with light. A smile so bright, heaven looked dim. A laugh so enchanting, music was nothing compared to it. He'd never come to terms with the fact he was under this spell, a spell that was cast by some non-arcanist scum. He should think that, but he couldn't bring himself to be with such a mindset. They were wonderful, and it was the best part of his day, seeing them come in.
The familiar chime of a bell was loud in such a quiet place, the door was opened and someone very special was coming in for their usual. Forget Me Not smiles to himself, as he recognized the small 'tap tap tap's of their shoes.
With a deep breath, he braced himself for beauty as he turned around to face his customer. "Good evening Mx. (Y/N), it's a pleasure to see you." He smiled spreading his hands to lean on the countertop in front of him so he could lean forward and perhaps down a bit and get a good look at them.
"Mr. Forget Me Not, it's wonderful to see such a handsome face again." They smiled back, sitting down on one of the bar stools and setting their bag on the floor, entangling their legs with the straps.
Forget Me Not chuckled, a light dust of red leaving a barely visible residue on his pale cheeks. "You're too kind, it is you who is handsome. Beautiful in fact, it's not often I see someone stop by that could rival your looks." He said, leaning forward and leaning on his hand, watching as their face lit a bright red.
They brought their hand up to their face, covering their smile and they laughed lightly. "A charmer as always", their eyes closed and they brought their other hand up to help cover the big smile and rosey cheeks from the man in front of them.
"My dear, why must you always hide such a beautiful smile from me? It breaks my heart to think you're ashamed of it." Forget Me Not says, reaching out his hand and lightly grabbing one of theirs.
He grasped their skin, wishing he wasn't wearing his gloves so he could feel their skin on his own. Slowly, he leaned forward while bringing their hand closer, closing his eyes while kissing their knuckles ever so gently.
The action only made their face blush more, a more nervous laugh let out by them as they looked away.
"You're too much." They said, posture more tense than before. It wasn't a bad thing, their reaction, the two had the same interaction everyday.
'It would truly be a waste for them to be victim of the storm', Forget Me Not thought to himself. His actions were justified, he told himself. Watching in the midst of chaos as they, his dear light, fell under the actions of Manus Vindicate, the oozing mask covering their face and dripping onto their silk clothes and skin.
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
Are you write for non-playable (like charlton and forget me not)? Since i really like charlton somehow :')
Yes!! Charlton is so silly, though I'd probably label the fic as Pickles, Charlton is definitely on the list! As well as Forget Me Not, he's a very good character for angst or hurt/comfort, or maybe just fluff :)
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reverse1999fics · 1 year ago
Woah you guys are fast! I wake up and I've got four more requests! I appreciate everyone who's considered it or did indeed send in a request, I'll get on them right away ❤️
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