Indie, semi-selective rp blog for Sylvester Stein, a Team Rocket OC. Mun and muse are 18+. Multiship friendly, OC friendly, not multifandom friendly right now. Written by Vincent.
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I don’t like pity. Pity makes you feel small and weak. I’d rather have someone hate me than pity me.
Marco, Book #15: The Escape, pg. 98 (by K.A. Applegate)
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yo so i aint dead but i’ve been playing through ultra moon (beat it actually) and weeeell. go to po town after you beat the game and you will find a man if you look hard enough. that’s why sylvester now has the middle name royce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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rocketgrunttailor answered your ask: “Please stay. I’d like some company.”
“Thank you, my dear.. I appreciate it.” He really did- perhaps he was a bit too soft on the boy, but.. hey, he was exhausted. In more ways than one, truthfully- he figured he could trust Tailor enough to let his guard down.. just a little.
“Truthfully? Yes, I have been.. stressed. It will pass though, I’m sure. Thank you, I do appreciate you staying.. I realize this.. transfer may not have been easy for you.”
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This pride of mine, it’s kept me alive.
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might not reply to a few things for a bit, i owe replies but im p drained from some stuff so.. ye
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“Well, I just might. Especially considerin’ I can’t punch what I can’t see. And seein’ as were checking this place out, I gotta be sure I can depend on my current partner.” he chuckled. Enjoying the fact the other seemed to be able to keep up with his flirting.
He watched as they stepped ahead of him, towards the abandoned building, leaving Balor behind to watch the other move. Admiring their backside a bit before pushing his eyes back up to their face.
“Heh, at this rate, the House at the only thing Imma be admiring tonight.” he winked, finally picking up his pace to pass them, jogging into the main room to look around.
“Mhm.. don’t worry your pretty little head, Agent Balor- that was your name, yes? Should the need arise I’m perfectly capable of defending us. A flashlight would have been wise though.” With a shrug, he continued on his way, definitely feeling eyes on his back. He didn’t mind one bit though- he could entertain this silly teasing back and forth, some entertainment during this little exploration.
“It would be nice if we found more than rubble and rotting wood, wouldn’t you say?” He commented as he pushed open the door, a chuckle emerging as the next pass the shorter made at him.
“My, you aren’t subtle, are you? I can admire that.”
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@rocketbalor continued from here
“Protect you, hm? Do you really need protection?” An amused smirk spread across his features at the quip- well, he could tease the agent right back. “You seem very much capable of handling yourself.. though there is nothing to be afraid of here.” Why, exactly, had he gone on this little field trip? Boredom, mostly.
“Well, shall we? Perhaps even though there will be no ghosts, we can admire a run down building.”
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“Ah.. it’s Halloween, hm? Perhaps I can add a few things to my usual attire.” Donning a pair of fangs and a masquerade mask, Sylvester calls it a day. He had never had time to dress up as a child, and at 36 he was much too old to, and didn’t have much of an interest anyways. But a pair of silly fangs and a mask never hurt anyone, did it?
#dropping in | ic#[[if u can think of a way to respond feel free to do so otherwise this is just for fun
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dont forget to remind ppl who the fuck u r in case they start getting 2 comfortable
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@shadyxdealings continued from here
Hm... he waited patiently as the shorter man looked him up and down, apparently deciding what exactly to do with him. Perhaps he may not get a kiss after all.. he would be disappointed, yes, but he wouldn’t force him into anything, he wasn’t a monster.
Ah-! Letting out a soft gasp in surprise as he was yanked down by his tie, a pair of panted lips meeting his nose. It seems he wasn’t allowe to enjoy the adorable peck for long before a fist collided with his cheek, earning a pained but mostly irritated grunt as he came back up to his full height, rubbing his cheek.
He stared down at him, now very annoyed, if not flat out pissed. The grunt didn’t have enough strength to seriously injure him, but it still hurt.
“You got guts, little grunt. You’re cute, but not that cute. I don’t appreciate it- you could’ve simply said no. You have five seconds to run before I return that rude gesture tenfold.”
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“Ah! Thank you Sir, but that won´t be necessary. I use my own room for my breaks, and I wouldn’t want to be singled out with something like a private break room… if anything some of the other grunts who work the base need better equipment and rooms… I´m doing rather well, I swear.”
While the others sentiment was appreciated, and Tailor was aware that he should be more careful about the amount of work he shouldered each day, he couldn’t accept a personal break room. He’d only get into trouble with other grunts for that.
“Well.. if you insist. The offer is still there if you continue to impress me, and you wish for one though.” A pause, and he tapped his chin, considering Tailor’s words. I’m afraid they’d have to earn such things; time is money after all.” Finishing off his food, he took another sip of his wine, letting out a pleased sigh.
“When you’re finished, I’ll lead you to my room. You can take as long as you need, and I’ll be in my study a few rooms down if you need me. I’ll see to it any supplies you’ll need will be ready for you.”
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“It might not be one of my biggest talents, but if you ever consider redecorating, I might be able to help? I always wanted to try my hand at setting up a nice living space, and I do have a good hand with fabrics of all kinds…only if that would be alright with you, of course.”
Taking a few bites of his food, the young mans eyes widened, before closing in bliss, the taste better than anything he ever had before. He´d have to compliment the chef later, everything was just made so perfect.
“I rarely take the minimum amount of break time, mostly on my own volition. It…helps me stay out of most peoples sights, and since I prefer to work alone, I can get a lot done.”
My.. well, at least Tailor seemed to be getting a tad bit more comfortable, or it seemed so. He was talking, quite a bit actually, filling the room with pleasant conversation and even making suggestions of his own. Good, this was good. He truly did want his guest to be relaxed here.
“Really? I will definitely keep you in mind if that day ever comes then. I admit, I’ve thought about it off and on, but never quite knew where to begin. Perhaps, with your help, we could turn this place into an original work of art, hm?” With a lighthearted chuckle, he went back to his food, watching Tailor finally try his own.
And my, did he look pleased. Good. At the younger’s statement, he cocked a brow at him, surprised at this. “Really.. it is just my opinion, but it sounds like you push yourself- your talent shows itself from all your hard work, but I’d say you should rest more- if you prefer being alone.. if you wanted and you prove to be worth it, perhaps I could arrange a private break room for you.”
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“I’m Riley! I travel the world, collecting and telling stories.” Ever so carefully, he sat on the same bench as the man- not too close, but not making it seem he was being avoided. There was something… dangerous about this one’s aura.
“Might I have your name, sir?”
My... he could already tell this would be an.... interesting conversation. It was not every day someone asked to tell him a story- never happened at all in fact. And his appearance alone often frightened many away from speaking to him. If it wasn’t that, it was his tone and aura. This... Riley didn’t seem perturbed though. Interesting.
Should he give him his real name? He kept himself so well hidden he was fairly certain his name was not on the wanted list, and instead one of his alias... perhaps his first name would be fine.
“Sylvester- it’s a pleasure.”
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Hm? Oh- it seemed Sylvester was being spoken to. Turning his gaze towards the other man, he raised a brow, slowly nodding. “I suppose a story won’t hurt. May I ask your name, sir?”
reddeathofrocket started following you
“Oh, hello sir! Care for a story while you wait for the ferry?” Or at least he assumed the man was waiting for a ferry. Oh well, no harm in just asking.
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“They are really pretty, Sir, and do fit really well with your interior design. Your mother must have had a great taste.”
Looking over the array of food, he picked a few things, some of which he had never seen before, others which had been prepared in ways he was not used to. Well, if there was anything he was willing to do, it was trying new things, and this was a rare opportunity to experience food he would never be able to afford.
“I´m glad it won´t get wasted…I always feel bad when I see perfectly good food getting thrown away, it´s something my mother taught me to avoid. Ah…thank you again for allowing me to have this.”
“Oh? Well, thank you very much.. she had a very exquisite taste, one I’ve grown to appreciate over the years. The house is framed on what I grew up in, as well- I have an eye for fashion, but interior design.. perhaps not so much. I purchased the base and built from there, and here you see the result.”
Taking a sip of his wine, he waited for Tailor to process the information he was offering him, starting to enjoy his own food. The younger man looked like he barely knew what to do with all the options, yet likely was excited to try what he could- as were most when he invited them into his home and they were less fortunate than he.
“That’s a good lesson- it’s a pity to waste perfectly good food. No matter how much money you may have.” A pause. “You’re quite welcome- you’re a welcome guest in my home, and I wouldn’t have you here without first getting you food. I imagine you don’t take many breaks on duty.”
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"Special delivery for a mister Sylvester Stein." Duff didn't bother knocking, he knew the older man would be waiting for the little bundle of fluff and claws wrapped up in the blanket he was cradling. "Straight from mister Isbell's cattery." The grunt also didn't make a show of offering a respectful bow; he didn't much give a shit what the drug lord thought of him. "He hopes that you'll like this little one." The bleach blonde held out the blanket which contained a level five feline houndour.
“Ah!” Sylvester, of course, had been eager for the arrival when Archer had texted him that morning , letting him know that the breeding had gone well and he could expect one of his grunts to deliver him his kitten of choice later that day. And so he had. No knock, but he didn’t much care.
Hm- this one was cute. And tall- he was a fan of that, enough to ignore the clear lack of respect. “Wonderful! Let me have a look at her…” Glad to take the blanket from Duff’s hands, he unwrapped it to take a look at the darling- and oh my goodness… what an adorable little thing! Still quite sleepy too. Fluffy and almost Growlithe like in appearance, tiny fangs peaking out from her mouth, the drug lord’s heart damn dear melted.
“Ah.. that I do. He did a wonderful job.” Sitting back down in his chair, he proceeded to hold her close and pretty much baby her on the spot. “I’ll be texting him myself to give him my thanks, but feel free to tell him so.”
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