25 posts
Header description: a screenshot of Utena and Anthy’s intertwined hands with text reading, “ONE DAY I WILL RETURN TO YOUR SIDE” || Icon description: Anthy and Utena’s hands reaching for one another from the final episode of RGU. End description ||Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with text from Disco Elysium
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
revacholian-girl-utena · 9 months ago
now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.
copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.
it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.
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revacholian-girl-utena · 9 months ago
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I guess you could say we believe it *because it’s impossible*.
Alt text: Frames from the finale of Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text.
1: Prince Dios lounges on the ground, looking disinterested. Text reads: YOU — "They think their success is a given."
2: The same shot from another angle, showing Akio mirroring Dios as he looks on with a fruity drink nearby. Text reads: "Yes."
3: Anthy bites her knuckle, tears in her closed eyes, looking torn. Text reads: "Whereas we understand"
4: Utena lying crumpled on the ground as the million swords bear down on her. Text reads: "that we'll almost certainly fail,"
5: Utena and Anthy's outstretched hands touching. Utena's hand is visibly bloody. Text reads: "which is what allows us the chance to succeed." End alt text.
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revacholian-girl-utena · 1 year ago
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Just extremely difficult.
Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Shadow girl B-ko onstage dressed as a prince with a sword and broomstick horse. Text: "You're like a fish that's only now discovering that her whole life has been dictated by the movements of sea currents."
2: Anthy, Utena, and Akio sitting in an empty theater with no other audience. Text: "That's what ideology is."
3: Akio sits on a couch with his back facing Utena. Utena stands some distance away with a confrontational stance. They are dwarfed by the silhouette of the massive planetarium behind them. Text: "is. It's like there are these invisible forces everywhere,"
4: Utena sitting in Mikage's elevator with the sword of Dios in her lap. Her rose bride dress is on a mannequin beside her. Text: "pushing and tugging you this way and that,"
5: A closeup of the camera that took the family photo of Utena, Anthy, and Akio. Text: "and you don't even know they're *there*."
6: Utena leaning against the tower's bedroom window with her shoulders hunched and a hand on the glass. The view is of a starry sky. Text: YOU — "Is it even possible to imagine a world without ideology?"
7: Anthy standing at the other end of the window and looking at Utena. There is no text.
8: Anthy's hand laid on top of Utena's, both pressed to the window. Text: "Of course it's possible." End alt text
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
never did i need something so badly and not know until i received it
i LOVE this blog
🥺🥺🥺 thank u… I’m glad u enjoy my silly little posts…
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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This is a horrible allegory for… whatever is on the other end.
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Juri stares at her open locket. Text: We keep it buried like a horrible secret.
2: Juri's silhouette stands in a doorway with her back to Shiori, who looks at her pleadingly. Text: We feed it through the cracks in the floorboards,
3: Juri's memory of Shiori, portrayed as a faceless shadow, stands in the fencing practice room holding a rose. Text: out of a sickening sense of nostalgia.
4: A shot of Juri as a middle schooler, with her eyes covered by Shiori's hands. Text: Just enough to keep it alive.
5: A closeup of Shiori's eyes widening in horror. Text: And yet it still comes to us in moments of weakness,
6: A silhouette of a sword emerging painfully from Juri's chest. Text: unbidden,
7: closeup of Juri's framed class photo, showing the empty space where Juri cut Shiori's face out to fit in her locket. Text: a source of shame and panic. End alt text
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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My soul is puny.
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Young Saionji watches in horror as Touga opens the coffin in the church. Text: At the core, you're a very banal person,
2: Closeup of young Saionji clutching his head and screaming. Text: with a very small soul.
3: Closeup of Saionji's empty hands when he drops his sword after hurting Touga. Text: One you should be *ashamed* of.
4: Touga and Saionji's silhouettes as children at kendo practice. Touga is holding Saionji's hand and Saionji is looking up at him. The background is a warm sunset. Text: It's no wonder the soft one doesn't want it back.
5: Touga's silhouette standing by the incinerator. Text: It was right to abandon you... End alt text
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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We’re all just evil apes.
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: A flashback of Kozue as a child, portrayed as a faceless shadow, standing next to a birdcage. Text: YOU — "I lost."
2: A mirror of the previous shot, with Miki instead of Kozue. Text: YOU — "And it was *you* who I lost to."
3: A wide shot of young Miki's silhouette standing in a doorway. An empty chair sits against the wall. Text: "It wasn't a fight."
4: Miki's idealized memory of himself and Kozue sitting at the piano together, sepia toned and framed in white. Text: "I was never fighting you."
5: Anthy and Miki sitting at the piano together, the shot mirroring the memory of Miki and Kozue with Anthy sitting in Kozue's place. Text: YOU — "It's always a fight with these tiny apes."
6: Kozue stands alone outside the music room, looking in. Text: YOU — "Someone always loses."
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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Your voice, it’s different… I…
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Nanami holds Touga's cellphone to her ear. Text: "So nice of you to find the time to call me!"
2: A wide shot of Nanami lying on the ground outside the rose garden, leaning against the greenhouse. Text: "It gets so lonely."
3: A closeup of the kitten Nanami killed playing with Touga. Text: "Even the animals have died." End alt text
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
stuco posts incoming
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
this blog is one of my absolute favorites. there is criminally little to be found in this intersection and you are doing god's work in carrying it
Awww thank you so much!! 😭 it’s such a fruitful intersection honestly… the essays I could write if I was any good at writing essays… but these silly little posts will suffice 😌 I’m glad you enjoy them!! It’s funny to see more ppl than I was expecting be in this intersection with me haha
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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Could I trace the way back somehow?
Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Utena stands amid tall grass, staring at something in the distance. Text: YOU — "Do you know a place called Marvel Hill?"
2: Anthy stands in the grass, looking at Utena offscreen. Text: "No..." "But isn't that an expression, not a place?"
3: A shot of the garden at Miki and Kozue's cottage. The grass is overgrown and the table and chairs are broken. Text: "Up on Marvel Hill — a great, high place."
4: A closeup of Anthy staring intently at Utena's face as she smiles and talks, looking at the garden, not at Anthy. Text: "One that is impossible to climb back to." End alt text.
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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There are no stars. There is no light. There will be no future. (Requested by @thediscoelysiumlesbian )
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: A closeup of Anthy's eyes, hair down and no glasses, staring down Utena in the moment she discovers Akio abusing Anthy. Text: "Oh, yes."
2: A closeup of Utena's eyes, wide with shock, from the same scene. Text: "This is real darkness."
3: A framed photo of Akio and Anthy, half in shadow as the window shades rise to reveal the room. Text: "Real darkness has love for a face."
4: Anthy's silhouette, hair flying wildly, pierced by many blades. Text: "The first death is in the heart." End alt text.
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
i miss you….
😭😭😭 I promise the blog is not abandoned… one day I will return to your sides……
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: A closeup of Utena and Anthy's clasped hands in bed. The sleeves of their pajamas can be seen. Text (in all caps): I need you.
2: Closeup on Utena's hand grabbing Anthy by the wrist during the rooftop scene. The background is a starry sky and the sleeves of the girls' pajamas can be seen. Text (in all caps): You can keep me on this earth.
3: Closeup on Utena's hand grasping the hem of Anthy's rose bride gown. Utena's arm is prone on the floor. Text (in all caps): Stay vigilant.
4: Closeup on Utena and Anthy's hands touching from the finale. Utena's hand is bloody and raw. Text (in all caps): I love you. End alt text
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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This system does not require faith — only accordance.
Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Dios on a white horse, standing up high on a broken bridge. Text: An innocence is infallible.
2: Dios and young Utena looking at young Anthy, suspended in the air on the swords of hate. Text: The decisions made by one are not decisions.
3: Anthy's silhouette against a pink background, pierced by many blades, hair flying. Text: They are inevitabilities —
4: Touga looking out the tower window at the stars. His shirt is open and he holds a potted cactus. Text: what would have happened anyway,
5: An apple with a slice cut out, pierced by many forks. Text: only accelerated.
6: B-ko the shadow girl in Prince costume, taking a heroic stance. Text: An Innocence is a continuous, compressed event, a sacred human being.
7: Akio, dressed as End of the World, holds Utena, dressed as a rose bride. Text: It is an honor and a glory to live when one is in office.
8: Closeup on young Utena and Dios's feet, standing at the edge of a sheer drop. Text: YOU — Is one in office now?
9: A dark, empty stage with a rose design on the lowered curtain. Text: No.
10: Young Utena standing alone under a spotlight. She is staring at the spot where young Anthy disappeared. There are cracks in the wall resembling the shape of the swords coming out of Anthy's body. Text: We are alone.
#revolutionary girl utena#disco elysium#shoujo kakumei utena#dios#akio#utena#anthy#touga#kanae#csa tw#for clarity in case this doesn’t read the way im intending for it to read#the comparison between akio and the innocentic system is the idea of like. why they’re called innocences to begin with#the idea that they are ‘’innocent’’ in that everything they do is 1) inevitable 2) a reflection of the will of the world and everyone in it#akio and the prince archetype both have echoes of that idea#the prince as someone who is infallible and sacred and a necessary part of the world#and akio as someone who uses that rhetoric of infallibility and of only being a reflection of the way the world works#to write off his heinous crimes a la the innocenses and their war crimes#and ‘’we are alone’’ is utena recognizing the death of the prince. she is alone. she has to do this herself#in sacred and terrible air miro says something like ‘’be at peace. i am innocent and so you all are as well’’#in the same breath as he launches a nuke#i feel part of utena’s arc is about rejecting the idea that something is acceptable just bc everyone else around her seems to accept it#bc the truth is more that her peers have resigned themselves to their fates… it’s not truly what they want. they just cant imagine smth else#and so rather than say ‘’i am innocent and so we all are innocent’’#she learns to say ‘’i am guilty of many things but i can change. and so can you. and so can the world’’
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: Saionji and Touga's silhouettes seated at a table in front of a blue sky background. Text: "You need to get your shit together."
2: A closeup of Touga's hand as he revs up his motorcycle. Text: YOU — "But I don't wanna get my shit together!"
3: Utena turns away from Touga, who is clutching her hand. Text: "Then the world will turn away from you,"
4: Closeup on Utena and Touga's hands slipping apart. Text: "and leave you behind." End alt text.
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revacholian-girl-utena · 2 years ago
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It’s *wunderbar.*
Alt text: Screenshots from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: A beam of light coming through the gap in Anthy's coffin. Text: I exist.
2: Anthy, naked, looking up at the light from inside her coffin. Text: YOU — I exist, too.
3: Utena looking at Anthy through the gap in the coffin, smiling and crying. She's sweating and flushed from exertion and her hands are raw. Text: Tell me what it's like for you.
4: Anthy looking up at Utena and crying. Text: YOU — If I tell you, what will happen?
5: Utena and Anthy's hands reaching for each other, almost touching. Text: Then I will tell you what it's like for me. End alt text.
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