redvsbullshit · 1 month
Guys. Not only did Church constantly come back to life, but he also haunted the narrative.
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redvsbullshit · 2 months
These are my three weed smoking rvb triplets. And yes, they smoke weed.
oh god thinking about the truwplets so hard im feeling sick The Curse the curse the curse the curse
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redvsbullshit · 2 months
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Uh oh
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redvsbullshit · 2 months
join the army?? the thing that killed leonard church? and leonard church? and leonard church? and leonard epsilon church?
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redvsbullshit · 2 months
RvB Archival Work / Music hunting
this is a sort of call to action, I suppose, but is there anyone out there with copies (digital or physical and willing to digitize) of the Season 15, 16, and 17 soundtracks?
Now that most of the albums have been taken down off Apple Music / Spotify / Youtube, I have been unable to find a majority of the tracks off of those albums Anywhere. Not on youtube, not on the Internet Archive - nowhere. Of course it could always be out there and just eluding me.
Some tracks are up through official Trocadero and David Levy channels, but the overwhelming majority seems to be completely MIA. So if you or anyone you know may possibly have those soundtracks to upload while their official release future is in limbo, nows your chance to be my hero!
EDIT: FOUND! huge thanks to @beanshery for sharing a drive with all the albums in it! here's the link to that for everyone else https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bjuwnq3O2S2d94eOcREQh9LRa27n2vP7?usp=drive_link
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redvsbullshit · 2 months
another thing that gets me about RVB is that we get all these small pieces of lore about characters scattered here and there but then they never expand on it or use it to flesh out these characters developments?
Like wdym North and Souths parents were the ones who put them in the Freelancer program? Why? Did they know that one of their kid was gonna have a fucking computer program implanted into his head???
And what about Kaikaina accidently burning down the family home and having su!cidal tendencies and unhealthy coping mechanisms because of it as well as her and Grif's unstable upbringing
How did Caboose and Sarge get to be basically prodigies when it came to robots/machines like Sarge made Simmons a cyborg and Simmons was able to still function normally still?
Also Caboose was able to give Church different bodies??? LIKE HE CAN BE TRUSTED WITH THAT BUT NOT WITH HIS OWN GUN????
What about the other freelancers?? Like we heard that story of York and Carolina meeting at the bar so they knew each other before rhe project?
Also what about Tuckers family? The fact that his mom died was said in the middle of a conversation like it was throw away fact but thay clearly something that played a huge role in impacting him and built onto his self depreciation that he masks with this "funny/idiot" persona when he's clearly so much more than that
Idk maybe some of this has been explained in other content that I haven't seen yet but there's so much unexplored with everyone it would've been nice to see things get explained upon a bit more
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
imposter syndrome is so real in academia i rlly understand why even though the director had a phd in ai theory the little ai clone of his brain was just a stupid loser. anyways i have to take a biochemistry exam in an hour and a half and i drew this instead. i get him. he gets me.
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
Do you know this Jewish character?
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
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when i saw this scene i burst out laughing i’m not fucking sorry
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
Underrated RvB fandom history moment was the immediate aftermath of finding out Wyoming looks like this
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
I honestly want to see something..
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
The worst thing about rvb tumblr is all the users commenting on posts ‘I don’t watch rvb but it sounds awful/ idk why you guys even watch it/ it sucks so bad it should have ended after x / seasons y-z are unwatchable’ it truly does suck to love something with nuance and be bogged down from outsiders about how horrible it is. The second worse thing about rvb tumblr is of course the show red vs blue
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
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This scene was so tragic, but I feel it was necessary for Wash’s character development.
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
simmons staying on blue team permanently and wash being adopted into red team instead
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
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kai doodles
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redvsbullshit · 3 months
i think it’s really funny how post-pfl wyoming, gamma, and omega all decided that now that they were done committing like, Big League War Crimes, it was time to go be a comedic minor league villain for a while and be a nuisance to some of their boss’ other employees. they’re not their coworkers, but certainly employed by their boss.
and i respect the hell out of that
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