redhoodiescentral · 7 years
OK guys, to celebrate 2000+ in the corps, I’m doing an art giveaway. You can enter today actually(the 14th)! The entry window will close sometime around the 20th to 25th of September(The official end date will be announced on the 16th). If there is a delayed or early end it’s because of school or some other sudden emergency! The winners will be announced on the following day of the end date. Three winners will be picked and here’s what you can get! 1st Place Winner: -One colored and lined piece of your favorite characters (two people max, full body) -A follow back from me -An edit of your favorite character (so things like a banner or icon) 2nd Place Winner: -A lined piece of your favorite character(waist up) OR a short fic with characters of your choice -An icon edit 3rd Place Winner: -Headshot drawing of your favorite character -A tumblr banner You can enter as many times as you wish as long as you enter under one name and not multiple blogs. Thank you guys so much and good luck! Here are some rules: -Enter under one name(as many times as you’d like) -You must be following crowbarcorps to be a valid entry -No NSFW requests, I am going to be posting these publicly so I would prefer to keep it SFW. -Include the blog you post from and the blog you can be contacted with/follow from in the form.  Enter here! Good luck!
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
check it out guys!! high-quality art for low prices!!
cheap commissions open yo
Hey guys so my commissions are open and I really am bored so if you could like pop in and maybe get a drawing I would love to do that for you!  PRICING PORTFOLIO
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
hc # ???
dick and cass have dance-offs when they have nothing better to do that night. their favorite song, which they karaoke sometimes, too, is dancing queen by abba.
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
i agree my friend
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Hey! I wanted to know if you have any comic recs for Red Hood or Jason's run as Robin. I've read some stuff, but I feel like there's so much more out there that I haven't seen yet! And any recs on where to read them? I don't really have a comic book store near me and the closest one doesn't really work with my work hours. Please and thank you!!
Ah yes there are sooo many I have yet to read!!!   Batman #357 (March 1983). (Pre Crisis)The very first time we see Jason Todd- (Batman #357).Batman Arkham Knight: GenesisBatman: Arkham KnightSome Master Lists:https://comicvine.gamespot.com/jason-todd/4005-6849/issues-cover/http://ultimatebatmancomicswebsite.weebly.com/robin-ii---jason-todd-pre-crisis.htmlEnjoy! -Crow(abby feel free to add some comic recs too)
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Umm do you know anything about maturity?
Idk man, she sounds familiar but I don’t think I’ve seen her anywhere lately.
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Yeah. And its all over comics? Hm. But we’re over it so. We’re sorry for offending but its comics you guys. Get over it.
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
say here's another idea. if you're oh-so rich, then why can't you afford to buy those comic books you always talk about
Can you guys act like you aren't 3 years old for a second? Saying people ship pedophilia when they CLEARLY don't? You are literally the worst. Attacking people like that can land you in some serious trouble. Especially when one of the people you accused of that is literally richer than you will ever be and whose dad works side by side with the FBI. So if you don't want to get investigated because of that post, I'd take that down.
I’m shiverin’ in me boots
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
why are you a retarded fuck that think you're a fucking girl. you would have to be dumb ass shit to think that your a guy but you have a pussy. nigger i will burn you on a cross like the niggers that got killed by the fucking kkk. you better go see a doctor and have them tell your dumbass that you are a fucking girl and not a damn dude. bitch if you think you have a cock but you really have a slit in between your crotch you are RETARDED AS SHIT AND I WILL FIND YOU AND BURN YOU LIKE A JEW FAGGOT.
please do, I actually have a pain kink.-Admin Crow
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
What does money even have to do with this? Oh no I’m poor and someone richer than me is trying to fight eueh! Get bent, anon.
Can you guys act like you aren't 3 years old for a second? Saying people ship pedophilia when they CLEARLY don't? You are literally the worst. Attacking people like that can land you in some serious trouble. Especially when one of the people you accused of that is literally richer than you will ever be and whose dad works side by side with the FBI. So if you don't want to get investigated because of that post, I'd take that down.
I’m shiverin’ in me boots
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
can yall read this real quick before you come to us putting shit in our mouths? 
We aren’t saying real fans don’t read comics. We’re wondering how you can claim to be apart of a fandom when you have no knowledge on the canon or origins of the subject. And no fucking shit to be a fan you don’t have to read every comic. That’s literally a dumb thing to assume we’re saying. For example on my previous statement: Imagine someone saying they’re into idk, Yugi-Oh! but have never seen an episode, played the game, or ever even read a wiki page or some shit like that. It just personally doesn’t make sense to me. But anyways my thoughts are just as valid as anyone else’s opposing thoughts.  -crow
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
y’all don’t even care to notice that there are two of us with differing opinions yet you’re acting like we’re both making the same statements lmao
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Can you guys act like you aren't 3 years old for a second? Saying people ship pedophilia when they CLEARLY don't? You are literally the worst. Attacking people like that can land you in some serious trouble. Especially when one of the people you accused of that is literally richer than you will ever be and whose dad works side by side with the FBI. So if you don't want to get investigated because of that post, I'd take that down.
I’m shiverin’ in me boots
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Well I don't see you protesting Jason Todd not being a redhead who is super cheerful and bright all the time because that's how he originally was debuted in 1983. Guess what, comics change. As does media. If you ONLY rely on the comics, Harley Quinn should be totally IGNORED in your mind because *GASP* her first debut was on TV! Check your privilege and realize not everyone has access to comics. And I'm SURE you haven't read every comic out there so don't expect others to.
buddy... pal... amigo... listen. this is getting old. there are countless online resources, wiki pages, libraries and websites that are all available to you for free where you can read comics. we're not against anything, it's just ridiculous when people write headcanons and fan fictions for characters they don't even know the personality of. here is my favorite, free, (high quality!) website where you can read until your little heart is content:http://readcomicbooksonline.net/
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
Get the facts before you guys come for us. You don’t even know who said what originally. 
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
We aren’t saying real fans don’t read comics. We’re wondering how you can claim to be apart of a fandom when you have no knowledge on the canon or origins of the subject. And no fucking shit to be a fan you don’t have to read every comic. That’s literally a dumb thing to assume we’re saying. For example on my previous statement: Imagine someone saying they’re into idk, Yugi-Oh! but have never seen an episode, played the game, or ever even read a wiki page or some shit like that. It just personally doesn’t make sense to me. But anyways my thoughts are just as valid as anyone else’s opposing thoughts.  -crow
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redhoodiescentral · 7 years
"From people who actually read comics!" Are you implying that they're not "real fans" if they don't read the comics? Cause let's face it: There's so many comics out there for even the Batfamily alone, that you have to go and read the Defective comics from the 1950s to actually even get caught up to all the madness of the Batfamily. And I mean a lot of comics to read.
I’m not implying that, and you don’t have to read every comic to be a fan ofc. That’d be an irrational thought. But how can you claim to be apart of a fandom that you know little to nothing about(canonically speaking that is). It’s like saying you are into Voltron or Scooby Doo but you’ve never actually seen an episode or even taken a gander into the canon of it. Sorry if that offended you but I feel like my comment and opinion is just as valid as your opposing one. -admin crow
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