reenvisagefest · 5 years
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Re-envisage Film Festival Full Lineup
Alice Grosche – Lost Love – 41 seconds
Phoebe Banks – Shine by Take That – 2 min 25 seconds
Verity Church & Rafael Bernal – Waking up With Arts Students – 4 min 46 seconds
Featuring stunning colour grading and a sharp definition, this film tells a simple and tender story.
Ilona Franklin Butter – Little Hands – 4 min 46 seconds
Patrick Jenkins – The Museum of Lost Dreams – 7 min 23 seconds
This film features very skilful animation, perfectly fusing surrealism with child like wonder.
Corina Andrian – The Past is Now – 12 minutes
Short piece featuring an incredible use of space and colour, with the result being an acute, dreamlike experience.
Anna Eyler & Nicolas Lapointe – La Fable d’OzA 21965 – 6 min 40 seconds
Matt Gibb & Ivy Pottinger-Glass – The Myth of Sisyphus – 13 min 14 seconds
The Myth of Sisyphus is inspired by Albert Camus' work of the same title, in which he explores the futility of life through an analogy inspired by the Greek myth of Sisyphus. 
Techno/Existentialism (44 minutes)
Katerina Markoylaki – Come Back Bar – 22 min 16 sec
Markoyalki is a filmmaker,from Greece. This experimental non-fiction short film explores the techno club scene in Athens. It is a critical approach on the perfomativity of techno subculture, and it is inspired by Jonas Mekkas' Diary aethetics.The film has already premiered at Vizantrop engaged ethnographic film festival(Belgrade) in Europe and at Fatal Femme film festival (New York) as well as at artspaces, and clubs in Athens.
Greg Swan – ASMR – 3 min 18 sec
Samm Anga – Infalible Mask – 12 minutes
In this experimental short, the titular character self-eulogises his own demise as a way to articulate his psychosis, deconstructing and sampling the mediums of language, sound and image as incomplete symbols through which to attempt to convey inexpressible feelings.
Enzo Cillo – Silent Edge – 6 minutes
Silent edge reflects on the concept of “limit”. The limit of space and the virtual limit, both visible and invisible. How to film this immaterial point is the question. Recording inside the depth of space, removing the visible space by mean of light and shadow. In the end, the limit is the space between heaven and earth, between the vertical and the horizontal.
Political/Revolution (30 minutes)
Kailas Sreekumar – How to Kill the Fascist In You – 4 min 17 seconds
Sofia Tagor – and so, everything changed? – 14 min 39 seconds
Chris Speed – The Net is Vast and Infinite – 1 min 29 seconds
Fast-paced electronic music interacts with fragmented neon images, organically derived from a strong theoretical concept.
Pacific Red – How to Make a Revolution – 9 min 25 seconds
Pacific Red is a newly founded, multimedia working artistic collective based in Berlin with members hailing from China, Germany, Ukraine and Luxembourg.. They operate within the fields of theater, video art, visual arts, literature and music. Their work explores their shared interests in political and intercultural issues about Capitalism, Consumerism and Leftwing Movements.
FULL RUN TIME (126 minutes/ 2 hours 6 minutes)
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