reallypurpletale · 1 year
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Things I Have Manifested Using the Law of Assumption
Desired face. I wanted to look like a mixture of Dua Lipa and Bella Hadid. This was my first "major" manifestation, and it took me about two months. At first, I affirmed and persisted, but I was doing so from a state of lack. Once I switched to embodying the state where I had my desired face, it manifested in a little over a week. Before I fell asleep at night, I would imagine myself waking up and looking in the mirror to see my desired face. I would do this a few times in order to feel the wish fulfilled, and then I would allow myself to daydream about other things until I fell asleep.
Desired body. After I manifested my desired face, I wanted my desired body to go along with it. I wanted to be 5'11 with long legs, about 10 lbs. lighter, and smaller breasts. I basically wanted a supermodel's body. I embodied the state of having my desired body for a few days, and then woke up one day about five inches taller. I kept banging my head on things! Lol
My desired apartment. I really wanted to move out of my parent's house. This one was a bit harder for me, because I was faced with reminders regularly that I didn't live on my own. It was hard for me to ignore my 3D fully at first. I was able to ignore some parts of my 3D, but other parts were harder. After meditating on it one night, I realized what I was "doing wrong" was that I wasn't fully living in my 4D, as I was allowing myself to be distracted by negative aspects of living with my family. Finally, I remembered Neville's story of when he manifested getting honorably discharged from the military. He said that night, he fell asleep imagining that he was in his bed back home. I did this for three nights: I imagined, when I was falling asleep at night, that I was in my new bed in my new apartment. I felt the cold air (my parents kept the heat high), I heard the city noises outside of my window. On the fourth morning, I woke up in my desired apartment.
My SP. My SP was a guy who was in one of my classes at university. We had never talked before, but we sat a few seats from one another in class. I embodied the state of being in a relationship with him. I stopped embodying the state of being single, the state of having a crush, and the state of being lonely. Every night, I imagined him falling asleep in bed next to me. It took me three days of embodying my new state for him to ask for my number. We went on a date and it went swimmingly. We have now been officially together for four months. We just spent a lovely Valentine's Day together!
These are my "biggest" manifestations. I got them all by applying states. My biggest tip is for to ignore your 3D, because as long as you are focused on having your desire already in your 4D, it has no choice but to manifest. Everything comes from imagination!
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reallypurpletale · 1 year
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+ how I better my self concept & gained trust in my manifestation abilities
i was v desperate back then and just wanted my desire without doing anything. i would watch the same manifestation videos again and again, read the same success stories again and again. I realised that wasn’t helping anything so I just went off and did my own thing.
because I was so desperate, i didn’t work on my self concept (bad idea for me lol) and just started affirming anyway. I realised that everytime I finished affirming I would get sharp pains in my chest, this was due to the fear of not getting my desires by a certain date.
fast forward weeks later..I realised I actually had to start working on my self concept, gain some trust in my loa abilities and start telling myself that I am worthy, always successful and that I deserve great things.
roe, i always get what i want.
everything always works in my favour
roe, i am always successful
the world is my oyster
roe, i am so beautiful and I love everything about myself
roe, i always manifest whatever i want a sec after affirming for it
roe, i have strong faith in my manifestation abilities
i always get sub results instantly
roe, i am worthy and i deserve to live my dream life
creds 2 @cleostoohot for some of these affirmations & the regardless of everything
after two weeks of affirming these affirmations, I would start to see drastic changes in my life, things were actually starting to work in my favour, I did always get whatever I want, i felt so mf beautiful I did not gaf about any of the pretty bitches i saw on pinterest or tiktok, I kept reminding myself that I am prettier than them anyways, somethings I didn’t even affirm for but desired even manifested.
I wanted to put my master manifester abilities to the test & in this time I was obsessed with 21 savage lol. so for like one day I just affirmed that when I go out I would see the number 21 everywhere I go and that is exactly what mf happened!! The next thing I affirmed for was to see a pink car and I was walking to school and saw exactly that! I then affirmed that my mum would buy me some kfc, she went out that evening and when she came back yup, you fucking guessed it she brought back my fave meal from kfc. I was very fucking excited because I finally had my own proof that the law was real! I stopped reading peoples success stories for motivation and deleted tumblr, Twitter and any other loa social media platforms for a couple of months and then when I came back, the void state was popular so I decided to do that and it succeeded because why? Because I am always successful that’s why.
I am so sorry if this looks very confusing, I am still trying to work on my writing skills lol. Hope this motivated you and good luck on your journey! 💋
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
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Read Full Article Here: 
5 Ways To Achieve Your Dreams
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
okay u bitches
there are 58 days until jan. 1. 2020.
58 DAYS,
8 WEEKS until 2020
now i don’t know about u, but i dont want to start the next decade fat
im gonna become even more strict than i am now, bc i refuse to be fat when 2020 starts
who’s with me?!
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
Only do what you’re assigned to do, don’t stray from your assignment
Never think you can defeat the system
Don’t question where people disappear to, all you need to know is that they upset someone
Rebelion won’t save you, you could end up dead for all you know
Questions are never to be asked out loud, they listen to everything
They will watch your every move
Stick to a routine or they will know something is up
Your rights don’t matter anymore, there is no more constitution, that was burned in 2035
Don’t fall in love, a spouse will be appointed to you when you come of age
And you are expected to have children
The internet will be restricted
Remember to follow the order and never try to escape
There is no escape
No outside the wall can help, no outside the wall knows where to find you anyway
And never ask one question…
Is this a simulation?
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
It turns out
You will lose weight if you eat at a caloric deficit. Period.
Basic laws of thermodynamics and the universe say in a closed system,
Energy in = energy out
Your body spends energy by existing -- breathing, walking, talking, getting up to go to the bathroom, chewing on your food, pumping blood to your organs. Every single action requires energy (calories)!
There's something called TDEE, or total daily energy expenditure. It's a calculation of how much energy it requires for you to function and stay at the same weight. Obviously, it matters what heigh and weight you are -- the taller and heavier you are, the more calories you require to simply exist. You can find TDEE calculators all over the internet simply by googling.
So for example:
5'4" female @140lb: 1668 calories
5'0" female @110lb: 1429 calories
What does this mean?
In order for you to lose weight, you just need to eat less than your TDEE.
This is basic physics. The laws of the universe do not change. If you eat less than TDEE, you will lose weight, no buts or ifs. If you "binge" eat 1600 calories, but your TDEE is 1660, you will not gain weight (permanently). It's just not possible (see my notes on water weight below if you have doubts).
1lb of fat is approximately 3500 calories of deficit. In other words, that's a 500 cal deficit per day, for one week, to lose one pound.
So if your TDEE is 1600, if you eat 1100 calories everyday, you lose one pound in a week.
"But I ate at 1000cal/day and I gained .5lb this morning!!!!"
Weight is so dependent on your sodium intake, hormonal levels, what food you've eaten that day that one single scale reading means NOTHING.
Here's a picture of the scale readings over the past two months for me.
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See how it fluctuates like crazy? What's important is the general trend-- although one day I may "gain" 2lbs, one week later I'll be 3lbs below that "heavy" weight. I actually recommend stepping on the scale every day, at the same time. It helps move away from "omg I gained 3lbs!!!!" and let's you accurately identify if you are actually losing weight.
So for all you people who are stressed out about eating too much, just do some basic math. Chances are, you can eat a reasonable amount and LOSE WEIGHT. For me, if I try to eat 500cal a day, I do it for one day, then binge eat the next day and ruin my progress. One pound per week may seem slow, but consider how long you e hated your weight, compared to how quickly it'll drop off.
I've hated my weight for almost 8 years now, and in just two months I've dropped 1/3 of the weight I wanted to, while eating at 1200calories a day. In that context, 6 more months of this? Easy!
1200 calories: That's a lot of food! You can eat properly with that! For example one day:
Coffee with condensed milk (60)
Oatmeal (150)
2boiled eggs (140)
1cup chicken teriyaki (150)
Broccoli (50)
4 lychees (100)
One whole avocado (220)
2 slices of bread (180)
1/2 carton halo top (140)
In conclusion: you can eat a reasonable amount of food and still lose weight (faster than restricting, bc there's wayyy less binges). Your caloric intake will depend on your height and weight-- a 5'0 woman and a 5'6" woman should not be eating the same amount.
Good luck losing weight lovelies ❄️
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
Things you can do once you're at GW
All clothes look good on you!! Everything fits off the rack, no more crying in the dressing room feeling fat
Contour/makeup no longer required, your natural bone structure is better than anything you can fake
You're comfortable taking random candid pics, bc you look skinny from every angle
You're confident when talking to new people, because you're not worried about their judgement about your weight
Strangers treat you better, teachers take you more seriously, people find you more attractive
No more self consciousness while smiling/laughing! No double chin/face fat :)
Your waist is slender and snatched
It's cheaper to get drunk and now ur the cute drunk
Ppl can pick you up without a problem
No longer feel ashamed about cuddling/sitting on someone's lap
You aren't embarrassed to mention/talk about your weight
You're comfortable and happy with your body
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
best laxatives!
no pain, no fucked up organs, no fucked health guaranteed!
1. kiwi
2. chia seeds
3. flaxseeds
4. psyllium
5. coffee (works for someone)
6. oats
7. berries
8. prunes
9. cherries
10. Kefir
11. leafy greens
12. apples
13. oils - castor oil, olive oil..
14. aloe vera
15. figs
16. citrus fruits
17. beans, peas, lentils...
18. Senna
19. greek yogurt
20. coconut water
21. stay the fuck away from laxatives from pharmacies
be safe, laxatives are adicctive, and not worth it. they dont make you lose weight. they destroy your body.
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
can't wait to move out for college and "forget" to buy food. I'll be saving money and losing weight, it's a win-win.
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
“How did you lose weight so fast “
Me : oh you know exercising and eating better
*laughs in eating disorder *
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
how fucking hard is it
just don’t eat
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
It’s a slow process
But quitting won’t speed it up
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
✨Fucked up ED things✨
Secretly wishing that something bad happens so that I’ll be too depressed to eat
Wishing that people would say that I’m fat I’m my face
Taking pictures of my fat rolls in public so I’ll be extra ashamed of myself
Taking every chance I get to skip a meal
Wanting to get in some sort of accident or get an operation which requires me not to eat
Loving the feeling of seeing starts and feeling weak
Seeing everyone around me eat and being proud that I’m the only one who doesn’t
Counting calories of other people’s meals and judging them (fucking hate this trait tho)
Feel free to add more🦋
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
Sugar Addiction
So my mom once told that sugar was addictive, so I investigated a little about that because i couldn’t stop thinking about it
Sweet foods are highly desirable due the powerful impact sugar has on the reward system in the brain called the mesolimbic dopamine system
Drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines and nicotine hijack this brain system
Activation of this system leads to intense feelings of reward that can result in cravings and addiction. So drugs and sugar both activate the same reward system in the brain, causing the release of dopamine
Dopamine has an important role in the brain, directing our attention to things in the environment like tasty foods that are linked to feelings of reward
This means our attention can be drawn to cakes and chocolates when we’re not necessarily hungry, so hello cravingS
Cutting sugar from your diet it´s like really hard because many processed foods have added sugars hidden in their ingredients, switching from sugar to a sweetener can cut down on calories, but it is still feeding the sweet addiction
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
Others: Why are you so protective of your phone. You hiding porn or something?
Me not wanting them to find my ed Tumblr: AH YOU GOT ME
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
🔮✨Body goals✨🔮
Sharp jaw bone and big eyes(not to far off anyways from this)
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Sharp as fuck collarbones to cut bread 🍞
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Flat Stomach with no flab 🖤&
Ribz bich 😈
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Hipbones that POP out 💥
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Thin as fuck twig legs with a thigh gap to die for!💀☠️
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Thin Arms❤️
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Cold Boney Hands 🥶
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These are my mf body goals cause they perfection 💯💯💯
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reallypurpletale · 5 years
We think other peoples lives are better than ours because we compare their highlights to our behind-the-scenes.
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