reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
Without a word, Popee got up from his spot and exited the tent for a few minutes. Then came the sound of a large vehicle approaching ZILLA.
Then came the loud honking of a horn that could only come from a semi truck.
“ZILLA can lift this?” Popee called from the driver’s seat once the sound of the horn died out.
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ZILLA popped her head out of the tent at the sound of the vehicle. Her tail slapped against the ground, a dumb, toothy grin forming on her lips. She fully stepped out of the tent and did a few stretches.
      ❝ ooooh hell YES i can. hop on outta there an’ big ol ZILLA will          show Popee what she is capable of! ❞
Did she seriously just flex? Yes. Yes she did. What a loser.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
“Ah, I see. Forgive my ignorance. I was under the impression that they were the type of American special agents in black that watch you while you sleep.”
Strade took a deep breath and started to slowly making his way the building. He couldn’t remember this hotel being so close to home, but then again he never really walked around that part of town.
“Let’s go then, yeah?”
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      ❝ oooh, no. i wouldn’t tolerate that in the slightest. besides, i’m not          worth THAT much protection. i am but a simple toy maker who is          very gifted at her job. ❞
Most of the security was for how naive and oddly trusting she could be. Like right now. Inviting pretty much a stranger up to her room. Though, she had her own security there. The German would see that soon enough.
She lead him up to her suite, and behind the door, the sound of claws  clicking on tile could be heard.
      ❝ you do not have issues with dogs...do you? ❞
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
A good idea to just not tell her. Then again, cooked food is cooked food, and that was a blessing in it's own way.
" Good idea, bun. n' yeah! Easily. I can lift cars, uproot trees, n' chuck boulders. I could show ya. I love showin' off my strength-! The only thing I'm confident with, really- "
For such a chunky lady, she had a surprising amount of strength. Where all the muscle was, it was uncertain. Probably under all the chub somewhere.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
" Mm, they aren't staying in the same room as me or anything. Even then, I have the power to request that they step off. I can handle myself. I just want to enjoy your company for a bit longer! "
It wasn't too late, right? Probably. All this traveling went and knocked her sense of time all sorts of off.
" And I just want to get out of the cold before I catch a cold or something! "
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
“It’s… magic trick.”
Popee actually didn’t have any idea as to how he came back every time. He’d assumed it was because of all the practice he had as a magician coupled with his sheer will to keep going, but he was never 100% sure.
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“I cook! And Kedamono… n’ Papi… Everyone at circus makes food. Mostly me, because I make the best food.”
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      ❝ you does it? well if THAT’S the case, compliments to ya.~ ❞
She wouldn’t bother questioning him further about how he just doesn’t  die. His reason was more than good enough for her. Don’t question the person that feeds you! ...That’s not how the saying goes, but it works for her.
      ❝ more a’ reason for me to leave you in one piece. food tames          the beast. that’s true for me, at least. ❞
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
“Ah… I see. In German, it is pronounced Al-bee-noh, and I wasn’t sure if it was the same in English.”
White hare, huh? Strade was surprised she said it correctly, seeing as many people pronounce the ß as a B when it is meant to sound like an S.
“You are not very rabbit-like, though. You are small and cute, but you could probably do a lot more damage that an rabbit could to a person.”
At that point, he was just procrastinating. Meeting a person that he was actually somewhat intimidated by was rare, and he didn’t want their conversation to end.
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      ❝ you are correct on that. it was just one of my childhood names is          all. that and snowflake. white rabbit sounds a bit more...sophisticated. ❞
Eveona had traveled to so many countries. Learning the languages was ever so important. She could speak fluent English, Russian, and Japanese. She  was improving with German. Quite the bright lass.
Another wave of shivers washed over her body.
      ❝ brrr...hm, say, just to get out of the cold, why don’t we go inside?          i’m not particularly tired or anything. and if i am honest, i am not          so willing to let this conversation end yet.  ❞
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
“I don’t think I’d mind being snatched up, honestly. I doubt I’d have to pay bills anymore if I was.”
After retrieving his phone, Strade stared at Eveona’s name for a bit as he mumbled something under his breath.
“Albi… albee..noh… albinn-ow…”
Bless his poor soul. He can’t quite pronounce such a word by reading it alone.
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Fair enough. Another soft giggle came from her, which only got a bit loud as she heard him trying to pronounce ‘albino.’ With English surely not being his first language, she understood why he was struggling. It wasn’t a common word, after all.
      ❝ albino! al-bin-o. that’s what i am considered! ❞
She said, giving her alabaster skin a small pat.
      ❝ perhaps i should of put it in as weißer Hase. ❞                            ( white rabbit. )
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
“…Waddaya mean why? Nobody wants to die. So Popee doesn’t.”
True words of wisdom.
Popee sat up and stretched some before leaving the bed and dusting himself off. His stomach growled loudly, indicating that coming back from the dead took a lot of energy.
“Mmm… any chicken left?”
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      ❝ well, fuckin’ duh. i mean how do ya come back like that? dunno if          you’re aware, but normally when someone dies, they STAY dead.          i would know. ❞
The reptilian curled up at the foot of the bed, curling her tail around herself. Being awake during the day was sure awful for her. After all this excitement, she didn’t feel up to much.
      ❝ mhm. who cooks that, by the way? i outta’ compliment them.          i don’t get cooked food much at all, n’ damn, is that stuff good. ❞
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
" Of course! "
Eveona hummed to herself as she input her information in his phone. The name she typed in? 'Little Albino'. He would definitely know that was her. After all, how often was it to meet someone with albinism?
She handed the phone back and hugged herself, shivering a bit.
" Oh, it's not terrifying! The dark is easier to walk in with skin as pale as mine-- "
A brief pause.
" And anyone who would try would be snatched up themselves eventually. That's the perk of being considered 'important'.~ "
Yet another reason to solidify the fact that abducting her would prove to be more of a bad thing than good.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
And wait, she did. For someone that behaved like a child in most ways, she seemed oddly patient. Bright yellow eyes remained focused on the blond. Unfortunately, she was perhaps too focused. When he let out that screech, she flung herself backwards. Too focused. ZILLA placed a hand on her chest and huffed.
" Good GOD- give a woman a heart attack here-! "
C'mon, he just died and came back. Give him some credit here, ZILLA! She leaned up to give his midsection a few pokes.
" Interestin', though...wonder why ya do that. Either way, guess I'll try not to hug onto ya like that. Heh-- "
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
Nope, it wasn't just him. Then again, Eveona was rather easy to make laugh. A giggle escaped the albino. Fair enough, though. To him, she probably didn't feel like she weighted much.
Soon, the lights of the hotel could be seen. Her tired body was relieved, but Eveona was a bit disappointed. She didn't get to have interesting conversation too often.
" Hey-! Do you have a cell or something? I plan on sticking around here for a bit, and seeing as you're fun to talk to, perhaps we can meet up again? "
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
Ah. He wanted her to kill him again. Seeing as he seemed to come back fine, why not? It would end his suffering and fix him. The reptilian nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
" Aight, I'll do it quickly. "
She slouched over, grabbing his face. The coldness of her scaly skin would be the last thing he felt as she swiftly snapped his neck. Quick and painless! Now, she would sit and watch him come back. She wanted to know just how he did it!
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
" Seeee? There isn't much at all! You big, tall German you. "
She folded her arms across her chest, nibbling at the inside of her cheek. Aside from what he listed, the rest was just product of experience. Swift, agile...oh well.
" Aha, don't mention the carrying thing. I may try to con you into doing just that! "
She joked, grinning up at him.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
" R--Really, I didn't mean to-! Gentle really isn't my thing. I mean, I'm 6'1" and...really fuckin' heavy. With muscle underneath this chub- I'm built to hurt things- it's my meant purpose. "
She really did seem to feel awful. A few odd whining noises came from her as she inched back onto the bed. Instead of touching him with her hands, the best comfort she could offer was pets with her tail.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
ZILLA had to stifle a laugh as the blade shot out of his throat. Holding that in might of caused her to squeeze him a bit toooo hard. She quickly positioned him over the bed and dropped him on it.
" Ah--! S-Sorry! Can't feel my arms from the scalie bits down. So I guess I don't know how much pressure I apply-- "
She opened and closed her hands, looking at them.
" Definitely my bad. I wasn't even tryin' to hurt ya that time- "
That certainly went to show that she had no real concept of just HOW strong she was physically.
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
Oh geez-! Alright, ZILLA, think! What's that thing called? CPR? Something like that. She may not of known much about stuff like this, but she would try, at least! She hopped up and cracked her knuckles.
" Aight, put your arms up n' lemme try to help! "
Cue those big arms of hers wrapping around him and giving him a squeeze. She even lifted him up a bit by accident-
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reptilesmuses-blog · 7 years
" You are indeed right, but it seems to be the case most of the time. What a shame. Eventually someone will make a grave mistake due to that. "
She let out a soft laugh, rubbing the back of her neck.
" I wish I could say I grew to be bigger. I was always small as can be! I'm not supposed to grow beyond this, either. I wish I was at least 5'4"-! Then I could at least reach most stuff... "
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