It might be because the material they were using doesn't age well. I have a couple of older doll heart leather pieces (like the Mr Devil set and the Steam Punk Daniel set) and no joke the leather has just started to crack, crumble and flake off of the backing fabric. I'm terrified to touch any of them now.
Whatever happened to Dollheart’s leather stuff?? They used to have so many cool fantasy style leather outfits and now it’s all frilly. Don’t get me wrong, frilly is nice, but come on guys! I have some dolls that really need cool style. Anyone have any ideas where to get some awesome leather clothing?? D:
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Neutral: I don't care if you buy recasts, it's not my money and not my business. I buy legit because I can, if others feel like they can't it's not my place to tell them they don't belong in the hobby (personally I have better things to do than put people down for buying a bootleg doll). The same way I wouldn't attack someone for buying a mass produced cosplay when I spend months and hundreds of pounds making mine.
‘recast neutral/friendly’ translated: “I don’t personally think committing crime is good, but who am I to say other people can’t commit crime? I don’t wanna hurt anyone’s 'feewings’ if they want to continue supporting thieves! I don’t care enough about the doll artists/sculptors or the hobby to take a proper stand!”
Image by BJDConfessions
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I miss doing the prompts, but there hasn't been a new prompt from BJD Addicts Youtube channel in over a year. I know other people do make prompts but they can be hard to find because they get less coverage than the BJD Addicts channel.
Hardly anyone on YouTube does prompts anymore. I’d love to follow some legit owners who still did prompts. Only a few people’s ‘Wine and Dollies’ are interesting. Prompts are usually much more entertaining with way less rambling.
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Took Brienne outside for a proper photo shoot a few weeks back, It was nice to finally take her outside and use some real scenery for a change. (her hair omg, so fluffy. Everyone needs to buy a Natrume wig)
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I have a terrible fondness for dollheart Fers. The only reason I joined DoA was to buy one in the marketplace :D
I will never ever understand the craze over the Dollheart Fer. That was an ugly ass dress.
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The whole resin crew to date, 12 dolls across 6 companies. They’re a bit of a mixed bunch but I like variety :)
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Got caught up in my second scam in my 7 years in this hobby. Time to add Russia to my list of places to not buy from again.
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Merry Christmas to you all :) hope it's snowing where you guys are (I don't have any this year lol)
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Ordered a autumn inspired Studio Miscast lucky pack on etsy and got some cute scarves for my msd crew, it's knitwear season lol!
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It's dollheart Fukubukuro season, hide your wallets! Lol (seriously though I'm so excited)
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Having a super fun day at Blythe Con! The dolls are amazing :)
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Quick/terrible photo of my Alice collections haul because it finally arrived lol (it's been so long I've forgotten half of what I ordered oops)
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I recently filmed a 'wine and dollies' video and I confess I am one of those tea drinkers. But I am teetotal (I don't drink any alcohol) so I improvised. Also, not everyone will be old enough to drink but may want to take part :)
all those stupid wine and dollies video with water, soda, tea. if you’re titling it “wine” and dollies, get a wine. drinking water in the middle of a video looks really dumb
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But but... I like my motley crew lol having dolls with a variety of fashions and colours is part of the fun for me :3
Based on looking at your collection you obviously have no idea what you are doing or where you are taking your dolls do you? I think doll collections that actually match to a point are always more beautiful to see than the motley crews out there.
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Check out the angel-unlimited forum/Facebook page it's a primarily UK/English forum so might be you find some collectors in your area. I'm not near most of my community and I have to hop on 2 and a half hour busses to get to the big cities but I don't mind cause I love meets :3
All these people saying “I love my local doll community” or “my favourite part about my local community is…” Make me so jealous. I think I’m one of the only bjd collectors in my town. Anyone from Buckinghamshire in the UK? Anyone???
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Could be worse Anon, pretty sure the UK (and alot of other countries for that matter) don't even have 1 lol! Closest I'm going to get to a BJD convention is Blythe-con :)
More BJD conventions in the US please!
Image by BJDConfessions
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I used to do doll shoots on location all the time, I just slap the head phones on and get lost in my own wee world :)
I am a bit disappointed in myself because I packed up a doll, took him out to the park for a photoshoot, and I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bring myself to take him out of the bag and take pictures of him. Use my camera to take pics of everything else fine.. bring out the doll, and I’m embarrassed. I just can’t do it.
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