reimageme · 10 years
Yay!! http://wp.me/s4DLT3-yay
So proud i am finally back in ketosis after trying from monday. Its a great feeling :)
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reimageme · 10 years
Woke up feeling sick and shakey having nightmare about grease. I hv to modify this diet it not working for me…
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reimageme · 10 years
I'm still here! Day 23 on Keto
I’m still here! Day 23 on Keto
Yep! I am still here doing my thing I have not given up though I have seen no more progress and the progress I saw has all but flown away.
Haven’t post in a while because i really have nothing new to share. My weight actually went back to its original weight and i have not seen any more weight loss. So the big question is why am I still doing this diet. And here is my answer:
Cause i…
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reimageme · 10 years
I am not!!!
No way. My plan is to not blame to ketosis for me feeling terrible. I know ketosis is not the only reason but wow was I very dizzy today. I almost did not go into work I was weak almost like I was coming down with something.
If this is a sign of me going into deep ketosis I am happy. Because that is some other symptoms of ketosis flu.
My weight hasn’t change very dramatic and it sometimes can…
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reimageme · 10 years
Same problem here dammit
Not eating is making me gain weight.
I have no appetite and its making it hard to eat. Not eating is making me gain weight.. What. The. Fuck.
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reimageme · 10 years
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Arrrgggghhhhh!!! Need i say more!!!!!!!
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reimageme · 10 years
Day 10
I woke up feeling great!  had my bullet proof coffee with MCT oil and kerry butter.  Yes!  My MCT final arrived.  It took so long to get here.  The coffee felt smooth and richer than when I use coconut oil.   It was delicious!  My weight it up two pounds so I am like 230 where I was 228 a few days ago.  But guess what???
I don't care!  So what my weight is up and down. I have not seen 230 in years!  And I am proud here I am sticking to this diet. NO CRAVINGS!  I feel full all the time.    I started to eat less because I am going with how my body feels.  If it says eat I will eat if not then I won't.  Its time that I listen to my body.
So I am relaxing today. Taking my daughter to the pool.  Munching on brussel sprouts with olive oil and sea salt and pepper and one of my favorite things in the world. Pork.  Hahaaaaa yes I can eat pork and lose weight unbelievable...
Oh i bought me some digestive enzymes to help break down all this meat I been eating and some water pills because I have been feeling so over bloated lately. I read up on the enzymes and it seems really good especially if you have potty issues lol.
I do have a issue with eating all this fat.  Years of believe fat is the enemy have me wondering if my arteries are being clogged and I am a walking heart attack racing to the end.  I just have to remember all the research I am doing and reminding myself my body got this way because of all the carbs and sugar I been eating.  So now i am taking it back to the beginning were we lived and did not have carbs and sugar and process foods.  This has to work for me because nothing else has.  And i believe in what I amdoing....
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reimageme · 10 years
Day 7
Wow I have been so busy. Where do I begin. I have lost a total of 3.8 pounds. I was really shocked when I went on the scale yesterday. I went from 232 to 228. Physically I feel okay. I do feel a lot more tired but other that no physical signs of being sick. I did not have my usual headache yesterday which was great. I have almost no appetite. But I am eating because I know I have to. I am So proud of myself I have not ate any carbs that were over my allotment per day.
I am trying not to weigh myself until Friday so I will have an update then.
Starting weight 232.6 Today 228.8
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reimageme · 10 years
Day 4
Well I’m feeling okay this is day 4. I weigh myself every day I like to see how what I eat can affect my weight loss. Still holding at current weight. I am having the occasional fear that suppose I don’t lose weight? Suppose After eating all this fats, barely any carbs i still dont lose weight. Yes I’m a little scared I would like to see the scale go down my goal this week is to be in the 220s.
If I don’t hit that goal it is going to be very discouraging for me but I’m not giving up because I believe that the way I’m eating will benefit me in the long run. Im gona do more research i love reading about this diet.
My ketosis stix is between light pink and purple.
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reimageme · 10 years
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Searching for perfection♥ on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/21138602
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reimageme · 10 years
Looks yummy!
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I became obsessed with this recipe by comixbookgurl (I stole her photo, mine didn’t look quite as perfect) this week. I made a comic, playing around with Manga Studio and done all on tablet again.
Eat this. I swear to Zeus. It will change you.
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reimageme · 10 years
Day 3
I am doing so good. I am able to eat fatty food and not be hungry to the point I am forcing myself to eat I gain 2 pounds yesterday I lost it back today I think my body is just adjusting to the fats. I haven’t felt this Keto flu yet which is good I guess it’s only day three days so I am getting ready to do my bulletproof coffee some bacon and eggs and continue burning ketose yes I am in the pink
Gain 2lbs yesterday Lost 2lbs today Weight same 232.6
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reimageme · 10 years
End day one
Did great! Im in the pink! I was soooo thirst but not hungry at all i force myself to eat
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reimageme · 10 years
Today is the day!!!
Well this is day one of my keto diet. I went shopping yesterday and got all my fats!!! It was fun shopping for what i wanted. I got up made my bullet proof coffee got me some beef briskets with spinach for lunch an ham swich cream cheese roll for snack. Gona drink lots of water. So how i feel? Excited and nevouse. I dont want to fail this. Im kinda scare about this keto flu i been hearing of. Hope its not as bad as they say. Starting weight 232.6 Total lost 0
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reimageme · 10 years
All the research i have been doing has gotten me so excited! Im ready to start now on my keto journey! But that wont b smart. Proper planning is the key. I hv to order mct oil and my ketosis stix first. I also hv to do a shopping to get what i need. I been fat this long i can wait a few more days.. But in the mean time i will get my mind right and continue researching...
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reimageme · 10 years
I am so excited to start I wish I could start right now! But I know that will not be smart. I need to plan and do this right. I need to order some stuff like my MCT oil and ketosis sticks.I also need to do a good shopping so I am going to be patient and continue researching until I am ready....
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reimageme · 10 years
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Butter Butter Butter!
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