reaganfts · 10 years
Can you turn off the WiFI signal or something of the kind? Because I'm pretty sure that'd be the most evil power anyone could have around here.
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I don’t know how I feel about that. Is that a bad thing? Um no. I can mess with electricity, waves shit like that.
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reaganfts · 10 years
How would you know if you have never met the other guy? Maybe he's a snobby wolf who likes to read the Wall Street Journal, or maybe he prefers magazines and is into The New Yorker's short stories. Or you know, he could always use it as a place to pee. Maybe he's always so incontrollable because the restroom facilities in the woods are not good. Either way, I'll be carrying around a newspaper every time I hang out with you.
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"I am sure, Reagan. You would need more than a newspaper to control the other guy. But feel free to stay as long as you like. I could use the company."
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reaganfts · 10 years
Change of plans, Santa is going to kill you instead if you leave him shrimp instead of homemade cookies.
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I’m more of a cocktail and shrimp girl rather than cookies and milk. 
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reaganfts · 10 years
A throwdown? Is that how people who listen to country call pillow fights? Etiher way, you're not going to be able to throw me down if you can't reach me.
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"—Are you sayin’ my bum doesn’t look nice now? Way to kill a guy’s mood even more. I swear, if ya hit me one more time we’re gonna have a throw down—With pillows.”
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reaganfts · 10 years
God! You're too nice. You must have like a really evil power or something. Don't tell me you're one of those guys that turn into puppies because I might actually die.
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Not really. Me being nice? I don’t know I’m just a nice guy.. unless I don’t like you. In that case you would know because I would tell you. Don’t trust people too easily. It can be bad for you.
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reaganfts · 10 years
This isn't an invasion of 'personal space', Nik, stop being so dramatic. Your bum is not fine. Just because Seb left, doesn't mean that you're not going to use it anymore. We need to get it back in shape before the new year starts and a whole batch of hot, new superheros arrive.
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“Stooooop. This is a real big invasion of personal space, Reagan. My bum is fine, thank you very much. My bed likes it well enough.”
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reaganfts · 10 years
I don't know about Santa, but that's certainly the way to make me murderous.
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"How do you plan to turn Santa murderous? Steal his cookies and milk?"
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reaganfts · 10 years
You don't believe that if you do bad stuff, it will come back to you? And here I thought the whole nice thing was an act for you to get good karma. Guess I'm going to have to trust you, after all.
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I mean not really. Unfortunate things just happen sometimes. True. Fine. Since Beyonce said it I have to believe. She’s queen B.
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reaganfts · 10 years
I bet he is a coffee drinker, but do you really want to see him on caffeine? For all I know, he could zodiac kill me.
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So he’s a tea guy? Weird. Always pinned serial killers as coffee drinkers. 
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reaganfts · 10 years
Afraid - The Neighbourhood
Keep on dreaming, don't stop breathing, fight those demons Sell your soul, not your whole self If they see it when you're sleeping, make them leave it And I cant even see if its all there anymore so
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reaganfts · 10 years
You don't believe what goes around comes back around? I mean, God! There's even a Beyoncé song about that.
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I don’t believe in karma that much.
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reaganfts · 10 years
Of course it's animal blood. I mean, you would know if it were human, right? The ghost would be bothering you non-stop for you to give him his blood back. Damn, that's almost vampirey in some way. Although, vampires don't drink their own blood so it would be senseless if it asked you for it. But it would make sense that it would want its blood back. I mean, it is his blood. Wait—you can't see animals, right? Should I be worried about some bull bothering me at night?
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Okay, okay, let’s calm down. Maybe it’s just animal blood from the butcher shop down the road. Let’s just get you cleaned up and then we can deal with finding out who did this. It’ll be fine, I promise.
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reaganfts · 10 years
It makes sense that you could meditate easier in the air. I mean, since technically, the air up in higher altitude has nicer temperature, less atmospheric pressure and more humidity. Us, down to earth mortals, get stuck with the crappy, dense air.
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She opened both eyes, giggling lightly. “Close — a morning mediation.”
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reaganfts · 10 years
Nik! Come on,  we can't be moping in bed all day. Wake up, Nik. Your ass is going to turn flat with you sitting on it all day. 
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"I don’t know what I wanna do more. Lay in bed for another day or drink. Maybe both…"
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reaganfts · 10 years
Invulnerability doesn't give me fur or claws. Are you truly sure you don't want to try becoming a wolf right here? If you don't control yourself I'll just hit you with a newspaper and pat your head.
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"It’s not amazing. Invulnerability is amazing."
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reaganfts · 10 years
Exactly, right? I mean, we have superpowers, it's not like we have some terminal disease or anything. I mean, if it does work out alright, that is. Don't worry, our cause is full of failures. Otherwise, what would there be to do? Theodore Bear? As in Teddy Bear? You're a living Seth Macfarlane movie, my friend.
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Thank God there is. I mean, everyone seems really angry and depressed around here.. Kinda makes me sad. And I’m sorry, I know, I’m a failure to our cause. I really am. Well, my name is Theodore Bear and I have the power to manipulate my size.
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reaganfts · 10 years
He is around here, we have afternoon tea every Wednesday after his AA —Assassin Anonymous— meetings. You can join us anytime you want.
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So like, do they really keep super secret government criminals in the Pentagon? Am I gonna meet the Zodiac Killer guy?
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