remcsluplns · 7 years
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LIT MEME : [2/10] series or books ↳ Harry Potter (J.K Rowling)
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remcsluplns · 7 years
mister moony’s famous cuppa
in which y/n and snape don’t get along. at all.
warnings: idk snape?
“Could you do a remus lupin x reader where reader is having a hard time with Snape so has a cuppa with their favourite uncle moony at school in his rooms even cracking into his secret chocolate stash”
Professor Snape held no love for (y/n) (y/l/n). She was no star student, and she didn’t seem to have much interest in the subject. Most of her classes were spent giggling away with whoever happened to sit next to her.
Usually, he could tolerate her behavior by taking points away from her house, and the occasional humiliation at his hands.
Today was not a usual day, however. (Y/n) found herself seated in the far back of the class, where she could scarcely hear her professor. If she asked a question, points were deducted from her house. If she didn’t complete her work, points were deducted from her house. Snape was being especially cruel today, and by the end of class, no one from her house would speak to her.
She left with tears in her eyes and fury in her heart, and all she wanted to do was crawl into her bed and scream. Unfortunately, she had been forced to stay after class with Professor Lupin. Sure, he was her favorite professor, but that only went so far. Who wanted to stay after class with any teacher?
By the time she had made it to his classroom, she was ten minutes late. How could anyone expect her to face such humiliation and not trudge dramatically to the next place? Luckily for her, Lupin didn’t seem very concerned.
He sat at his desk with a plate of tea next to him, and a bit of bread as well. He hadn’t even seemed to noticed she’d come in.
“Professor Lupin?” She inquired, stepping into the room cautiously.
His head quickly swung up, and a pleasant smile crossed his handsome face. Okay, maybe she had a bit of a crush on her professor. But just maybe.
“(y/n)! I’ve been expecting you, I have. You’re a bit late I’m afraid,” He said, raising an eyebrow at her.
She opened her mouth to explain, but he waved his hand. “Forget about it. Take a seat please, I wanted to ask you something about your essay — are you alright, dear?” He asked, concern laced in his hurried tone.
Just him asking made her want to burst into tears, but she didn’t. She wasn’t sure she could suffer anymore humiliation today.
“Professor Snape —“ that was all she had to say before he clucked in dissatisfaction.
“Sniv— Snape. Should’ve known it. We can forget about that essay then today, alright? If you’d like to go, that’s fine, but if you’d like to speak to me about it then that’s alright as well.”
She nodded in response, and obviously took the latter option. The chair across from him was pulled out, and she slumped down into the seat.
“He hates me, Professor Lupin,” She sighed, placing an elbow on the desk and resting her chin in her hand.
Lupin chuckled. “He dislikes many people, (y/n). He’s not a man you should be concerned with getting to like you.”
“Now, if you’d like, we could have some tea and go over this essay,” You nod your head wearily, but he continues, “fine. And we can have a bit of chocolate.”
This makes you smile, and when you bring the steaming cup to your lips, you swear it’s the best cuppa you’ve ever had.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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m o o n y : a fanmix for remus lupin              requested by @ohremvs
    “It is the quality of one’s convictions that determines success, not the number of followers.” 
+ listen
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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Pretty Monster // Reckless Serenade + Remus Lupin
send me stuff
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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URL Edit for @remusluvpin
Who said that?…… Me
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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url edits; remus lupin
fear makes people do terrible things.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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url edit for @lupins ♥
Inside each of us is a monster; inside each of us is a saint. The real question is which one we nurture the most, which one will smite the other.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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The villagers heard the noise and the screaming and thought they were hearing particularly violent spirits. / words in edit (y.)
for mel and hollie my remus bbs ; bc i lov you both almost as much as remus 
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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moodboard: remus moony lupin (marauders)
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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get to know me meme: [6/10] favorite characters = Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
“Give the five signs that identify the werewolf.” Excellent question. […] One: He’s sitting on my chair. Two: He’s wearing my clothes. Three: His name’s Remus Lupin.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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remus lupin aesthetic
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remcsluplns · 7 years
im about halfway done w a request & rlly not feeling inspired atm so i think ill finish it tomorrow xx sorry!
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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Keep your abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
hey since tmrw’s weekend, i may be able to get something up! school has me really stressed, so it’s hard to get stuff up during the week xx
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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Remus John Lupin aka Moony aka Romulus aka Lupin le turlupin zin-zin.
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remcsluplns · 7 years
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and in the dusk we fall apart
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