Are you constantly wanting to do A Thing but never know how to do The Thing?
Does figuring out where to start a task and knowing what steps need to be taken to complete the task stress you out?
Lemme introduce you to...
For example, you want to clean your oven.
You simply go to the website and in the "Add new item" box, you type "clean the oven". You can then also use the lil chillies next to the plus to change the level of breaking-down you'd like. Next, hit the magic wand-looking button to break it down!
You can check off items as you go, and further break things down if desired!
It works on large tasks such as planning a cross-country trip, writing a book or going on vacation and smaller tasks such as cleaning an oven.
There's also tools for task time estimation, meal-prep that takes into account dietary constraints, equipment and such, and a braindump compiler.
It's available as an IOS/Android app for less than a dollar, or a free web app. I can't hype this up enough, the developers deserve so much love for this.
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the bait and switch way this is written literally made me laugh out loud
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i must not get takeout. takeout is the wallet-killer. takeout is the little-death that brings total obliteration. i will face the kitchen, fridge, and pantry. i will make choices about what to cook and then execute them. when hunger is gone there will be nothing. only i will remain.
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It's that time of the year where police departments start warning everyone about "drugs disguised as candy" for Halloween!
And while everyone's reaction is usually "haha they're so stupid lol!!" Let's not forget that this is one of the ways they transparently demonize addicts in order to keep the populace convinced that they are evil, horrible people that deserve to be locked up. They know that citizens will eventually start thinking "hey, they're really only hurting themselves, shouldn't they get help instead of being punished?" so in order to keep everyone comfortable with criminalizing drug addiction, they spread the idea that addicts have a secret agenda to turn EVERYONE into addicts, so they just *NEED* to keep them locked up.
"They're coming after our children! They're trying to turn our children into _____!" (Does that sound familiar?)
We need to go harder at humiliating these fuckers every year they keep trying to spread this bullshit.
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For a while in my life I legitimately considered moving to Germany. There’s multiple reasons I inevitably ended up staying in the US but one of the big ones was that one time when I was in Germany and wanted some salsa the closest thing I could find was basically just tomato sauce.
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I want food and good service. But I want to know your doing it while you suffer and struggle
People who say this are literally saying that they prefer for the workers to all be inexperienced and desperately looking for other jobs. But they somehow also expect good service.
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FEMA is doing an emergency alert test on all TVs, radios, and cell phones on October 4, 2023, at approximately 2:20pm ET.
If you live in the US and you have a phone you need to keep secret for any reason, make sure that it is turned off at this time.
Yes, I'm doing this months in advance, and yes, my blog has very little reach, but I figure better to post about it more than less.
Please reblog and add better tags than mine, I'm bad at tags.
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Peanut Butter Stuffed Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a Facebook post from Weisenback Farm. The post is a photo of two 5 gallon jugs of distilled white vinegar; one is 4% acidity, one is 5% acidity. The caption reads: Just a little warning for all those who are canning pickles or anything using vinegar. This year you cannot just grab a plastic jar of vinegar or even pickling vinegar without checking the label. Safe pickling requires 5% acidity... for the first time we are seeing 4% acidity vinegar... on the shelves. That renders anything pickled in the 4% NOT shelf stable. I belong to several canning FB pages where everyone is warning... for the first time ever... to check those labels or you could be throwing out many jars of unsafe pickled vegetables. End ID]
The National Center for Home Food Preservation issued this letter on July 14, 2023 warning people
They recommend that anything you have canned in the past 24 hours using 4% vinegar be stored in the fridge, and anything that was canned more than 24 hours ago using 4% vinegar be discarded.
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Three different ways to open a tightly sealed jar by yourself/ without assistance
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