rei-chxn · 10 years
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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Continuation of the ‘Kiss Me’ battle…. I don’t even…..
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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Welcome back, Nagisa-kun by *・゜゚・*☆
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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Rei smirked. "That I am! I swim Butterfly for the team. It's a beautiful form. Of course, I can never swim as beautifully as Haruka-senpai." His face dropped a bit, but he quickly recovered, returning to his smile. "There's only four of us on the team and Gou is our manager. We're always looking for new members if you're interested."
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"Oh I see. That explains it then." Her eyes then widened in realization of those names. Also due to the fact that the swim club had been brought up, a subject that peaked her interest. "Ah yes, Tachibana-san and Nanase-san. I’ve seen them a few times before… Are you in the swim club as well?"
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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"Well, at least I'm not the only one." Rei flips over so he's laying on the other side of his sleeping bag, holding his second pillow to this chest as he looked up at the brunette. "It is, actually. I don't usually sleep over at friend's houses. Thank you for having me."
Makoto; “I need another pillow.”
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"Another one? Okay then. I’ll get you another pillow. Just wait a moment." Makoto smiled at Rei before walking off to find a pillow for the other. 
After a few minutes of searching, Makoto finally found one and brought it back to Rei. “Here you go~”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
Rei tensed slightly when Makoto touched his leg, but he forced himself to relax. He was just trying to help after all. "My day has been good, thank you. Besides this leg pain, it was actually one of the best I've had in a while. What about you Makoto-senpai? How was your day?" 
The leg massage was starting to feel good after a while, and Rei was soon laying on his back with his eyes closed and his arms under his head. The way Makoto was working his muscle was actually making his leg feel a lot better.
Makoto; Mercy kill
Your character is in pain and believes that they will not survive. Send me “Mercy kill” to see my character’s reaction to yours asking mine to end their misery.
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"Rei…" Makoto rolled his eyes as he got down onto his knees. He gazed at Rei’s leg. "Its just muscle pain. Do you want me to give your leg a massage? It will ease the pain. Then again… It might hurt as well. Hmm…"
"Plus. I aren’t killing you. I’m not into that kind of stuff. And you know me, I don’t have the guts to kill someone."
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rei-chxn · 10 years
Rei watched as Haru tried to make the stars too, the two of you ending up with half-assed 'stars'. He sighed and laid back. "That doesn't surprise me in the least. If you can find a dolphin in my book, then go right ahead. There's plenty of blue here that you can use." If it ended up not being in the book, then maybe you could look it up, since Haruka-senpai really liked the mammal. You'd do anything to make him smile. 
Origami Figurines || Closed Rp
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rei-chxn · 10 years
"Late? I'll still go at the regular time with Nagisa. Maybe he can help me with my speed." He glanced at the girl before letting out a soft sigh. If he could find Nagisa that is. She had said she didn't know where he was. If he pulled another stunt like running away from home, Rei would surely have something to say about it. 
> ^-^)>
Gou looked behind her with a slight blush. “R-Rei-kun? What happened?”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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"It really hurts. If a massage will help...then do it. In this state, there is no beauty so I will do anything to change that." Rei to Makoto, lip quivering from the intense pain he was experiencing.
"I know you wouldn't hurt a fly, Makoto-senpai."
Makoto; Mercy kill
Your character is in pain and believes that they will not survive. Send me “Mercy kill” to see my character’s reaction to yours asking mine to end their misery.
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"Rei…" Makoto rolled his eyes as he got down onto his knees. He gazed at Rei’s leg. "Its just muscle pain. Do you want me to give your leg a massage? It will ease the pain. Then again… It might hurt as well. Hmm…"
"Plus. I aren’t killing you. I’m not into that kind of stuff. And you know me, I don’t have the guts to kill someone."
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rei-chxn · 10 years
Nagisa could watch Rei sleep forever. He studied as the other swimmer’s chest rose and dropped softly. It was cute how the bespectacled male made a tiny breath sound while he slept. Like a snore but a lot cuter. After so long Nagisa smiled and leaned in, “you’re still beautiful Rei-chan.”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
When you're excited for a roleplay but the person doesn't reply
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rei-chxn · 10 years
When he felt his cheeks start to grow hot from blush, Rei pretended to further adjust his frames so that he could hide it behind his hand. "I would beg to differ. I highly doubt Nagisa-kun is rubbing off on me." The more he actually thought about it, the more he actually started to believe Gou. Maybe Nagisa was rubbing off on him, but in the best way possible.
"Anyway, swim practice today is still on correct? And we're still doing our new regimen, right?"
> ^-^)>
Gou looked behind her with a slight blush. “R-Rei-kun? What happened?”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
When Rei stepped back he adjusted his glasses and moved to stand because her. "I will admit, I surprised myself with the hug as well. I don't usually hug people."
> ^-^)>
Gou looked behind her with a slight blush. “R-Rei-kun? What happened?”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
"You want me to tutor you?" Usually he politely declined with fellow students asked, simply because he was so busy with his studies and the swim club, but Haruka was a teammate. "I'm having trouble gaining speed with my Butterfly. If you help me with that, then I will help you study."
Haruka normally wasn’t one to tap people to get their attention, but given the male’s near fixated concentration, she found it hard not to tap him when calling his name didn’t work, which had gotten his attention that time as she heard him ask what he could do for her.
"I’m a little worried about the test coming up," she said, holding up her notebook shyly. "I was wondering… can I get some help studying..?"
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rei-chxn · 10 years
"Nothing! I'm just in a very good mood today." Rei said with a small smile. "I thought I could surprise everyone with a hug."
> ^-^)>
Gou looked behind her with a slight blush. “R-Rei-kun? What happened?”
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rei-chxn · 10 years
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when you post a starter, open roleplay and no one replies.
555 notes · View notes
rei-chxn · 10 years
My muse is under a love spell! First person to put '♥' in my ask has my muse head over heels for yours!
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