Indie (smut) RP blog selective mun +21 and muses +18 tracking: redravenapts
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[ open to males - Margaret’s info here based on this ]
“This is a joke, right?” If Margaret had been in a sour mood before, she was downright miserable now. It was bad enough that her brother’s newest girlfriend had insisted on setting her up on a date, a blind date of all things, and yet, the man who took the empty seat in front of her at the bar was a somewhat familiar face. She’d only seen him once, hours before, when he’d given her a parking ticket; she’d only left her car for two minutes or so, just long enough to get a box of bear claws to bring to the volunteers center. It had been enough for the cop to write the ticket, no mercy shown even as she’d explained the situation. It had left her in a bad mood, not because of the money, but because she’d never once in her life gotten a ticket. She didn’t like breaking rules, and it seemed ironical that the one time she did, this happened. “Did my brother put you up to this?” she asked with something of a tentative laugh, trying to figure out if this was indeed an elaborate prank or just the universe laughing at her.
#indie smut rp#indie rp#indie smut starter#margaret: open#margaret: interaction#open starter#starter
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[ I’ve checked all the settings, moved the tags around, redone the post from scratch. So why won’t my posts show up in tags?
Ugh I hate this fucking hellsite. ]
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[ Is it just me or are the tags not working properly? ]
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DAISY JOHNSON & DANIEL SOUSA Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. | 7.09 “As I Have Always Been”
#maya: mirror#wanted opposite#Enver Gjokaj#i love this ship so much#daniel sousa is such a great character and Daisy deserved nothing but the best and he is that
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Grace couldn’t help but giggle softly at his assurance that she would, in fact, run screaming due to his (lack of) cooking skills. She found it rather charming the way he joked about it and, though she most certainly did not want to start something on fire, it still made her curious as to just how bad at it he really was. “Don’t worry, I’d be standing behind you with a fire extinguisher ready,” she teased, unable to keep the smile from her face. Honestly, whenever they were together, it was difficult for her to stop smiling. It was just one of the reasons why she enjoyed spending time with him so much, and why she had invited him over to her place. As much as she was enjoying the way things were now, there was still a part of her that was secretly hoping for…more. The only issue was, she wasn’t entirely sure he wanted the same thing and she didn’t want him to think she was trying to move too fast. But still, she had to take that leap. “Oh, I would love to show you! It’s absolutely fascinating. There’s just something so satisfying about watching bits of fabric becoming this beautiful design,” she explained, enjoying the fact that he seemed genuinely interested in the thing she enjoyed doing the most. She’d never really had anyone who paid such attention to her interests before. It was nice. With the bedroom door open, Grace took a few steps further into the room. “I warned you,” she teased with a slight shake of her head. Aside from the ceiling, the rug, walls, and bedspread were all different shades of pink. Nothing neon or in your face, but pink nonetheless. Biting her lip for a moment, Grace felt her heart pounding in her chest as she turned her attention back to Sam. “I was thinking that maybe, if you want to, you could…stay here tonight…with me.” She wished she could be more….seductive but really she was just nervous that he might reject her.
“That’s a wise precaution, yes,” Sam admitted with a brief laugh, glad that she fond the whole thing funny instead of pathetic or ridiculous. He really wanted to impress her, but there was no point in lying about something as trivial as his inability to cook - hopefully, she wouldn’t think less of him because of it. His request about showing him what her work consisted of seemed to be well received, which allowed him to relax a fraction - he’d hoped she wouldn’t mind, but not only that, it appeared she’d be happy to show him. “Well, that sounds like downright sorcery to me, so, I’m very curious,” he admitted with a playful grin. He hesitated just a moment before he stepped into the bedroom after her, and he briefly wondered if maybe he could get to spend more time with her in that room, soon. He didn’t want to scare her off by being too forward, but he couldn’t deny those kind of thoughts had come across his mind more frequently as of late. Still, he was caught off guard when she spoke next, her words taking a couple of moments to register. “Oh,” he breathed, realization dawning on him as to what she meant exactly by that. He almost asked her if she was sure, but checked himself in time - somehow, it felt wrong to doubt her resolve when she was the one who had had the guts to voice what he now knew both them were thinking. “I-- I’d love that,” he finally said, his smile warm and with just the slightest hint of awkwardness, which was quickly melting away. It wasn’t as if he was inexperienced, but with her, he just felt as if he really really didn’t want to mess up.
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Pictures of Eleanor with dogs are my everything. 🐶🤍
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Naomi Scott photographed by Matias Indjic for Elle India (June 2019)
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i knew if i got shot i’d get you home
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“Well I will say that you’re doing a great job so far, but don’t let that get to your head,” she teased with a small chuckle, though she meant every word. Despite the fact that this date had only just begun, Jamie already saw that he was a completely different person from the boy who’d been annoying her for weeks on end. His attitude now made her think that perhaps this day would be more enjoyable than she originally thought, which she hoped was the case. Jamie arched a brow in response to his comment about his driving and for a fleeting moment, she considered getting back out of the vehicle. Not that she didn’t trust him but….his follow up response made her relax a bit, the smile returning to her features. “Good because I’m trusting you to keep me safe, and that includes from the animals as well,” she teased. Jamie didn’t need to think about his question for too long, she had always known the animal she hated above all else. “Spiders, a hundred percent. I got one stuck in my hair once and it was a nightmare,” she explained with a small shudder. “What about you? And if you say something other than spider, I might need to reevaluate our date,” she joked.
“Too late, I am now convinced I’m the best date, I’m an absolute catch,” Zane teased right back, his grin leaving no doubt that he was just joking. Even so, he truly wanted to make sure she had a good time and enjoyed their date, and well, yes, he would have liked to change her initial opinion of him too. Who knew, maybe she could even grow to like him if he didn’t screw this up. He laughed softly at the change in her expression when he reassured her of his driving, and her next words prompted a small salute. “I solemnly swear to protect you from all threats, m’lady, vehicular or animal,” he responded playfully, although he liked that, liked that she was willing to joke around like that. “Spiders are pretty nasty, to be honest, they’re up there,” he agreed, his expression halfway between a smile and a frown. “But deep water fish just freak me out. Like, the anglerfish? Ugh.” He made a show of shuddering at the mention of the creature. “I’m not the biggest fan, let’s just say that.”
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Although Grace hadn’t been expecting the mention of a next date, she most certainly wasn’t opposed to it one bit. Even though they’d only been out a few times at this point, she knew that she would have happily spent time with him whenever he asked and would so so happily. It was probably too soon to say so out loud, but the time they spent together was something that she always looked forward to. “Oh, no please don’t think that way,” she insisted with a shake of her head, reaching for his hand and giving it a small squeeze. “That sounds like such a lovely idea, I would love to. And I’m not sure you could do anything that would send me screaming,” she assured, giving his cheek a small kiss. She still held his hand as she led him further into the house. “I try to keep it toned down a bit in the main areas. My work space and bedroom have the worst of it,” she warned him with a small giggle. “That’s the living room,” she pointed out, which only held some pale pink furniture, along with fabric stacked on the coffee table which she hadn’t put away yet. “And the kitchen and dining room are through there,” she added with a nod of her head, heading further down the hallway. “The bathroom and next to it is my work room.” The door to the room was open, allowing a view of the mess of fabric and designs that cluttered the space. “And my bedroom.” Grace hesitated for only a moment before she opened her bedroom door for him to see.
Sam wasn’t the type to assume she’d even want to go on another date with him, but he sure as hell hoped she would. There was something about spending time with her he’d never felt while being with anyone else, and though he wasn’t sure how to put it in words, it was exactly what had pushed those words out of his mouth. Still, she didn’t seem to mind - if anything, her response told him she enjoyed the idea of a next date. “Believe me, if I try to cook, you will run screaming. Because something will be on fire,” he admitted with something of a sheepish laugh. He wasn’t even exaggerating, he’d almost burned his kitchen down once, despite Archie trying to teach him the basics. As she walked them through the house, he took in how lovely it was and how every single room reflected what he’d seen so far of her personality. The glimpse into the work room gave him a mental picture of her working in there, surrounded by all the materials while her creations slowly came to be. It fascinated him, and before he could check himself he was speaking. “Maybe one day you can show me the process? Of creating the clothes, I mean.” He wouldn’t have known where to start, but if there was something he enjoyed, it was learning new things. When they stopped in front of the bedroom, he noticed she did have a slight hesitation, and told himself maybe she felt uncomfortable showing him. But then she opened the door, and Sam tried to act as naturally as possible. “You did promise pink,” he joked playfully.
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Levi only considered telling Peter that Maya was safe and sound — if only for the man’s own sanity — but the pout she gave him quickly pushed that thought out of his mind. He’d never tell her but Levi could already tell that he would do just about anything for her if she gave him that look. When had he become such a pushover? Had this been any other client, he would have immediately taken them back to safety, but perhaps he cared about Maya’s happiness more than he should have in his position. He knew all of this was tough for her and felt she did deserve a bit of fun. Besides, he was here now and he wasn’t going to let anything happen to her, so no harm in letting her enjoy it a bit. Her question had him arching an eyebrow in surprise — mainly because he was shocked she would even want to be seen with him. “I don’t really….dance,” he confessed. “But I suppose I wouldn’t turn you down either. Wouldn’t want to hurt that pride of yours,” Levi teased her. He finished his drink and pushed the glass aside, knowing full well that he wouldn’t be able to enjoy another one with the knowledge that she was there. He needed to be on guard now and alcohol would just mess with his reactions. “I’d like to think of it as doing my job, but if that’s how you want to put it then yes,” he answered, shaking his head slowly in amusement. Quite honestly, he was a bit worried that she might disappear into the night like she had with Peter, but for some reason he trusted her when she said she wouldn’t. It made him think that perhaps she liked him more than she did her other bodyguard and well…he liked that a bit more than he probably should. “Good. Now go, have your fun. I’ll be right here if you need anything.” He didn’t want it to sound like a dismissal but he sincerely doubted that she wanted to spend the rest of the evening there talking with him when she could do that at home.
When he didn’t deny her request and her pout, Maya assumed she’d succeeded in convincing him not to call Peter. She wasn’t sure how, if it was just a matter of practicality - Levi was already there, so why call the other bodyguard - or if her pout had actually hit the mark. Either way, she wasn’t going to question her luck. After all, Peter still thought she was in her room, sleeping. Unless he’d gone in to check on her, but she doubted that, the guy was too stuck up to ever dare step into her bedroom without good cause. Her mind idly wondered if she could get Levi to step into her bedroom without good cause, one of these days. She immediately pushed that thought aside, knowing she’d better not dwell on it, especially now that she had a drink in her hand, because she might say or do something very silly. Instead, she focused on his response. “You don’t really dance yet,” she corrected him with a wink, but the rest of his sentence actually drew a surprised smile to her face. “I knew it, you’re a sweetheart under all this Robocop crap.” Thanks to the fact that she was tipsy, her reactions were less filtered than they normally would have been, although she was nowhere near drunk yet. In truth, she was wary about getting too drunk, what with the whole stalker thing, she preferred to keep her wits about her at least a little. And it really bugged her, because she’d gone out to have fun, but the threat had started to feel so real that even she couldn’t ignore it altogether anymore. "Well, it’s fun when you stalk, not... you know.” She scrunched up her nose as she mentioned ‘the trouble’ as she called it, and quickly shook the thought off. When he encouraged her to go back and have fun - at the expense of his free night, she could have once again hugged him. Instead, she leaned closer to press a kiss against his cheek. “My hero,” she beamed up at him. Just before she left, however, she added, "You don’t have to sit here all alone, you know? You can come and join us.”
#heartbrxakers#heartbrxakers: levi#maya: interaction#p: maya x levi 2#i love them so much omg#tipsy maya is dangerous lol
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