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Collaborative Project Art Style Influence #2
Kurzgesagt’s YouTube channel focuses on videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism such as the deepest part of the ocean or colonising the moon. The channel uses After-Effects in animating its videos giving it this slick info-commercial aesthetic. I really like the vibrant colour pallet that is used in their videos something that compliments the minimalism of the art style.
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Collaborative Project Art Style Influence #1
The music video linked above by SIAMÉS, Mr Fear has a minimalist art style and utilises a pastel colour pallet. The aesthetic this creates compliments the dystopian image the music video presents. In my own work I would opt for a more simplistic art style approach if I was to draw my part of the sequence in TVPaint or Photoshop as i feel this would be easier to morph between objects and suits the more abstract subject matter.
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BA2b Research Report Proposal: Gathering Animated Music Videos
As a part of my research I found It essential to gather a list of animated music videos that I could analyse within my dissertation. Although hand written, I made note of 62 songs varying from the late 1970′s up to present day also varying in styles and methods of production including stop motion, 2D and 3D. I then wanted to create a shortlist of music videos that I could expand upon, researching further and analysing.
Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Accidents Will Happen (1979), 2D
A-ha - Take On Me (1985), 2D/Live Action
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer (1986), Stop Motion
Daft Punk - One More Time (2001), 2D
Note: The visuals for the album the track appeared on were taken from interstella 5555 made in collaboration with Daft Punk
Queens of the Stone Age - Go With Flow (2002), 3D
Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit (2003), 2D
Delta Heavy - Get By (2012), Stop-motion
Stuck In The Sound - Let's Go (2012), 2D “The Making of” Let’s Go
Noisia - This Could Be (2012), 3D
Mac Miller - Fight The Feeling (2012), 3D
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know (2013), 2D
Royal Blood - Out Of The Black (2015), 2D/Live Action
Tribe Society - Kings (2015), 2D
Lorn - Anvil (2016), 2D/3D
SIAMÉS - Summer Nights (2019), 2D
Flying Lotus - More(2019), 2D/3D
King Krule - Cellular(2020), 2D
An omission from this list is the Gorillaz as I aim to talk about the bands visual presence within music as a whole section within my dissertation.
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BA2b Research Report Proposal: Gorillaz - Virtual Hip Hop Group
Something I wanted to focus on with my research report and dissertation was The animated band Gorillaz created by Damon Albarn and visuals by Jamie Hewlett creator of the comic Tank Girl. Made as the first virtual Hip-Hop group, Gorillaz has released five studio albums all featuring an animated music video or two to accompany the promotion of lead tracks. When talking about animated music videos, Gorillaz are one of the most well known artists to have an entirely digitally created band and brand image. Their success urged me to look more into brand control and how much creative freedom these animations would have in comparison to a much more independent production.
The link below is to The Line Animation Studios work on the music video for “Humility” from the Gorrilaz most recent album The Now Now(2018)
(Below) I also looked into the production of some of their older and more iconic music videos such as Feel Good Inc. Passion Pictures has worked on multiple projects with the band across their many albums both 2D and 3D with the likes of “Stylo” from Plastic Beach featuring live action elements.
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BA2b Research Report Proposal Lecture 3
Writing The Background
The background is a summary of relevant information within the chosen topic area of research. In order to write an effective background, the ability to think critically is needed, interpreting sources instead of regurgitating facts. In addition to this too many notes on the chosen area of research can lead to a loss of focus.
Things to Consider
Looking for patterns and links
Compare and contrast
A timeline of the chosen topic area
The bigger picture (The story Arc)
Avoiding Confirmation bias
Consider counter-arguments for information that lines up with pre-existing beliefs and viewpoints; present both sides evenly. The ‘makes sense stopping rule’ explains that when presented with evidence for an opinion despite being right or wrong, we tend to conclude looking further as our pre-existing beliefs lined up with that one source.
Writing a Research Question
Question Word(How,why, to what extent) or instruction (analyse, compare, examine)
Topic area of your research
Specific focus of your research
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BA2b Research Report Proposal: Origins of Animated Music Videos
For my research report proposal and dissertation in Year 3 I have ultimately decided to focus on animated music videos as my topic of discussion. I felt overall that I was more passionate to talk about the combination of the two creative mediums something that I feel is more personal to me also as it is one of the main reasons I wanted to pursue animation as a creative career path. I want to focus on the history behind animation and music, talk about the production that goes into making these sequences and the influences of brand image.
Gunnar Strom - The Two Golden Ages of Animated Music Video
I found this article online talking about the history of animated music videos throughout the decades.
“Music videos have been being made since the mid 1960s and had their breakthrough in the mid 1970s. Since then it has been the main marketing tool for breaking new pop and rock artists in the international market.”
Silly Symphonies - Skeleton Dance
Released in 1929 and Produced by Disney was the first animation in the Silly Symphonies series. The animation is accompanied by an instrumental which changes with the sequence.
“Since the beginning of sound film animated films made as illustrations to music has been made. That was the idea behind Disney’s Silly Symphonies.”
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BA2b Research Report Proposal Lecture 2
Overall Aims
Bullet point the three main aims of the body of research
Write these as statements, not questions
There should be three distinct steps answering the research question
Research Methods
Explain how you will be conducting your research and answer why these research methods are appropriate.
Show your awareness of the potential limitations of any primary research you plan to conduct.
Research Proposal Rough Ideas
Cartoon Network’s rebirth in the early 2010′s increasing in popularity due to shows like Regular Show, Adventure Time
The use of fight scenes in Shonen anime and uttilised techniques such as Sakuga
The cultural impact of “The Big Three”(Naruto, One Piece, Bleach) bled into the West and became successful
How The Marvellous Miss-adventures of FlapJack brought forward a new era of cartoons featuring more adult themes
Overall going into this project I new I wanted to focus on some form of 2D animation as that was where my interest in the animation industry resided.
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BA2b: Research Report Proposal
The first This consists of a 1000 word document explaining my research to be put towards a project that I will be undertaking in my third year. I would also be submitting a bibliography alongside. The hand in for this unit is the 15th May.
Preparation for BA3a 3000 word research report
Must submit bibliography
Table of contents - Plan of how the full research report will be laid out
What makes a good report?
Based on a subject you are genuinely interested in
Planned carefully
Has relevance for a contemporary audience
Demonstrates specialist knowledge in your subject area
Integrates with your creative practice or career intentions
The three steps to prepare before writing your report
Identify general topic
Choose specific aspects to focus on
Write research question
Report Types
Whilst knowing the report types to choose would not be in use this assignment, they would be used in BA3a.
Extended Essay
Straightforward choice, academic writing style
Takes a theoretical or historical approach
Research is based around reading and understanding primary and secondary texts on the chosen subject. Where appropriate, the use of visual analysis
Industry Report
Analysis of industry roles and practices
Topics concerning aspects of industry or media practices
Report might consider viral advertising techniques or talk about surviving as a freelance artist or designer in Norfolk
Could include trade journals, interviews, financial reports and marketing data in addition to books and websites.
Technical Report
Asks questions/proposes a hypothesis; runs an experiment that would be shown in the report itself
Written like a scientific report
Examines processes techniques and/or historical practices using the techniques in question
Usually be a review and analysis of current and/or historical practices using the techniques or materials in question
Time management is key so leaving enough time to write up the essay after experimentation is key
Editorial Report
Consists of an article (2000 words) and supporting text of 3000 words (analytical)
Requires two separate writing styles journalistic & academic
Targeted towards a specific publication
More challenging than a standard essay format due to two different writing styles
Article would be accompanied by a supporting text detailing research findings
Getting To Know Chosen Topic Area
- Evolution, timeline of key events
- Debates or controversies
- Whats to come
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Narrative Strategies Lecture Week 7
In this final lecture this week we re-capped some of the aspects we would need to discuss within our 1000 word reflective journal.
Tone and Style of your reflective essay
- Backed up by a bibliography
- Write in appropriate academic tone
Reflective Essay
- Explain how my own screenplay takes inspiration from the book “Jekyll and Hyde”
The social rejection
The pain of transforming that Dr Jekyll endures
Tragic end
- Discuss your writing process & the creative writing decisions made
- Reflect on your journey from the first idea to finished script
5 Stages of Tragedy
Struggling with addiction
Blade Runner
Cyberpunk 2077
The 7 Basic plots
The effects of drug abuse
Discuss how you would film your own screenplay
2D - comic book/ Anime esc style
Retro-future/Cyberpunk world aesthetic
Darker colours would be uttilised to convey the darker/tragic story tone
Sharper bright tones would be used to highlight the integration of technology into the world and it’s artificial look
Target Audience: Young Adults(15-25)
Music Choice: Retrowave/Electronic sound track (possible use of trap music)
Lighting: sharp contrasts between light and dark. The whole animation would be set over a series of nights so the only light would come from artificial sources
Time needed to make film: Fairly easy, time consumption taken up by animating the sequences in 2D.
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Narrative Strategies Research: Drug Abuse
For part of my research I wanted to look into the effects of drug abuse as for my screenplay narrative this would be a prominent theme throughout. My main character Jones, has resorted to recreational use of substances before the main narrative begins and his devil may care attitude towards this would eventually lead to his demise. Much like Dr Jekyll’s concoction that changes him into a monster in the “Story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, I wanted his reckless nature to lead him to trying an unknown pill claimed by a friend that it has beneficial abilities that could change his life.
I wanted the substance that he would ingest to be more akin to a stimulant boosting his energy and heightening his alertness and in the case of the story, this would be used to revive his broken cybernetic arm the contents of the drug including some sort of unstable nano-machine that would re-enable the use of said robot arm; the repercussions causing a mutation within his body that would permanently alter his genetics.
In the world I created around my narrative I wanted cybernetics to be something only affordable for the rich and the poor resorting to mutations to keep up with the superhuman abilities that the rich now poses although sometimes resorting in failure.
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Ba2a Narrative Writing Strategies Week 6: Screenplay Prep
This weeks lecture consisted of talking through preparing to write a screenplay.
1 - Simple
- Keep to one core theme instead of diluting across multiple
- The core meaning can still be complex but pick a clear focus
- “Best short films are often a single movement played out”
Anna Mantzaris - ENOUGH(2019)This animated short showcases a series of separate events focused around the idea of reaching a breaking point.
2 - Economical
- See the writing of a short as an opportunity to become more aware of each line you write
- Start as close to the end as possible
- How do I suggest what I can’t show?
- The “Seven - Eighths” under the water represents the ground work of getting to know your characters (& the world of your story)
^- Without the stated above a story may feel hollow
- A fully developed character has a purpose right from the start and is portrayed as such with ease
- Look for the “characteristic” details that suggest who they are
Ellipsis = Deliberately leaving out plot details or events that can be inferred through contextual clues and/or surrounding actions
1 - Avoid scenes or activities that are only continuity
2 - Avoid scenes whose only function is to explain
3 - Make sure the story incident or situation is really interesting
4 - Be sure the characters have an opportunity to come to life
5 - Look for places to show the characters thinking
6 - A good ending feels inevitable, exactly right. We “physically feel a good ending”
Clever storytelling gives the audience hints and clues (foreshadowing) that let them “work out” the ending for themselves (Inception - obvious example)
Good openings ask questions; they make us ask “why”. They use Roland Barthes’ “Hermeneutic code”
Hermenuetic Code - Something unexplained that can only be answered through the context of the story
Remember that “unnatural is natural”
- Dialogue is not real speech but a representation of it
- Aim to catch the flavour of speech
For each character think S.A.D.
Status - Who has the upper hand in situations?
Agenda - What is the purpose of the conversation?
Desire - On a deeper level what do they want?
Inhabit their physical space
- Listen to how differently people talk
- Imagine X character walking into a room or everyday tasks
Silence is Golden
- What people don’t say is as important as what they do
- A lack of dialogue can be more expressive then including it
Explanation kills drama
- Characters should not explicitly come out and state intentions or convey an explanation of a scene
- Good dialogue is a manifestation of behaviour
- Good dialogue promises excitement but keeps the audience waiting
Be Ruthless
- Dialogue either advances the plot or reveal information if not the dialogue is not necessary (This would be considered filler dialogue)
Writing on The Nose
- Dialogue showcasing exactly what the person is thinking and feeling without a hint of subtext
The character explains too much about themselves
The main character is too reactive, too internal
I am the main character
All the characters sound the same
Minor characters are more interesting
Relationships too vague
Flowery Dialogue that doesn’t convey a characters motivations
Animation is visual and the screenplay I write should reflect this.
The screen imagery must add value to the voiceover
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Screenplay Influence - The Seven Basic Plots
Much like The 5 stages of action in Tragedy, another aspect I was influenced to research deeper into was The Seven Basic Plots
Overcoming the Monster: in which the hero must venture to the lair of a monster which is threatening the community, destroy it, and escape (often with a treasure).
Rags to Riches: in which someone who seems quite commonplace or downtrodden but has the potential for greatness manages to fulfill that potential.
The Quest: in which the hero embarks on a journey to obtain a great prize that is located far away.
Voyage and Return: in which the hero journeys to a strange world that at first is enchanting and then so threatening the hero finds he must escape and return home to safety.
Comedy: in which a community divided by frustration, selfishness, bitterness, confusion, lack of self-knowledge, lies, etc. must be reunited in love and harmony (often symbolized by marriage).
Tragedy: in which a character falls from prosperity to destruction because of a fatal mistake.
Rebirth: in which a dark power or villain traps the hero in a living death until he/she is freed by another character's loving act.
Rebellion Against 'The One': in which the hero rebels against the all-powerful entity that controls the world until he is forced to surrender to that power.
Mystery: In which an outsider to some horrendous event (such as a murder) tries to discover the truth of what happened.
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BA2a Narrative Strategies Week 5
Screenplay Writing Techniques
As someone who struggles to translate ideas into written words such as a screenplay format, this lecture focused on methods of how to build up and prepare to write a screenplay. the script I want to create needs to paint the film in the mind of the reader so keeping it clear and concise and including only the necessary.
Beat Sheet
- Bullet points of key narrative events
- Rough Vague story draft
- Helps flesh out and visualise the aforementioned key points on the beat sheet
- Dialogue not included
In this lecture I was also shown the format in which to write out my screenplay properly as large quantitative paragraphs aren’t necessary in all circumstances.
Each new scene is given a heading(or “slug line”):
- A new scene begins whenever location or time changes
- Written in caps
“Slug Line” followed by an action line
- Briefly describes characters and locations
- Covers relevant
- keep description simple, clear & visual
- Always write present tense
- Limited to what we can see/hear
- Characters names in caps first time only
- Show visuals to reader in logical order
Double spaces between descriptive paragraphs are called “splitting action” - showcases two separate actions occurring in the same scene.
“spec” scripts (what I’m writing) do not require as heavy detail on camera angles etc.
reflective essay would be where to discuss the more technical aspects of the screenplay.
Dialogue: lay out
- Headed by speakers name
- Appears in a central column down the page
- To show who character is talking to
- Or tone(of delivery)
- Used mainly for bits of action between dialogue.
- (V.O.) = Voice over (Not physically present in scene)
- (O.S.) = Physically present but not in shot
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Beat Sheet Rough Draft of Ideas
Despite being roughly organised, I found it necessary to write out all of my rough narrative ideas down and order them out later. Below is some of the thoughts going through my head regarding writing out my story.
- 20 to 40 years into the future
- Fictional cityscape (loosely based off of a more american style city such as Chicago or Detroit)
- Apparent divide between the rich and poor
- Technology advancements have made way for cybernetics for the rich. Too expensive for the poorer communities to afford, mutations through illegal means to increase certain human attributes are more common.
Jones(Jekyll character)
- Resentful to the dealt card life has given him, Jones looks towards illegal means of gaining an edge to change his life for the better.
- Involved with the wrong crowd and a stubborn attitude to a deluded dream, family and friends attempt to steer him in the right direction; despite this he continues with his shady dealings.
Rough Narrative
- Open to Jones looking out of his apartment balcony smoking a cigarette observing the unlawful neglected city around him. He looks further afield noticing the contemporary looking skyscrapers off in the distance.
- Unsatisfied with how his life is panning out in front of him seeks help from a less than favourable friend (Davis).
- Jones Ingests a mysterious pill rumoured to grant the consumer a roulette of superhuman yet practical abilities, the repercussions could have drastic effects.
- Jones starts noticing positive alterations to his life due to the effects of the illegal drug. Seeking these abilities his dosage of this substance increases, careless of the supposed side effects.
- Unable to control the effects of the pill, Jones’ body starts to alter uncontrollably. Whilst the powers remain, the drug changes him into a husk of the man he once was.
- Rejected by the very things he improved and his family(Emanuel) finding out about his secret, Jones sets out to destroy the source of the problem.
- Upon ending the life of a former friend, Jones is unable to deal with himself or the problems he has caused, killing himself and the last trace of the drug with it.
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Jones Character Profile
- Basketball, but doesn’t play often
- Thrillers and Dark Comedy films
- Public displays of large wealth
- Cats
- Tea
- Energy Drinks
- 30
Family/ Connections
- Father Jackson (Deceased?)
Last seen when Jones was young (roughly when Jones was aged 20 - 24).
- Estranged Mother (Age 55)
re-married under another name after multiple family disputes, Jones removed himself from the picture despite his siblings opposing views.
Two siblings
- Half sister Jessie (Age 27)
Moved out of (The City) 5 or so years ago with dreams of something greater.
- Brother Emanuel (Age 33) Side Character to the main story
Jones is fairly close with his (older) brother. Unlike Jones, lives a fairly normal life despite his money struggles, provides income for his family and checks in with his brother on a weekly basis. Cares about his family. (A good influence)
Davis (Friend)
- known for 4 years, Jones and Davis met under working circumstances. Careless and arrogant in demeanour. Overall a bad influence.
Character traits
- Serious demeanour
- Jaded
- Jealous
- Opposed to violence
Tea or Coffee
- Coffee
- Mac n’ cheese
- Anything pasta related as he believes its quicker than cooking an actual meal
- Grew up in an inner city environment, went to a local high school, graduating with fairly high grades. Landing a well paying job and living in relative luxury. Despite this, Jones felt unsatisfied involving himself with the wrong people. Deeply Jaded over this fact but neglects to acknowledge his own mistake blaming others for his life’s downturn. Despite his Job, has turned to shadier means of income to sustain his new way of living. Upon being offered an opportunity to return to what once was Jones takes it even if it could result in his own demise.
- Yes
Whilst I’m not entirely settled on every attribute to the character written above I feel this gives a general gist to how I want my character to react to other people and situations.
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Ba2a Narrative Writing Strategies Week 4
In this week’s lecture we went over several chapter’s of the Jekyll and Hyde book as well as looking into Gothic Horror & the creation of the “Urban Gothic”. In addition looking into Victorian pseudo-science.
Questioning Boundaries: science, pseudo science, and the occult
The great pace of advance and change in the fields of science and medicine led victorians to necessarily “suspend disbelief”: unlikely things might easily turn out to be true. As a result the gap between science and the occult was much narrower in Victiorian Britain than today.
The “Dual Brain”
“Proponents of this theory argued that “each brain hemisphere might house a separate personality, indeed, a separate soul”(Stiles, 2006, p.882)
Victorian readers might genuinely have feared that they housed an “inner Hyde”
Left Brain - Seat of Logic and Reason
Right Brain - Emotions
Women and “savages” were strong in the right brain. Hyde is described as “ape like” and “troglodytic”. His primitivity would have made him all the more frightening to “civilised” Victorian audiences.
Developed by Franz Joseph Gall in 1796, this pseudo-science made the claim that your personality and character could be recognised by the shape of your skull.
“Strange Case” of Jekyll and Hyde
The format of an “objective” 3rd person narrative, supported by “subjective” 1st person accounts was a trope of Victorian fiction - but medical literature of the era followed the same pattern. A doctor’s report would be supplemented by “concrete data”, e.g. 1st person transcripts (Stiles, 2006, p.889).
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World Building Influence - Akira
For my transformation of Jones’ Jekyll form to his Hyde form, Akira proved to be a big inspiration for showing someone lose control of their own power. I also liked the aesthetics of the world surrounding the main characters narratives; Neo-Tokyo being a sprawling metropolis rife with crime and violence. The scene linked above showcases these points depicting biker gangs facing off against one another racing through the city streets.
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