retrovents · 2 days
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retrovents · 3 days
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A beaver on a goose
Things I didn't plan to do during my one day 'business' trip to Lublin, but did regardless:
- buying an amethyst, a quartz and a beaver on a goose;
- going to a georgian bakery;
- saying that Lublin smells like cebularz two minutes after recording a voice message about how wonderful the railway station is these days;
- supporting a street musician with an exceptionally beautiful voice by giving him some money (god bless such talented people);
- supporting a charity organisation by buying a crossword from a very nice old man;
- drinking grapefruit espresso;
So far I am chilling.
In general Lublin is like that tricky ex-partner each of us has at some point. It was shitty when I used to live here, now that I don't it's suddenly great xd
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retrovents · 3 days
Things I didn't plan to do during my one day 'business' trip to Lublin, but did regardless:
- buying an amethyst, a quartz and a beaver on a goose;
- going to a georgian bakery;
- saying that Lublin smells like cebularz two minutes after recording a voice message about how wonderful the railway station is these days;
- supporting a street musician with an exceptionally beautiful voice by giving him some money (god bless such talented people);
- supporting a charity organisation by buying a crossword from a very nice old man;
- drinking grapefruit espresso;
So far I am chilling.
In general Lublin is like that tricky ex-partner each of us has at some point. It was shitty when I used to live here, now that I don't it's suddenly great xd
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retrovents · 4 days
I don't think I'm very keen on hating people much, in fact, I believe I'm quite forgiving, however, there is this annoying group of people who are like super nice and polite when they talk to you, but they would also use most polite words to talk shit about others and then would treat you like shit as well for no reason in particular.
I've had this student (I'm using present perfect because, technically, I still have her on my list, but I do wholeheartedly hope that she will just never write back) who on the first trial lesson spent most of the time talking about her 'awful' experiences with other language schools and teachers, which is quite common, but usually limits to a short comment. The most unusual part of her complaint though was probably saying that her previous English teacher was bad specifically because she was still a student at the university and "had no sufficient competence" to teach her. FYI, we are talking about a person who's unable to count to ten or to answer a 'How are you?' question in English.
Ok, I thought to myself, maybe the teacher actually was bad, and she just lacks the knowledge to explain why exactly the teacher was that horrible, maybe that person was actually at the first year of study and with no experience, I don't know, I haven't been there. Then she goes on complaining about a different teacher, profusely apologising about each stinging comment. What was wrong with that teacher? Ah, apparently, the only reason she was bad was that she used a textbook (!) on the lesson. I would get it if the reason for such a strong disappointment would be an inappropriate textbook in terms of its level or the selection of topics, but no - the reason she didn't like the teacher was just the fact that she used didactic materials on the lesson. That's literally it.
I assured her that my courses are tailored individually to specific needs of my students, told her about my education and presented her with a plan for the course. We arranged an hour for the next meeting, she expressed her exaggerated gratitude, gave me her disproportionate best regards and never texted anything else afterwards. "See you next Thursday", she clearly stated, so, naturally, having the date established, I spent my Sunday morning checking her knowledge test, preparing a long-ass, super specific analysis (although I did get that impression that she just missed some tasks out of laziness rather than a lack of knowledge) and making a good introductory lesson on the basis of the obtained idea about her level of English and her whimsical requests.
The date of the lesson has come, I go to our meeting on Skype, wait for a minute, two, three, ten, fifteen... The student's not present. She doesn't respond to my messages whether she would come to the lesson or not, absolutely ignores me. Part of me still hopes that she simply forgot about the meeting or had some unpredictable events that came up and didn't allow her to come, however, I check her balance in the system and turns out she didn't even pay for the meeting, despite the fact that statute clearly obliges students to pay for lessons in advance, which leads me to believe that she consciously decided to miss the lesson without cancelling it.
What freaks me out the most is the fact that she didn't inform me that she's disinterested, making me keep this date for her. My good student wanted to have this date booked for himself, but I had to decline his request as I waited for that two-faced b-word, so we had to have that lesson with him in the late evening yesterday instead, leaving both of us exhausted in the middle of the week.
Why can't an adult woman just fucking be honest? Like I totally get it if it didn't click between us as people, I can understand if you don't like me as a teacher (although, frankly, 30 minutes of you spitting poison at your bad ex-teachers cannot possibly show all the sides of the lessons, but sure, maybe I am a shitty teacher as well), but why would you pretend that you want to meet just to never appear on the following lesson without cancelling? Like it's so immature for crying out loud. I'm pretty convinced that she just kept her previous teachers hanging as well, whether they were good or actually bad.
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retrovents · 4 days
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85 years ago today, the USSR, together with Hitler, attacked the Poland on September 17, 1939...
P.S. There is a lot of effort to erase from people's minds the fact that the Russian communists were actually allies of the Nazis and fought against the democratic Western countries as early as 1939...and as soon as the West saved the Russian communists from defeat in 1941/1941, the so-called "ally" Soviet Union was already thinking how to steal Western technology and start a new war against the West....
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retrovents · 5 days
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🇵🇱 Dziewczyna w stroju łowickim. Dlaczego płacze? Być może nad martwymi sasankami.
(🇬🇧 A girl wearing a folk dress from Łowicz. Why of why is she crying? Perhaps for the dead pasqueflowers.)
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retrovents · 6 days
Imagine if you couldn't buy a new cookbook unless you've tried all the recipes from the ones you already have
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retrovents · 8 days
It's so cute i have to share it at least on my side account
Activist, Civil Rights Icon, and music legend, Mavis Staples adorably singing "Too Sweet" before her friend, activist, and music icon, Joan Baez uses her sweet moves to dance on stage and get a kiss from Hozier. Hozier is so cute about it, as he should be, but also the way he sing/laughes tickles me. I bet he didn't think when he wrote "Nina Cried Power" that he'd be CLEANING UP with all these 60's musician activists.
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retrovents · 9 days
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The weather feels very autumnal so it's high time I rock my dark academia outfit
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retrovents · 10 days
It's crazy how before visiting my family in Ukraine I had been suffering from very realistic and crippling nightmares about spiders since I had moved to an older flat closer to the forest, and after I returned from Ukraine, despite the fact that everything is fine and I'm safe and sound now, I've been suffering from nightmares about being unable to return to Poland. For a week, I've been waking up in cold sweat being persuaded that I'm still at my parents' having troubles recognising my own bedroom. Like my brain basically switched from "I'm horrified of small insect-like creatures in my house" to "I'm petrified that I will wake up back at my family home where I can't ever feel safe or comfortable despite my family being with me". It just forgot about spiders and I met a few of them in my room yesterday and I couldn't give a single heck. Not to make a big deal out of it, because I most certainly don't feel traumatised or something by just hearing a missile attack alert going off a few times, but it's and interesting psychological reaction I'm experiencing.
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retrovents · 12 days
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retrovents · 14 days
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retrovents · 19 days
Traveling to Ukraine in 2024 is basically spending an absolutely normal day as a tourist in the city and then waking up in the morning to the news about the russians attacking the same very spot you've been at a few hours ago. Pretty trippy.
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retrovents · 21 days
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Hugh Percy Heard
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retrovents · 22 days
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retrovents · 22 days
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Mam nadzieję, że wybaczycie mi ten spam, ale muszę się podzielić tą złotą odpowiedzią
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retrovents · 26 days
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