redtights · 6 years
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Being a very curious and clever familiar, the Cat is well-known for its personality and tendency to get into trouble. However, it rarely has any bad intentions, being an adventurous and ever-curious animal. Along with its spirit of adventure, the Cat also represents knowing one's limits and being sure of themselves, and never question who they truly are. Similar also to the cat, though you are friendly to others, you would much prefer to be independent and in a quiet place instead of in a group. The Cat familiar has a tendency to pull their master into adventures or exploring. They are also somewhat tied to magic. THIS FAMILIAR REPRESENTS -Curiosity -Adventurous spirit -Unique personality -Independence -Playfulness -Knowing who you are -Magic
TAGGED BY: stoeln from @spiderauntie TAGGING: @sytheheart @hisstark @riverlilys @dctrplmr @dreamaction @elataan & anyone else who wants to !
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redtights · 6 years
cont. from x with @hisstark
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          JEEZ that was harsh. “ i know. ” spoken with a defeated tone, though he wasn’t finished yet.      “ but mr. stark - ” BLEED OUT ? the realization hits him a second after the statement ( doesn’t that prove his point ? ).     despite his opinion on the matter, peter moves quickly to do what tony says.     he didn’t say anything about continuing the conversation though  “ i’m pretty sure you don’t bleed out from a scratch ! come on, i can do something. ----- should i go get help ? ” he’s not waiting for an answer. instead peter’s already backing away hoping he’d get the go ahead to find whatever ‘help’ tony stark would actually accept.
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redtights · 6 years
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Here’s the thing. Life is an endless series of trainwrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness. This had been the ULTIMATE commercial break. Which meant it was time to return to our regularly scheduled programming.
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redtights · 6 years
muse headcanons!
send me a symbol and i’ll tell you:
☠: my muse’s biggest fear ☮: when my muse feels the most at ease ☺: something that makes my muse happy ☹: something that makes my muse upset ♫: my muse’s favorite song, band, and/or music genre ✇: my muse’s favorite movie, director, and/or film genre ♔: my muse’s celebrity crush(es) ❤: what my muse looks for in a person they like ☂: my muse’s favorite season or time of year ∞: if my muse believe in ghosts, aliens, etc. ✧: what my muse’s netflix queue looks like ✎: what my muse’s best subject in school is/was ♧: something my muse is really good at ✺: something my muse loves and never gets tired of ✗: something my muse hates or gets angry about ☆: what my muse would be famous for if they were famous ✿: what my muse would like to do when they’re older ✈: where my muse would go if they could move anywhere ✆: the last person my muse called and what it was about ✉: the last person my muse texted and what the text said
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redtights · 6 years
Black Panther sentence starters
120 starters * includes quotes from deleted scenes feel free to change gender pronouns ’read-more’ added for length content warning: violence
“Tell me a story.”
“Let me see how you are holding up.”
“Why are you here?”
“No need, _____. I can handle this alone.”
“Just don’t freeze when you see her.”
“What are you talking about? I never freeze.”
“Are we under attack?”
“You will speak nothing of this day.”
“This never gets old.”
“It is so good to have you back with us.”
“Are you finished?”
“Just because something works doesn’t mean it cannot be improved.”
“You are teaching me? What do you know?”
“It’s better to leave the crime scene more spread out. Makes us look like amateurs.”
“You’re gonna be a rich boy.”
“This corset is really uncomfortable, so could we all just wrap it up and go home?”
“I accept your challenge, _____.”
“Where is your god now?”
“Show him who you are!”
“Yield! Don’t make me kill you!”
“You have fought with honor! Now yield!”
“Wakanda forever!”
“Stand up. You are a king.”
“I am not ready to be without you.”
“A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father.”
“Have I ever failed you?”
“You’re a good man with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be king.”
“Come home, _____. Stay.”
“I’ve seen too many in need just to turn a blind eye.”
“I can’t be happy here knowing that there’s people out there who have nothing.”
“If you were not so stubborn, you would make a great queen.”
“I would make a great queen because I am stubborn.”
“I see _____ is back. You guys going to work it out?”
“But waging war on other countries has never been our way.”
“(insert location) does not need a warrior right now. We need a king.”
Keep reading
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redtights · 6 years
send me "what's your favorite.." asks 💫
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redtights · 6 years
i have had this blog for how many months now & safe mode is ON ?
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redtights · 6 years
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redtights · 6 years
headcanon || instincts & judgement
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          peter has fairly good instincts when it comes to people. his judgement is often on the right side, though his actions often dispute that. when he first meets someone his gut tells him a few things. is this person good or bad ? would we get along ? should i trust them ? & more often than not, his intuition is correct. he just doesn’t see it as a skill. if he realized that his senses don’t stop with the spidey-senses ----- he’d be able to use his abilities to a fuller extent. of course he’s young & insecure, so that holds him back from giving himself the proper credit & trust. he’ll disagree with his own intuition which in the end, leads to trouble. then comes the disappointment & “how did you not see this coming ? ” talk. only he did. he sees betrayal & pain coming from a mile away. he’s just not in tuned with himself enough to believe it. optimism seems like it could hinder this talent too, but in all reality the few times he is pessimistic, is when there is something not to trust. you can see in the way he treats people with a beaming glow or uncertainty that he knows deep down their true intentions. that also reasons why he isn’t so hard on people who don’t deserve his kindness. he wont open his heart for them, but he certainly doesn’t lash out, because he feels that there is something better in them deep down.     now this isn’t saying he can read minds or energy or anything quite so intense, but peter truly does have incredible senses for a great number of things & he shouldn’t overlook it so easily.
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redtights · 7 years
Malia stares at the male weirdly as her lips purse slightly. “Well, if you like that you should see my other tricks.” She smirks, amused by the idea that Peter would be interested in wolf abilities. 
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“ Oh really ? Like what ? ” an awkward laugh makes it’s way past his vaguely relaxed exterior. It wasn’t like he was horrible at making friends, but he did lack certain skills in that area. There’s excitement bubbling in him, & as time goes on it’s hard to keep that quiet. Like he said, this was really COOL !
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redtights · 7 years
i am the kind of person who says hi to dogs
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redtights · 7 years
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redtights · 7 years
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redtights · 7 years
date someone you can high five after sex tbh
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redtights · 7 years
tbh somebody write karen
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redtights · 7 years
@facetiious liked for canon dialog
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          “ Woah that’s ----- so cool. ”
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redtights · 7 years
@fissarsi liked for canon dialog
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         “ Spider-Man is not a party trick. ”
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