remmy-lupin · 8 years
They were supposed to all be friends. The four of them, friends. James was expected to end up with Lily, no matter how much they’d told him he had no chance. Peter was shy but Remus didn’t think he would have any difficulty finding a nice girl to marry. Or guy. Who knew what Peter wanted? And Sirius, well, Remus had assumed that the boy would probably be wedded off to some pureblood woman who was some cousin of some Black or something- (the big families always interwed, honestly) but things turned out so very different and now they had an apartment, and James was getting married to Lily, and Peter...well, they didn’t see much of Peter these days but they reckoned he was okay. And Remus and Sirius in an apartment of their own, sitting there with cocoa and kissing. Remus kissed him soft and slow, his fingers reaching around Sirius’s neck. It was a small kiss and he pulled back gently, staring at Sirius with such love and faith in his eyes. He smiled a little, his eyes fixed on him. 
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caffeinated fear;
Honestly speaking, Remus didn’t really have much clue as to how they’d ended up here like this. Sure, Remus had  taken one look at Sirius in third year and known that he would have to deal with that little fluttering butterfly in his stomach whenever he looked at the long haired boy laugh, or roll around drunk. Sure, Peter had told him that both of them would look adorable together. Sure, James had laughed and told Peter that Sirius had a crush on Marlene McKinnon so Remus and Sirius would never happen. Sure, Remus’s thirteen year old heart had sank a little. But it was all supposed to be their stupidity. Or that’s what they said it was when they woke up together the first time, naked and surprised. They said it was their stupidity, maybe the extra bottles of alcohol. But that didn’t explain the warm pool of emotions Remus had felt in the base of his stomach when he’d seen scratches on his back that he hadn’t done to himself. Scratches not of violence but of love, maybe. And then they grew up, scratched some more, kissed a lot, fought too, and ended up here like this. Remus looked at up Sirius and shook his head, “I’m not touching that.” he smirked. Certainly not with his fingers, he thought while leaning up and pressing his lips onto Sirius’s lips, softly. 
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If someone had told him years ago he’d be sharing a flat with his boyfriend Remus Lupin he would have laughed in their face. It wasn’t the fact that it was a guy – Sirius had come to terms with his attraction to both men and women when he was around 15 – but Remus and him? Sirius had never thought about his friend in that way until one day he suddenly did, suddenly noticed how much he enjoyed the little things about him and how badly he wanted to take care of him. He wouldn’t have predicted a fateful drunken night that set them down on a path that would ultimately lead to this, sitting side-by-side with their faces inches apart, teasing each other into a kiss. But it was something that made Sirius consider himself to be the luckiest man in the world and he wasn’t going to fuck it up for anything.  “C’mon, Lupin, you know you want –” he trailed off, his words dying in his throat as Remus touched his lips to his. Like always Sirius sunk into it, his fingers grasping at the strands of Remus’s hair as he pulled the boy closer and returned the kiss. 
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Remus looked at him incredulously, because incredulous it was to expect him to thank Sirius for cookies. He smirked, everyone knew that he would kill for chocolate. He was a giving, kind person most of the time but not when it came to his chocolates. Still, the fact that he offered some to Sirius was thanks enough. He didn’t want to finish it all and then have to tell Mrs.Potter that he ate it all himself. At least this way he could put half of the blame on Sirius too. Remus rolled his eyes, laughing when Sirius explained his wisdom.  “Oh, please do.” he said, dramatically. “I crave the holy wisdom you impart, Mr.Black.” he smirked. 
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“Oh please, you probably want to say bronze and got it confused with gold. After all, they’re both yellow.” Remus shrugged, a devious smirk pulling at his lips. He was never behind in making fun of Sirius, it was a skill he had down to perfection almost. He took out another cookie from the box and started eating it. “I’m going to end up binge eating….” he sighed softly, and shifted the box in between them where Sirius could take the cookies from it too. “so even though I don’t want to, there you go. You can take a few, I reckon.” he shrugged and then scrunched up his face when Sirius ruffled his hair. “Padfoot, stop!” he said, laughing a little and shaking his head. “We’re the same age, you fool.” 
“Why do you have to be so bloody rude? I got you those cookies, didn’t I? A ‘thanks’ would have been just fine, but no…” It was obvious just from Sirius’s tone that he was teasing, considering that’s all he and his mates did with each other. Sirius knew he was no saint – he prided himself on that fact. “A few? Oh, Moony…” Sirius snatched a couple cookies before Remus could say anything, a grin on his face as he popped one into his mouth. “How thoughtful.” Remus’s reaction to his ruffling his hair was endearing and made Sirius snort around the crumbs, giving Remus a knowing look as he lounged out on the blanket. “Maybe, but I am years ahead of you in wisdom and experience.” He brought the bottle to his lips and took another swig, his eyes turning up to the sky. “But I’m always more than happy to impart some wisdom.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
“Oh please, you probably want to say bronze and got it confused with gold. After all, they’re both yellow.” Remus shrugged, a devious smirk pulling at his lips. He was never behind in making fun of Sirius, it was a skill he had down to perfection almost. He took out another cookie from the box and started eating it. “I’m going to end up binge eating....” he sighed softly, and shifted the box in between them where Sirius could take the cookies from it too. “so even though I don’t want to, there you go. You can take a few, I reckon.” he shrugged and then scrunched up his face when Sirius ruffled his hair. “Padfoot, stop!” he said, laughing a little and shaking his head. “We’re the same age, you fool.” 
Remus hadn’t really wanted to come spend the holidays at James’s house for an entire month. He honestly hadn’t wanted to be a burden at someone else’s house but Prongs had just patted him on the back and told him to stop being a drama queen, and the conversation had ended right there. It was one thing for all of them to say, but it wasn’t easy to stop worrying of what the world might think of you.Remus sighed softly, wondering how he should get out of here before fifteen days, before the full moon. Pushing these thoughts of his mind, he looked at Sirius. Sharing chocolates wasn’t something Remus liked doing and he just turned and made a face at Sirius who started off with his entire being dramatic routine. Remus just stretched a little and looked up at the sky, while munching on the sinful cookies. “Please. The goodness of your heart.” he repeated and then proceeded to snort, clearly making fun of his friend. He laughed softly, and took another gulp of the drink. “Why doesn’t that sound as innocent as it’s supposed to be?” 
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Sirius was hoping that this summer was a good one, after the shit storm that was last year. Getting disowned and everything really put a damper on things, and for a guy who wasn’t about “dampers” Sirius was really looking forward to actually enjoying this one and not having to think about everything that he left behind. Then again, he thought about that every single day, so…maybe it was more reasonable to say that he’d rather not think about all too much. “Excuse me? I have a bloody heart of gold, Lupin.” Sirius scoffed and took another swig of his whiskey. “They’re canonizing me this winter.” At Remus’s last comment the corners of his mouth quirked up. “That’s because it wasn’t innocent at all,” answered Sirius with a cheeky grin, spurring him to lean over and ruffle up Remus’s hair. “You’ll understand when you’re older.” 
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Honestly speaking, Remus didn’t really have much clue as to how they’d ended up here like this. Sure, Remus had  taken one look at Sirius in third year and known that he would have to deal with that little fluttering butterfly in his stomach whenever he looked at the long haired boy laugh, or roll around drunk. Sure, Peter had told him that both of them would look adorable together. Sure, James had laughed and told Peter that Sirius had a crush on Marlene McKinnon so Remus and Sirius would never happen. Sure, Remus’s thirteen year old heart had sank a little. But it was all supposed to be their stupidity. Or that’s what they said it was when they woke up together the first time, naked and surprised. They said it was their stupidity, maybe the extra bottles of alcohol. But that didn’t explain the warm pool of emotions Remus had felt in the base of his stomach when he’d seen scratches on his back that he hadn’t done to himself. Scratches not of violence but of love, maybe. And then they grew up, scratched some more, kissed a lot, fought too, and ended up here like this. Remus looked at up Sirius and shook his head, “I’m not touching that.” he smirked. Certainly not with his fingers, he thought while leaning up and pressing his lips onto Sirius’s lips, softly. 
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caffeinated fear;
Remus needed this: a part of his day where he could just laugh and not worry about what was coming and what terrible consequences it might bring. They spent their days planning and making strategies, trying to make sure that they would emerge victorious but he understood Sirius’s need to lighten the last hours of the day, so they could slip into peaceful sleep in each other’s arms. He sighed softly, shaking his head as he narrowed his eyes teasingly at Remus. “Hmm, what could it be that I’m missing.” he said in fake wonder and he slowly touched Sirius’s nose. “Maybe this.” and then he touched his ears. “Or maybe these two. Hm.” he said, before setting his gaze on his boyfriend’s lips. “Or maybe something else.” he said softly. 
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Sirius continued to play with the strands of Remus’s hair as he watched him, the hint of a smirk appearing on his own lips as his boyfriend continued to tease. Boyfriend. He’d seriously never get used to that title, or over it for that matter. How he’d manage to bag him was beyond Sirius – sure, he knew he was a good catch but he was hard to manage. Then again so was Remus, and yet they were pretty good at managing one another. “All of that’s nice, yes,” he answered, scrunching up his nose slightly as Remus touched it before his eyes finally fell to his lips. “Something else?” Sirius slightly leaned in, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “I won’t know what you mean unless you touch it.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Remus needed this: a part of his day where he could just laugh and not worry about what was coming and what terrible consequences it might bring. They spent their days planning and making strategies, trying to make sure that they would emerge victorious but he understood Sirius’s need to lighten the last hours of the day, so they could slip into peaceful sleep in each other’s arms. He sighed softly, shaking his head as he narrowed his eyes teasingly at Remus. “Hmm, what could it be that I’m missing.” he said in fake wonder and he slowly touched Sirius’s nose. “Maybe this.” and then he touched his ears. “Or maybe these two. Hm.” he said, before setting his gaze on his boyfriend’s lips. “Or maybe something else.” he said softly. 
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caffeinated fear;
The war was always in the back of his mind. Dumbledore wanted Remus with the werewolves, he wanted him trying to be one of them and gain their trust and find out if the werewolf community had been won over to the Dark Side. If Fenrir Greyback was a threat. It made Remus feel indequate as a wizard, but he wasn’t about to confess this to anyone. Everyone had too much to worry about without his stupid insecurity issues. Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius, “You’re impossible, Padfoot.” he concluded but nevertheless, turned to face him properly and then touched his face. “I forgot to mention your face. Of course.” he teased, pretending to be ignorant. 
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Thinking of serious things was, ironically, not a strong suit of Sirius Black’s. But when it came to the war he had no other choice but to address the problem head on. There really wasn’t another choice when it was a life or death matter. Sirius knew that Remus was holding back from vocalizing the majority of his fears and Sirius was there to listen, when he wanted to talk. It was just a part of who he was that he felt the need to try and lighten the tension, just so Remus wouldn’t have to focus on the shittiness of the present day. He already had so much to worry about. “Lucky you,” grinned Sirius, his voice half-serious/half-teasing as his eyes briefly fellow down to his lips. “Though you’re getting warmer.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
The war was always in the back of his mind. Dumbledore wanted Remus with the werewolves, he wanted him trying to be one of them and gain their trust and find out if the werewolf community had been won over to the Dark Side. If Fenrir Greyback was a threat. It made Remus feel indequate as a wizard, but he wasn’t about to confess this to anyone. Everyone had too much to worry about without his stupid insecurity issues. Remus rolled his eyes at Sirius, “You’re impossible, Padfoot.” he concluded but nevertheless, turned to face him properly and then touched his face. “I forgot to mention your face. Of course.” he teased, pretending to be ignorant. 
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caffeinated fear;
At some level, Remus knew most of the stuff that was going on through his friend’s mind. They’d known each for more than a decade now, and Remus knew everything that there was to know. He knew how Sirius’s brain worked, how brilliantly stupid he could be, and how ridiculously egoistic. And he loved all of it. Sirius Black may be a difficult person to read but Remus Lupin was a hell of a great reader. The boy smiled when the saw the smirk on his boyfriend’s face, and raised an eyebrow. “No, absolutely not. I have rights on..,” he said, tapping Sirius’s arms and chest and legs, as he said each word, “…all of this.” 
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At least he had managed to successfully steer the conversation away from the war. Although Sirius knew that it would come up again, probably shortly with what was happening on the other side of their own four walls, all Sirius wanted was for Remus not to worry. Remus had enough to worry about – if Sirius could lighten the load just a little bit he would consider it a success. “That’s it?” Sirius quirked a brow, mimicking Remus’s own as he tapped the different parts of his body. “’Cause I can think of a few more places that you failed to mention.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Remus hadn’t really wanted to come spend the holidays at James’s house for an entire month. He honestly hadn’t wanted to be a burden at someone else’s house but Prongs had just patted him on the back and told him to stop being a drama queen, and the conversation had ended right there. It was one thing for all of them to say, but it wasn’t easy to stop worrying of what the world might think of you.Remus sighed softly, wondering how he should get out of here before fifteen days, before the full moon. Pushing these thoughts of his mind, he looked at Sirius. Sharing chocolates wasn’t something Remus liked doing and he just turned and made a face at Sirius who started off with his entire being dramatic routine. Remus just stretched a little and looked up at the sky, while munching on the sinful cookies. “Please. The goodness of your heart.” he repeated and then proceeded to snort, clearly making fun of his friend. He laughed softly, and took another gulp of the drink. “Why doesn’t that sound as innocent as it’s supposed to be?” 
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Once Remus had laid down the blankets and taken out the bottles, he sat down on the blanket and looked up at the clear night sky. There were so many stars and no moon. He smiled to himself, and unscrewed the cork on one of the bottles, taking a long gulp and looking towards his friend, or mainly, the box of cookies in his hand. “Aha!” he said, snatching the entire box away. “A biscuit for a bottle? Have you taken me for a loony bin?” he laughed, handing Sirius one bottle of Firewhiskey. “The whole box for one bottle, that’s a fair deal.” he smirked and hurriedly took out a cookie from the box, and started to munch on it. Mrs.Potter made the best chocolate cookies. 
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Sirius could see why Remus wanted to spend the night out, with the moon nowhere in sight and the stars lighting up the sky in only the way the countryside could. Sitting around just staring at the sky wasn’t normally his cup of whiskey – he preferred to be active, to be doing something to not allow the thoughts to creep in – but he’d be hard-pressed if he could actively complain about getting to spend the moment with his friend. “This is what I get for being nice?” Sirius’s voice was incredulous as the box was ripped out of his my hand. “That’s the last time I use the goodness of my heart.” Sirius popped open the bottle with a scoff and brought it to his lips, though the edges of his mouth were upturned into a smile as he took a sip. “I’ve never had someone take my cookies before,” he mused for a moment, his eyes moving to Remus as he watched his mouth (purely for the way he was chewing) then looked back up to the sky. “Usually people are begging me to take theirs.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
At some level, Remus knew most of the stuff that was going on through his friend’s mind. They’d known each for more than a decade now, and Remus knew everything that there was to know. He knew how Sirius’s brain worked, how brilliantly stupid he could be, and how ridiculously egoistic. And he loved all of it. Sirius Black may be a difficult person to read but Remus Lupin was a hell of a great reader. The boy smiled when the saw the smirk on his boyfriend’s face, and raised an eyebrow. “No, absolutely not. I have rights on..,” he said, tapping Sirius’s arms and chest and legs, as he said each word, “...all of this.” 
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The arm around Remus was solid, real, and too comforting. Some part of him just wanted to be on this couch, forever, with Sirius but that couldn’t happen. They had to fight, for the sake of their own existence. Remus smiled slowly, he knew Sirius was just as terrified as he was; they all were. He pressed himself closer to his boyfriend and took another sip. He let Sirius kiss his head and then turned to face him, face inches away from his. “I know that.” he promised him. “And I’m not letting anyone touch a single hair of yours.” he smirked, “That hair’s all mine.” 
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This domestic stuff was something Sirius was still trying to get used to, but he could definitely get used to it if Remus was in the picture. Finding something like this had never been in the cards for a man who wished for nothing but freedom; ironically, he had never felt more free than when he was tied down to someone. Talk of the war was inevitable, along with Sirius fighting – he had to. On a certain level he felt responsible, what with his ties to his family and the mayhem that incited. He needed to fight for what he believed in, and what better way was there? Sirius’s hand gently rubbed Remus’s arm as the scruffy man beside him turned to look at him, their faces now close. At his words Sirius’s lips twisted into a smirk, his hand making its way into his boyfriend’s own hair as he toyed with a strand. “Not the only part of my body that belongs to you, eh Lupin?” 
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Once Remus had laid down the blankets and taken out the bottles, he sat down on the blanket and looked up at the clear night sky. There were so many stars and no moon. He smiled to himself, and unscrewed the cork on one of the bottles, taking a long gulp and looking towards his friend, or mainly, the box of cookies in his hand. “Aha!” he said, snatching the entire box away. “A biscuit for a bottle? Have you taken me for a loony bin?” he laughed, handing Sirius one bottle of Firewhiskey. “The whole box for one bottle, that’s a fair deal.” he smirked and hurriedly took out a cookie from the box, and started to munch on it. Mrs.Potter made the best chocolate cookies. 
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Remus had not expected to find Sirius up and with what looked like a cookie in his mouth. He grinned and shook his head, “I have four bottles in here.” he shook the bag gently to emphasize and then frowned. “That’s probably all. Prongs is going to have a hard time explaining the tale of the missing bottles.” he said, and then paused, looking at Sirius’s mouth closely. “Are there more cookies?” he asked, always ready for chocolate and sweets and such. He shook his head, “Either way, I’m going out. And now that you’re up, Padfoot, I reckon you’re better off coming with me. I have blankets and booze.” he shrugged, and without waiting for so much of an answer, the lanky boy made his way through the back door and outside into the garden. He breathed out into the cool air. The night was just as he liked it. It was a new moon, which meant only stars in the night sky. He always liked being out on new moon nights, when the wretched moon was nowhere in sight. Remus lay out the blankets and the bottles, before turning to see if Sirius had followed him out. 
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Sirius didn’t know what Remus was up to but he was curiosity was piqued. If he had a bag of alcohol it was sure to be something mischievous, and mischief was practically his middle name. “Four bottles? Planning a rager for one, Moony? I better be bloody invited. Either way I’ll be crashing.” He grinned a little as Remus looked to his mouth and gave the boy a shrug, finishing off the cookie and nodding. “Plenty. You bring the booze and blankets, I’ll bring the cookies.” Sirius waited until Remus left before he made his way back to the kitchen, grabbing the chocolate cookies before making his way outside. It was a great night, he could recognize that, and although he didn’t know what Remus was planning he was up for it. He was too wired to sleep anyway. “So,” he began as he plopped down next to Remus, holding out the cookies toward his friend. “A biscuit for a bottle?”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
The arm around Remus was solid, real, and too comforting. Some part of him just wanted to be on this couch, forever, with Sirius but that couldn’t happen. They had to fight, for the sake of their own existence. Remus smiled slowly, he knew Sirius was just as terrified as he was; they all were. He pressed himself closer to his boyfriend and took another sip. He let Sirius kiss his head and then turned to face him, face inches away from his. “I know that.” he promised him. “And I’m not letting anyone touch a single hair of yours.” he smirked, “That hair’s all mine.” 
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caffeinated fear;
They were all active members of the Order. Fear wasn’t supposed to be a part of their emotions at all. It was up to them to fight and to believe that good would overcome the bad, no matter what. But that didn’t mean that they were all invincible. And in the safety of a home, in the arms of a lover, you could whisper out the tiniest doubts that lingered. Remus’s hand slowly rested on Sirius’s thigh. “We’ll be fine though, right?” he said, his eyes meeting Sirius. These were the last few moments, someone had said today. The last few moments of safety, of silence and of comfort. And that was terrifying. 
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Sirius was ready for this war. He knew that it was inevitable, and deep down it terrified him that anything could happen, that when it was over he may not still be there. Remus may not still be there. That thought made him sick to his stomach, and it was almost like Remus could read minds when he asked if they’d be fine. Instead of expressing his fears, however, Sirius put on a confident grin and let his arm wrap casually around Remus’s shoulders. “Us? Yeah, we’ll be fine.” Sirius pulled Remus closer into his side, his lips finding the mess of his hair on the top of his head. “And nothing’s ever going to happen to you so long as I’m around.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
They were all active members of the Order. Fear wasn’t supposed to be a part of their emotions at all. It was up to them to fight and to believe that good would overcome the bad, no matter what. But that didn’t mean that they were all invincible. And in the safety of a home, in the arms of a lover, you could whisper out the tiniest doubts that lingered. Remus’s hand slowly rested on Sirius’s thigh. “We’ll be fine though, right?” he said, his eyes meeting Sirius. These were the last few moments, someone had said today. The last few moments of safety, of silence and of comfort. And that was terrifying. 
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caffeinated fear;
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Remus sat curled up on the couch with his boyfriend in their recently bought apartment. It was night and it was silent as the boy drank slow sips from his cup of coffee. “The War’s really going to happen, huh?” he whispered slowly, a silver of fear lining his words. 
Sirius sat next to Remus on their couch, his own cup of coffee (with something stronger mixed in) in his hand as his free arm draped around the back of the couch behind Remus’s figure. What Remus was talking about wasn’t something he wanted to think about too critically but he nodded, looking over at the boy as he tried, and failed, to muster up a smile. “Can’t really see how it wouldn’t.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
Remus had not expected to find Sirius up and with what looked like a cookie in his mouth. He grinned and shook his head, “I have four bottles in here.” he shook the bag gently to emphasize and then frowned. “That’s probably all. Prongs is going to have a hard time explaining the tale of the missing bottles.” he said, and then paused, looking at Sirius’s mouth closely. “Are there more cookies?” he asked, always ready for chocolate and sweets and such. He shook his head, “Either way, I’m going out. And now that you’re up, Padfoot, I reckon you’re better off coming with me. I have blankets and booze.” he shrugged, and without waiting for so much of an answer, the lanky boy made his way through the back door and outside into the garden. He breathed out into the cool air. The night was just as he liked it. It was a new moon, which meant only stars in the night sky. He always liked being out on new moon nights, when the wretched moon was nowhere in sight. Remus lay out the blankets and the bottles, before turning to see if Sirius had followed him out. 
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It was the summer holidays, and the four Marauders were spending it at the Potter house, accompanied by Mrs.Potter’s delicious food, and the hidden Firewhisky stash of Mr.Potter that James had very recently discovered. Presently, it was twenty minutes past midnight and James and Peter had fallen asleep. Remus had been tossing and turning in his bed but to no avail whatsoever. The boy gathered the remaining bottles of Firewhiskey that they hadn’t opened yet and put them in a bag, shoved in his blanket, and put a jacket on his black t-shirt. He swung the bag over his shoulder and started to tiptoe out of the room, before he was met with a figure suddenly standing in front of him. Remus jumped back, covering his mouth. “Ah! Oh, Padfoot…Oh. You scared me, Merlin. I thought you were asleep….” he looked at Sirius and gulped, before realizing the bag on his shoulder and then grinned. “I swear I’m not leaving the country.” he grinned.
The Potter house had become his house after the oh-so-dramatic affair of telling his family to fuck off, being disowned, practically becoming a Potter with the way James’s parents took him in. It was exactly why he didn’t have fear that Mrs. Potter would hex him if she caught him going through her pantry, being hungry and wide awake. Sirius wasn’t much of a sleeper these days – exactly why he was up late while his friends were passed out, searching for some food. There was a lot to think about these days that he had difficulty disclosing, difficulty admitting to, and unfortunately it wasn’t particularly helpful when he wished to get a full night’s sleep. Popping a cookie into his mouth Sirius was making his way back to where his friends were sleeping only to bump into Remus with a bag slung over his shoulder. “I could say the same about you,” he said around the cookie in his mouth, eyes going to the bag only to find the head of a bottle sticking out. “No, but you are pinching the booze. Please tell me that’s not all of it – I was looking to pinch a few myself.”
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
caffeinated fear;
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Remus sat curled up on the couch with his boyfriend in their recently bought apartment. It was night and it was silent as the boy drank slow sips from his cup of coffee. “The War’s really going to happen, huh?” he whispered slowly, a silver of fear lining his words. 
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remmy-lupin · 8 years
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It was the summer holidays, and the four Marauders were spending it at the Potter house, accompanied by Mrs.Potter’s delicious food, and the hidden Firewhisky stash of Mr.Potter that James had very recently discovered. Presently, it was twenty minutes past midnight and James and Peter had fallen asleep. Remus had been tossing and turning in his bed but to no avail whatsoever. The boy gathered the remaining bottles of Firewhiskey that they hadn’t opened yet and put them in a bag, shoved in his blanket, and put a jacket on his black t-shirt. He swung the bag over his shoulder and started to tiptoe out of the room, before he was met with a figure suddenly standing in front of him. Remus jumped back, covering his mouth. “Ah! Oh, Padfoot...Oh. You scared me, Merlin. I thought you were asleep....” he looked at Sirius and gulped, before realizing the bag on his shoulder and then grinned. “I swear I’m not leaving the country.” he grinned.
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