raynaalexander · 11 years
Rinn Private Talk
Finn: Alright, alright. Enjoy your freedom.
Rayna: Good Master..
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raynaalexander · 11 years
Rinn Private Talk
Finn: You always ask so nicely for things.
Rayna: Please tell lurch to let me out of this fucking cage..
Rayna: Was that better for you.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
Rinn Private Talk
Rayna: Tell Lurch to let me out.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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well your answer is bull shit. 
I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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Let me out of the cage and I will. 
I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
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Go for it. I don’t care.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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You have no idea how much I wanna kick you in the face right now. 
I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
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Eh. Well. Shit happens.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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I have to earn the right to not be treated like a mangy mutt.. that is all kinds of fucked up. You're Master or all masters needs to read up on the human rights. 
I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
Yeah.. well idiotic notions seem to run in your family. 
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I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
Nobody ever said the excuses had to be smart.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
That's just a fucking stupid excuse. 
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I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
Because the house is too clean to mess up..
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raynaalexander · 11 years
I'm really getting sick of these fucking cages.
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Its not like we could get out of the house anyways.. why lock us up like dogs.. 
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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raynaalexander · 11 years
Oh its a nightmare.. just not one you can wake up from. 
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i was hoping this was a nighmare..
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I do hate being wrong. 
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raynaalexander · 11 years
Welcome to the Family || Rainn
Characters Involved: Finn Hudson && Rayna Alexander
Time Frame: Wednesday Evening [ Nov. 21st ]
Location: Finn's Room
Description: Finn decides to have a nice dinner with Rayna. 
Rayna for the most part behaved as she was escorted to where ever the Giant wanted her. Though she had kicked a bit when she was first out which earned her a back hand and a split lip. Her tongue rolled over the fresh cut as they entered the room. "Oh.. the one that took me out of the cage is nursing his nuts right now." She offered with a smile. "This one was his replacement..." she added with a shrug, giving both the men that brought her in a glare before moving to sit at the table across from him. Her brown eyes took him in.. he really was big. And she knew a hit from that was going to hurt. Though at least she figured he could handle her fight. The guards were disappointments.
Finn waved his hand at the guards in a dismissive motion as he sat up straighter, fingers raking through his hair. "Impressive," he chuckled, shaking his head. It was silly to think they'd get her to his room without at least a little fight, it didn't seem to be her style at all. Really, he couldn't help but to like this girl. "Steak dinner, just as you ordered. I took the liberty of including a baked potato with bacon bits, and a salad in case for some weird ass reason you have a thing for rabbit food." Grabbing the bottle of wine from the bucket next to the table he allowed the deep red liquor to fill his glass before offering to fill her glass. "Wine?"
Rayna stared at the food as he spoke. Her brow raised, she wondered just how safe trusting food was from this people. She didn't think they went through all the trouble of getting them there just to poison them. But you never could be sure. At the offer of wine she shook her head. "I was told never to take drinks from strange men.." she offered picking up her fork to take a bite of the baked potato. Inspecting in she put the fork full in her mouth. Her body accepted the food happily. The shit they served them in the basement was shit compared to this potato.
Finn shrugged as he put the wine bottle back in the bucket, watching her with a raised brow as he swirled the liquid in the glass before he finally took a sip, a warm chuckle filling the room. He couldn't be offended because she was smart. That just made it better, and it would be more satisfying in the long run. "Wise words but this isn't from a strange man, or...maybe that isn't fair. Father is probably the strangest of the strange." He put the glass down, working on cutting his steak into small cubes for easier consumption. "I take it the food is good?"
Rayna raised her eyebrow as he spoke. "Umm... Yeah man brings people in to the house to be 'pets' for his kids. Man is pretty fucking strange." she stated as she moved on to eating the stake. Her table manners where not the best, then again she was starving. He could deal with poor table matters. "Its food.." was mumbled before she continued to practically inhale the food on her plate. "So do you get off on watching chicks eat or something.. cause thats weird.."
Finn snorted, rolling his eyes as he took a bite of his steak after dunking it in steak sauce. "Oh yes, I have a kink for it, nothing like a girl eating to get my cock standing at attention and throbbing with need," he said, tone bored. "Really? I was just making sure I didn't have to go stab the chef or something. She's nice or whatever but not always the best." He decided to try and tune her out for a time, he was supposed to be relaxing, and after last night he was starting to wonder if anyone but Sara really could soothe his nerves.
Rayna stared at him for a moment. "You keep people as pets.. do you really blame me for think you're in to weird shit." she breathed. It was a rare moment of silence as she focused on eating. She looked at the stake knife in her hand before she looked at him for a moment. It would have been a valent try if she just attempted to stab him. Even if she got beaten to a bloody pulp.. it would be worth it. "On a scale of one to dead.. what would happen if I tried it.." she asked lifting her knife up to point at him.
Finn looked up from his meal, heaving a deep sigh as he took another bite, before setting his fork down, he leaned back into his chair, looking her over as he chewed, the knife in her hand glinting in the light. "One to dead? You'd be dead-dead. Really now, Rayna is it? Why would you stab me? Wouldn't it make more sense to take that with you when you leave and use it against Sebastian the next time he decides to play? Really lot are starting to wear on my nerves already," he sighed, grabbing his glass, he took a drink. "What good does it do? If you stab me. Besides making me bleed, how does it make you any closer to being free? It doesn't."
Rayna put it down as he spoke. "One.. I contemplated it.. didn't plan on actually doing it. And two don't talk to me like I am some two bit child." she snapped leaning back in her chair as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are.. using the 'oh how frustrating' tone on me. I'm sorry I don't meet you high standers. But I am a fucking captive.. if you want a girl that is going to sit here and strive to impress you then you should have gotten a real date. Or one of the little soft bitches you keep down there with me." she growled out as she went back to eating her food.
Finn quirked a brow in a mix between frustration and amusement. That was more like it. He made a mental note to reign in his temper. It wasn't the easiest thing to do, but to a point he could do it. "Eating your dinner, Rayna. And just be happy that I address you by your name and not Slave, I can't say many of the others are treated as kindly. I like your spark, sweet, and docile isn't my taste, I find them boring. You are captives, you should behave like captives. I'm a sick motherfucker," he chuckled. "Behaving like you want to be here just makes me cringe."
Rayna rolled her eyes at him as he spoke. "You like my spark.." she breathed polishing off the rest of her stake. Pushing the plat away from her a little, tilting her head she looked at him. Letting out a dry chuckle, "Yeah you are right about that.. you're a family full of sick fucks." she stated crossing her arms over her chest. "So what now.. you going to tare my lady bits in half like you did to the blonde? or have a I been rapped enough for this week?"
Finn sighed as he sat back, finishing off his wine and steak before he gave her his attention. "No you can leave now if you want. I don't just rape to rape. Its easy to say I'm a monster, I am. And yeah, I fucked that girl up really badly. I don't feel good about what I did, but I don't feel bad either. I just don't care." He shrugged as he looked over the table at her, his dark brown eyes calculating. "I suffer from IED. Intermittent Explosive Disorder. She spit in my face, pissed me off, I exploded, she got beaten and raped, I made a point. She now knows better." He shrugged. "As for why you're here I just felt like being nice."
Rayna shifted in her spot as she listened to him. She didn't trust him... why should she. Aside from the people trapped in the cages with her.. she didn't think she could trust anyone in this fucking house so she stayed put for the moment. "And why do you wanna be nice.. I get it.. you have some issues you get pissed girls get hurt.. but why be nice. What have I done to earn it.. and why shouldn't I think you have alterior motives. Like you're kind of a mind fuck.." she shook her head before looking at him. "You threaten and growl at everyone..and then I run my mouth and you let me out.. You pretty much distroy a bitches body.. and then you decided to be nice and let me eat. During which I call you a sick fuck.. your family sick fucks and your father a crazy mother fucker.. I'm like waiting to say gotchya and beat the shit out of me or something. At least I can figure Sebastian out.. he's fucked up in the head and doesn't like his position challenged... You.... you're confusing."
Finn felt the cold, dead smirk settle onto his lips that always seemed to find his face when it dawned on him that she was nothing more than a slave, and he was the man who in part, owned her. But he didn't move. Didn't feel the rise of his anger. "It's really not as complicated as you're making it," he offered in explanation as he poured himself another glass of wine, standing to walk to the nearby window, looking out over the grounds as he took a sip. "You're willing to fight for your life. You're willing to fight until the last breath, no matter what happens to come out on top. The blonde was weak. She broke so easily, I had high hopes. I thought with a mouth like that. But you wouldn't. I could rape you all day, everyday and you wouldn't give me the satisfaction. If I was dating...yes, you'd be just my type, wouldn't you?" He turned to look at her. "Do you need to understand the nature of the beast to know to be weary of it? No you don't. Because you're smart."
Rayna stayed in her seat as he stood up. Feeling a bit more relaxed with more distance between them. His words.. as fucked as they word made sense. He was right.. she may break and die on the inside but she would never give anyone the satisfaction of knowing it. She was a survivor.. and even hear that was what she was going to do. "I wouldn't date you if we weren't here.. you dress to nicely and I apparently like my mean in the form of dead beats." she breathed with a shrug. Though her head shook as he spoke again. Looking around she thought about going back down there. Being stuck in a fucking cage again she didn't want that. Stretching her legs for only a couple minutes wasn't nearly enough especially when she wasn't sure how long she would be down there again. "So.. Me being 'smart' is why I catch your fancy.. and here i thought it was my good looks." she breathed slouching a bit in her chair. She would stretch the visit as long as she could if it meant delaying going back to the cage.
Finn shrugged. He had explained enough. "You can stay up here if you want. Watch TV, shower, whatever. But I have another engagement soon. So I guess it depends on you." Finishing the last of the wine in his glass, he turned, leaning back against the window. Shatter proof glass wasn't going to give because he leaned against it. "And this is just what I wear on the days I have to work." Crossing his arms across his chest, he gave her a once over, his trademark crooked smile gracing his lips. "You can play nice and stay here tonight, enjoy some freedom, or you can go back downstairs, but you'll have to let me know your choice soon. If you are going to stay I'll place someone to stay with you. If you're leaving you'll have to go when I do."
Rayna looked around the room as he spoke. The prospect of going back down stairs was not one she wanted. Shifting she sat up a little straighter turning her attention back to him. "I'll play nice.." she breathed as she tucked her hair behind her ear. "But I only play nice with you.. the guards look at me cross eyed and I'm stabbing another one in a throat." she breathed firmly. "Also this in no way mean's I think you're less of a sick fuck.. or that I trust you. I will still dream about gutting you."
Finn shrugged, was it supposed to phase him? His dreams were probably worse than anything she could come up with. "Pick out something to wear and take a shower. You can do what you want while I'm gone. When I get back we can discuss the next plan of action." He moved into the bathroom after ordering the guards to clean up dinner, closing and locking the door behind him as he washed his face, brushed his teeth all in preparation for his visit to Quinn.
Rayna stood from her spot as he disappeared in to the bathroom. She sat on the bed for a moment watching the guards clean shit up before she moved to his closet. She wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to wear. After a few moments she found on of his t shirts. She figured that would do for clothing. Though she wasn't sure what the hell she was supposed to do about undergarments. Then again she oddly felt she didn't have to worry about being rapped in her sleep or anything. Going back to the bed she sat down. Waiting for him to come out of the bathroom so she could shower.
Finn made sure not a hair was out of place before he left the bathroom light on, figuring she'd gone in after him. "I shouldn't be gone long, so just...if you kill the guard don't let his dumb ass bleed on my carpet," he gave her a firm glance before he crossed towards the door. "Or on that shirt. It's one of my favorites and I don't want blood stains all over it."
Rayna slipped in to the bathroom after he exited. Leaving the door open long enough so that she could hear what he was saying. "Yeah Yeah.. no blood stains. Got it.." she breathed as she kicked the door shut with her foot. Shifting she locked it before she started the process of taking her shower.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
I make no promises..
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Who wants out of their cage,
Try not to give them too hard a time on the way.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
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Who wants out of their cage,
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raynaalexander · 11 years
You don't want them stabbed. Make sure they don't man handle me like a damn animal and we'll be good. 
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Who wants out of their cage,
Steak? Is that what you want? Seems fine with me. Steak it is. Just don’t stab the guards that come to bring you up or you won’t get to eat, which seems like it’d suck for you.
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raynaalexander · 11 years
You could make me watch you eat while I salivate in a corner. I'm not putting anything past you crazy fucks. 
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Who wants out of their cage,
Why else would I let you out…for dinner?
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