readingwithrendz · 2 years
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau | Review // SMG has done it again my friends (And I'm finally telling you about it)
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau | Review // SMG has done it again my friends (And I’m finally telling you about it)
Greetings readers! Long time, no see on this space yadayada…let’s get straight to business. I couldn’t let this year go by without publishing this review, I’d be in so much trouble with myself if I did. In July, I devoured SMGs new novel because A. I had been waiting for months to read it, B. Of course I’m gonna binge any SMG book and C. I was leaving on vacation in a week so I literally had a…
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readingwithrendz · 2 years
Blog Tour | Tokyo Dreaming // In which I get exactly what I want
Today is my stop on Tokyo Dreaming Blog Tour! Read on for court drama, the never question of "who am I" and a love-triangle Rendz enjoyed (!)
Greetings readers! I have the wonderful opportunity to be part of the blog tour for this new, wonderful book! If you remember, last year I was swept off my feet by the incredible book Tokyo Ever After. It promised me a Princess Diaries-esque vibe and boy oh boy did it deliver. That being said, Tokyo Ever After left me with one specific want after I turned the last page: a royal wedding please…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Oddly specific and very curious reading cravings I've had as of late | Reading Slump Diaries
Oddly specific and very curious reading cravings I’ve had as of late | Reading Slump Diaries
Greetings readers! How has your reading been as of late? Because if you ask me…it’s not been so great. It’s sort of an odd reading slump where I still have some amazing reads, but my desire to pick up a book comes and goes in the blink of an eye. Real-life Rendz has been quite busy and this summer has been different for me, so while I miss reading I find myself having trouble to get into the…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng | Review // Summing up how this book destroyed me!
The Dragon of Jin-Sayeng | Review // Summing up how this book destroyed me!
Greetings readers! This review has been sitting in my drafts for MONTHS and it is now finally getting its time to shine. Let’s just say that I had so many things to say about this book, but I never could find the right way to say anything. Go figure. Nonetheless, I found myself wanted to express my thoughts and the time has come to share it with you all! So bear with me as I chaotically tell…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
The No Disclaimers Book Tag
The No Disclaimers Book Tag
Greetings readers! Hello there, hi! It’s been a while hasn’t it? Haha. Yes, these days have been *busy* for me. I know I said July would be a month of catching up on blogging and reviews, but I promise I will say more on that in a wrap up that is forth coming. I am doing great, I have just lost track of time per se. Nonetheless, I figured I’d ease my way back into the bloggoverse with a fun…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Most Anticipated Reads of the *Second* half of 2021 | The gift that keeps on giving
Most Anticipated Reads of the *Second* half of 2021 | The gift that keeps on giving
Greetings readers! Can you believe we are already half way through the year!?!? What?!?! And boy has it been a year…I hope this post does honestly find you in good health and if not, I hope it at least brings you some comfort. Since we have made it to July, I figured it would be good to do a recap of how much of my anticipated reads I have read and of course list the books I am excited for…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
May-Read Reviews | Witches Steeped in Gold & Tokyo Ever After
May-Read Reviews | Witches Steeped in Gold & Tokyo Ever After
Greetings readers! Today I am coming at you with some reviews for some books that I read this past May! Many thanks to the publishers for approving me for an e-ARC from Netgalley. (Yes, this is me finally posting reviews that have been sitting in my drafts for weeks!) Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart Pub Date: April 20th, 2021Publisher: HarperTeen I liked it but at the same time gosh…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
May Wrap-Up & June TBR | Slow reading, but new obsessions...
May Wrap-Up & June TBR | Slow reading, but new obsessions...
Greetings readers! Here we are half way through the year and ahh the days are getting gorgeous outside. I love summer and everything that has to do with vacation vibes (even thought there will be no vacation this year) so I am *smiles* taking it day by day. May was a pretty good month. It was a great reading month even though I didn’t read many books. Then again, quality over quantity! What…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Sunshine Blogger Award | The sun is shining, so I shine as well
Sunshine Blogger Award | The sun is shining, so I shine as well
Greetings readers! I was tagged by the amazing Michaela @ Journey Into Books to do this fun tag and answer her excellent questions. I must confess that…I have been tagged to do this award many times but have lost count so I’m sorry to those I’ve missed, but I am starting anew. Rules Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to there post.Answer the 11 questions asked of you.Nominate 11 new…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag
Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag
Greetings readers! Today, I figured we’d have some fun and do a good ol’ tag to spice up the blog. And why not do a tag about a booklover’s greatest frenemy, Goodreads. Goodreads has been a hot topic as of late, while it may be a great site for readers, it also has its problems hehe. I for one have been slowly moving away from GR to use other book platforms to track my reading (StoryGraph!). But…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Flamefall | Review // That moment when a book blows every single expectation away!
Flamefall | 5 🌟 Review // That moment when a book blows every single expectation away! @PenguinTeenCa
Greetings readers! First of all, I know for a fact that not enough of you have read Fireborne by Rosaria Munda. And I’m going to need you to go do that…like now. Do that and come back for this because if you have any doubts that you should be reading this series, let me put those worries to rest! Many thanks to Penguin Teen CA for providing me with an e-ARC! Flamefall by Rosaria Munda via…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
The Light of the Midnight Stars | Review // A gorgeous fairy tale read!
The Light of the Midnight Stars | Review // A gorgeous fairy tale read!
Greetings readers! Have you ever experienced a reading moment where you read an author’s debut book and you love it so much that you HAVE to read everything else that they put out? Yes. Well that is exactly what happened with me and Rena Rossner. After falling in love with The Sisters of the Winter Wood, I was so excited to find out she was releasing another historical fantasy book based in…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
March/April Wrap-Up & May TBR | I've been busy living my best (Shadow and Bone) life!
March/April Wrap-Up & May TBR | I’ve been busy living my best (Shadow and Bone) life!
Greetings readers! So it has been a while since I’ve come at you with a wrap-up, hasn’t it? Let’s blame it on the fact that the end of the school semester was quite an end. I won’t go into much detail, but it is the reason I’ve been feeling a little unmotivated and uninspired with some of my blog posts. I hope to come with new material soon. Perhaps a fun tag or two! In terms of reading…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Anchored Hearts by Priscilla Oliveras | Release Blitz
Anchored Hearts by Priscilla Oliveras | Release Blitz
Greetings readers! I am so excited to be a part of the release blitz for ANCHORED HEARTS by Priscilla Oliveras which hits shelves today! The Keys to Love series is a perfect set of romance books for those in need of a little summer escape and summer lovin’! I enjoyed the first book, Island Affair, and Anchored Hearts is here to deliver a new set of tropes to love and enjoy! If you want so more…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
5 Reasons to read The Beautiful Ones | In other words...I lived my best life reading this masterpiece again!
5 Reasons to read The Beautiful Ones | In other words…I lived my best life reading this masterpiece again!
Greetings readers! In 2017, I read my first Silvia Moreno-Garcia book and it was The Beautiful Ones. So to be talking to you about this book again in 2021 is well…MY FAVOURITE PART OF TODAY. If you want to read my original review, I will leave that link here. My thoughts have remained pretty much the same so for today’s post I wanted to highlight the 5 main reasons why I love this book and why…
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readingwithrendz · 3 years
Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet | HOV Book Tour // Review + Fan Art
Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet | HOV Book Tour // Review + Fan Art
Greetings readers! I am so, so pleased to bring you this post today! Thank you to Hear Our Voices Book Tours for allowing me to be a part of the tour for this amazing book coming out April 6th! Forgive my rambling friends, but there is just so much to say about this book! Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet by Laekan Zea Kemp Publisher: Little BrownRelease Date: April 6, 2021Genre: YA…
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readingwithrendz · 4 years
Infinite Country | Review // A short, but mighty read
Infinite Country | Review // A short, but mighty read
Greetings readers! I’ll be honest, I have very little experience with short reads. I either go for the regular sized novels or the chunky books! But a slim thin read? It’s a rare occurrence in my reading journey! But they are extremely interesting to me. To pack so much story in such a short amount of pages…it takes skill and I am very happy to say that Patricia Engel has that skill! I want to…
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