Reaper Records
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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Kyle Chard sings for Born Low.  Catch them on tour throughout February with Madball and Twitching Tongues.
Unarguably the greatest television program of all time. The layers of irony, the weaving of plots across episodes and seasons, the impeccable delivery of endless tag lines, the uncompromising content... how could anyone discredit Seinfeld in the slightest?
Even if the brand of humor falls flat upon you, the success of this show and it's relevance after a decade has passed since cancellation is undeniable. What other long gone program has Instagram and Twitter accounts that fondly dedicate content on the daily to its memory?
1. The Phone Message
My favorite character is positively George. And this episode displays classic Constanza paranoia and neuroticism at its finest. What's more interesting, this type of character development really would flourish in later seasons from George, but this episode was strangely in a league of its own in the early season 2 era. It was a good foreshadowing of things to come. Not only missing a cue while on a date to have sex, but waiting outside Carol's apartment with Jerry freaking out, unsure of himself and his wacky plan, is emphatically one of the best George moments across the entire show's run. "Get up! Get up! It's her. Oh the hell with this, I'm scared to death, just walk away, it's off, cancel everything, go!  "Tippy toe! Tippy toe! Lemon tree!"
2. The Puerto Rican Day Parade
I believe this episode was never re-aired in syndication because it was criticized as being racially insensitive. Regardless, it does contain one of my favorite scenes. That being the moment when Jerry, George, and Kramer all take on their alter ego personas and wind up in an apartment for sale all for equally ridiculous reasons and must maintain these personas in front of one another. That exchange is priceless. "I can't be blind Jerry, the blind are courageous." "Delicious to meet you." 3. The Abstinence
George becoming smart from a dry spell and the opposite happening to Elaine. Some classic Yankees make a cameo which is always cool in my book. The best part is the huge return of Jackie Chiles, who helps Kramer sue the tobacco companies claiming "The man's a goblin," and "Your face, is my case." 4. The Strike
You can't leave the Festivus episode off any top Seinfeld list. Even people who have only happened upon a few episodes know about "the Festivus episode." There's other great stuff going on in this one as well though, like "the human fund" and Jerry's short lived girlfriend who looks good in some lights and terrible in others. Krueger's apathy is simmered to a perfection in this one.  5. The Betrayal
The episode in reverse chronology. The series creatively really came to Zenith around this time. Set mostly in India, for the wedding of Sue Ellen Mishke, attended by Elaine out of spite. George needs to spray paint his Timb's black because he's so insecure that he can't loose the added height and risk loosing points at a wedding. They really went outside the box with the time reversal  thing happening during this period of television so this one makes the list for that alone.
Pick up Born Low's "REFUSE TO BEG" out now on Ox Blood and Swamp Green vinyl.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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Patrick Kitzel is currently out on the road with TERROR on the PERSISTENCE tour, with Suicidal Tendencies, Strife and a handful of other bands. 
Day 6 of the Persistance Tour. Wiesbaden, located close to Frankfurt, was today's tour stop. After eating about 6 fresh baked rolls with all sorts of cheeses and Nutella, we took showers and headed into the city. Within 5 minutes I found a record store that was full with vinyl from the 50s and the 60s. Sorta specialized in German Rock N Roll. It was heaven. Everything from artists like Peter Kraus to Ted Herold and Gus Buckus. I spent about 200 bucks there. Picked up some great Karl May soundtracks mostly. Martin Boetgers did those scores and anybody that's a kid in Germany should know his stuff. His work was something that inspired me as a child to go outside and play cowboy and Indians. Those movies taught me about a brotherhood between a white guy and an Apache Indian. Literally bonded by blood and adventures.
After that leaving that spot we went and got lunch and headed back to the venue where I downloaded Justified's Season 4. Strife played a great set with Nick Jett filling in on bass since Chad had to leave the tour for 2 days to fly back to California for some work meeting.
Terror. Well, Terror... I don't even know what can be said about that band at this point anymore. It's almost to the point where I'm convinced that Scott and the gang could talk a "Jazz Fest" crowd into diving over a 5 foot barrier with half a soccer field distance between stage and the barrier. Peep the videos.
Next stop is Switzerland where I'm gonna see my good friends Thomas Pat and Jojo.
  Pick up Terror's "LIVE BY THE CODE" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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Turnstile represses have arrived and will be en route from ReaperHQ to you and your turntable very soon.  
   Pick up Turnstile's "STEP TO RHYTHM"out now on baby blue, silver, and purple vinyl.
 Pick up Turnstile's "PRESSURE TO SUCCEED" out now on clear, blue, and orange vinyl.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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Patrick Kitzel is currently out on the road with TERROR on the PERSISTENCE tour, with Suicidal Tendencies, Strife and a handful of other bands. 
BERLIN, GERMANY | JANUARY 16th, 2014 Yesterday was Terror's kick off show for the Persistance Tour. 1500 people packed into the Astra in Germany's capitol city, Berlin.
Nasty, Ramallah and Strife set it off early in the evening and warmed up the crowd for Terror to step on stage.
After the intro came to an end, Terror started with Keepers of the Faith and about 3 songs into the set kids rushed the barricade and the things went nuts.
  Next stop Saarbruecken...
-Patrick Kitzel
  Pick up Terror's "KEEPERS OF THE FAITH" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Turnstile's "STEP 2 RHYTHM" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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Brendan Top 5 Elvis Love Song - Love Me - Cant Help Falling in Love - Love Me Tender - Loving You - First in Line
Franz Top 5 Shoe Purchases of 2013 - Royal blue retro Jordan 1 - Nike QS306 (euro release) - Nike air max German camp pack - ”Fucking Awesome” Vans era - Black leather Clark wallabies
 Sean Coo - Top 5 Skate Video Parts - Andrew Reynolds - Birdhouse “This is the End” - P.J. Ladd - Colliseum “PJ Ladd’s Wonderful Horrible Life” - Josh Kalis - Alien Workshop “Photosynthesis” - Arto Saari - Flip “Sorry” - Bobby Worrest- Pitcrew “Where I’m From”
  Brady Top 5 Anything - Mixtape - Fat Trel - SDMG - Movie- Fruitvale Station - Athlete - Lebron James - Weed- girl scout cookies - Current hardcore band - Take Offense
  D Fang Top 5 Weightlifters - Lu Xiajoun - Liao Hui - Klokov Dmitry - llya llyin - Apti Aukhadov
  Pick up Turnstile's "STEP 2 RHYTHM" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Terror's "KEEPERS OF THE FAITH" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Trapped Under Ice's "BIG KISS GOODNIGHT" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Turnstile's "STEP 2 RHYTHM" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Backtrack's "DARKER HALF" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up World Collapse's "FROST/CASKET" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Naysayer's "LAID TO REST" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Trapped Under Ice's "SECRETS OF THE WORLD" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Terror's "LIVE BY THE CODE" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
  Pick up Terror's "KEEPERS OF THE FAITH" out now.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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AJ Novello takes a different approach to his latest endeavor with longtime friend and band mate Jimmy “Pokey” Mo (LEEWAY, BOTH WORLDS, AGNOSTIC FRONT) and fellow Astoria-bred Hardcore musician Arthur Smilios (GORILLA BISCUITS, CIV). One might expect another rekindled hardcore “super group” that rehashes the sound of their former outfits. FUTURE FABLES however is sure to raise eyebrows with a sound that more resembles ’70s British hard rock and the early ’80s NYC underground. inspired by the likes of Swan Song-Era ZEPPELIN and THE CLASH, FUTURE FABLES also take the best elements of post punk and power pop from bands like KILLING JOKE, THE PROFESSIONALS, PUBLIC IMAGE LTD, SQUEEZE, etc. to create a unique hybrid of melodic hard rock.
After seeing The Song Remains The Same in 1976 at the age of nine, Novello bought every hard rock record he could afford, mostly SABBATH and ZEP. As most kids of the time who were into hard rock, he wanted to emulate Jimmy Page so he started taking guitar lessons. A few years later, he was exposed to punk rock, which completely changed his life. The guitar lessons stopped and the desire for starting his own band, the greatest gift of punk rock, took hold. Entering high school in the fall of 1981, Novello met like-minded people who also grew up on hard rock, but were now deeply into punk and its offspring hardcore. Watching FEAR on Saturday Night Live and going to school with members of hardcore bands like KRAUT, TOKEN ENTRY and KILLING TIME made him start his first band, LEEWAY.
  Pick up Future Fables "JUPITER'S PULL" out now on red and white vinyl.
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reaperrecords · 11 years ago
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