reubengarrick · 10 years
Good day for it ⚓️#Eddiethedog #Werri (at Werri Beach)
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reubengarrick · 10 years
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Pissing Into Your Mouth Is ‘Huge’ in Australia
A couple of weeks ago, our friends at Noisey wrote about a guy who was photographed pissing into his own mouth at a Trash Talk show in Melbourne. It might have seemed pretty gross and weird to you at the time, but it turns out it wasn’t an isolated incident. In fact, it’s just one example of a worldwide phenomenon among skaters—a phenomenon that even has its own name: “bubbling.”
At least that’s what this friendly skater called Troy West—a.k.a. Skategypsy—told us recently. According to Skategypsy, “bubbling” originated in his native Australia but was popularized in Europe through his own skating tours.
Here’s the rest of that conversation about gargling piss.
VICE: How did bubbling first start? Just how big is it in Australia?
 Troy West: It’s huge in Australia. It’s part of our everyday life. My dad actually taught me how to do it when I was a kid.
And so you brought it to Europe? 
I was on tour in Austria, and this other skater, Frido, asked me if I would drink my own piss for $136. So I explained that it’s common practice in Oz, and I did it right there and then, and then again later by some lake in Italy. It took Frido a few days to master the art, though—he had a weak flow.
Is there a deeper meaning behind it? 
It’s a pretty big statement. Try it and find the meaning yourself.
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reubengarrick · 10 years
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reubengarrick · 10 years
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reubengarrick · 10 years
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when you with your friends and your song come on
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