reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
How I Work Out My Issues 🌳 (W/ Camden & Adri)
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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Today’s Bisexual Character of the Day is: you
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
When the whole party is down but your bard is up
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Context: Darcy is hacking some things and... accidentally finds a Natasha
A little digging and, suddenly, Darcy realized she did NOT want to be digging around bolshoi_ballerina28, who was tech savvy enough to notice.
And message her.
bolshoi_ballerina28: hey nosy
bolshoi_ballerina28: just what do you think you’re doing?
BYOLightning: Hi
BYOLightning: I’m a big russian ballet fan.
bolshoi_ballerina28: sure
bolshoi_ballerina28: what do you want?
Shit, shit, shit, Darcy thought. Deflect, deflect!
BYOLightning: Wanna cyber?
bolshoi_ballerina28: sure i’ll start 
bolshoi_ballerina28: *takes out gun* 
bolshoi_ballerina28: *points it at you* “What do you want?”
BYOLightning: *is suddenly holding a bottle of beer and wearing a blue suit* “Boy, that escalated quickly.”
bolshoi_ballerina28: i don’t think you realize how this works
BYOLightning: I’m not sure YOU realize how this works. What kind of sex are you having? I have some concerns for your wellbeing and safety.
bolshoi_ballerina28: if you don’t tell me what your doing i’ll be forced to make you tell me
BYOLightning: *you’re
bolshoi_ballerina28: fuck you
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
I don’t know about y’all, but when I saw the title, I immediately though “Hannibal,” and nothing in the song really changed my mind. 
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Untitled Snippet 113
Darcy had a thought. A very… odd and stupid thought. Where was Natasha? Darcy hadn’t seen her. But, then again, once she and Captain Rogers locked eyes, Tony Stark himself could be singing karaoke on the bar and she wouldn’t have noticed.
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Let’s dance
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Tbh I’m a slut for good animation
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Wanna play a game?
Step One: Listen to this song. 
Step Two: Leave any pairing the song inspires in my inbox. (And anything else you want. Soulmarks AU? Meet Cute? Angst? Cookies? I’m flexible.) 
Step Three: Profit. (By which I mean I’ll write something.) 
Optional Step Four: Leave me a new song I can use next time I do this. 
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Not... Not really.
I mean, it's a nice thought with some truth to it, perhaps, but the major reason no one really liked Thor from the first movie was that his character arc was poorly written. Regardless of what genre he became or was intended to be, his character arc failed to establish several key moments which left his development incomplete, unfocused and vague.
Changing the genre of Thor's story only highlights different problems with it.
Sure, the Thor parts of Thor could be called a chick flick. It just can't be called a good chick flick. In a better chick flick (and a better movie in general) the climactic scene would have involved Audience Avatar Jane Foster more. I'm pretty sure that, in the actual movie, you could just replace her with a sexy lamp and nothing would change.
I think the genre dissonance and its effects you're describing has merit, but I think it the writer(s) more than anyone felt it's effects, which caused them to turn out a subpar character arc for Thor that pretty much no one liked. I mean why else would Thor be subjected to such confused writing when Loki's character arc was written almost textbook perfect? I think the Thor writers didn't know how to tell the story they were telling (which is essentially Disney's Hercules*) and still make Thor a Manly Man.
(I have SO many thoughts on the character development in this movie, not in the least because the juxtoposition between Loki's well written character arc and Thor's badly written one is so weird since they were both written by the same people. But I will not put those here because this post is long enough already.)
*Disney's Hercules does this so much better, and it existed at the time so how did y'all mess this up?
thor (2011) is an interesting movie to me because i think, despite a few flaws, the reason it never really took off the way iron man or cap:tfa did was because the audience it reached didn’t match the intended audience. the intended audience was so confused by what they saw because it didn’t reflect their ideal in terms of what they thought a thor movie would be, while the audience it ended up attracting claimed the empty spaces and turned their “sub-fandom” into something that practically rejected the fandoms of mcu!iron man and cap at that time
what i’m trying to say here, in essence, is this:
thor (2011) is a chick flick
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
Also how can Arthur Conan Doyle write a character like Irene Adler 1891 and have her 1. Outsmart Sherlock Holmes and get away with it and 2. Be in no way a damsel or love interest to Sherlock.. But every modern retelling not only has her be a sexual /love interest character but she is posed as being very very smart… But never smart enough to just outwit him, get away with it and move on? Women can be smart, sure, but no one is allowed to be smarter than Sherlock.
It’s been over 120 years and Irene is, at her best, never as decently treated as the original.
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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*Glitter Collection* *Edits made by me :)*
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
*hears thunder* thor if thats u bitch i love u
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reprehensiblewombat · 6 years
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It’s been a REALLY long time since I did any digital painting... (or any art at all) so, now that I have my computer back I painted a jellyfish. Cause why not. It’s not the coolest thing I’ve ever done. Pretty quick and dirty actually. But whateves. 
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